]pool G,- a KaolK'umVLDUeh Comicncng IththoTwcfth Of Mii nd iating 11theMrto uut Our objeot lu.p. fo sleonth XrkMt Juat at ti notr uowioe t arrugmetswe aeS bot o ntr t which wil euf»r BEVEN TiOSN DOLLRS S7,OO] oreth"n w, would realýin throutineu orf busnss u l rdrt to ii pbli; udat hemanetime cive.thseWho: have weumylyoney one or the. bms tuto t.arl hmelIVeso od uoael ot.lstmaythat bsever beeL feel lubuin«or Goods our alvnagsare TEE BEI, s O daM »that salSokonandl BON. I la. bmot.g>tmu .taeu u i atgteeu;but we waattn o. etalaà Er. byti.Fmto uot tha wemmvb.!til faa b ttar unmi usgni t e t n~ iaaam1uo wdm m.n m --4a aaaaL.ao- 1 - - -- -t - - -- -- -- -- - - - - - if im- - a, w u+Amam - Em"am ,mmààa A . s o a g OurX-MMNE APPZAL you wfU b. audetu *W olv frthe., ad. t -ht F E. McGAFEY exile snso Ilôus.. miF E / eS There are no goode ln whlch lit leasger t go aLStry nons ln whlch the utmost rigor ln adhSeence ta standards e moare noemsay., There are goad Boots and Shoes for ec imcal l;go ot and Shoes for* eztraVAgRant >l,«god w aind B3haes'for people betwsoran a Gipat Varisty for them aIL. There are alb mx sortes of ooad Boots ansu hm forai sorte of people; 1hQo f i ot Me kepAered oo I adtint r v SôeýweaeffyaoSe ln u te hocsu d Boi rocrethe trade requires.an eoo The Best- Brande of Flour and Fée& kept cntatyon baudsuan oitf to 0dulîver goadea purc'hanefo fcagtaypItl sdaon swo u t nIos TEE PEOPLE'S CASE STOEE O&XWOOD. We -]EL RHX aa r BRÏTTOA BrOS. make a pcial study o]fa1ig Si.ctU's And have Complete apparatus for testing the sight. No m.atter. how, gôdor'perfect GASSmay be, thcy cannot be satisfactory unles Sutcd to the wearer., In-crder'to secu teé the -best resuits, to preserve the sight, to prevent as. fat as pos-- siý.ble ailhurtfàl strain upon the visual nerves and- muscles, the lens's shouki -be perfectly adapted idt the cyes. - This catn-ot bc donc without a knowledge of the prin- ciples involved.. We have made a -4pCCi«ï study of this subject.for several yearç, and offer advantages asto the scientific fiting of spec- tacles.that 'are flot obt' inable out-, Side 'of theý langer cities. Drýi»g oIur .watckjwh ,y or edock rcpaiing p .WC do strictly firît-class work, and our prices are as 10w as that class can be, donc for. *We are both prac- ticl wrkmn, nciguarantee ail work en trustei to, us. A4bout t1jose '"Midland"- .aatcks.- Have j'ois sen teml The railroader's *atch., The watch whch, being the 'best- for rail way men where accuracy, is, irn- perative, is the best for everybody wvho uses. a *watch. Corne aïd SeS them and- when- you- require a watch get.&a "dMidiand" and be happv ever after.'-. ,We-. always keep -il stock 'a very, complete aàssortaient of ladies -a nd gem-, tierneos' gold,, gold-filed and silv'er wvatches, at rock bottom, prces. of ýSilvetwre iu t/z, country. N oth- ing but best, quelitygod. ic gant goods in -plush -and -m-ro=o cases for weddtfng and otitesr. sentatios purposes. Silvtrwiame cabinets col" &ugfrM 40 tO 105, Pies Tea Sets, teté-à4eeSm and fuUhflne oftflat agdofw Warf I - -- a W. W01*8 oe Oi. ,SL0_E9-FLEECE FOR Ira n z? TUNm DATs AMR Our Stôek-Taking Sale is now going on. Ail.. Hemnants. wii eleared out at any Priee be Those. desirousof Genuine Gwood Bargains, shouid cali on- I ~~~cLE&u0 Na ai Mr am&-- ____________ I LINDATPEIAli JULY 2A unis TOWN AND OOUINTY. et pntlj siuaSd Dreu, a aIS LbcweI-4 et lms ibi the.maueactur omeas MntgchL e Rcule u'.i. fisat Hur ai' kEa.>xa-514Lt Me iaau"oft Ieavsmasje, CsnuMOM vules». miab S Tudag Md 7e1dm n u«a uttuiLas,«g Eti ami ai pie la lb.(éla *0 ami moua" im Nauh.vat.1.C. ivrnexpsson. MaV.shgatmmenous l e CbL. . han a elosaisJ94" et iluiutoaut e amms.n vaseciemmnua Wgimm., 3 896 u p a""b thegales etamr le la b "t'go ,Minlboum, i, *0ul aib vIntha~ IEmad.a maasn~be VÉEM Mw lm alesomes mi Tiss noa~m bullmlsbthgaronmlfor vw OI.saIet»*mot.nixi s y uomm .Planmmb..oueTeti Néci. aia. i odms bm. u-mMashaisM& Ils b Liiaiment ~~L1balaNrv ~ et la Geur'm Rogatla Wbitsoxfani Md PTMU @Mr& ums. lsa foU lime of Umisr.vsa m lm Ju ai aircnws.-SL =dsuer amplasa of the Chmralet Hoglam TOaPOMMes oclty. . B. H. HLLAND, polienos ahsli, Port Hope, v imve a lms tums la 8et Pauts hoall aa Xaamevda Ma tuti. et salock. Au ecelon m paOMM rublatlh a m ignbg -somm t u leas laina. Aul caam inte&l .Conlaula 1 i tsy Caim isuinf. joui DnLSV, et tâbé UniuClair iIelsy, bas eave -uarneltu Aimas blool, tWC W"ce visSime WavaSl Huas%, am s huraiu lseA asl nlaos lu tebbiiu -Ev. VlIs;Cu Ma i cerievsl pua fSa fow dam ibis viok.. -Mr. I.LI. apEai lb.t twciluglge mini t,% la vuum bhs dmsetgLoalpOul, SY., --LJ. Jamagofet GuSe lvnslb l u bus s viel, b. aM etiMgr. T. A. Liii.. ton, wertI va& S-a".y. Pila, tbpavm, el a et * gabai. Remod, oadllat u tbuscona uT IohiNu .r, a fIlafbgIssl*sdi Ont afluihomne iai Feiar on a hi -30Mi iue StephomctaiTaquaisvu bSamer fera1evdaonvicie bobau moUis mi =aiai.u .bus alita ai epauluos laluT. 89i aC&%bàTonnai& MW et ths C. P. IL. »M d-~p.s lasg C. Whw f Ni.GmmaP uolnbIMauiuiShbi la Tcomm Il -:'. loa Jm or Ibo imbislaiNins »@r OriUI, pasad*thr,-ugh Undesaeuda 5elleamer Puians. me a lé s . su.sii..-bà-l neolil vlwm»m lyaibsw a s4f Ge~l LAUss meslasr asslemn - éeImmstiv ibu Oheme Ho ~ ~ ~~u va vuay h3fh000 md -m Oea. Lualls s»W bsi vlb "later l svbynu a Es~ ~ ~ e »Mî da ig,,btbuia i 1sM1111 MlmIm s iasi Es Pls m mi it i . ,Rtmam- Thé b"ss.Tny l. Eriuzai k BuR».-5lt -Smlse ll-aoss.aaslk.vo -au *bmsaa aI 5,. 8rugmfa. Wort -sec a bdus t ue&aIrb sMtibs oncs, Amiswtb mu zKawx.-IISt -Ainmai Irai.Cbambsu.u liai miuamLbae ily r tWsm of ie teaee isr msame h & pu ioas gMi f, m uusai lobea a Wla aMas-Illal âO velsiasalvelaema" is -~ cuemiaal a- Te is siudiu u e. Poi-aI. isuam.n &IN aaamq novJW& Sbs.TIs ~i tI caga vicii ll hMaielis kitebu ies lvissalce mmn- -Ie fllolmna Ibm lUe muaia"i iun a as msubiil1a~es btuoh t a tsilLl ssbi h,. emaeallbypiauai Stuasl vs Mlles epaep lha es2. ~parl~sau-A-lu au vas VoflmuLibattIu màp ParsitSeap la the Worid. £%t PeNs-I4 for sals t DU8LEy & au'.M la bull; epese t on pi#tes - cornes muaI cheapsi th"Srade on parer. At PEaaure, -TIi R4ai- u. Wfilliam, eft fS Qnlaal oMp, vtitk lbifmflyearly this wviol. Rois. PUIta minas la lUme to con duct the quaatal auvic e eosa uday, Aux, it1à. -The Bei. . .T. McLaughlin. B.A., et Ils WW leofloeHmilo, a ereachter of&=sdo abty. vM ipreach ta camn idge.at. idteam cbUreluDso9687 da =tmo su d evealug. -T e v le chy m tt n f the C h oral Et ta.,a 8 oclook hef t r. ILHn -MM R us a a ortHope, vil deiumit -Uissi m mar1aolagh-en tat lhala, lth lamesta oreveut itheloir froni filMas use Han sHaïar imva.-»L: -Mgr. flouasCalvalnarP. brs 5 lIhem.gsio0 eil ala i as frtarrnSsurisj silb 1"&,. The ooit la flvely and frlaky on Ils tIrasles.The i iala mb la th e m a ilali a uc2. igIt Me ibou.alar -The exesuicab Port Porry on Wednasiep apnisatue e asasa l ury Niemaadirn bosnd wu = viii ttendedm but 2"O p0us bilai ms OaauathesEthel-AlIic bage.4%& . dast he iuumeu ilemab of *ho trip epI emal et homne. fsaelmg the veathor ulght pSov -The Wsory gSm lIaI a fiblni Pautyon BGia lake voue vasaiuS vlwth e b tg m 11, lka vIn the fluLacmet akng I . etuga inbIsaUuve the lmwsex.ulalïned Ibis im*t ire;l'iloome aboad." Fact. ,Thoe aie mo- ly bouS Shs cident enhanoSeIs a esit- -A « under tho auaplées ofils. lib=obelfi iblu cven'ele as tle osais aiUr. W. Yoleà* victoria WaU& Geaimuais, louuou uspharaasle& Ic ous flussi hte sat esa lss-ad mors buéi- sou ousg eil m a ers er OURats iUsllur efa uasane oste pnmio, Twlsi e W ais"lieu chouan 17 the aumbaus ai i*0 loua leige ai Odfeflo the Il.boI4 et lte b aulial mi imprmt»u -cala mrmoalsa, ami ve for goal &Mi *uaffleB nuisà"sda Poslpommnst to le aassouas The am wu mI iaytue a Ich os sesinalMd li.uhg lIeea may WlaoraMin fousaaé. liut4ollisbai liasleomd fur Tuia iis. mo Ws IaIIl th ma alght ocoiwnats lthe aseaoib ejmdatinc tbeth~e M e ilsb l" w=- wM &U IaM oel le US t2pa. lt" lusbren Mid k lm tbeuma.Te ~e a bisis.lb. assevum s'a, meo --Mý mun4rhý mý 0