- - - ~ ~ a - w-a *..iwi~ A ~ fbWm'e ~ s oe a w.~ .w~m a ___________ T~U U5.KA~JAL W9~ m '£9aL~Z J , Goldeu Medical DlacovP!y.j Ëm oke a id gentleman, amsho giud fol -u »pn Ibecoml Mte oma5 Iy h aide;but frank y" oeont1nuued.iaton, liaIwa et dcomcewoud. 1The &MYl ultile wesin u.taoxeî ta eau yeMtulb pisL trface wtb di fin arlellea ol ihtewa.,h, yclept -,lm.o rea"a' 'otion I kid, until xuy skin calme lke psi&eae sud iu pphnpIr, and WI'.""sei said be listent-r, "M; hit do you use nv? "n. wus the-' rcply, 4"xxthng but omrmou senie sDr11.l'îi.r'o Golden Medical Dlswa'rry. Comm n totlffniue that if sny>bloel waa* puip, Iln.i.r aetive. ai4xtite and dlgestIon goal, thaât the, u itiril- woian wôuitak on thé bue-of Ft4;.ttisTie 'Dlacverp dSaIl alose tbing a -~tU&ÂYrjuventelme." I o irou d iit ss 4a lear, beautiful compeiz U. irae frou blutebes. pimplMeoruMtoi4 pelov spit5 , .roUghflC5i. tuse GldnBe lbal 11à, y."It tla gueaubei la do aIlth~ tlaClaimel lao. or enaisi for it uil l e proncptly rVlIUIeIIO CorrtrtIk~ bWOiLfli As"Mu . 'e fran Incurable eue ofCa r roîr' ~ f 1:9. goCaturrh texiuedY.Bw tauiJu'îhng dbeligpro rte (mrffl tîi w'rt 'în.f attüo le ong LY i:. . IOÂYAVGUST O01. 1 One les t thaine! .I cIi. brcken; -a dear face Mise i .by. day from If. acenstorned Place But, su .. iaduvdad perfected by grace, ~Ore nmore In heui on I One i v'wceonle buebed, and evermnore Our fantwr u ok;on ibe shoe Wber.rc r.-. ngrines nat, one seullanded i mor. Omil nore in heuven! One lesp at borne! A sesC o.~ .a htt eeté tus at the gate; wîtlh, i; ;"' rfilled uddeasiate; Ând far &iyont comilug to awalt. 3u nr In lec One lepit at bomme! c. : à~ir,o mist.the thought wbul A~<t ~. ..c,,,,'t atd din ouf But tthe i riaht aunheain cam-th tram the ülîe more in heaven! Oon n..tat haXe Thst~t:~ homoi, where, -Crampeil la eartbly UnV !.~~:tl ~i ur love la ol, Ore «c:!qon at,. ltE ~jj. .; . z d is ils ~Imte share; A..., Uncl~ ~ r ail octae; * A n ioi. ticrown of rànsomed seula ta weat, At home ln heaven. *~ ~ ~ rý An'v' ; c n anWulneessand pr4ise Anther k on high aur Boulaiet raise o oeaaid beaven!i orlenmore. ai haine-- Thitbat .z ii~ îre aepru.tou cannat lie. ýTuaI hnýrfe % '> et auxe are wiased eternaily, Lard-je ..ý, grant isi l a plaée.wth Thoes LOCAL IKJW$-LE1~TR 1C'nca poidencc af The Poat.] A WtM xxi. -Tue puiilllaniajon puwt -vlèitiný er.r. h end. of aur -village hi- twe liiie and ton a'oloc0k as nigil vili 1h.ode ii -~ bJo of perkng throngh the.wL-3z.-"r, - ~please bring e plece Of fres rn 'tzet-n the o >g quiet, aIsO bo- wars la thé LuuiC. DRRRBYiILLE:. £Crtreapoudet ai Te Poo.? PzitRci; .-i*eNellie Cuft isla ome früm N Les'uaxkut, whoe & ho ias beai t ten * 'ca.Shu paumaed iinstraue mixJxta1na osr one hundredl mawks nri _ bthe I. iquflednumber..., Mita KuNùiîe A.rns eti*nemket i avlat. BARSil iuiLrnN.-le. . LVaif.uayue l8 build IDI.e a 1ramebarn with a atone 04F lar undteuth It..Mr. A. Lalgiton la buildine Lr. argc r.dit ion, te . is bain vlth atone cellar ýundetnestb, and vben eoan- ple,ed it fil1lbi one cf ihe boat bmaii aise bttr.1nX a largo addition asoitbaign wlth a F t !cL.r underneatb. Hghl Oni ficul rnterjprlsIng fa-.mera. stArfled 1!r.t veek with th" nevu of the desth ci MISA Kate Wastilli, a forme er- aident, wi o- difrd near Raiàlltmof seco. smpnçtior. -Sua vwas vfltfrag - tinnda la go. ilaj& bout twii mnths aluce.B",e vafi In h;ý ttwnty.thïrd year.. AUlthe O-Id ueidru. te ilamee s.erba lhy aei grr v i rl tt aiber uhtiiI dece se. .-I. 1 . . 1 ÊEWvtr%.iMirT Axx» TABLEAI.-O&-Ftl. day evei - g tho srunimer titor-atai Rev.j baiua- an entevtalnznent. 1Tisais va dancing ý1lUHwItîd, ud Muter Whilte of Touanto r,--.g a sozugMr. Hayes et Fort 1iope ýgaçU a ucadIng, andI noveral oSais iatrlbn:td Iril the eurertslumut. but des -elfe! cbsrtctheitlco b is«u wuviea l tableau ri.ure'eteiIng Sir 'Walter.i aIelgh ofoérlng his clios.k to, quien u E Izbetb toi valknop». -A jý,oossal oàstarol atroiJfaa tl làk el gules smâs abstage i d the, quesa, -Veuy levtlY r presientedby' Mulrt.yiMullgan !Hulls ieali -d10h; ,ittra-eoni e iaia $M1, sud hbecusmt. Port Espe aiesueA. Ou-on.l ibis note. ho ai anasdolae li a fcuamettrta*aa$thastetumt. am &KinaIW h sent hlm lu se an 1 called for U 0.HO cSte«at as t i *"1v5en174w " as vuittea la d tbsmfi Si theIM4Md ail lahebsWoyrd oe aSo h"bues vittec lu lu front by tls portilop.mon. Tbf s nvoltoil a questioi o*~oew~,»d a arrant wva a uss 01 i»1 lathe meanaf n Ibm tys imsad laft lv own mnafluet to Peboro aldmI bu o t& ohiot Douga" ammuuated itI thm Toronto poied wn smuo as arrombed. AFTLD"a&isaL-Ths abius.peauod laugchteo o! Mu WIII1!am Clark, *ho drink "l bottie uofsaiblelc d , mcmb.d to liii officut abs lqui son Satlal veni. Sbe s bered ou »undar. Llvrsie RaI. bis sîster, Mus.emmbon o! PauyamN.T. ixt:peau oh muVnm' asat, amd a vMmu09 laitsa sd -utiemmm went ont t. BGouse Ladm faou a dmouat. lugh« vbey lspcummt by anotien psr$p hum Cobourg. A domasu téJ"elbes pioa".Mmiaisojul t tes natilU about mis u'umk, vhu k w-dilscsuaisi tia Viust MwA wo vamlieg. Be cutpte Io mi ai hais faimsce off mevol. aits cp vu foundi sa M aIeth* r. -EVuupefor wueaé ain tresemur abodyipbas cf Sunt âDNIM be M a ir i ben Utb ous luiilsuilmi."e bsiu.gouateid li Ibm ~ ~ ~ $W* ueco a ubSiM.s thei g~i ,eA, u b. vagasevuthe mu. mýÏM71u&;;d7msuttilsOumaspasas Mr ,oev cwu piceu lueaslble, [Mu f m.. s,. '.1 -* *~ *,-'*.-*--.* --* M AU" Oafi S Pms9t H Ms.aMiBai l Walat aswouasusiby u.18ava 49S1 mua pause éuater, anu lIe Su- twosisaihe . Ii buhl Xaadjrami iC74Mt lau voubus U aIfasi0t. atsmu. pussowk-s.PsieMLubl Si~~ -sat......ila amulb'. Mu hstllag l-nae ouau. u P iain-b paois i vol Mille la onus&a1,* t t. a obptviait Dow. Ur-Mv, 011, oemsuy 0uthis bpame ixEEiCR015.-)'aifcUrt euh a* las mait l eai mbextra C abeuieuc fbp iSis PWoBIu la O!! l o! Chuds.s $rmewsiet 0 us Thuya dey alght by a abgies_,usuel Wilia Me- Go"tre. Mu. us dfiaot msushis lom abat le £Or "1t.1u lu v09aik Mir Whol ob"Use a e Mllse faru on. Ri. w m m aatei aid $5 SOf8*smoms tfdo i s. Dutu tgeibmomonleé succee l iffl u CheIlsOsulablas, aMd mas is oiam e afle t ai b«ouseSia relaitive, à"edtu sud - ---sai- to clou Ibmmo*0 vas- hdi.. mi 8001 llmself of ganThe mmmey va ruovual mutuanltérMr.ut yne, bat , tise autborulalc USatm-i on tisléouoS thi mmn 1.BY.mLÂWS CÀmma.-TbO by*aw auibou lzlng 1 Issmssfr2mm00dobiatums for a iraukt builua vs asial Mdai by M2 maJuttî. Is iedwu eSt 15ma- jarity tasâ ha * as minetou se.osnd floou, cf 1h stcSunulitah. Tise by-lav ta meut &»Deamully fourteM p7aist. Ibm oabo 9Pm Cos. recelaS ibthtesa ma- .1oty,!bi ues1 tias a uaJorty« Of anl abs [Oomuasonienc. et The P*ol. B!vzuo ANDHAEVET-F"4» MO U hbuoaihng, but on acomant of m mach Wt*itbrtbi-do Dnt on uveup ttt The oeqa al t= v011. Tan TwUFTH vasdivIi buihmbeScasu Wfibeforc. aid Goleit, but bal thofDuai laIke 1.1ks known aat Mr. John A.Eaurou, M.P., wus gobX te soaak at Geithley vould bave toa tiare tos, for ve ère ai Darmoueatu iIseltiana»I hq opei bava âu m gaiet.aselfourusam tle liai of JUIisit. rPumiONl,-M?5.Beiry bus mmns obai »,ii)«» la GuIlord. .Wu MIl unitlaI vlollng ber abagfuture, Mail mai Ma liitm nau iouu MWnovhome am gibu lmvau e lone ....MUrs. Alssp la Ilr b utDrton la clownutaieIsguaul. mothers tb gsi aheb boit outhéi - laIe breemas fou a *Me lu abs vactua.. .. M. Ketile Mi! AMr. J. Gualam pallaafljin vitit g amouoth oui deyletvsa lbe latterai bugit hienophew RalP4 M. Conaseil home cul hlm. I4Eaumr ÀAWWÈCL-Th4V* ens uDser beiRi a creck ounBear lake, Dur Big llaud, tlsother dey. Have mot beaud ls DETNBPORD. 8(tMiès e lge Kennedy, psUu$tesî deugbteu o!6o Cap.Kennudy. va».utel lu iimirlg l u.muel M. Thuraton fflagest son of Mr. Canuaia Thurstou o Verauns. The ceemony .vas prtormed by the Ber. Mr. -Faluncombe lu Chli churcb, Bobcaygeon. The brlle adam wecs ths roiplsuts of my andams a comtly, et s. a ub.mal en0 p OUR litel, hlà es Md piosperlty, la 1 bat w1iofTE CANaàmAzePONT. TzliwmLaAua EzTTAIMM,.-Tbaîra. dey s'usin lait Aug. &-h, 8dm Dustor tempeaenad,'ltoiuy ascty bell ibsir monthlypubiea meting, lhe atoadancu was 1 iel aove the aisUage.Mu. J. F. Gov, preSsat ut abssoeti, occplol lie char, a»l atten pelg abs meeting la lie lusual way cailýmle IL . Woollarl, vhs ucal a lengthy esmay on "The Suty of pc mutinq temvenauao.01 Messie. E.4Goda sud Jas. Graiam omisangaduotti hcwva .WeU ractlvec. Thon tfolovol aths lebat., "Rssolved that lexislatiou hie doue mous Wor thspromotion of tomporcno. lIa Ion eui Robt.Thugetoen; u5leilvo, mers J. Grabamamid lviii Thuision.TI audiece d4elel l tou o! ofthe negatîve. Mr. eid, a book agent, gave a short sud Eolute4 adirton utemperauca ev. Br. 1 roéspoke a tev cordas rencOuctatemmut totlIe ocietye M, Gev faouel a ts l recîatioa aid a voiiiproitableasadl-pli"a. ma a uas Mdsa"isi ru. bmet ula 151 vu, al thei ton, m à" um u @4uu ~ Im.k psosmoa a abo Fout~~~~~ ~s eh"fmra alsploi l G.T E m ti Ptiauauf o.a. u onS MOU am HaI w-nuevhsttscore- SIB&W Ac,.--»"et Io cVes , JpamiM. u. ii desicefsa sSriloi ài liain. Jola Feis mu",Si fi tuai i sblM.acto am sa lie.. ha3s. . Mswm of Si t *mferae a ewusghbsu etalat, sctaaa &pal ia u CaIrdhamor airl a 1e sIs- @o.ea m e w meiu.g1 osmubuWev I~pot.tten renomSbdamaOnai. ae rapii ~M bmm piputsh i osutaabais boaWilicelu a. p~ Tui& m iAlw- husie ami et *0 bsPu.sM Si ZWM§DouaS ou et 144laasceea Iw au ns yretSi Ids clb vs araseibya -aUb, t 41 EM: salieboem i uh am li oama. la Ibis WhaVert tis iMm. AaiilgNauTlel u lt b iiams.hétuu emva L.~,IIISanstUne-aNewi BstSiQum% .uimuIIw. Kl vS iSel MW a, Mmtoba. piasuol rnMusslhn*imunéet wia UZWDE. .PmAL.-Be. LU parls, D.L, FoumHou -The lnduoulraer* BiW. G. Bmai ~ i~Aiv isée et Tua, t.ele pastorseSi ls peus. M2 pala oce Bavaswu ta thngeual9I t auem 000- 8 ____ dam L pm e csm..cablm sugalu. IiJ? cmeticg of the aMuJcit. laobée s la iavm Batea -bp aiy va bet 1100.'nsiet 2 30 Mr. i Mui e IS151is5o.W tl au louoa Mi sites umms rou 'OONU John zz.. 81.At thse m lu"lsof tbesb W sAT Su. Miu&,ua.v. MW, fat m'mm Mr. au mass he as aturChatua Shut S oiteu ami MixA"a Hbail i tdt be *eba«uge o! bis aouromtlOU. -vais Uuiloi We UMMa =î Tue~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~e eaiuvsii lumdb s.A omga t. MttIlse'obuicu. Beo ~ ouik setutle son- obl. aiadSabs bul. AILn t houu mahOu Su ls"ohud. u iL S]We. Bs ramlWus "e"als Ia testva.bel isshobl isu, "Mtallairide. Ater lSibishe ~ vlsuim adl» 'uOUMi l1th use tait.» t'th évdn tuu w eul rain tesebooul amiet be=LT 0ANTer e .-Mu. of hgs Vt brassvise mmreCluaseliual I bSad mur k o sA pS b sil a nevlp bauiei pausdo mthmr m'.aiè uterwrbiaaaosuspsts orth aipue0ltau. 151hbopium on Sstunbap hst. Esvie absnà rgeIboerlai nausnsie hMus vas d i m»la tuhe S Bs ma msSistmatiitria sinba udiucnuakl e* ut i t Ob adus. Ils maniffl ut Mr. W. J. 1McCukane .mai sterfu imbui mamisbos plolam-apLedaord. am .Toets, Bsisirda ils opim saiaila the ussmmpvalme umded ton t. bas-om.blsic latuWbItbr. .hy. tmbter oflshebulde, itSb o.WOsM h ore l unammlàha oltimulf J.. Omau of lludlegM. .W. lents .alusaa.Mai usbel ouMt. 09 ' Wrigt ot Owena bandM" di il ,aeatmlu sB ltam.. Es w-â min, sdMise Ada Roberti s blte x.FDE us. osShbrnet., Thiselpvied dcouiple ltf ia 70sd gtism bit labasrierbmiouan p.m.hl hrin orTouants. iBema e te .Wi. o rgtemug tatou' &b1yâ BOBO YgON.A Bigs f .-f autels conten tu ll suunaCoTTAGES.-This summer raei. 2,0 los i làegaburst aStWIl.aV4 susse11 on tBs lovai 1lais &are n boov c $fa5.Tmurnets, 5beou olai scel hi pailles :01choeis arli, -but hrspataus.The vinagar,eca ou galufu huai=tl »«um= t flat.e uoabc ,mais a deep enlaet 10* Poit bs ajoIp eWhvo aue bovins ae ngte Ku.i lmsla e, u ep.saudrsONTARIO oU UN y. cuil BslaghaiIppî hsautsumI OEIL» -oAL -. OMaman Mr.n. Wfn e cIasar i mipmeda the iy soaler ltleb@p ou QUsurry sOpulnbg cu = 117s ls uiquota Osalieals evsplarice di cl TEEIMmE5-Thi usais eu biB l sa eiag bthe g aetout 09 FaiSi bou"e ailtrou bridges. nlte Bteeaktts mlbs&e I echim i. ulabouuis stylesuaitheie Iou bukidow rien.truck bermmrm a m svulbe oattet pL&nke. Thepleukiîug vas mach naeeiOfS be. teo5ovsu lblé1ai and a. H ne àamilIe mittfmg plaiced ou -the cutba md;sufed railadtull h limembua leba l ae r"efliaea aporion liaI cswu . Raloomue, va ceelalpdngvof tc blidran. SAD CÂSM-At peoient ths u lmso. mmEAU> SAP.-On Salarday ulgîl, uudla Whitl mogei Ico me. hose ss cie.oui biuh Wv$swv tuaprell u pe. n nlei d anis. Auisf1 susu-over 80 quletuse liii ibm oen giefll le: uld-aiiiiiParker, halllng bhum aplamblu lthiI' venivg baIl; vIsa s ESSIWbit>y, abect ix vuàà ugo vas indos mtie, toese eft tuIllage und, loielatcosumIol by the mreofi uat. Ioci Bs0 ûê lulai lich.ei lIe oi Si uad.. m ainitient 15 audeff igamx. Wnli lu ailefwe ae bu tBs iled citlzeus ont on Pr.cmont wh dOljuila hm m.bis ap IbsIir vioaaaxIbicusll u ramc, meaus I hmlmeuams> o cigar sud pipe; sud vIsa ovir Swn sl a Tsisohé lmm.a leor.y des! ma&W bua.borps; the vii West wuvas ebeenud sit duin&cd dA7ou ilhib.l F bais amhl*di thé btuny of tbe t.hamis.slutohug b&la ligand pisn Igau LIlIums leh Is appiuîn aebattesdsud bia bonai lus oan bis chuit, cali. saraivila ous.ath&îcausaihe u ait for si bth; wchiae ut« s sous 50B d, lu ialudai. loodu, houp clîl nabndanhlous ens iogbgaieumtfte eSR broke' their bondla of suspenion aud Bile cilS, ecait g ttis vhas b@oUes iof I lueudW e lauth viti volume. et vatsu.thisthe fatthe do: 1lIp .aulhave ,t. a sruIlasp l hand, ail la ct.support bhlmand tàIlsSis esmm-aet. cale abus the damffe lu ustimaledda et Emebt Whltby, os tiw ta looclave lunIthe amiliondollars. le BobecayasoeBeau. 0s90011 ababer eingrteu ememlve £ tifu1 aveu damoged to tihe tent ofiàamml. doubtlseaBatt 0 utp las beu fr liou. -Nots"y. ,We hbaye unoerms, au t. Support se t u ea.Tsub tuai.~~m tors iricat, aU a a Io a v r=iiilaa uA 21 c puacfulsudquIt, ud he ad ar ua fun idiot cltmily raide la Te ue ti s aa iIjlp.Cuau.Whllby tocs. Por sesuirytitielt TIs ~ pids u fiîn or ihap hmp, e i base ai.lamaseSor*g. ga& . bai Ist W yfW.ear uetusuadquiet- Petel appllmubavs basemaile mstBs We bd aid theos u kSutw&L.-[depeulemft. gv uMu t.oiave hlm almîstel to .> eti aU cMdas elles las abse èfrtanle&. BUgr$ SG1êEEZ Tt lIaisla aIMgledthoeeiecaus ew.bal SAxINS A» HNurs.H-"-l b-m ohu a-R h nýMlt.avidamd hi lIe la &Q the rva.saveotbobyté basukwuaalocal authori lIma SaSelm sese, th ser bas bien aumecliai aifa- lèrs in o uty lola up e sasm arable sud tBs hay bas beau mois or lmis aietporlilue.A lAs oui thgasi lulAU i lamagel bat le nom' aimomi ail b--àais as l&Austg elu Ou 0 e Pum s p iam al! tpele fair cuop and la msalyail eu t i ac i. *am Sas annsTaheno buscît..ail HuoauT Osy Col'-Xw. Tics.Maudirsan Faim i climt aé brls. Th vbat.bainetor Miptlesthas lamons grain tair chu' AffueAr UsmB LT . M pogne 5 . A8GNABLE COOS OGU-E'St vent Coin wiII bug a Pound of PURE PARIS OREEN. Oulu to*8 saiaeUava T. i= auua"-aîHus b"omu IBB omSs mips sSii Pm ît ewm t . hise . POGn. e> usft. JEUIF o.lmis.. Il oaumts8. Cavion OM IAL'SSPA. O-ML 1 Raift i Ummesam IALL'8S UlmunOI _______________________________________________aie&___ i >il en. fa mm. àUm iDiii. bm la 4 Id ujy i. M&1. laui *1 'K. obl m Adaouda mouu. tu @esfhmm nge u .gpL me ag .ysh ua u Sa Wb br momawb le 4@8 6»ammmmImbak M tUuU a ilssMW. §Mr lu, the aktab wbIaa'fig«bIo ad or â&l d» to *6bunU MeV@u"u hw mm Bk*EiiW" Mm *Momiiw kohm a attkba lIbmsand mmr0. Loi is hmi mi ai w- fiE lea EblauaSionbai b m ls Prints and Cotton s, Gents' Furnishing si Hats and Caps. .41-s/cial linte 0/Scotch Zweeds, c, goods amda new jOatterns whicke we go oit /d of at a figure about, whksale cost price. These- Tweeds wl/ibe sold cheab, ata' gent/c- eoncan have tkem imade tuS stylish/iy by our Mr. Bod; t4e jotbula r cutter.. MORIMMON BROS$ t~*TNE OUIAMPIGN~i NNIMILLI w E UtIKO ATB"EN LEADS THEM ALL MNO TAUSTHE CAKE EVERYWHERE.' & Tk4a MU sa apabi4 of c4i.<ng oet k"~4 Of grc#i sd Jeedsand&,,4 aroMtig Octs from POU;, Vetohea and Wild* Tares fromf Wheoet, Oats frot BârikY .MWRed from &AïsUce Clo'uer. IRisj May operctM a"4 the muot pefat S rc&tor win I the. we. Cleam v ery foat andua.4vs ight. "14 sIUam 4 dreputtiU?o)01tPis mill i%, tu puat is eo'uh go4,ww6 confdeau-lufor ionterding ' P1~J&eawago btuy motoU>r. sy1yesterBrs Mf.C , Barnm Wze &Iron Workas - Boot and Cheapest Fence *TaBL fROD@a-mOR OUNDATION. - *UILDERS'I RON WORK, Gfice Raiings, Lawn Furniturg WALKERVILLIE. ONTARIO- THB à 6BU BELL PIANOS AMD OGN Btuu4 înwfrvaled for pufStY t of tois*, flne fliish û,t4 dii 1* bUlitv. Moto BotEi'Mf menUt* mnade 4» Canada h I aU the other tmaker d ut N BELL'eg'El NEW WILLIAM$ RICWNG NACHIXEM »0 ounhm Mcinlt a oSU -Forial by J.BTHEBTJUPt chlldrn Ory forjP eW.OaSto!ila! MIDl-SOUMMER SALES AN OFFR FOR EVERYBODYB IVe md binrfess 0ont90Ike ying jpublic tisai a redâction, a genuine out and out re- duc/les, kas &me and witi &e made injérices ait /lsroàegl ou" stock. Veve made a sniglity cul in ail lUnes, v>i/ou f exceÉbtio:z. Wklat fort? To make rom. To clear off the sheve. T b don/e jils.Tosc~ .....BARGAINS- Reacly-Made Clothirig, Dress Goods, hipy l sp i l alcl ueOtrlffl viI~i eedby lie onulty juds.The mater le a tory Impukou@ as uat nov, OMEMU. as ~litmontofSi le osmuawaé sàlaln A WuzsPuLBmr-Mr. ILB Mit. are stock onessis ail leusas uaika, cheli, Moi S 11.river, la il. prea aMidsud th im Setore ain avlulpalwn pypees1asoeofàraild pultmt, of the ibame trac" s lau sel hi raine- Ool<lmm Hmbuu~ hue hb au lai. [Ch=tdlce. la laIMsc Wdh"a couteued ap t luB àLR T Wmnr.- Lust Tiursda.y B isan tL* eur, of t la ie mrnt "eDthe. ugBs o James Bugle mimua la uelthst pu eoubùUrb ault*4 wmas subsai ly burgiu, wC' OU sohlevueut l abat Ie lat ovo &viacapmaup ulWaue of vals aJ aval sestmaIe las, viehluiSm lca ue, eaplatst. Mr. M m Bie utm lmare D.E SIOCI~5ROiêtdaiehi utAp, - Ualhae u Ma" a velaIL ouO Tî fS I lcgtlé pitdnel cuis Md lmlpaaeei& lul u t.eo u etfo the!-!j~ -ai lgeailon, ami US t ~ a m 5 o vite he5L lotI large Ils heaipagWe eai#&,Whuem oMr" em&imýd- eh*b lai1 s te beu batuibest, Il-FEUITTmausEiN-Mu. Joh b tplOs.jg5 [HealIemuhalee, cs.Siat WJh, s te, kiUEl~.A vep buml cim eduo h P. miJUl87 s 1. oceunrveai a o l -h - siot curcI tuitUdonsg 'S- 15la Ibis DmOau ftrma eeju ugitltvsae ele Os. 'b ed- sont tara ontim wuw-'~ Si sur pous. peuPIOe oeppol awie mad 30baobab # bcuM&* ein- th * beae bothesma pies. mmar. scoutracttagna'lles vaisMu. E. J. ItahilgusI Wuma~oue.sug i b uuai ul sB. E 09Ilumos ww euokm m iil a . aiaipb tImS Iam tw brie a "lmamai docmim t U1O5£ r_ýaua.Thaisu 1ma d m iu v wu* clau ISd lsupyattsushl w saîailt p m b aia EsS0i4 thé IUI5Simd.by I5u le Bmelasm i Bs ma @muka Mdtegfl b "-ualu t lsMr. - tbé a ia - s Bma gei hili billa. u. aNio Boxai ea ila t BsSavuor amk. lui hbMd hh leuun liahisekOuS bousin&ag- ho Ok.sedi l bum-slmeisimois. V il ~1~_BROZ~ ~NUXENTS E-