,= - 1~L ZA~ CT -- --'---v '7 bofls IW0»S~., t lm'foew N# u amIs - 0& - M1r WM WM.: ..b s e W "wW119MMI ... ....... à""5 w 4Iw Wli era . io e1- 4811111M am il ~~~*Aoe ~~~~~~~~ -il.. ..... ..________________________________________ _______ ....... mon w- O 8U W TPU*un w .............. e 0t tg . <fiom-, R 1*1 M«« 1 -9 M WbW§% mou"dl shêcv*ba « f« #u- MtmmMor imp.b au uma d-eula ,,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~m r' ijMqI@I 1 P4 1fifF h 0 <1 Sé~ , u lot bruma$ aI AW8Ll * ~ .2~~7iê~q44 h'I*I IfW IWWUblo&E b.gorn£uv..-rLLu., I9~:uL3t:iir -g~.Io____________ lis. Oil wak.-tu L Offl l lale I g~ x~, ~ W~#I~g ~ I~(l4flf>OITêV gJ4 M ~V4~, #CUIr m a50OamI .mW .-4UU -7 9TNhrLymmsmMW ~%~4~e ~ kt VWt~S.luJ5 uia.$15wt wl Xiasle.i.,.il.oI!pei LARM«LMTuufuepgek5rwt w h i h 't M l. a w w ~ . e ~ v . ) 4 I 5 U 1 ~ A r ~ ~~ fi i U w u d , y l s 5 s . U o_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t41 * flFfit >tmiole " y .s .s..~"se U5 opu eS- fto qM1 OntOVlvU. ~- TII~A ~ths ie aW~ erlbhum auom M GIl ha.aIvm *f :o K. K1 Uwmut mqof srbw$Èfw seIftebe#er tvoim owu sh. olm ul &Wftw -Ptbg 1140 d t* iI R ts 1<W E.e muW .tu uls.dI u u 0 ivg * ~~ *>,,«tio *io Im ,te *lu * Ifl fi edne ft« aIS Mi. s4B= 3 hmesu l o 0 s b bou u boutX N F c U~ O I " Lt i I4i?4 ~ ) ~ f<,p~)p l'h, 'r~~. a. <ftei .l iWt ihu ai ~ ~~ l u. u e-' b. Dm s sMR M im * e" Ibh' 3 "lit' 'IIIVMdustoi.tek b .vu 5aO YbMEJ.IsksriMM M&46< ~~ h j , tt'l.. 14, »4 . q.* t . ap eo. ( ~ o ui e o a fer'sI 09 110 01w mThe i.s m u i s . f I a W e o é b u 12 8 , . 48 l u MN E a a Î . . g i g . a s l 5 ~ ~ ' t ' n Ai. ~ 'I I a, " u e p rl ie r J v . 4 o C a g q 11 r. . s l . m bs l be . ' ~ ~ Z ~ 9 ~ ~ h M o s B I s5 t u Z g u apo tu u P m s . okut, uijjU _04 (embl ti b cofe Of ft b.losMsL - flt.t< u.mt l . o hit? imte r e t et*, eh!l. wa1m utO4i iel» e eàtlgb 0 fl... r W 1 ?,lPu.lT mI, m air . at " i1h:? W ~Vf p 61,~. .. K(. Q r tpti4 otIil'qBR C IN-Vie.V A u E~ ouU 0Iý il il «fi t&A<tti'( 'Y nwi f l tibuu )Ww ..or ..o« s i Iohuam ,aman ep" for gos. pewev - -Au& i-.. .wed * <* ..1r s.olit h i . lM4l, itio I 'ait rti. 1'a OuSwuaoilfls u l.II bagte iom .tewua & e twSs tl. WS t -' b _ vîîîtagtIi <'Iir IBM tIt é15 lu. am.mn. yois S V <, W ' b OSST m o L$W ,th* .4 . Wtt it til tA 1v&0 lt en lte-omf«l.ays pveîoaleeeni'Il. bue, .o,<'m.y<' *Ira Tt.MdaOwU m m tir ellicit î e th~. 'n r h«, e,. i«Mt@ý. wiI" ~01 4GW 5, 8m1tuet 100f ' 't 1161 M éMUM@@ r aru Mwt tM»ueDWAuR If (Boom ma SPNINO - -- - 11 A 1 ' ~ " M I 4 t I h f ' * l t p u . C e 1 1 M î ~ ~ . K r o . a e u , 0 ' o e a t m a L D ~w i v w ( t A t e , a m>i î l k ' î î . C 1lifh , ' C e r < R y S 0 i I m l i I $ p f I 0« 0, 0 0le . . _ _ __lu_ _ _ __m m_ _ _ __ln_ n lton t th" tifticiui o liu6ilirs mISth W.l -V.my liî. v~~W l ..............afittul ati0. t<r.b»e sy or 'wym a iihu ou s rd.m * * .. lt..iI'< IIiIf Wfix h * # Wer i" b eait ii m tbo é , v esÉt5 1 fb a i versqe <I i i n 4 a d c <a ug r n h 3tt~f3 t2-tt4 -. *t',..ti Il suill' ce tii wc'ieuis Pmwv m""éIts' IL DC mCnêto tittvti eb i he t î l 1118futlirea hp't cd tue&l O IFCh , a om w. Cha di su I s ". uocra tofotltmz*Qe etmfo leI.D eUs9es. hoti driw,, îîper, it frrlit. ftVntoi useaI lie j>,q. * éI jjwuuu thep.aW et oba iL *Ifj t J i>o4 d1(fW, s u'O t* fin ccbd .îatl n. T o m s s o o haie trieut Autrrt Pb temUfv (o UJIOth@INKS IJAof ID 11410 flu 314'<14ît fîî'eamh.u a n an pr ef f <' ~ vp eea W O W ~ OS bo" I oF 0 h <' *hm.rfi ln v u h r mg v r u d l g u . m i u ' ~ ' . ~ Y ~ s J ~ J ' . 4 1 1 ' 4 P . t b ~ î e i t h i n t v o: , i & I e .e * 0 i i t e e u s u o f v . V l - lUst " q 1 0 e r u h o S n î î y o l e y it e. 6 . 1 ' S U e Y l e f o o a , ! , a h u r c s s E e r U S 5 U a f t . J u t u o o e ep r a Ut. ur.TtuaIco iergnay i- 'e m. * o war L ei hlok. -f 14effeth iop eh* hw.fhose Ot* a a yOsfl, j e.<e haC eo:uai i'AIVW00. 0.1H1 .'t 1IV Fe4lî lt' .' bm tigth A-I f, O pirbe h ot r d&' a gteW li r W pta t,pu lvou p» esGo. - -PeRoms Iteimto FS. Y C dsottto i fl.t.tiott V 1-N-w K,~ti ,0#10414 hem I t J 119 laver wu afStltiP88810 Unnpeft. Cend te r'~~81tu -1 il-'. d at .. For School. cia igecoîaIaskipkofse led t lvaetotité isliv ww, cbtilflOMo O pay am #«Y m i r oei bu h eees eebrh lc = CatmMte i ~'~i~*t.. ?i,,aI*h-IRIPP14 (:ry ,a',n.'P pis ppi W.e <ostthini au goi li MtiiOay nd.tt~ JPÀ, h y»wi.rrg.CL",, oot.esCI. o. uGiuge GA. Na vn rn.. UCINJ OWER ep * - __ -hiWS .~ . y & , 1'h eht éi tbuopny, mi. ar tol. nil up.aRdInt .m MmirNr Mg% jt n «Mrcn an aain ol0 Owoit to Ar Qailewthe111119111b' or tb. of elleiaiver O W a pen uin t - .a0o. siemt mu foia- ile hm bnd1i v a ha e j cdm ei etmah ut ) I I L N TbO iE T R t --.11, ~~'4 ~ i 3hlçlf hmîîî .< tee ieri ceeîtl m a hi diff ç , 1 elrthod y t t W .s's sistpo. ra uout(yum'oe at ,notitt i . Thom tirh -o- 3' -' tr . . *h * i 1r,î> ui t s. l ' É f t M <. ,* ri i a. ,iffee s d elo i O n C t h a a yoefis v ft p r einen e e d - _ _ _ _ _ f v to n u i t u t h k m g.SSm t4 «.,rqier t Is ielf. Peh«. ba i uinsduêo. 11k. gos, Woonvuag, ll o h@dM ____ W & o ok, eiir aa xr.m a.mm .i m ritm fWb yu wt rm ookt,17dmm_ --rain lit peisdv l et, tvêt. eaduit a ovotue*Iêv "LION.-Kmat l @ or a p nbl e calfth' a » ill o fCita msL eadm.w, ci5T. or. RDW .4RDB tw.tlei. sffu if te ilqs ui.kli De. ______ _____ ______ ___Sa -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ <it, tt;i .0 .T'I.r 1 4w t7 S the i.)u, fb w bes See aI <g n .î o et armnio A.11 . T. itirCui IIeI i s i a . W W. oand yi'i 4 - ~ tli , 0014 ut ere Ct e ra s ih t nê.î ns en v a-," d oo v îî , s. tl 'p ws ai d e as so C e o ma a.fi p o toli ftia L a . as ao. * cùa ios Uo a tha heeff&s f<t - e r w m e ýuea Nulle4I5 , , 5 P.avmu'îaw.Wuok .r.#TUUia* 8I olc p . 'u*lqtJ uu fo oîsuti. the d 1>7m wv. je w Cîuî~4';. tw'uat',ite. ha ous?; <f e~u 17 E M vMue t-uS ~. ouiS Z ê ~ Ll' SD VIK0 U 1 ummota vta so y amls or13nC,', - 4 -' v,.~ w~W.1"t 1~VtV e O 15(titItE u M u4W ,l Fm bsORWO. b u m m u ao Tma.slaes, huueiaO.amt8ae nItyu6 apianoa«0 --t ' u'.-Sur, i ft to yii fj» o ie g Ja M d el eosfr thr S Oset - fer f* fat. tsppr n *¶~ ~ -'tt 111111 ~ th . fuMvR I.w alei 1 eIe V m àcil. efa M - >i re1a rMd - . v e r) . 1 I L .I M I T E D .a nd. a f i Vie t t -wtlt k-' MVWIItfStiWstif4l1>7haveuieyjoyed My c1eyul uheChe oleu t. s;s it- bmwai m» -svl«. -s tien SafaW _ -l -ii, t ~ îfiiîff' le~,e4a a ie mi. .Y S 4 .t e ltî I 4 o hg utrE: ipti OUt t*Pam h &P.i fntste G.B..miste 9(5 30(l - '31I3,,f " t. , eIf hor W M» e1,lîIî mtb n" de d& titr--- -- -e. 1"4ndy gevI pt 110 wffi« <vt hez au 1.1pbw ae À r »o h (à...V nia, 1> r.. ) 01. EmW dj«ýjtFfflA A«bu' V» rolid Te Z as I«m dý-he D muanwhih *11 M e a -t ' 't t~~ V- t tI.,.tq)ulmîi <h lt'v ho eiet bsf qiHw e(1 g th. ~ ~ uns & y U 5IO N p~ ~ aufad . Ci BatSiîe aol. la ia W rld LlaiaaymiMMdnsucsurui.M«70M «M d iBva ialr a B -lua'IRosLA frffih rIOSeW uNI 'bu . v . . L a w w1 S.iU - S.w OblmRUS (taVa 'LLanrua oulIlrel, au "am ana~u ïït. ui.- 'b< Rosi, Iiom)2 n7u Mwl»mvpne MA len. Vu.> osi.Ha6"w a 0" fo. d ,oi j. apg.mxbykà. - - e s 15aS __ ___ __M._ ___ ___ _ t'. --i al. ~ il, -~OU. Si OOSFm0 m 'où& nCG lfam ogkl.NM r i, astialm u as5 iaP.s jM.w reg"&Miewa tw ,MMPm hueWbte mi.. iu.-Ii.a o, C ua e T BS p».. tuauea ________________ lhI<,for éeM LWSS lhOMMfiCsOp ImIu< m di.tE1=- l Wlde. Evd SI iat ei 'iane~j'dnm i to filleL ~17Mv Ms ......eiufeuiu lut SE 0-«VUW VWdemi _Ir rI ††††††††††††††††'Cr* -te sum i M ~#Vmr<I 14, "ws~ 'r 1111111111111u1116m~ -rt'~-4~l. tv til ttiid l . (u <i*t 'u.~~lT K -o o w e. a ei r'v <i.tOil le de -. -~ . h Wt' Ie . uj ~ bI I s L K I I g. U e ~ G, V 1~ L lu h so s sw . m g tib P mO s. _ __ __Ulm_ _ __ _ _ W1M in .u '"ild>I1i t, . .pr u rîïw , a ff01 u U A jet he.F 3tItti ~ Ce lt3.lFm4f C Ch.M ""~<Pi>iV -f C 14M ......... ~1 Un IrisIOn;,tV~.W C. 'se ~~~. au S rlie u kM a cir e ~ h U M u wl I Us ~ ' s .i, m~, o g t lofeSbr, <q ege I Y44uerns t un r eli'e#4 ~ -~- ' P ~ W U.b * t'1~tiiiuf'iiînOrhOe<i.viEl <, ~g00 W ~ 5 ~M WI~ b UI W mi n Ci NW WI~ Githe ~tt~n u<$fl if r*~ o & ~ w a o é u.Zlu ttfnF'. - Ume.-& & J S. ogz iLOJUON JUTUAL logoD AiD mI Me âme. Dam)au tu Farm~r50MrIZ.per M& td mm &Mo PDC oa ua. lea.asB 41p24%IMI jar". Limi.qay. Ja.. 21, & CORY.NIL B. Laurartce. Amcilin f anda ( Presieug orabs Coliegeo , Phc am, and ~gop a&Bdai estery irreutmema autherxty la cacada. A»e the ouy "en zearticles ha" cas b alwaysured on fýop.':,j*ag:aic- fort. x =epair&a ILIL'RErCE'sSÇPE(TinuE -tu5 outlast 'l',Ic owmon pairs an -1 ma"s ne far lao -~,i Lor Ii te fc.mfort sud lia consolation that te wearer u'los% nvin !Omo" by thoir neo. -Real Bn:-linPeWgea lom i wth Four C; îê tmli on i. T E T . .. .. ... . . . . ... . i a u m -. ]ILJUN- r.r.NDEELE m xk xou. ... . ... UCAT"F L -B .tnszzra E. - . £UMM FOR IOl Uliztu l!usuraco e of W atergéw. iomrsewsl -aon I zsn#oe . et iea rieitoi.ev:ulon :Ife A680.ciaUoa14Toemta lamais Permanen trLan and saflag C& ~ ~g uo W r!~aCe, Bran««e«. or OIRe at relirience, cornr c Un A"ymi Ulenelàt ý5ret-tu,Licay L!adaay, 7Marýh 13. IS-8 -8.tf. THE LIVEU'. u 'L ÂN)DoNDON Me Lar.-ost rire Inauraaca Compaag SU the World. Cap<'~it........ ..l. C1. n v c ý'r..d n C anad a . * * mM .j Rtsand preatii-:rn as low as any other te. ~eca~I cnnrr .y. The settienent of lass" s m mv ed i.~: I T '-' reou rct-e u sand a m d ugc hi npamy 'i ridthose ineuregdinla 1 m,?OC ec ulrty eBdt4flos&0. LIEM DLPARTIMNT. Aeaurae- ei!tsr-a'4with or without prolite ai -oewate rates. 17o-.r-lfth- f profitsziiea te clicy- hioldrs. For partÙsiirà or rama apiiij i Fr. C. TAYLOR, Aeen fc'r Lindsqa and Verorla. 0 MR(A NS AND PIANOS. GexrERUaLGENT. LfIDSAY. Jundir. Juiy :10, l. -610. rEFE OLD RELI 1BLE BRICK T ARD. -Emmbished 12-RJ-1havenowom dellrer aut rne,Làaninztcn etat !en or Wood- Ue nation. MF hripk for caler and quRMl aeot be hesten. JOHN W.jXEL. Oaa. iglou. Dec. 3. fr$S7-74-lyr. AÂR -,[,irtiiE-xr. -XI;x -Lt Nu. -i, in the 7TIi r 'n Ri, lln. CC"unty cf Vie- ra. cnainirg 2to* cre.;of which 15) acmu r c i e a . - ti n i , i . lu h 4 t e o f C I I I Ii v & (jo U . ,01 .o-iwerý. For further pàrticulàle r-iy un the protnÎe -jr hy leitteu r m J. -'Io. -ATG. ,dll .1.S p.1.lS 6.f 300.0000 HZ» BEIK ria orb-ib er h.fruealreqa U thalce ied Brick as bis y'ard no 02o e uttn, or at the Canaingwm ralivay @&adms -ih he willeell atreascmLabie rates go m ab m for bLa summer stock. &ppày to JOHN 8ACKVLLK~CMaubs Canninglton. Amril 2t, 180-IL DUNN'S BAKINO POWDER lIE CGQK'S BEST FRIENO [IGHEýCASR PICE PÂID FOS n -- nglou as. molOib Me Imimoen ihw l *ufl 'SUWl fa un Umm boCAom--L »*esaVEKYON usé WOU r. D.- ks #imam*&è L'.1 4 4 ýl l', 0 ý i -i ý 1 "OR ýSALE. ML ýL Assato - - G». Dq"t