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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 2 Aug 1889, p. 5

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TBU CABA3~a~ roew UNDBLT. CWL~ ÂT. ÂUQUST s, 'sas. Z & W. 500*11 KaWJflOth NiêSuw »uUU*. f s Oum Ourobjot a padn ou Stckfor mie on the.Market ust at tm untur a rigm s ,aeabout to enter it hc ilrequfeSEYNTIOSN DOLR SImm or hnw wu< eai.iithe. ordliga"r ouie fbuess ud nod re2iz ouwihesw.hàve dod< to ofter our extfr tc tre.ta wl omn u fot to p tepblic;su at the maletme v those who have rÈEadyoney one, Of. the.beat o tnte t< aal hemevo f oo.sprcasdfor ti.la oaytha asever beeuoerd lu uyig ur Goods oravatgsare TEDSsdwe dakim thabt aiStock oonond1 ouir estores ham bemo whs~t eumt za!oua market tbau a" iilar conema in thé. Tié" B019APIrD-it isaot m toiu tot"aeut of a tooaW but we .waet to.relseao-WtUtthb iiFrto t that- We ybe. stifi m a bttepS itio mk ylmftz.4ain wit lausof a more fate ntr, ina . digt OuiXI-SUXE APE Fo wfl . msitlg ouiselvm fo tii.pr et fture. E..E. MGAFFEY*nexi le0Szson Hoûs._ - - -- - --W-. - - t w~u - ~ -__ --- - - w - - - - _- There are no goooda In.whlch tt l ileit to.igo astray, none ln whlch the utmost rigor ln adherence to standards is more neoessary. There are good Boots and Bhoes for economical ol;go ot and Shoes foreztravaK8fltple* good Bootsan"d Shoes for people between un aG t Variety for them ail. There are aloo many sorts of good Boots and Shoos for ail sorte of people ; teodo i o we epAsre.ORFIIýANLW.I diint ot n hs we are ftily asorted in all the Ohoiceet and BestGdroceries the trade requires. lu Dry Goods and lothlng- you wifl ftnd a Great Savlng, as i'» purhase in large quantitis whichenables-us Vo keep Prices Down, andinu AiUne fGoaw aestIidwthFi rft. The Best Brando of Flour and Fsed kept constantly on band, and an-outflt to deliver goode p=hchasfrse of charge, toanpotluadrodOkwoad sevrns :XHE ýPEOPLE'S CASH ISTORIE,-O&XWOOID. W H5 GRAHAX, Xauager. BritonBrothers* BRIT TON Prs. nak a P«iaI s/tjy/fi] t4n pctd and'. have 1comPlete aPParatl;sfor testing the sight. No .matter how good orperfect c*I.As S may-b they catinot bc satisfactcry. unless iuitcd 'to the wa ,rIn order to secu re the best resuits, ta preserve the sàight, ta prevent as far as pas- sible ail hurtfuil strain u on the visual nerves .and, muscles, the le-nses should'be c retM aated ta te ces.This cannot be donc iîthou1t ,a knowvledge- of the prie!- ciples involved.' We have made a spécial. study ofthis subject for. seve raliycars, and'offer advantages. a~s ta the. scientific ftting of spec- tacles that are é ot obtainable out- side of the-. larger. citics. kr ar wk r"Piiiiùiu les. WC do stricly first-class work, and. our prices' are as Iow as that classa eau bedone for. WVe are bath prac- tical 1workmcnn, and guarantee ail wvork e ntrus5ted. ta us. .:4 boelt those "MW/fidand" The, raitrqadér's watch. Thei watch which, beingý the best for railway mýen wherc accuracyi m-, perative,' isa thebest -for everybody who: usce a watch. Camne and sec them and1 when you reqiiire a wvatch- get a "Midland" and bc happv 1 ever aftir. WCe ýalways keep- in: stock a very complete assortment- of ladies', and gen. tiemens' .gld, gold-filled and silver watches, at' rock- bottom prices. largesi anfesstc qf ilerareint/ conty.Noth- ig btba qaigooids.. Ele- gant goods inpl ush',and. morocc cases for wcdding and other pro. sentation purposcs. Sîlverwaoe cabinets containing. from- 4o to j6« pieces. Tea Sets, tete-a-ttte sets and a full line of fIUan id liollow ware. L4mjss.r, I~mli 311815 lWB1( 61 5 McLan kCo. CCLBEI FLEEE BIaeK Cash~ere H~e Pa~s&1 amdSIshade. Our Stoek-Taki ng Sale 1S now going. on. Ail Remnants wil1 be ioleared out. at any Price. Those desirous Of Genuine Good Bargains shouid eall on. 111 u~S.,ILEAN &£0 IL Pterboro aBuma.Sea~ IR1E PEEIORSBUSINES OLEE maeEg cmspkt o 51Y f* -v 5ikr ~~ ~ i zoom$,pub .OiF U!b 4tu~I~Poste INDSAT, FRIDAY, AUGUS? 2,.lUS TOWN AN~D OOUNTY. DasMsKBitrs dnDTHERm. fo abeuyA.bLA.Set u leu"~Vs-O ne on àcgaMieua t u- .ca Vlrst-olasorne for m I.,Wbeaid M"V Ma et iiflthe the h lie-u 4. au b us 0. . temml c u a leaud b .tomtbaennua meuingci eh. m&oulon CaneswuasOnte-theb 1W u bell dtseabu bmube l tAgancu.fluAgatlh uApro0.es.t.Mduthe bekuoca Sm . Iheestv e noitternor Tmatoeur.] cme lits.vI moe pat lthot thoeGnd Tm"y rn mlv vilI bu ap at h p u m dte bas buom Idoune il!, oAuu 7 oc fthe T.O.ad astte vte sIlimi. ýO ur,-l me by pierst e. bsaiTinu rallear cil uaa ve'tcaoep eonnie. te eb 1 cuoniIiuls cnim eat etàhl uni Tl, uSai. Ilsmfts fM lu a§0i t. hw a .Tomi AmfbeAsierea Cmes Ateloscta meots se eue af& Ie thonesm leleisavleh.bgadef mauf et ia ozutehvce boe ugrcmenj la te 9llesa eÀielu". . . amp mi eslt rote m eli ase hteut clvi. hmblai aurefmirec a aptonM A . ga res"tha" 12eeli alr.- re.,M mCBq-i«TZEN. lwn; luhs U1hiamif i enalis. ple lAtt dye lemluagami mUaithtn charades he iiomi. AMcsgtOf -nun Tramma" W TOu PutAR"pes e.w i ami ei. Mus D1-iI@.muesam -itmb. loi for lites et Rxc#Lno'rflàM.-6O 4. of Xveridev's Saap, fMeset HVRLEZ &k RDaxx-51-tt. ne w« m£flw veux, Theugbtm te Wamie ü»b abliviam, but romember that Rrrvaim la ,obsiugthe blgpotbarimIe inmReady.made Clething, Hata, Cape etc. evue affrmi la the for the octior cfa Brick BRocon cmQueu'm Squareopposité Maket botum ,wiIbu e eyiv natAl ri, 91k lait. Pis midavecilloatlona cma be aun et P. SuiTs k So.,o'. Linlas, cil be heM la the beautiful arotnde cg Biles Blgeow, coq., on Mandai evenl nguat Mi unior the&aupicetcfthe 1411e AUXtUaIT sa citei cf the Nothodist ohm: Cambrldue e Refreehmente wiU be semdci 4e bomd etU be un tr egrocumiL Admimtion.10 ms. Gates opn et Tm p.UL-II1 -onne! meetng muxt Mandua bgt. -Machine que, ami. Olive. Omstrie. laék and Caat 011for reapers. Bar fram X -A goalpans m b a adheriet f lfla RrrtueuUs tore.Owaoescmaabave thom br psulng for bise dVt.-604L -Porisonswtshing to Imprave their memcrime or emati ,theipowet or ettenmabeoli PrtLolsette. 27 ith* avenue. NY., 1for hme picepotu poet-freo e aadved ainem- l kmrceama - »V. -AttentAiSle direct t4a t. 0f te Hemltomlades'eslige la anotbet ouna. It le su ad Iral nuanum etif ea kld. Parw tionar eOsmla ebeing peu t the norias wich the vimfe e t akl t -Mrt. lobe Kefli, aur eno esnbaildet ad.mi cameint, buat etecornrf 0 el amid. Liwrertee ts., south carl, tee hami seme» brick imide aceSla c aurse of an t uet n k mmi ta pahîbg oporaiadout a liveW re. The ILboudias aren itm cou lrented. Tbis te ane if te met dmirbielocétion la tova for lirat- -Sca.T. Mmnotoftheo ae! otelemab' W leh !!SlOfauC belaimitravoere, uMa iefimehmSsml ater a la caltiiculé. wl iatstonle la front amd dieas cqhinaet W *0 fert"thodimplar o etirocs tempUnsf visne" Ia-W. ud«uled itheit seveii lettsrbave « lm isa muset cuvermi vahlehis Il& blgtm o oh.msbck cfet t Saugas rivet, ontEh. r uLeml. IP fu i if -ae-lr ob7*bis 1w l bo la" ui ~. -Mr. W. livres et xsrlom abau twbce W, ot blei w tuol-la vchlhho-mices : W.fileIid, laor uthie ia eb un relp» m % onasm -ethe SoM Me'onmnili 3irmm l à m di. dl Ih»tm bu Miaie amthe Mu Mh. m m em d . Tut loge ~ ~luse',emehe veu l ist a m 189 te lat au tlUse tUlml la wl tKo%'à a Sems ~' ~gssememm eh. ths,'. e am i 8ma - m a h t 5 U e s qi. vuuegim "P. Corkmt Ceekel for Prcaervlng Jars et Hcalxaorcc.A ~r~-6O-I. ly paper, Fly Pais. 117 Powier. the bout et nlGxlTum a rs mm&l The. berne.Try ls. Card et Thauku The mombes oft he Citimsas boni teaim their eaesct tbsake W it. W. Valoi for klull tp!acdu ihm usame urauads et their iaPee for thie tient gardon voer, aMdi mi te Unt. ami ~~ ro umsVi"y for bi aseistabm -P.. W. Boflrioe sviatlgmeulamdela Up- teirove. -m a sK. IM. i mb ar cf De re i n la mn S a visit te bot brother. Dr. Lymch. -Ltensd lUre, Thomas Weltetm ami fmlr Mai a pww t ffriemia are in camp utRBalso -Ml. Ubble W&Wr o f Ayluev, Quêtée. ls vielumlangStocu lth hbu MthaeScoinas- brdge4. -U. W. Eres f Mari vas lu te» te. Tuelirs*W maie*0 Sm BnassmeFine par iltation -Mie M.A. Ttuckkousis<t Stat e, aehoeam usse Line s lug ta ""m L a Putlm ofe brbhoilais -llas Aille Totes of CaupheUbMfu i asio tuin a a a itorrboUanais, m ahem te ~ t i ui G e la for aus p ust e e e% -Mr. A P. Devin, masti creva atuemaw. lut Moulai for a trip lava th.eU8L Larence. sam il li obabli IWonS np be A. C. A. csnp -. G.R. Devenu tbevilk»auTeOntOI bere r hime. cws la teeguetra opentityehfinse tePnrma -Urt. Jtutce Viabbrtem aid, efrimai verdn ate Bbeaigme Tumela ma 0*à- ex'edi lo. The Jaula Isau ii bei mid àvmer»je inat laIbmpenus --Ur. W. Grabes. a therel nee aI ai ta, a 0vslosu. bm laid u ea a fiaensos m@l bahpe o ua p»Msly nSret. -à&t. Vrad.IL a.W of te.uel Imc m iegeet-atbs ayIooq;;mZ Mr --I*ulu Dartuel et Wlb a la loe- Tueslaice oà»is! blm a meode citbl e. oàinI"vouws lLes.Iojulai ' . 1 botilisefSat NhOtairo, ehiios aea uip lame usoks. -Mu W.N'kquhucabas uterui, àma -Mu. J. ML DuedshofUi aiMatisXl»n..a"l t a l E. Jas. E s » h oetL -lnlem e e UaetS" vh»tfm lfu ae SsiiAuMabofam thei MIL 0 Daebe. Its tMenabs heMel et JuI-, lai fiI eS a 1ami o Sas *methel iet me supIna i esst a j" a*M or -Ur. nUbdhMr onW ~et R t-l reffl vlu u Mte 'ssuh cari ami av. i4aga acum~ Seuu y hmt ILiS h. WOb * 1. mi lo- ,tbtet mas lac-C. - cmN for ulù atHctRexxEm.Y s.3:tf AU bMads oheap etatrnTuL' .. -tîG 1. noeo'm *1ve la, bulk; si>raai It cm pla*cs c' rc cheopér than upread cm papor. AtM ii'a<. Y. IL C. A. Tspie. -Ycuug Mecare cct4tily Invite! toa ayouffg meus meeting an Sunday aftericnom 'athe Y. IL C.A. ronme t 1.13 oalo Tom EMr he a lrei d Ycara O0111 but Ifyc iereou novera»w tVie veý.1 cf the bargailu aDrees Gotal mo2éced ît RIT- cîunes great clesnlng sale.-tt Caemp Excurme the Tbouseid hs- The Grand Trunh Rallvsy hqe carrnied Ici àà emuoureit very 10w fare f-otepoints on Ct. li»etW Alexandria s BA'. .%Ytm>u.1'. ri d4I& ham& Thoumud blonds Park a-ad -rtur . ,lc cli mtrcmumora of W th Migue. ti.ekete bbmuvaUd for rot= ur xtil 1Ilth Anw&ut alx- @Lve The farefrom Lludtay willbe 83 »M" fu lafomeblon cm buabtainei on appl*cas;c10t te. oampany'l à ttuorn trm the bi.lm wMhA wcll bu circulatw-.0M1. -Bey. F..ewa DaubA. B.A. ofilirsemant iCri ty of lucie. bas beea cttred the reo*or- fflpf Set Jabn'e ahubuo. Port Hope. by Btahap Sveatmea and hmba ceptel. -Rar. DE. Willams clUaondIreî thp quartet- ly sevicos la Caimbrllge-t. 3Me1hodt,ý gllreb cm Snds. Âg. th.Specta1 serviceinalectue es W lt30&eu. sacrumenttftAie ledS su,- por in thie ovenaag S-lin regular montbljr mee1nz f tltn 4C!iuxrc of Emuland Tempersace éocty wati h*'d ce M ond ai eVe Dlag, the 21 kh nit.. b .Pt z i' sahooL. A veryf laeeesting eddreu ,.%tL- giro hi it 2r. IlH alad a! l'PMHope. -Rew. J. ;. MoLautublin. e professer on tAie staff et the Hemics ladies! cofleve. rrepchei s»o e" discauneos tuthie (Uibrldgi-qt. 3Morho dieo bureh lest Sfhar, lMr. Mci.uuglblia la brotber et Mr.. B. aMcLoubln of tiMe towm. -The first quaert7 U et th~fe.Qi. - Mhodist curdh fer h15 t ida! bo bne ld e Preach t Il, ou oinbt, Me ero nidut a W teh o ster l. TilLwottV. Dcnsi pais Wtae M a soScient qiantti etf arans. 9ls »e ai plemtps eto r'ithoir là~epin ls e e mpbd or it m s -1l0 b TM.CThaornget att .w roe. So th rmeaIsel ut r %oet liCe.rbod Ch LIage!calers tlo l teetaoo e a -r rta feaV thshr e wan the beenties oaiPigmm îWlra Ce àMinseecitheO gorteiUmB autoeet BuohSu cieami iuuegh. -i. John MoMilmntAihppé a c1»t l imla &VaroIe Brou&.aMd famLly arn cen 'nm bU~eiabbebd nder oeas et ee - lais. *Bdi ntinrem=as sbm t» ek&eos Johnld is est fIherman. Md t*dat saai l h. lmiss 3S.ouant e holoov= 1 viireaiu acauu IS5B.IbBSa na ceaimiayabcluaiIm inBc :tUvnscrniadu ntau= . -& cu ieq lp ime eao c ml,5 OM eh.w eie ImU%. iu ns ueMlaf et m U. . TiMo% mmaku. ?bsy e p"ite beet th eoce rm NeW Tabr. "Arche malml, latAs' -e tea ïMn4=4l i I Il J i mmý Omo AL maim 1 1 Comineng wih theTwlfthOf ll lTasting til teFirt 0f AgÀt

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