- . a - a a - VI~ A - .'-- - - 4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Tn T d UEAIj W&&'mLW» .EA àFNKKK1 Md ere fla e aamot AT WO U< A<AX~i, Tierslu sgood deai of gvound for ti.. - I uspolo susMi. Abbomts miam o 1Se1 54aO~i%4%U0/> IoAI& uiorosoui Sud. vuii*0. I"d et d» ,~ ,~, ~ ~ 11 th&. .ooud Opinion ltaeMromfouet. Lu"?n. AI* lokng temlu id -- 4A L l-Tle regalâar mffetngor L O l so il w., eu ereoun epf. Sud, ii tIse ollewlngf aoelssion u as eref ltelvo t it rth. lgpày1ibrumerotfsMisjnu. lu ?t @hwtheir 1 ~v» Olel thI. sAnd md.onduit - CA N A D "scitssî<tanW Ali.Iter. C £UWGC COJAZW IIf sThoe bold stand tlken by the Orange- 'en of Zmily viii sei a #hiver of dis. Ui b1tehIO2 ' 2~ 4,MI, dovu the. premier'a spinal clumu.t If they liedi rosolrgi sMi pidgsd thons- 99MW ud -k..$1O 0 GOO u' 1"Ire toabstali turonsvotiug firS AIISI U) * ~Ansd hie caulistes th. chleftsir Vouhi '- 'oocet*inlly have" toit, that the outlook vas disotrgIug, but uhen they go te thé 8~ ag'Ig ~ tai xtr#me 1ength indlcatci lu their réou ~*n' pvoon, Xl b.oun muet felthat hie days are litliber«.- h*poor nid ilnuvii, mv. lb. 431DIVIlU u 180 vef, try té befa r nier suis heavy - trial. hWi4l< £ UftI'S i l is l rcthoreareM seras people ln tls plinapt f% V ery Iuformb (M d unfoilîîq vori Who vil) point the.lnger of scorns As L. 0. L N.41, sudt W. . ý~, dvèlr# tisas If ttis.aili ti.p propose to Agent4. LimMai. do in thee mises the .Ieauit agitation tàd .A Éli M;: ims.-r*viii nt anount to anuoh. But these Z- Dc k.peiplo are uijat. They mit too muci.t Ctdanythmsig more vith fumas o b sked îrm No. 411i DI IR/ BA KWarnedlun Minue Kir John viii noS *ventiacto iattend the peterboro rail sho,1 ZiZ to ArAndi render couaplouous t. the vorhi tthée ~ ~ onunos aseneof No. 41. NSy, sir1 aaa*svvs, . ~ eoha vii not rssais i more than a day or s,~ w~, ~ p~.us. to in Toronto, se thet no Kalily Orange. t. hOLfalt> It. éët I: eli Maagr mftsQU obu0, prevoented tuom n elg the aghta of these otyby th. drosi of express. C @Uiiitd e e *I5laiOO . n:lY hie prosence appmràoa f %r1 a..es 's ssoê JohlNgstand (on the treuttotata e st ,éé MR.uu isem inssses'Um" 1is m"te tlu Ps'etI44thm.S 1ir Itbhni i noS, i.spet t ~Attend tho >IF.1»I1y tait i loî,as it vas lit =w 1 »IW~là u ft t ibns fint' hcoXlhot' onli n i tse Sudo. Tih* otiser lHges luàIinidy aould ousie1 uràsIessu??o~~ laliteont and join No. 41 in itt noble stand1 BÂVI GS E uX . Tht' partisan tory îkrganti are enuleavor. Usvigs aeoaleet tonsliv doIsVsupvd 5ng tot4belte: t reîrt of the Ontario A. i & u, ae' iemomtnkinneu. and has'o attack.i tise q».sa . li.te. a1. ss. onunrce stisemslvs's luorder 10 - ~ prevenus their report. frout in any vej gi, (~i 4os. seefttlng she ninister of euain Ms. .J.Tlley. tins cf the commission- tùIIiAY r> I~srrr. . en.ale ns'pil Aedund srained educa- - soni, sud. for Prof. fîcynar sud Bei. xl ï morimîd shey. Sou, are iiinWcfhigis a #JizU A O uNi% c. oliârsten, vWho cannot ho injlfrsinlupublic epi.nion by partisan sassit*. To cotinter. Thi oit-rosi 141-ahas heen pintacift sotifAtise. attftks wu print tise opinion of ~ auiogutar oidtinces luth4dates cf tise Casadisu ftsitisti wisich mayes. 'This thé ctwo piniocftise.telav o6tnilescftise . ltiutir, impartial report, white 1$ dos es-s f onthé .lti.t.*at-at»%setanditise'ntt-*pe ia adlargoly to tise Informa. wee'ut vsissu& cfth' on.Mi. ibt* ion already PcasesMedb hs toAlttala ii:ggltn. Wh4tthoulI ::have foflrivd ip tise*diusidn in the Wiueio~,etiiatt o nt hepresa. wl o( cift: tiés)e It ii f .luslys aw ofiqens groas service an jivinuin lu cocise form& Ipt'fotisas ", -th*deiarîAins t Sby . nlishi. basfic for luference sud action.i Isho voy tv.gé'néral n.ot f Interfère è- Mos atu-prejuicei poren vilt è! sitisthse îuivnIa et la uestion ue shinks aoies tisatise rocoraeuatiou. fights and tcnustitstina. Tisepoier. té cf the comumission are .Minontiy judi. tts * wi ot .iia t oint m **s. ité ls 'obu. They include' Abouit ailtise Action lh ssînieters wsgos- ises.sinetise t 0o c S.publie ool plipile iu tise U4.SPbîflpniIqii â Tei. 'is.iemdology'laguago tf-tise country th" y ive lu by a-f:tise liuofg(,en. iwnld efrliy 'ts es fesremaupplice to M'oel' ie,attentti-otf pWnli"# 'au ifs .tesl*arronUsellge.Tiss.vi.bj eumwso imd adm*bW, M bho a mr*0..cteiuotintusa.ra vu tSemoi.» qscf ii u siwr. le vIlpladcfatehu. laid dis, A. m reordklau- ms tos has h obm:.udbie opiou o b tsepooPle ltewtai. asm us. fond su chs h user or moosi"gei goeod ti. oussr. i. t -1sbelsu dvmedSua te~ oui i pblilsd l te à utsvd"MWvidal vho undoetisk lii. eplala' hhm 0*m *hms 'tvsa .,U.sspolieus Mnt o 1»hamisup sotisSi Oft-aMidue4M OWee.04e ii.n Ua o«Il, tend t.produce ehlgrlg l. eu. aiemp nesi lUfoiaellMd, a#Whirosàimuum ises e' roraeWhgslaweiiifAt hêroisTise <mlss ivlae souM a ei lai e~~~ .pemw .'.JbvM MofA jiwimau aymorn hud poseme vie um u n ~ M .<miU ~ .pviey Mw& 4 =aeqvym . mieCap" imost. a . wmu tdsIs vu vea eea ___à_____" vu* ta in uqseus ii Llite ovesf»-- Mal, iSu Irêç. C faw e - l" MI te~W OAK!OOD, OAKWOODS ThePepl'aCash Store STILL IN, TEE LECAD9 Ansd vAO te<»«oew.ulv.ya aAMm bu; oeupe<m buebutva a»atus de "0944 a of eI ,toi-t1 oeupe Wins vUS ai.Undme, ieh 5evr ~ e phsbN muu0s-,lua# he ,vwatee f a, shSeofe* CR0011118, BOOTS A86 SHOE8, GLOTiIIo, IRESS 00018, sETC. arE i;oem u ma pm om» V Pm1..de ma ufIm a me toem&s.Bw W. H. URINAI i - longer. 35W. MeGaff7~ EARLY -AUTUMN McCos. 7 Thée Petueo nev i li0 olemuà Mmd 5105 .e e0 w» éat M v or anotd vltb Mv.M usle be es . .a a me e lWuvm for th* pussp of tdu Jema 11016 .4i.PtY as einsne lhusv Rvlw iOMMi PU.tmioy onulm ob > 15-_ I'rau Iadi, md*baM llâméloirs liUi15 i luitU5f àBrook mma"P578stla tSar vy w o u affmfBU ....., tmk.Mulagiand DéhiSDNMw.t, bou es wonk for thé; North i Ontario oiaon5~S OISUB.t fmves for the. oommons,, but ii.'libot hi. bottom bust sts .aew e,~- dollar on olh Aquire Giflespia.ttIng tiesi. eseaismb~sswe ibis~ tta.Tseuur e on uforn"ul y itsk teobat rlglte1you know. tw asa, *dm07 vus pewul - ~ &bu" SM lmtii puit . To b'a b. PEvidence la the. -HakMmad election vwu J ! ' ~ ~ bla taken durlng tii.paiS ek, d on Tt*SUes. lS *14%01161Di C day jtudge Fslconbrldae '.Judgmeut at 09 nth" M Bsh lai"s: w tho Toronto court' bouse ýon 1tie case. ~ fsIbry0 Oissdfs la "e ohumisocalIgg Tier to the evidonce~ . odoeideai ht the .elec- orti.*0 BROOiM MmIboprovins. 0f eb .n wus voided tirough corrupt practices 5*006 ilh viam u6IVOu, sMd',vs of asnts. bus vîthouet ti.knowledgs or iê 55U5,vtdtr consent of the nsufld as. . The. quetion edt0siç teselvea vitSii the am of ffltql ft ln jyanc.This unasats téffl. ý leaeru, Sir BHetwrLis. Kr. uoter. p'1l8. Who eited Lus KelsaugseBe&. * eu& wmq tPiser thue pr-om Thse Watchman m&%querader affmtcto 50 I-àndmd Vae taaflloto iS". em b. indignant -bossum.as acorrespondent aemld Tiir 1 o, 0 IBbdwd1 vsmai.s astersMd atg mentionéd ln ue: Por lust woek tisaS &"Mffebes t chat 8011001 vus lir, W. fla.kvell of thts -town was 1on. of = 7 "à" isas arsof. Andduiria, man the "mistonaris" ho vere endeavorlng 'bu lia*0 tise b.'5.,1ta Imlig for t quai t. get Marposa reformera to join t ý »d t va'e defeStel.by tie Jesf froe equai rlghtxa associatIon. The. Watchmana &"us acorPlii.dMr. Joie, a pmrena admits tus "tii. vîst of Mr. 131lackweil to Caoails.Proisess, becai tiseleade t Mariposa aepur.ly a matter of businessth ub",Tii. EOIIb flslUgitors, wu and 1hreorer ifin d UM 1al 18go Mail t"erial Eeg durng hie reorm"sad conservaS ves ails rMe rotu i ocsenriatlvas: alik o e wal" d pon, snd durlng wich Pomptoi, Elumoudansd Wolsm, Sie,. doubtiels the hurning 1uemtion(sof the ubISOï .Drumuoug sud ArIao hour vers <ilsusme." w îîy does i.t Mr. Brome. MO.mtlc, Âre-olteîl sud!Poste. ltlsuk 1 t oamouvs#the.coniervatlvms MuttgCmtS lai Sieffbd ishotlug of ,p u Rmtly W ore ho la w.lI.h novasom SUrvua OUIV 1-1làbrl.lu17 and with wviinsho muet iaveapevr. bossle un oa s e i sonal Inilunce», and e4suvas thcm ne Weil e-41W a.Eu Ivesto dt. mtme an reformera. Dur Information se far le. --- iIde vivoted-fer . joywor t.hut. oniy reformer ayâe beeu canvsssed satuBiby oùl otveas m % te wlth an àdi tor hrown lu now and then the irecSt t on vlt il ey vers . odlsrm suspIcIon. tiaioai Tey ime 1h tsiu. DO The Otts*& flee Prosua: " « One ofit OO la US 15 mne iet me Freac th" BrISais.@ous bave ivap ue e" s the organn cf the McCarthy wlng of the bahm li te dollar. sud etae m tory parti ys yetaS when Il* frienda nue. Rros le VUi tho. ()oar PeOl0 l ia coedai luptttng ýcontrol oft h. foderaild- oal 1 i81UdIIOStates cOlnstaraellel illnmratl1on vo wîî have 'a couservatîve mo u ueUOSof Mm, ead they ad hat tise prss loyalist *1b. th govornument fr..d uoin, thi, dictatton of à rê . mibnuipeudAce sud»sac alto French Canadian minortty, vhoseway lis. ltevomest tbey viii -mltasit bien th&* of the. gang Of briganda gatàer" serves sueur mateuna istermé. 'W@ vue lng lu Bloom 8&.sad vlthho!dtng thei lmea iil10afh" p m MwoMW stupport sf11 psu the ranaom or bribe vhich Bug" thuas uis province thiMu they chose 50 make: the. price of their loy. hemésiela 8Mr Jobs'. bouma becquse, aity.' Thia leaffa ms to Inter that the, pro. la 151515ame mrnuii. lho 1;;2&hm te rifle SM. ooetofet ubeir melbore.. Aal sen eos.vstvegoverument. la under tetii u Deosmer, 189, vies ieHu.vJo1 controt or domination. of the. storesai vpeetugm e' picpe r, eu "agof brigans," sud -reminda mus a s phold bi i qa iiepnv a that nwhe SirJohn Msc*icîial surrendered hoWMusai sitMe provinceaur Brnt to the. demanda of the' recalctrant Bleus gil u ssose t am&&.tas m cuu*uor0 -vihn asaembled ln floôm- M, underr M. our poor Cam"sufa»iant, vo vers ('hàatt"t4 dirrection - -neisher Uv. Me. mMâulâsigtu Power Une-boodlere' bri. ('4rthsy nov COL. O'Ttrio nos' auy oSier Rade-Cbaplesc, Seon"i - Duserea & anti. I4eneh champtin venturedt..prc o- -is Profersace tihe t mms3017, test. It wax only-afte. rthe. Quebec .mem. bust liatsuentImenqu"ck 7v&nid vies 1bers ee@*ss o 0vote aWtdly vt the. tory ~nu eEff5 party that fMr. McCarthy dlacovered or Uv ot li semewBOv âte u be lb tuud sondai tô diacver gat they velu un-. Mosîveal eOesr lectorau»Vinea remmaat eslirable ailes.e vflaton bIL a v" semai m&jorlt - l~sven te.-Mr. G. W. Sîsushes. Tib*letmr Tise.toiiuglot, s&New York publication, tau Dent admit. ltiSthe ieUtramoutmue g1ve4.sar weae oea fAneportrait 0f somie surecei.d la, ibe is n wiusvlbmeb pronluent -newt4paper .man. % rerent e ii eIh. h r eof tcourse, eAxceptionsetAEngilsimet adorne wltlîapeaktg lîkeesafor> *0 nit ecause. of the al an sd baniome young editor NOv, vbh"resues have peu t. compla of the MZnd nia rie Banner, vWho is 51.0 viesMr. lMercierfeilows exactly bo ereidoit*o theCatadin prýx 1 mw oiwhlc bcie EmnVliti peopie have Np prtiidet cftht Candia prea ~ proyed sud. susal=_1for thé. leur uIMv tion. The secmpsnyiug letter prea. ives pêses. an appreriative sketeh of 1Mr. P.V. Somer. Tbel foros opo" us cluriosi rule viii a villes* promitting cm"eor. Mr'. Sonservil Vecm-mW* vsomspay lieuutihem ov In an energite sd able publiaher, audl cots. 0f course éme vii sit: What about a"ilibralpluat 1 i surprise peu ehu scerededîn uhat manjothers have b,ý lmmpou 'am"te m us Fote falled-ln devetcplnoe lu the' preis amsocia- déési tiona t@ndency tb diacuas pracblcal hui. siry covltimasi liasmiithe iesulv usast -mat tons.'the appearaue of Ms'. couaui vii suasb. abolisisiby fr. mir. SomervilW le.itar. la thé Joursiallit ill sen ilumelt. lis Si me fatilie ttami "4t.rt op an abuiùLans crop of etandidates ofrs.everln morsefily pour quaeshos; for the' honor of hetg r« idMent of the ibut from- via 1 knov cf m. pse- M.?_pr& affloetation. ftit Il.a"-e[tug et.a &n»wv fudseve 1101107ytiasui yb. vlo------Mel -And n»e@M&fsY quâlItWaIon wMhh111iibar;vi*0 ot b. broughî&bout îy &J Enganks ount à gond wnuy ho might otherwixs of tâts proviase. nope go 1111 the chair. 15 L-4 obvions2h5 Ith&& -e. lveill t t o umble a" lie f'titunroprosideus. muat noS only b. tnîty maJorily, b7l te Degilsimimority me r*o<t ansd ablesud .stateaman lièce, sud Bis.If 'bey uaretluoees livh authoritles *ou butter maing. whteh à Fauwcu CANAI>UN. 1momt. cf thiem are, but they munt aise . NsLAna.2t. lsie hausisome or aM leâît >good look ing. ,The _______ à__ preentvie'-preidet.the' aceoùliheda 1 edttor cf the Woodtork Sentinel Revlev, goums-C@ Iellaui leinebon, mme. Edu more than 111thlla ili lu thua respect. n o se,. osi.t a umg. that. the uasoctation la sale for another -On Seul M m s he t f M. Toi year. But ws tremble fMr the' future. IAg~it S. rk taiube. COMM vjgljCàA70MB. ofWM..Grifeéti. fesqof.a et . -10Avmar.- on Anumset3152, lme vifsylvpie&- lie ~ ~ ~ MIM Naoilre ee .trAu.li sa.,Brok, f mo. kv lrseeflblsMrsvA"". Ume lus One. Door lut. Simpson Rouge, lrent Street Lindsay., Macfarl ana 'Wilson. CH.-INA HALL Is Headquarters for WEDDING PRESENTS, SILVERWA] DINNER SETS, TEA SETS, CHAMBER SETS, FANCY.-GOODS, KM -GLAS SWAI N~IVES, FORK SPOONS, LAMPS, GROCKEF L CROCKS, - FRUIT JARS, De NOw ]BUT ganU DOLLAB'S WOiruetH. Geeda wilhes i Liacasing at CHIN~A M we wiIt p.eIiiveIy umadeUit i ether di MACFARLANE WL China Hall and Silver KITSTIETS UID8AT, OPP. NEW I RE, .S AN'ýD -ETC.. Me. abve [ALL, a-. LSON) --Bazaai PMS OFMIE I Johin SImons. The Greatoat, Yulno Ever Ofl'red totehuic in Akt 50 cents MPer aitato W lad at .JO0H N S1,MON S. Also -a Lineý of WooI Hose at 25c.' Job LUnes of Check Winoeys at 10c. Navy Flnnel 2kc check Dresa Goods 10ç. Grey Flannel 15r. lleavy AilWoolDren ,Goodorh 31k for 20c. Onlytwo Shades - ---- -of this lino in stock. - --. JOHN SIMONS. a En En. W., MCGAFFEY, *1 lý OUR, ASSOR TIEN TCF DRES$S COCOS For early autumu trade is most complete, consisting of Costumnes, Costume Cloths, Amazon Clothst, Henriettas, Foule and Bordered Sateen Effects, which are pleasing in effeot of shade, rich in finish, and above al, Low 'IN PRICEl. REMEMBER. WHEN 1H SEAROH 0F OLOTHINO That we are the acknowledged leaders. of the. Ready-. Made Clothing, trad e in, Lindsay, Our stock is large and our prices are the LOWEST in the trade for first- class goods. -i 1 3mq 40