i I I M".l. DM- wà« * lo MWD# -0 UiEBAL TAI cuW. m 1Ou v0sy. Bt te Ivt.li l Dwsoe at. pMorsin atpi o r neveand Atten.- lùé.T iiii. -tolt ýt-b -péd - * Aly o e. h -n C. IO&La lrktD. l doq. umndà: mM. - lu theii. Yt' Enl ttt'as lupertoâlar -.o aeor ofai.. lliaJ "rcoiprty tr.iy: lith Canadat. (>iar bM*ntreti conten, or avy go"s ae faittic sir, Chaîi Toipper ini his ele1brused .ffbr. 1%smy, (heitalies bsug on): "()w own 'riew le that the. tprospectof adjustimg'.t.b, fihhelque>- 14 tion psy -00h lie ft'omprmieing. oig Mt: t i. opoitont ofti, pub snst w ti. lest opd e euiitm d thae tae s d e tegi tu mef ac era- ian'4 sm <iai 1. atheo-lcte daUowlu~, "lite b btal Ch&l dusTI. et tii. -t"ubogibCadaah" the Is lt-es a' hagef pcdi 'h.op"d . taeu om ei couneotion lhmt.he w0mattu' 99sp t fr os T,3> 'Ilt lic Police" bai beom anbmitted, snd the. lmw officeaim, ai decidei thal it vas è4righim o"te ute .bill to its oesatic orý that it was rigimî for the. Quebec logis. laturs t.la ps ie ebill, vould th.eîRa. vi, iat ben adfiiIf tuhuyb sai "timepublic policy" vasuvvong veu the. Revîev haveacce t h. roeiy front their bauds? Wonhdi k nouainsn domff ftusine an ud iesiey lthe amm ceriah.dprivoule.njoysi by tà. people of Ca"aa Why refova questio et public poli"y teo t ory lavysinl Itniglaudi Voe ot bi" Mib. verse tisa D>ovntng.dztre"dme;,veoftha" à reUi tO à. pua"rimm"hofethall a century Npgo l'ne qusim Of et pnbio poiW , is tebu ededeib-à.people of Canals mai by themiens. Th" .11docidèe l afier ioes theii. arguments on ssci dm aMd i eghlag t eomeqe 1aos Th. qussa »I be vvcgly ileckleinsme oplaon et à. R«i.vlwor e of ue vii.b mq 004ages lmai excelleai mpiPer; bu t , voudbefW ler ehme a bui t s uugddou fis. à. P.a pis dm OU t.e, phWa "ulhtdow 4" s.fis,. lam i comm .W. v.* ep4 vlsi vu. a ommaw Md wMdo e d.au m i Md gDu oe- uIiuloam dou l m h.p80*mpwd; lui gi s 1mm.a mi .uhbl..ri .,hls. W. od .u ows.q st FR.£IWAD~~rom,~ WP W~iIAv ý 1 h.égeatt . *0 m*et MWe hvuélyoihgouàdi à. taton t au siau.b» mouay t à. i Pri. gm o ehes Ihali have oSoarola a. uhlny.Sv. v ms,à. emthé o0"0 N utmlyaisut m he audo*1 "7;à" qum ai il umuil làteav em"uela et M a a roiet, bai tà.q ou bemiu on l à.ido omua «moi 'a laieuhangodb Iuhutlou S pi or aa oomp.aêod rmsporlaSlcW m lamidI "U bt idob tiers aàr. .oaIlngM a. triemai. etemathte t ob is TavIhte mnez o ampmosila pu- et mont M" ema."TegisaiS do met at.'., moi d mo.. a my u t ahow -aMaIas uba orotevo"ld 0 umhe saroenderet o tarit ontuabut1h" ain t uut h oermo thtami.grui eulde te ims ai pohiblal holatieilbye aoth canaa iii erainemorsu hentrouble. eo W m oteoa Sov p.rth" tllyrie- WiiDo fe eni. reIv ur" s mmd appriably sal4pareàfslterobango 'a i ommoiltihaes te te adigatang tht OItâii. D»Ofiatom eeruom it 4areeme etd heloila. ht hemai ogvlume ýtimay petymlsapme i hwmslu».bThd rv oM uialhors, mdotuai they muai reawons et à o0o0t.cea»abM coureti ltal party il) . aemluls bav tii, cred e svn oositiea un.b Smd w aecoidm d v enttut à.apoopl wîllru otfret thir leamem rii vie tibais cois. Ouroclma ian sonate Tho mtoshvbenivsiangt. cdt ons <94f taie orains v.If tieCda tetm rth* pracidtIcal ëm ». Tii se pierqestions- luvoed i te doub reosig catfuloponeroà a S im t m neteoet bongale; u is. mlimt" . om hteeubcehadetavua»tn ai tndue prutu à.-thiesutagb a wu bave expreasd. vTe.w siubdar mmdn mui Idoasmmd à*veb.Ryud a mstra i1nM.aws cf à elemeti opinpo.e Tbey misbeusaf tgedes i angerfousi é tel ov standar ed tWtsr a vul e pil ttomelod < it uimaI thesàWthke lie ~ thesbyterlan Rvle, f r Intanel .il.0icisin wuimepnion <i à. 1Ourlosd ntat mui oh vs)uie butlb ocemps ia M7 sex-part satnenio te-aubalsiéate theis ,io Matle otimersue a oterd,> gui)t.A» biers" xolam. evlow. mmed l .4îe s: "iy v as i.i pinio mo OAKWOODI Thé:OPeole'Cash. Store BTILL IN.TRIE LJAD9I Aned uuhma te ,wu, avaya amanE b ouutMem U" BatChepet ad Ui ulaleStc oeueuds ofla U Oei«ibum m e. tei hWta,, publienund<g ts es eee rumbu sou eteh. MQES COQ1 TC Zoeê. .wG a" Prmt Ouf y« *fmies m am&.. *5pps , lvffm»lrý n l 4 - - **~- .-~ u ~. g.. w~ K.G**FL hAe oe" 'in Tm PM -W » Md. inm hi upMm.viuh«e pjm-se New labaNwfl m md N ra a t we 481111* b Du mm l v lspa Oai à . uetm eglete i.ta vI hsa i.muslm Io u th ouu Ilmemi d um I-uodw à. té e»orepl uatmai a mmm.diess mhW lé a saila à a j». a. r4là gtmapMfoê,a, ioe w6 a la ist aa adai 64 in Oltga* t. me0 urde tbis .att mud e ila mm z$UIi.eosisi à.jv. là methOw. et Nille, NIM e mmt M Ile * Qou c lud bal bem *7bg lo .go c0» boiSar la OMMY cd thelatiCe GosLmaw., PO"D Vi a Id~.ltmas»t e omc the, mi.'sprgrn mepo1, &ui% .,"but hi. etal oummmuai h.e . freb , t W tat ' i-a tahbe âm leu t allia JM a 4iehoê maoialhtm i ..~i pos bedu r - m minsu M d tua ibs lanasbsa cm uohengbsh et mai lait".~ timers en lta y mOnmcon ene lmd u of nawre avgse iiu s clos et la Dr. i i's 1mw_ tbIa allei,.inin làhl POL The echarge. boum a Sun*m*kean ended la amok*." Ur. olter va.un. dhslmq. "tGPWIpnompeai adems"mot, --ted boum a. n thbatic uàne Ur. Nm S vhs.heà vanW ie g.Io--Bet aau t--opeed a- 09 iUrThat va. mol:a proper w â know viieUn: Ma.Nme: wmid Sq' lam thmerteuh aï W Mritr I le Merde inmdued a blD endowirng or unseaed therelon.l comeummtag he ioIsaU. lh li The* Emultow n U Thsrns lhe mm .preobsa se a. tiii theàlibelll-si oaaciusmamidth-S Cathrine vlev ofproévlnolal ughte vould nmoceitte Journal "ilk Mr. John Charlton, IL P., the. deieomrtlo1 tht 1*0 matu oe baSma fine opportualty to belp the rEqual *'emlrsy "vth *0à.jurllon of et b*te Pe mad prove hie devotion te.its lwiudPm co etostig aldimand itii à.prvin, d rf, l i . colt erwho voeàtaiaBnidbsa" ame.. oould ~ ~ ~ ~ bfti mo .dmlwd a .~toibis le tbat IWr. Charlton fie uppolililueu.t are uM. O! l mIo oeUgfor assai.Buttberm-la3tbm smnse sirlt tethe Jesut- mo. A billte Hughes. B. vante aa the ii. oêt eudow the. Femuana would filto ibe$ ay. Letbita cmonut Mmd coateet . groumdif paseed. a.mmmota eofigh I coatltuency lam woppisto eboth Cokter troaon; t vold b ~ b ~and montagne, for loti vers opposei te, tr«n ;. t wuld..o'noppd y te tii. d"sall ne qutio-tM .former Lieutnt. tawror bo vould Arresi ta '1D an md à.latter troum selfi. its proposeýfr whigh'treasn. In , Ict . 'tec la lg ay. aripa Ideas tec, sllly lu o. misoéhievous. thàe"i MId mm. t la er. = an ythbain ga hi Mr. Nordy as a clergymon sbould have thed«kMrk rth" Ubar. XNovMaing tO --autborize on.e t "lita'." seool blàk w.igihod veflhie: vords mmd atudied .ouI.tSeet constitution beoreho vektured to expreu The indign tio, rOuclitory 1frlend, snob an abroos ide&: Unr.Normier the. WntaM&, atour exposure of anotier ouli amotpsawl-y ýblof -1he kind old tory irjing topa ielet off ma u Sm- bosslascimaid ke tioii la nmoiWa hintipeument flo partyequal - ilghts man, la the. campeomo.ci à. provinciallegiuia- fquite âmarai. W. undeastand It al, 'ani tures. U XNordy v ve t. sift I& don't mindi ts attacisa on Tan PosT. W. have shevnunp the. tommy spectacle the groinid ddeïlare that SirJ("Mu.Waichm" prestents Sm the. same lin.e o doali or Nr. Laurier vin) Pm, suol a.a maaiquermdiug. The.Watcbman bahm votai 1mw if a stop Ite10 t tte Jesuit aggra..for Sir John &ai t. lite, and vili conétinue Sirn Jf obn prob y mbl âle p e uh toi do sos, momalter viat may bappe. . No. a.1mw. :If ho re tedo sm ve presume one ebould beno simple as tebe deluffli ! yIts professions oet',-n epemiemce."As Nr. ordywoud mOt atten m y tafâlIto, the 'miataonary ork eut ugesio show the. veotezrmupremier miýgim Ope,; te have the canvassing doue SmaEmlly an and ,a csrtmi.u oq o -l y ould Ope-amongetthle tories -br mnu 0tor-la W .a"' faclearly in thiiè nt:est*e rut. equai )gte wiîhdra itsallUegimuic. This is.. alt mov.ment lseit. A misslomary l In i kitaiet of wokabouti Jabot vbere bbela best ton surions a matter -te, lest about, but kuown and wher. hlm appelle vouli. have vh* mi be. doue, wlth -people vho mt:veight. ____ expresa suoh absurd mot te ay wi0e John Burns, the leader S in egmet MOTiOs. ________strike of the London dockmen, insu Tii lae Wllim Goulnha cfTorn.brougbt te, a suecestea conlusion, la a i ngular mani. H. vas offered and bas de- te. wo~e sddeu md lmîent. dea i lned the luberal noimination for Dundee elueviiero'recnffl, left *125,000 ,te e18l.bustco uosnà.gum building tond ef Victoria college, àliM. (a t ol e 1k aiarvr o tWIIforlie udomemtet . cllee o- hie liber durlng the mliii.. This deélaon, ditional ou St. removal te Toroto. 'I t in expectai t"s-.aerom ibequemt vili r.9y* a cibe correspondent, la very char- moe.the. principal objection oftthe anti.acelt.Hmtlrspcese hme .after their succes va. assured, have beau fêderstionatane ud tha" hrmony vAl le1 aveho, Iv t nelg. m resors luliechuci ductical on.value. Hla exhortations te à.e men to, Mr. Grooderhata aise left 810,000 otele t teat the eplaaode a aturlng peint I& Uavalion ArmY, $10 M00te taie IHomefor'I thefr exiatence mmd"te devote ietaelves Incurables, MM to.0te e Mohoibt misi. hereaf ter to, better. lives, a greter atten- aabnmrsoceuy *1,00 tethoSuprsunu-tienIte r vivesmand chidren, and tà. stediînstea' und Ma Godcnmammak ing of- brighuer homes, were reelved waa ontnuiilygviu a elpig bnalwth Mo".reeset eheering mmd- cries ot te ios lunec, maqletmmdufote. %We vilîr" than hallreel.d amy ef bis allu vas ealeutteranes etfdeflance. OUR ESSOR TIEN T 0F DRES$ 0008 For early autumn trade is most. complete, consisting of Costumnes, Oostume Oloths, Amazon Oloths, Henriettas, Foule 'and. Bordered Sateen Effects,. whi.ch .are pleasing in effeot. of shade, rich in finish, and above ail, Low'iNq PRIC.. REMEMBER WNEN I1H-SEARON 0F OLOTHINC, That, we are the acknowledged leaders of the Ready- Made Clothing trade in Lindsay. Our stock is large and our prices are the LowiEST li the trade for first- class goodsmi En.E. W. MOGAFFEY, ~~ one DNUr Eat Smso]Huas lit Street Luinda THE toW sfford tA~ '~ * CH INA HALL* 'lS. Headquarters for WE ' DDING PRESENTS, SILVERWARE, DINNER SETS, TEA SETS, CHAM*%BER SETS, -GLASS WARE, FANCY *GOODS, KNIVES, FORKS AT I SPOONS-, nLAMPS, GROCKEF CROCKS, "FRUIT JARS, ETC. lms r LINDSAY, CENTRAL FAIR BihwcU??t ppot'&~Ityto tho n imoduof (anytl&%g in N~~4t~e Limgo coefa"Gim upe the s tock 4u A. oGvvooAaof ÂNDELBONNUGOENT &0GO'? TFoOU im o vs" £0 b"-Ita b", tyi.. If kasuda " r ed i"bi goodS apm% jA Mmpriwesdoin't tickie t a.ofulcf mtoiers Bt th. tim w'»U look ciwUA-cmkoe.g o t". fihwf5 atia1 4tt wnobotter or chaair lise a oe .pIm G84 1% LA. Midioeu4Co~unt.s. BOYERS 0F FURNITUREm, READ THIýS. Wo. hs« ou hmdPoeIor Bu.tu frowm$28 tp *. uay £èfvut ooo4 saty8.a of fus& Lb uisoes. ud pis4a .agu;aU FutV6, 2%' taoiou sd ROi&is Tablu, Sofas, Lt n at* Mud pIu Roo"k.aet&. It WU --vaau 4e.tÀ* tO 90Ok o'p. m, obr. e G~~ ANDERBONt NUGENT &00. SON) 3azaa g T .ROmc -AUTUMNMOS D4 O N BT thug DELLAffl WORTE eofte Q.e.d. wtbeut rsi emlliag ut CHINA MALI we wilm pt»liIveEy maderseilau ehé e ea Ch.ina Hall and Silver A F R A E IE EUT Sm tDEET, UT, G0. EW N s Andera n, uget h0o. EAR LY OAKOOD, MMBM% %M--MW ..Mmmmumma 1