MOAL, ConANAD WOàO. Ireel mi c or aianl k" is ept et my yard aMi aI the loyal puces. Nov la pour lime te mvier. Aise an i biasoaiDry Wood, Ln S iut Ridsu Sot orsae.Lumber a i ii dressl suduniresel, uXuRShlngles, latlr. LIm sd ran Te u tok.Teleplne eonecton.f LINDSÂT, OZT.. FEXUAT, ~KPTEMBEE 6. 1889. 0-ti.wCtit-P4 'tras Milfît'flbm* ëet ul, IV tîliille Il'k. Pt. tt m u p . l ,1 t, îîai I>t l l . MuA t - 'a I<lt ut'iep y'10 I.aitisI 10 04 ~ a'a 'î ",.I ' ile'tew a e f) fft'%i n mil a , -eq f. 1 laitfa. ittslS ~ t h el ai' t" a'n ae#('Ittra'<"ftîa d'il l'.' -%:n e elle a l g' . woll Ia~f 7 tt 'l i.. '. a.arà 1eto(e a . 4. 'leUt i'd cil ' f'il 4INZ. lai4 tl ieti. fil '7,<<î llf# im, ~. ~ * tfa *~ faf a I'il l lt 4trtly t t a ele'U. I ,ît, ifa' f aiqjlits flioy a'li-i. , Ifl.Il$ ;.; j:le;a t N T . ltlNI A et' tee IN( *1AND DA6%SCHOOlS*. @i.aua'U ivIitttaite oi-i 60 MOUtA Il le \(0, taI Ti 'd;gle fai. i Itil A« ' ~~ t 1:1 . t w(bla rt'hxl: 1 i il ' 1!111 laa i, a'.a i ' ell ~îIwe, - aUI,.seod t... i. ' s' , NI 'lr iz g . taft 1i'i'iddt 1 -~ ~ tl ' ., I *tt -rt, Il. OE to1 6 er.Cent tehi II'Ire 4% ito ma t boter Mîit ("& s ÏWARi, i fs,~,. è"II. a OPE-OF 0F SHOO.Ls- -p j: a ,X a~~'h<>~I kaqft:$, G. L M(TNIRILL'8J $ a~~~ ~~ . '4a a-i . o. i es. lietiOPit, i t. -'~I. i l l 1AP ?tLî î ~:.Aw é-6 p 14rIAI I:iY ,,, giet 0ai,,4lpwos -PO . a*, ATA N D Ic2Xt@S 'G A.MFb.atb ml OUCKINt~ POWDER> CPf~'1~4 Ii4P POWOE#I 1',, l~ti,.ti h *'îaîe, 58 sises 81555e. au or o bBfliO(IaSS, 85ASSsrn4~l SUELIt. WAb4. ~8IUhUS.fl~u.a~p * - laitO t tîOl.8 uAW5TY FUhE. Sto. Arn<:rt('a» nnd Cnna*M Colt *#~ Aime Mintîs' sud MIII Ss~liw 0 NmmIuI~ J. O. LV WA*DS, <SijrAuu?.i~. 'w. sU Bs ~ I _____________________ I - =- .-~ T - - - ------ i .Dnadau è Fia velle Dros DUNDAS FLAVELLE BROS@- We are nov rrceiing and %peingthefines$ stock- of Dry Goodaever brought Into Linduaye Our Mr, Dndasà havlng porio- &Dy vlsited the market of- th e oki country this year, it ba plaod. us An possesion Of a citas.ofgo0ds heeofore not brought mntoLi- amyandat prices that saves the whoiemaIer',s profit. Our immense range of 31 NXanties and-Nantie Goods -are smply sup erb. Our .fine Dreis Goca in- individual dreesar amoatperfectonforeegn gooda. 811h sud -Velvets from the best French makers, ini aUilthe new we avest at aniazingly 1.0w Prices. :Our staff in the Xillinery and Nantie De. partment mre now ail returned, and we wiIl be pleased to see our customers:for au .arly choice. DUNDAS &FLAVELLE.BROS. $AKINT'111VTOWN 1Oly bOY The. sort it hait et th, i ret ll'itof leot 8 1t Ai lttibel 1 I 'ri"îa' ltîarat. I"F r î îtvi the, (*« itu~'stale R. C sKI 7H w f~or imili fautill. goebttldron icoly ttltuÀtitmîl: or par fta-i.hadbolîw., tînt>or tour moots. A pty ta hin- ?ll, hP., tl1AADiN1rvst ICifSm. AàT iORSu TURSDA Y.5th St3. 1191ii# (%tt-a ia'tstiw ritttai10 >MANITOBA 1iiift aa, t mu 'i'oaf' li!ii it ui. Via Is t ea vm u Cm is i orth a".ta-q i a' 'îi.'r aa' ii iI 05 eia e U .m l et '~~~.u.~A Tai.-.. aL l0S otat« 71 « 40 davfrom 8SYMPHOt4Y HALL,,t,.se n Aaltft 0o11. ". lla $l8. Vsee. OuhlPop Ra0sadiêt.anilOigl GBo'mba" S" $ es blooee.jaiw '1t t$28 algle4cug.kuOf tîpwdffltit je t" Course h.isa,~tiuft.j rd 'vituthep /ID joue AND SBUMMER CA PS we A.ýl o M fowoiwo Off~'r eh. to&~Sg ?3 15w boeuesigm - WAEY 8M~ XËUgT pareil 57ü» 1ç ,05an sd lI. docted partly la Bglia sud psrtlu IrsaI. The ii. - kht us ua"th e Esg!Lh par 01 lthae zsMlusdos ld beonlansà s 'prlnted cmar, luadluamauM7 &lest, asnoorsmIsto r ilspressaS per lb. eaaaisslonm ens îl te Pmn vIfoexrslsls la Mes FrtuaI Jangage cmi i terature val b. ooutot.i I»1Aula ial The Aupomn tSm trylU7189%0 n"ise b utssof 9"et île lslaeEt lu llh, buttla lIq le offlusi b Muup %ss 0 go@spa slow 4dav etGquanic. Celta.aStla tlIeMr ytuubm san nov Imeglia u îrnurrpoU&Usle vhso Pmebatsa esnu la luEug lh Puai *0 lm&s~ Om.â mI umaIpe utbea lut omd mumsfer mpa a -u Pm mi ldou ~am 9 fas~u W r~ THIE lUCH IN SOHOOLS. e. aa-.oufSm Suajiedla eplOfersumupG h dluste ecqulieloto thé FrenclhoolW u. pronlffle vISaI vas l uibt vee" Wthl remad tk lhe shoola Au Preaco sud Ruessi, Ils se=IalseaUSp: "A&s lIe rggub.Csadisu peopi snd ths Eue dIai sPsakiflsios onm'n IWun disrItuetie kesAtte ommumsl4s te "1101hOUiMeo abecome lafigisst ex lest mussllliy rouaI or- easUtlly Bon- IaI. The boumduy lisesane t sivaj llerly dravu, Tet, la Motse oasite 0auIy dlïalutverialicheracter GI uagh- bbhoado stilî romains. As auenlisas.Of »lit, us louai that la De lesu Ibsu lblft scoolse eerp chili kase marne as ister- ed on the ral vas of Frenchsapeskba vps- sais Au vIole sectios wvers ettiei by lb.e Piund, or ma sMAJorlty Of th. people la &s ecion bensute- Proed, tesus vIe could peal Visel vers employed, sud French bossus lb. laUOae 0ai MaY ocoos, mastWI . ma srsady île leogune o f the sections. The pressai Eagllsb wsos hans ai vais bMssEnglial mince *67 vers firet estabilsbed, snd most GI Idu French eIhouebave al;ape been ireiebi pet Isà a feu ceos, sehooeula îci ve r omerîy BUsIe, sMd lu uhiel Enilal eadhers weroem ployed, are nowv taugît by.Prend.- sps«alg eadhers. This la due to ths gremer lacreaseoaithe French popultion. lu& atcaes ubere Englih cîlidrea attend French- sehools, Inspectois sud trustees make aipev laIl efforts ta secure île sei vice ai learbers ubo eau peak both Frenchsud. Itngitb. la Ibie, housser, lIsp an ume- tites en t y succesp fui, and masy E.:g- I1.1, parents comr>sla lIai' their chîldien are lniperieetlp eaughl lay French tesclerp, vIces kuovîsige af EnglilsIle tee Iliteil mo enabîs the= ta Iroparttinstructien pioperly lnat li nguaé;., For tht. tes- mon moue bave. takeu ihor chihdrs iront their oua mebool whieb le taught by a French tleader, sud bare ent lIentroaZn Eugliuah sccol lua aLher ectIon. French raîspapsesalo coutenti bal lhIeMIbldren seomer: mesrecelve but bcouC Justes froun toache sr vIacint oipeask Prench. QI FtC AL R.YCO;NITta» CF FPRZXCII. W. rInd Ihat an fer hsck asISS3I Ik as or'dercd by tle consel cf public liaîructiuu ,'Na regard t.> tescitera ai Frenchîleta. knouled4ie et Frenh graDumai be ubit!- tatai tors kuow!edizooi Enittial grammar, andi tla.t île ertillleta lIstheteaclen h. .xpressly lIited accoingip." Illresolut!oa oi the council GI public lu- struction, datedAiolI:Wli, lmti$,a number of French liai bos vere autIorixz-d for uxe la French mhols lu Onearlo. ln lew7 a lamger 11.1 t of*rendh leat bos as sut bot laidSeneral i ofthesebook& aue Mil tI u use, sndwco aiers, ae the Frsec leaders, ulleb an not aubrzd ave beta inatroducrd lutr the edbol& hdose netî appear chat titis cotueil use a French text books arises. fîem e deaireoan the part ai the French to exelde îhe lZoglîmai languagetrou lthe clool. NW conversai yUlail clases ai FrencI people, sud t'cey lavariably expresesi tbeuselne oti oniy s. illIng but as destroue tIse »oIu eli ePaoui lar-h e.Esliait languans. Tlsy are sis deslraus îleS eey abs» lars to enosi&utd vies la Freh- tIsir movier longue. Tat TRAICIIEsâ. As slrady %taudi, French speaktangleab-. ors are nuaalpempled ta meai vIre the majorlty GI tle papi I. are French, sud aitbongh four Enollsh 'aêeakffl eaders are emplore a lu sud elools, pet Umse anarehy sud blcdsîhed. At a;li ete I have tted ehe. remoua hick lnxlueucea me in votlmiug 1 Idid, sud 1 have am t e- grettesItlor folt that 1awu aeerhy at coadoemnatian. 1 uap add Chat 1 looked se th. preeed- tuua nte cornautes GI te.Quebelegis laneduring thc progrees af th. e a«tu questio.nsd mot om ofaie.Prottat arembora ralsel eny =obje tias 50 eh.est,. tor lea di»suMrSEII tu IkQueeuth&%a 1 eam suae of oan mIls quldoi. The fProtestat misaalty hsvigacpa b oo.oeO s a afait rap tmkhé pld overby theJ 01m. theI lPrjovisce ot ro ductm i purposs lsn*Maem muS.. bsmimd tat"Quebe kea m BonsCathoilspmvlues sd th"au i cul o ketnut m rch sdedam a k mmbmw quetee lrvscuA a tuke.BrillaI Nm !=u - PMUatsMS separe a o.ais tu ututu len l.- Quebes b eitue mus sa ' kOumm b"ladabaihela ssr àf"» - mb au wmb bl w4a Md wat ati m.e asismaet Quel. r sutk ute lp q *eu. T.EK5,01.00 EUE Y]EAE r.the r Ewi Tes uaPour.l1 m,-1 Iuaded au onM thse. .plIaàS ba" «»mebat suki e aàla hwmuet- bla kdlet pa0 et the rtdl tek". Plais k MY oamate MtsrY rassse veme &0"«natcol. OBries . uau tlu parliameut, but as- saavionukgtaenPgian on GIJuIy ami vil bu away tw'o la wrWuag te. 'msthatsteai me t voibutek*VUtai he. uurenîkla eir moi dlmallWlu these tt"h.Quebaslegis lature ubu known am tbe Jenui tts ase 1 do M oossadaril oauuarp k diva Ito acent blatsq k sacertain 10w I Ua Wblhla muaalalthé Bridaic North Amochma at, ublo aMy ce 7Mu resas nfui la the Outarlo revIsai sétu tuetate buflumlng et the iraS vdume. The powera cft the locailsglala tares aie dertved fhmrn Iis ait ce ane tb. powm a0f ltbouam or sammoua. Thqy @mcàb av erainAupouere et leglaltfss sud Me provincial loglalatur. la juat sa supsame la uiation wihA a spovers s la eh. parliament of the Domniuon. Tour reade swill llIaS lb. provincial legalatuzes bave exclusive powerstk Maus lavs a Aurolatote educatlon, aubject tk certain provilos a» s. ec. 90 &"ude manaîtemeut and sale GIe.public laude h.oleqmgtu ls province (se. 92). The Jeaults a" one lime oume<ilandslate. chties GI Quebse sud Koutreal aud ais- vIUele la the province et Quebe by guif tram lb. ]French crowu, by glit from Mpi- veto Individuaie sud by purchase. Théee lande vers eschesi te the crewasud for a long lUme, aboutome hundre m»tpea1 have tormed part ot the crowu lande snd1 uow public lande belauging kteth. pro.1 vincesof Quebe. The Provincial legia-4 lurs o;ths prooinceet Quebe whln the1 les tw ayeawi lucorporated te.Sadê:ty or Jesutq, or jeautas 8they Ma eersfl called, sud mors e. eutly pasedte now celebsaïed Jesuta eestes set cffering tk &et apart as a tUsm land ffl0000 ta be ivided amou the *dlfferent educationsi bodies la the Roman *Cathalle chantc i clailuag ta bave a rnaral-rlght to campe=- "atieni for theme Jebuit lande whlch bave became public lande owned by thep. ihice af Quèbes.The pope s eail ef the Roman Catholie chuhch vauamedas the persan uha alion.d divIde thia zuoney among the diffureut cîsimanta. Tàe set was pres.aied la an abcoxious frm as posi ie by Mr. Mercier, tr.e ieadtr aof th. grit goveruet otQuebec. uho had prlueed lu ths preanxibe ait the correspon- ilence thât iail taien place during the laët huudred jesan betweez te.différent baies and persons on behalf af the Roman CatIbollc chureh -on the nuet- part snd the Roveruments at Canada sud Quebec on the other. 1 id nat consider that ttei va aresOC for dlîsilowitàg the act, athough it Mlght have béen reterreil back w-,th in Intime- tion th.t upon the abitctionable preamble tleIng truck cut It would he allowe& .Stcil he effect sud reuit v2uld oe the. saine, sud goveraments ane mot for m-me senti. mental legialatian. 1 voted forthe gavera- ment sud agaîume Col. OBrien*. motion ai vant of con fidence la tIent becaue I coa- efdered they were rlght sud couid flot cau- *ttutoually hava douse therwias Ia SHOW the arttta rase. LXonldtr for a fev minutes ubat would have beete.reenit lad th. govêrument disallowed the set. Mr. Mercier would have called hie legitlâture Itgeler sud agatu pa'ted thebect.Md s aite s eil vas dsalioveil le vould have raeteta!t un. til the whale couatry was In a blaze-af reil- gJou» exclbernent. Il àt lust carrled te the prveounci 1 have odoubt It woulil ayve been deelarsi ulîblu the powers of the local legislature. But haw vould the set have becs dIowed! It wu., 1 hav ?.o. aoubr, carefully casidered byth goveraor-qener&a-.--counclý. vhlch latter, la compeosed af tome fifisen memberre-alx betagtlRoman Catholica sud aine Protes- tanIN. Suppaeing th-%e cabinet ministera had, notwithatiacMug rtheir aaths dl oflice. votsd &accirdivg te their re!igioua beie- *âe &et wal14t havei been dlaallowed, the majorler voulil govem ansd the governor would have been caled upon taea4ilav the ac. Cau you imaitine the governor- general, ihe rebresalselve ai ber m5j esty. dleregarding the micoritlau ouch a et biut suppoSing îthe governer bail ail i haTe uie!ty tWdeelde according toeth. fie__o -0 i,-, yai my lni# __ s-d sud viiite o ubu contlaug, til the dock certaine a generzi-u; y et cry g-> :, finisbed. cioîhïng, boots ,nid .,.gorue,~ THE Qc oors. -fte âhoole opened lere van, clar, etc. The ho!' a h Z :w on Moadar,thle 2dh ail. yul a geai d&t.Ianavrerru for the purpafe, cf a ce4ai. -ce VeudaS ne. all me roou's. Theo uc bulid- issi part eft'té t..ft ca _- à- *,of aktc-. Ing-le completed, sud île gr-ouais bave ansd din!ntz-ro n,. r:z.: 'upplied -W.-%b tissu thokiUMhY clesuod sud if led op ind knIbtTtS i i Ce!&Z ta: utei:*. I fLr casa tyle. Mu. Hlckaoaoccpiues l.dinng table, etc. Under the motnter -4 "Wu roomo. mies Wird tale esIeUp.r, a.ned sieeping accmînodttiaa for ta-: sud Mica sMoore lhe lover iaa thCe aid cierîs. 1: lnldeeat theaoutcomplet. ae buildinir, adsu e nd lihas b r < o tI th e klud w ve ars rieen. I* Rkb.The mpapasahave sot iawry juta calîsil by varions unares-'-Ba Mres vork la ail Il. roaru sud ihinga an ov (ibblus Ark.- -The Floseinc Ps:--e I n as 1h dlock va.. thL ' msc. enterprlseas tiIs dcaerve- .ae- Pcics. -Th lie ther bauÎt & OMI6sd ut aresonure.iG.,'c ny ftir.le baud picale. vhiiih came from liltbroo.1, la Mbs nelahbworhod viii ho v passd te cm WtdnesdaY. The baysaemn e . siy lest laIbis buielesasIn laa ixi> ms- *b day'sotug9 letlee x vu.e a aIDCM o.edltlu. 31r. (UubbAusn sM -hurudssaotbar piesic froue Liamr > te Ehldtstore himmeif, asaicced by itio± rival bers ami. p.lmifalo.a eut part lS. The Parry Sonal C'. S rua br et ueor Urne 'ie'wlugt,..& U M& F. W. IfRse sud C. Patton ' i e * mes kbg tu a -. lstmuend bsAeils heIlht'!t.r ctionter? Bout'.Mr. am 6sudtIrs. aauesmts, uwhie àr. Jobs Gril>. ammalplul ft b .bis tabI' ofh- ioatgt smore yu day~ ~ ~~~~~~~~Cmo 1,t m slb a a i~BtcrA 'ca ny vrequImsU 1.Iaa br a plouks kmis mons id 5etGI *hO. This - 5b0t acoua WI Wi aMil GI v-M mommtoudwjy USw Mr. Giibblfl'càdaisWlth bbf Sbsivse ai lUn varlas âmemaremidi&. amlI ai ou"Sgrse. &The.'Besi. BE2TL POBTpONEDThe mu« o ma Ue himf hure at 9 a. M. vIbMo»Muha kt55place huis m" E~M ewmet M m --- .mlut*.la poSpom nsi u Mm i *9rlIe1h. nom he M& d atumse4 hlioe, u»Ms et e.Bmd- YOMl 6.4 P.We BM>dnquiSe reai. ri, @DvuRBnl W th. DsrnkhM Mut mLCL ESIXTz3 lthae EbaWM1iey. Ws aIMu g ~WOOD VILLE, Md that wS far sulIS l fOrIS h . tai£Ê11how la bu bheM at Wéed. - -hdunmus. TJa snc» Jouy bedose by dafro of .5il tatbe W mailuor k elbffl themme zrw5 n tosiUMd. nutvla.a v dam -for oureeves, sudQM MI b~i~tmutaigoiisssuceoii Coerespaucneo0£ The PtVij dlfftreut previaseo f our great DominiOn Teliir r peîyvi hag Ton»s erul, ADAM Rrnsrxu bltespting îeir batsuad »as auL Lifdmi'. Juse 2&18Mi t hlag appea satisfied. £ ~ CHraCU OPÉzNlrxG.-Great cprcoaratSsu are belag made for th. apeulua GI il Co te Rteret Tm Pur.Pruebjeeran churcb about te.midls a Si%-n te kt Iué t th Waéhm Ocobe. Agrand lime li expected. àb. edttSor Gthat jaurlulchallenges Tia CiucKsT. -Our cr.cket club défeaisd te Pow to Dame a singls tary whoîo t * lam Friday by an malag In...asd 38 runae The gamulasuwlta.ud bq caem ai a& agie Mrefrailu the tUsa large number ai avectazors GI th. equal ulghk srnoclatioe. Nov, air, ROLLER M iL.-The roller ml! viii h 9f Me Watohmamdomsa mot br ou It la Lut Auaperation Ibts mentît sud wviii pove à clvtlity keInform hlm ehat Mr. WiiaSm ~5Oliaal Blacluil spat seV"erul ay.tAue. ova- EF AW ship ofMarlpom uvsa. lathe manuer [5kw-M nSor he t .1aictedbyTa Pas?.Nov ftmay b &-ILBiLNu.»-Siturday uLzbxt eaW ta"SWh.&vam oworkin là -Au ibma- &bout Il p.m. te aw-mlli ovuaiby Mi. ete GIt t orb"parti, bat vili s»Y usasW. joltnatau a0rt, place vasdbacvee tweam uo la acqualulsi with bi. 515ck- ta beaun fie, sud before-the lamescool d wouIÂ' politiSIluaninga belleve tIat ho la be mubdued the vIole structure vag de. *capa"leofIbeiug snythlng but sa moWi stryed. Mr. J aînston lad a lot ai mms tor7. Ti. equal itghts see»te a IttiS engagmi maktinit mprovtene. Th.y bsd. leao thlu. -MU. Blackuel Itarmed te. Ieen bîatng rock in the race below te urier IaIh. ud m.Jolus tElia voie mli, snd wvheîler a sparit lad beenlz il- the tvo authoulzed deleustes for ele sec den momewbere aboutî the t"berasud tion, sud tat hUr. EIIls vas alw ao cauvue broke out durIng the evening lan unkacun,. &mug wueeer leho alsrike a mall. No oîlier ire lad tbacu about. The ponie 31AMPOSA FAMEILE. ort le village sud surrounding cou--"T *Glaadine, Sept. th, lMO. turneilout uably sud did U ailA h ~~ ~ power la mare the lurnbem-lu the Mill FUrd tc tedtr c4T Ps.. heavy. Mr. Jelauston'. loue wvi bh. soul SIa,-I bave been for some lime a rosier or Il.a ladaay Wardersud I eam coavine- UTRR E ed tst ts ditr dse sotoril'i atthe BiGCRüpi'.-3Ir. Djuald Mackenzie, oI, ah4ique of Iruti,, but for Impudence sud rthe lake slore here, on the 22ad Auguat, haýrdIhood ai prevaricatlon noîhil-g tîst I tbresbeil tvoansd a heul acres ai ste bavFe ever »sin the Warder equsal uMsd eh.el vasu2L.uj busheis or -le 1 bushe1% tae te acre. Mr. Peter Tbom- arilei luet wsek's Issueunde the hesd-£on oai Arney Buru ïsrci" ge a&U lis tL lng "4Wbat's lua a ame."' To hIm Ibere la wîcat sud bariy bai ly Ir used lai good cert&laly nothuin luaetehen le time. Hi luge barn, ublel la 4Sz7ý.w yuL daimsIls leusGI Qebse a li GalIcan w:4 t. pur!oil, pat, le fileil ta îet ai elaile he leu ofQueee o b Gbllcsle promices a gtQd yield. lie la e éhîig sud th.elibes .ta h. Uitramoaunes. This ln crder îte relili it wiltI auatandhut zaea la the boldest perversion cf truth et uhlch and sprinz sheat, both ai - hich promiée auj one coulil h. gullty. Every rosier ail mns abundant yieid.- Mr. ýTnoMson highir cntrent events kau.ove the cautrary a lie recommade theeheafilte-, utiiel b. Pro- tte iruth. A little varIkakown uâ cured tiltis umnier, and for vhlel M.T. t'Lindsy'@ Roue la Conada" and reierred Oilver oi Rswis 'tte Ver. It Dot for ta r byM.Jihn %,cvynAu bu i itsuad the I ,rnuity il-Pav*ed bY Jcsthuà latr îeWt'O ian IstIor uts Thomt-an avie bsbroîhers in usina chtsa lion lry la thce aeilmghi.pTt ei ar ai piec.a ci maohinery. with ctht:r appam'aIi the Wmrder, laever, must n t h" eti h18iowvn ivention, the4r grain voulil unany of lia itaders do not ikmow àSuy bel- rOt be qelinuthe baru ret. '%Ir. Thamson' ter. For tleir beai-flt. e',)r 1 knav tîaî second barn is; quite ftIî cf bar, the Pmo uearly every ans ai them, readlà TUE POSv, duce ciof avr tflic'acresa. It vîIlaveragre permit me Ca point Out 1s few tac'>., et -least t wo sad a al& f rniper acre. The Ultrmane C&thoic ir hr wlo beileve-that the ppea e t he (nurcbI I3Lrm endncLo'TeIN. t. ct Romne under hlm should Uc supreme ui :oreptanec hePc. civil sa vol su lnreliglous marcers. sui' atrpERto BË,a lutMr. k wt Mr' er ra"rc afin by lntermeddliniz !n tle aSTire. erad .. M 1il ïorn-,,ît eSt on 'eaa every siata tgive ina eflet ta the PO' for à tvo wuonthe vieiltctoToronto snd o~ univu-rsa moerelguty, sud bar ibis rmsa- points e e. daImn that they are more 1üyal Caalitz CICxîw1a,Â.D tfortet tle gral thau the Gallican or libers: Catholice uho evenraiofb.the -aOn.BrçýeLir . c--ic ho.ýda;- eind ci" to labelleve in- the dcctrines aifil.he .rvreet home IçkUICOt ILiLUrs-d*,. ~ptt Churl a Bone sd t b.-cys w h. 2tj. utBrechin Beach. Wher tite sperte &11 Charehasrleai a nd turebu ytt heitco:ba.1ll iibt cvn*:e;,t 1q. . .dne~m hpope e or t clurc asbuny r!ghî ha r fiootball viii be lur ing the sfieroc-1- ill poe o th chrc hmanyr'.gll wht-aléo a acre are îcbezwee til1tverton-lac everto interfèeo yul matters ai cIvi. gar- OriLis. Excuracaz n ite paaiee 9meax sc.- ernueat. jTura au* eerytiody on ýSeînrber L:." a: la tle province oa, Quebethese tua O t 5ni t&-f aci ~ tt t lca cleues ai Cathalice are as distinct from u i e-cl'id ans analler as arethe BeuesudUc 12an O:C J ad theretci Rouages*sud the lUne ai clesrage S tel e xttnîrt3ia'a I vi bl ue ni>- eti - :oc marne cear>' evr? BLu beiîz ~ eriv.e . epricee ïcci.i iower chau ever. maue sud every R.ýug. ou liber&! bbcbgl pina ji - fi ~tordt:r tog.« a Gallican or hiberai Catholie. ere>- ersan eX i.. ceseary new fa .ýzý Every intellgent reader and ob*erver orainsd iL adao bes a a: tp.ricee to aetonieh.. \X,-w pubic veas dce le imeai aplesutais tla agenuine c!oein&r ou, ,aR!e*and_ yor_,&L plic ile tresilicetha tme ofPapinau 1sure oeote>- b>burîng a, tcZCV '-rî i Mà.«-n:-ý taeappe la. a stries er th ie arc M&L -rlebin. Terins-Butter. g; or cash. on IiIs ubject durlnu te. i,".t zmontt . jpieaqecaýj and etie aur(.u:.:- " n ce. is Ererybady Inave t-ba tice Mr. Laurier laeBe. b: ' ':b.C eutered pubEc ilue le ls .becen e oait o utapaken ofrUlttra! Cathollca, as wltnc,s i. E ' bIs great espeechin laQuébec sanie pears fago e .riiýRSA f .e PoaV. A ou titis subject. 1 AYSIVI.-ARY. - tbteincurch, .-.::- In order cht the reader m'..zht the more; iC 1 c.Pebtta. hrl oc ciearly see th@. .eît e State vue vere uta, I _b h. nnvrsr ' ecs: acrois ue t IIme the triasebêtveen these KucOx hurelh bre en S'bb'lh. ' S~ tua perues càe.ta a Point marne etei snd or- the tfoXowin9 o<ey-un, aga vîcu the pope sent cvtr the. blè&tedelivef ane cf àhL u ,.u ctrslu h Cmoy ta &ae anwlcvsîl c- sêifltothe churc!i. c1in lu lIaportion o aiievi.nerard. I UMEt.&L-dr un:rLea ai tSi5Y Everybody Ineweth.tInt cCluà Cau&ia1 place vas sr- nWiL*A. dieu ai Mottresi waà ioersàain Leîrmvîev'-Auus, t Orpnao he r±de's.-- lIai Guibord, eaniember oficu. ta uhon, therr, 2lar&-~ aO~: Irb:. banal vas in a l sC&thaIlc cemetery fliarr!5Kt crf nyw:. erVudbyti was aia s .keral Cathoilc. That Mr.BT .c ano~.A:~-ednne was aéo ahours receiving conzrtusne, c, Doutre Q-C.. mice dead, uho carried the 1 opl oad.~te vnig:ar aue airb"s irde sud w-os, vaa, hie -te aprcul£n vig club sud ita xrembers, ibrsl in churel oi routto rsa trirc, e etnu Ovri 0=e sudilupolîtics At tIs ime sloe.eprê- veege. Many c,i.r.%t u.&,en. sent Carditial Taschereau tack a promu-j GoOD.CRO!',s.-Tb2 ar ts are 5 St. u neulpar laîleeu-ie.lieit as hea;j tlrougli larveztinig. Crc;s lu chie viciz:r1; tMi*op vIoalalys urare the prises aiOrlis 5"t eIr gocd.-itM diacere prier te esectU ons nar ta lzt i rere EA! riPàA 2flbt irit x lu eleer.ion#.e. H. i s adina dîasppruç- -IvcIity tool d-::g i'ttcep:t Ecd ai the incorporation ofthîe Jesuitl.t h asc Nasnl- n corroborateil thîe grand wmaster veela cuiniter go cto iesucd ~ .~ (il.- A