sifo 'AisPt* ssd m 4Uj~tcM ' peh i M o w "Ath1lo11, I wa.~ ~Lvz., asz~z, m COK$, COAL .4AI OOD. E-mh minai mas!of aul kW&ds kpt at aMy yeN. iiet b.lovnu iwî Now la àyoul te abt a" Msudeot fat 8"sale umbetiuri Lias. andian TU. In stooLtelpoeco&ein r. l-mwW bma l 1 ', 4 ' . TZEN.5. *i.oo pu >tW A WtSKf - l oek l t N. à nmmu as" tk fit ieoi e4 tvu, r Ih s - te"-' ,,î"mn "uît l'lie ii-t ift. e lev A ? i ,, ' .t * 0 6 1SA - f utt t' À 0 t ISPP? ~ ~ 1 il't miS f nv. 8, t 1.aM. fi ftiaiutfiifu u' tivfP oA1 r ienifias -r , 11A tp. s'it uui t t t h r' 1-vt 1;. ~.... -le I bIr k' i> qrvI>elK t% Il1 1 t'. ler ' toj r coni glu.iiuý1 la Irgf,6 M Uit. b««' MeI~rvE &f UART, -E-CORSIO'gNSLp~' 3ei., el >'m a t f Irv t-n-ý i'4 Il oruerstulof Il INNIS' iii III I t I '48~ CI g *u~"eu>' 'I ~S if t>~ -~ rur ¶I,>#t'~S i t e t~ 4 t-g~~ s i ~ $28. I s $36. ~î'1ît .1. " OrS. 14 ~.pI. ~b ~. i~*s. 5 7. (-'. ft-IA I VIIL4T, fi uif-'t¶'. î.îad.av, t k t ~ t~ UCTION SALE ÔP - t. . 5'-- .tti4 ts~. <ut "~suf- I - - ,t *t ,,,' - -~ - -- ~ ~ I8~9. anti ~i-ith- i., .tf¶ft4ift4 titiS ifits., -tu S "Itt un ,t,à- - - fr-titi 4i3q~ur - *,~ - ~- r 4-1er attW~rxy. 'tii \ i 1i~tj4 aN-i -t- - J.. ' -;: r; t -v .ii,-i lui; - - I X J.;.' ;;~i *;*.j t, -r - - ,~ lltP'tit5èqp -Iu'-- t ri ftrlit IN: 1 - - - -ýe tsv.<u a -r--. --'rt< iile abth WNIqi». o tptIr 'O Vh' tIs , t.'ta' Iq' .t-' s..t rt t,"i u ut tl l ti-trJ,,. -fts f,',,uus tbIsu't' the% '- ut t 'tîlp'.. E . 'fe.' ay f ttt . . îs * îîtgwl> o Ira. 4» ft r - (T t. me "Mt -~~~*k - - u,-aI. dr d-_ Ir 910 am awrEvumuI% u&.1 émul mmO mmaWa BMO - us uauot.aà hm Jém E et bas mat àsy. ___un e.e l r ai " m k «w mo t b FL V LL.,Rs UFFMORD.rin t"wudeqme m MM r» eLmmy oD-r.J L tmm ADa bjâm aTHESERBOQH.-M.. . i.Wiaa nome » go inm ofetKendal for th audioesmc 1 _________________ *UD lUPUSh Umm uNB2<teROtPEMNOA<L. - Mise E. . tlam a Id& et WJ@ r dj m M tu ae-8" demi u*»lad Who vas aciim.ia y abot brothWm la Es e , ete . M T towaomu*atumimu on " y bonaspamion athSndey. Wilson admmdMisM.A Akupujhv Ve are NOV an~~~l anjou~it», ta apoa.e dlimdadayftua fua b ecs to J.Lindsayj t~ b Pl mbm t.t--me l o o e ZI . hem --- &unable I LEttTL BITY the tSt mnm hakmm .m etm,4SlleMd JO ObS l8wuomM habu 55 utatlmd £romthe onut.LITL B op'iag180EBIDMM& WuAJPwS ,S n-q . c,,d pineSmmuw.Liu..-nv. FathatO'Cmnai [corremonde.ce cil Pmt ~~T Mliv Tcm w«U dauthems.omm Eruwd Coertailo, EL.W. Hicks eldira nhg PIuemg. !OWblm% m, m%, BruoCoin. busines, ow JYR.LLl 4. nuizlla mudumyv neW usdiab unol. flhmà , u06 les MdIhDvya-T». ame orthd e t , f obKilby ou t [130 tmman..of Tbe PaOJ Purchawe. "ould ci es. mbfoepis Er fluides Mdbwvl4 igm4 M. ma adn hymM itbea - AN1AL Tm& A» BA8E-BM. lg =- itatheir ordere elmsvhen Who " **omme d"muuh0orddamseptleio. mnum l u îftTunder the vu-entai roof. ami &adth mWMemhm yMd acart AODm PoQue, the talemztor R ~ ~ ~ ~ i Of, b m rktg e ou onsai. ~ b o wiy wilu b. s ath un O i. elahome &ain. u. He t- 4luvit (To b~' U'0 ~ E POU J bal b tu~~ l . Lttie BrUni a n d a ... BM Wv rom ance couatiy tbIs year, it bas yIacodenitiable C&Oe:, comoed Wil uclubs. The ladies am PuttiflE forth RsCOVEiUG.-W r lae oa rios er"u Owm ebi reer.y éet taW Mee It a sucSuesand va James Barker.amutnd awI 2fe ieuta Na~ Mn Eoaa~ ru lo 12, 'are loklng f Rondst tiiii Md a large 1mars the hotel and taie .u 1,~odqa* 09s Mft ali ey ortcu A à chU or Sntoelapatleulw. Net a t Mr. Radd's%. vhere haollb ai ob 4, is AE*f il f -madi mt t dfiM4L prIoN et wbrUk usas Prn hinguto.. lu FR.LYKaIMeat hile office froue ..to4ps qv tig nûtadta oou du te Wbotill014aRé baih fgrprom!aeatly, sud lu vhicb the GBAn.-BrrwIzG.-Mr. J. Lyti. vil! AT<E boyW -dr~a te u rit »sVe ~~ .~ ~ pl endtet wwte oersauez u e rmierisa Goups eE Emtheoront of«.sur s od bis butcher bubilue 0m*Jo ueusMd aiduet theproposai îesvlug hibillsti," wek Herria 0f Oak-ood. W4 ibM.Hnt Ceiy. ezaminnetiame, aMtithe umas of the tu. fBxamsusVINT munaoma th Mm arCy sucesa lu hiemev Dow akng voguees@&proit bw-mwu om Ct iflb=LEARIG SÂLL--W. ~~ai bildng Mdla D.ai15 gaso~ste peuuhm M asiom; a n aI C4 ust sud loverai .xcltlgb ~umme otne ihu .a-dsce eut lt Onorea et luaalI.s., Who Inupactat la takem, tu tealafor daring ici uh eprti msai ailumt Waaahgouver bl A. 9pu emma.oinium, on the probabile affiect oet oiA-Misa sd MM F_ E. u A nYbody lu need of irtcAebran pf0i5 JBmeD*DessS, chalinan buof wftyi acanus s Ierencs [aY hbedi&auhome b e yac*k.Tho, rithudhm.presched a very cloquent i-erm1ud heei )tb, reportlugthaaduqarbijglmorthe and fi; may hurt. the lnettî. Mr. Rai'. thore of Guelph ameapendnafavweeka ln the Chulitian cburch S~a.W n u»0 Ofa t" 1 11 1580118 cS a' vs fo h»batone -mars17 contrsdlca "bhat I did mfot 84 home.. da nn t e lshtair e p ucael SluIav.-o ILvo. mme vbau t. I1aMy ona pupil 0f the,.)ÂK WOO1. ______ M tisaA ati Goda sro mm umrT& o«frelarsd o rmti.aar[orlinda m ?n-r 1oofb fThe BePost.] Qe. ulmpyimpra l I _ p menthe, muother tekes one.su4vt .ra~GRa&iiBrrxzrG.- HOgg Bras., Mars Z VENTS.0F TaEWB "-- - . u ïr-qmE. hic suppth o se lba is àefoh hl g sn ih n ul ed o h p c n h ri uMad et e t , omgIsadllpil. l@Ia the iretortb. tIft one a upittal :e o u on A teN db hohv a.dxmobs Wulhm handteoEITcuAETho.r. he.lama voWi&bltrto utdsynt. alm stperecin frolgn & Iayi ou et nolaetme . pu_________ v. M chair ba W n e ro damn.Soavas a. aan Wi,1j~ ii'k1,s ff~ 55 UP Imu or".sw Ai bau diy of e aiaaunhr UitMInOMu.Jon runkBruJohn . hilm, wo li.-TE, tr o uedepao r IAMO u~uu aa~a.i~- u wy ~ -- ~ Sxbotter ot baie a n« bi h dgoon- ft h, slpud esftna hefr no.mstimhetpors tuuhl dabautores o ' "& leng d ae& thy loe ed latt er mM.Wn allvj OaFI SO n1.Ia aya halm.TIt ir nmrs a rthrvd buuofled,, ema t b. ex publcatIo. h ie osplni arrhait, t hie =, mmi heBytarlj R1hani e ubibe stf n h NI1lr84f~5. ivoor ff, asAN amn ulïJ.I natPa.Iam. EtawodA utrntieex iarmet reD~W~I 1AAiZVi1pupa b. uml dte, sd te d oer ot radfTmo lîbe OakB. Sng aof srt a ne W--.soraâdhmduynt)foidrr. ohn Blr.-u. lng carOa.pThe. fih ortedat~ - - ~~~~~dan ue1o ed, and stcb mdug a ig c oatalu d l L b. ulln thehtm-aaM d i" on ewey nuFayo b~mto bmpade Pprilslyt d-frs eonry f poh' daina tema ro' pOlef lOter f ter er. mFale iè m So onteabdycehsln.Ter ebr i Air Sc, raibot tros s -ao ttd. M. G fram dy'e a » abect eg lb. i -ure oWiiiflandthe t god mgobe pid s » . ahly 1h. issn d 23OW eetorp s arablertlntl ho n cffhif chamm t'O ,ha ex.ehmectdya il wiho kev hl m ad -Thpeak;g t a Ro tc'm eeig an sn-ruoe. 8M5IW(4qE> eryM hsaoulffl alccetehapeo safm bnessthoasm elie lgtuO!eve, l Hder el eotIe.dy egn.,Jm emps fâthpenyvyesrsrue.e.a i. ihi reCaderieu o r eie d ellianosa Wate iifd lb. theigla l nom'et e slAv a e alt of p0eei.- Yor tbaj, mun n t inieha oug do, hamoe &vork. Nshworm naietyii o u tn1u.tlteauto builg m ues do1h10rialit ther asmant lL u Boau r. alott he nLuuie lub.ov tlpfC'ubîait mfore i ev'r cftihe sr utican tE lain Meot a e nrs i se lt . the atmul sk. LisWiib- Rtwrtay. plthe lî frisais or var marepsglyetefo. r ii' ace- k i e togîtth TRI F MI a ai'Ô U?1Etch u iont. -faaelyof rebay amafor grl suaivthenetFranklin'. = coed l m ou soies v. lba Dbecuvas uardîTo ha Eitoe o, rue oeT. 51v Spîke vs vIL Bkuova lu of arw D Il e4 polc~'oretfort ele on Or os-lb uje fa. 18dWat~wna yM .rigut ,dock fo awyr te aye of a a:bn e made Wu;o a ~ New Âdv'toitSeomm ta. NeAd eiUe.t et.Jl clbetor. aponaiot h1 1euho»tth lter aTEPsrsgaipd< thgder old« . Ha va inmthe l- :i. andegie; ntoila - __-e ea.Smrybut peImbleusa bee doa o m Mr-C.S.Gr aa hyobhmeant beng tdlheas rhm.nla aMar.J &G noî~ e.&: dlaut At heêm *UMny iîîn . iests:î ~TAT11) Aemitons mtiuwUO PP5 usIMU Om A NTIns put foreèea it lngmner w-aHu dcre tueda, .i~hp"Gv IY~ î*~wti u~~ ~ Ou Mo htionof mlllea t mako L., men e. murraundag countyr-Wlndleuor. -i' &Inured l niidoE <JJ'MIdr-i.yol. V 11>fl4Brus.1 ' tent u*t DtIIteI. iMfft u' nerAetuiru ies d te ofice o trfloa bowe" he re.erceas.o W»te 'the? i' fft M4 uil I <>I tl"I*.IL SaM>N Alm' ap. movod ruera 111auewilt Ya zuy &'& = :1 oTEE d-o oe ok.N m a y ies lu n o. 4u- i .u t od o building DurM"rrv.. QIRN<l unim.Jsvlm§am IsSu..- &lu fluelly blaDtheWIL (To Pof'rj BB4 VRRTON. Tmorhlln eckcd saliotsevere twe0fy-tv ~@teorar~. ,>~UAM., sd .s-ou o y ou,.Bows ln. hî T fo w» mdoe h hyPat . A Ir. nte waàk; ernsen a e aî.nîîcmaInnR rra"j o r Juiy.cbmrac£teti. lacu dviisu e t ur - rl .A srv iv iied t e telv.c h te >aepg.11, itua- .a.s h01 luanX.o m, theie re nefundasgawo tone eee.-ery 1 tiimt *lu ,ei tfuw d ua, t't'-. 'ht'Thn.ri o.fîhier8?M Jedaollai nt cvaut W d&oberthe * hvi enr ha els ala u:tth ok1o0h Oh thîr CoMfattt»,whe bâd n charge thedtiretvec marnye ady &goand 9190 l, thsm toe. L :otr tufl'llu f'qwrlt5 ~ ~ hitcfth vsihitcfDe..eee àr fli» h. 414 ontMM . f naor t tlete. in ter Par illet]-doe t c orne u. nmare indu~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l bu,~~~,î >lIfI4IIW, MffSf.liiii 4 l s .met Them doue 10 batIL SuGlvlrng thehad nth g o o lb. siouerhover, nee1 i-ual epct '? s~? I~z t a e ahril - 10 1Lg A OWT-L no. al, î servant. M.Hast. coesh syngm" mm a rpoerni l ion Satui'rept- Eti outon surad ro ti.c, Yo MAIl abuul 10hmcpslot ala e e ka oiq tUi tht L. r uil st Lt itaI eDy e in touech e y wupo. nue ofthel-Orgne ssniatIn azati-T eoj thé en te fut ti 1_1tý-- 0-.g* tl, Wl i u WLuU bmb bes vs attic oard ad crt vu e pafo.y u rs arI 1Lb ai, a 2p. n lulb no v tpoto u ra t heguNfbb AAtle d u ..b..sCoi.Deum ai _Tyetto iim fTii 1 the @&M&,iWu. à,uilIa ligfletbaus lu wlithhéRras deid vlth n mul ad Tramon ýte- h Bid ~~abu Sme,,.~ . f l e. ilotm Mada. IcUl mtcruretos yoIo ht iee eaiglIabgnîgsud hr ou fl, utrvm bIZCUy. ethrcfbenpaeve W 'q À "X AN l M. linreud r t :m u«ta maule the des a m - o ud »Oul e sr 1i eo t Tetli deter.aio fitrr VOU Sui mi cys alech. Ir111111-nld haitel50tgoinidation.tF.omuthefir.itti »a usai th014T [Tu theUETY. abuofbTesztPhl1b. In tu oruiopenbisatoi BAAtfUADaA aisaanauadera b b--l' eektsdOPsy r«VOhet re aoer uieporedof 0 autacî t-h. enthe txE..hefi six rtieb lppe u n y~ - sve hmel ViSie me ~IHI <lgAn WAWINI AfIJ P l ~iPJg~ wat sbis'ftc ncia'dlMM th ub of.ton. uce t saine eT an e lrropr e ty, t cour 0lOaalobaenetWh tby on r i o dde ir» t~si . he fe PlV 'XSV>~V/-.Tîsutitun o bcmlt. ta boid- rpartvas oyeek f o onda neMu. n t .,Ž avr utn:air a';jcuh l ue~ns *asttes..s. g4ln. Jwosrem uler. apDoy 10 isLi f. birlbdsi. m s d d fpaot uIis eceff u fl a ireport tbut8hari oey .e h ouIrcesofssuk-won u te the vi t h b wku . sd tewl "t. y - nevbaaeusgemeul cf yb.hpublic acaooe bur sln. Th t ives1oft h outaeca 1. .re tosiv. o G tobt moumes Ilusymi o S"couce ~ Ps.muho ueu uba ase bsmsvnlI htt a othi, thei'cf aîzsui '.d mt ui t!u i 11 i eu Oee. f p are ro 1Àtr A "xia49MdU)TPO vm ialI or. o e oWdluo mad the euTla itt o , udi c :d a s ou7 ay eth e t aed, ad t hco tco nû o oe. de J nrttte i oca PM " h 1, iAS" Mi . P fèl914 'r. ELheR'Phh Al? Si CaSTled.tosc lefb Ieslulb Bu hitetth haciilbuies vs oulec t furb-i Ad t .À Weilele! so1,10 '¶~~~'PI' 0Igrh il of ho 1 W offatgl a h de t5' odael ucol u ring the 1mI ie s.srnn v. aadenM t mtua & a TaiL hnt h tun.F ly Conuil Our ventlut csm llas olb,.tha y forhef10e9M U.emousrae as&al Aidaoipn lot itif. -wecorne;s thoeinmmerearthetisudcnt ho iresane km»f %tf ltiilt titfq., 0,obi-grt Mlo »itt) a LAc a u No.h-about9"Maemi b ut N. 37 l t h eugtucs.toamaber err-ai ta. sh ow, .ued e diow fou r a tofa i e ti du bo a Int niol hewnd 1.lsIma, Affiut ias a@ga u LLU INT IOV m0eofTe1 em,, ,>'mn M'et r.ssaImagm.ent ctoutase affa tdrpose iîtai Psy me ut&- Eut Sau! Te ody r'eteda or 8>11 eaU bagà-kt li8,inffgas" ho m abas g t as, t rounifore sspon Matouc hs uongton htte uuei alcMed; .atpa and the r lie nrdahl i~~~~mrs i m a i en, b mâmW intwuldh aa e " t hotrustS10ave, idtth&,ha aeoarao d a ti tm-a fleaitio.ternx hianwlc.uce t- -or.Seamnug be-b aue ien_ USor reinstateuient. A nnrnber c drta h ol'vs.i'lm.A ha epeu Ot nol e k #&$mm1BamumBowmàn Md & o't suumi M.Koal aprmuliequestionis voeelef Ita tha jury, un Ibeir ablac utnwho bc ea as t tfie,î>o aIUwwSîollhaIShbave 8 as u M- g POld Kr MVe5 o rumed'aamulpoesuapn .ipsasatrel1 es e a. SIgfi aaMevWvc'uLi epoul uhlcbon u uva pffalon pr orait.b.smenta ovich the indge vili prou".uoe mouet. se!d demjýh w" t!nl5f a.a vitai .U go aIl ucoaeie hmi Osutrutbtl s b.te u ndar dW ftet h0binarg &ument, lu Taoto. MP-H. duil.d, et&7 b muo nod.. Tixet ume hie plans scsea;Afiglu for plalint' Su oka for defatanEgo* touným a~oodBu. elneq- -but sohb.bai beot bavo ae. Tlca »ta... Barle vs. le.ý-Plalnîf so Ti eaiuleaeo.îteiiftc oa ~Js ~ IM&m *" ao ATWsdisttbu ht1 ha hum bua dap om *0 b.poswon O f ber brother, Paltcirfor sue hallofai fve aniswstr.Itmtno a*suiy T~ I~!Wes4veu .am»iimtviuuabled aM~.a&o., ,tma wlth y«rl am ageet $10) per mantb. Tme saatelbeanaw"1 - 1,eem 10 iuwgl eus tWSO . .mrked hatmeau wdu bools.Shd thebrothers, ichad sd Pab*tk, lu 1SS3 ho. unpait a stroDK.upleamanlrt. i o ut e u u l u M a M de 1 r e s a a t a u a h i t a b n m- 1 a l e n f a n i h hig a e t i r u a s h l ' b r e s d . R o y a l Y e t l a o f d u c ae b a a r t a ~ PUU frua Sko.W..I.Wca decliSlitaI W reroul utur tobaMberwmt»sd sistees, lucluding. plainti if, 11 ne%'Or. atia to make thse iùte-t wiet ,&~Epuomtd Veoffl M usnal mi1 . VpC i9ing vthe=su.AI the and orf i.veseas bres i i lmadie(0 ue r e Ua'awUiv8Pp~. -~ lalm àw90 81W l te S elUh., tovus Yom a trick marriai, tseolMatg the aId tetal. mireteins ua t etuti n ,sro , - 5~~ëlm r'fmcýta-* ddewmi"bnu amla a»du chutyas prahip fthlb ev. e ta là er. Iî la aise vaercheap. ai u- akgev osa emý1 15 tyjy wg tau - up hlcb lai toWMie"sud Sa w xa w L~indaaY. S au t.M be p atil' ak ng a stand agmIn si m k l u o -OI)l r e b r e fd lc o s a ML189 P» ceflaUt aim for W«»healthfui breuid. the ner kiniiuedt yds luis ou .2m aeS" *ane nkv - Me E UM& wasu made.. When tdu partis. Met pop Tis . lbae e loi aI~IOI s, 184" pIpe vw u abW14810t.J.A. B*blug. berricStav aoudiluuIWrdiaeilmd.. J. A. KcGtilvrsy jàelCaada ,0 elir'u uus eigiit.t oWaOe iW ws lugamnaIf vplaluli; N. F. Palmison, Q. C.,.ater factory In To.-Pno th"ci-'~hfhr miW.avub& ime mowjat 6 x»cais t e;'. i«, «&are :.'uaîrFo 10WmSubelo kv r. ta epet.dehaumt ..Ri Eche ve. Hari. -Plein. yeerss .isîego trtn âmunf qmnàwsoum surd mue« thn TLM c M~sO~ ..s ~ Meson à, O ubM VU OW baeboudaiMd ce y eh m fmre e'4lby every Jim-ck-roelad a"~ ammtgm no ple et OWofa!et litf os. vhleh deedaut Wbm#ài a St&mme snad al. md taybvma ~ > ~1IIiem ~Ilymaie, ~ ~ t le' a mubich, I l ct! olaae Tedm W» vs h1 t-s pymiYomm tisebotiuld~e aaat kdIns aun bobo*bai mdcnth et-b savimomi erthenueives. eiar d u as, illk A m E ga ai g e adi. by w blcb uth etgagr i~n ms ua s t . o t i e b UJIgrJEr~ - 55 B isptl e aso 21114, ain dub*0 bà" mdua& Titb.plalutuf mat by Md s~>rioris of aRal Yme« i bsa au =W09U "Z mi @Aehruil É Mmk tu a dlB.Mt pUrIn the udef-ndeýat uttlte sastous igelnts u la-iste e.a b &---MUeou -1ie d mm dp &a eae lainea ml div sud late the etrust analysteW!iàtailt tonse slf 5 U~~ » p . .~ - vi. ... à i'L < ~ ~ ~ ~ m w _ I bob eu11t a md i s M et the on cli a tes. qnis e a . - mude p a b. s is W ote i v hule uI~ss.afuw voMt-t vor et the plaintif ausidte thon. »9 la». TIMSI ivim Y .