-'~~~~~~~~~~~~u - - - - . i_____________________ v.P a au mi UMM ula85 l objeuta 01 blis mdiu 1ltiq r buW.Ceà#rn las ba bauli mih. Ef d»mm opmEssum iWl tu mi T. 75 HLId ?OK bIU5U, md Hf thq il' - < I Fm- -- Nb. We hp Niotate -. 1 f mtt.Igpmoseuil *0 mis CI E ollos ____uk d Vu ESMOT R ' Jmypa osdmt i*op the - nomweom r ma u vww 'USMu em&.stul, odpou.." Il. obes f làhie S 1 tiilidWilrusea15 OmUtltt, usawmlnu, su ns sd veuugspits ami gv Pm g» Il.nuof having MdlbIMtilSin*ispweut- Ontais, téýpo,&le .tom d UeB -À" M ot Ibe p qiuuio e .day. Tise mosp a mm-am. b __ " »u --" t* «hS ou> LOANADA * LIFEI Asiwac COnp.Sg. @Ia fores * *JMO ml sse.1 ie1i Clats. a d l ase . S#no SIm4,l ou 010-ob.aehS0 etleia#. 18 Im s d» eprofum"ý itssueJS 11ls *du~e, M fl.uIshted or at 3.10,h A prit. osb hotef«&e te fl et@" essiag a.v viog a5 nu folle. > te th" a dent.. 5NLâne .q'PxkMMI. OorabPollée ROYAL CANADIA IEAD FFICE - *I Ô.TemL .The t"s. foui Imin ~si bavlmrogk gffi là h bou o00ff amèp lIi' ofuadl tabjt, or Vais, ondii ogu Isnrh mo tavoiaq, te dmIe Ovues ibisle othé m *paonwsualioos odýIseW lu Il. o thé elutsial ofadthe as id. làIsut lieus Tan théorsisto .M LW"dBoATpo PtiDAYof Mr. 6omu188W. -SitvUaUi...............f4the,8rd0 Ti. cindr ciian d bha rges byit 'Mv. J. J>.MnoMlog einuot the lucacmentbtanocrienyt «à bc made f i abje ov atot u n crlitîonsl apolog *e due.im-Dr. Pc. ILendant Th t -t hé alog If â rsp rlt.d he hItrefro <h lestisse o eh WudT.lmuterthf Mito? f the Wad îr makvoythe *P(4acetfo-teqa <hsnsnaigulir d chagea sdn putaten fM.Mcuc h Watcmau Th edtorom ci h. Wvd *th. o hesitaci oi hi m$n» cat h. toisîn s<h b1u. inulnuataons sd chares po inu u*e.fpigben11169 In:the cse b.in« no longes befor. th a <o che ovf tionw v for ae- soug othemnla Dr beau. lark ly novtoW<. Thé lMu giie o t h.mujotmaUerhoffb ti ditorcfch Wrdr aks i. eau schbyb. sc' 'u udi b, ê peO od h btaneat mM suIil pubîl otiereles mooete.5101be.. sd 7iimsynu eucs u h tise Domilos govasesal, viS* u tht omtt ac ai aluimhave ltoi meta a" miilà chat iema ohi vrliu O u l a etuoià poweg cp au swymhingthey Meuh i er »ees' eve reforu lia t th.y sc <lo beoo MbutlI jeutalswaihmea shlmueu" atahfisais et 1< Bits ore are llley tebrmg about referme bi Jolsal *M r. ii M. evat tm iasb noeumg.ve olt e «w sm twaiob. mt... yw. iWaia m ewair a Wa ai.g leme. Xc h eur bnyfetumate fortcils foonilty chat tiseWardw er's laudoes .PMo"aly muh nt, have lad a prompt sudeeeln è~oog. As tetise iimey exciaso hut "SmIpwi'" lettes mvu net oad by ch.e ditor of the Wadr, me underulani Mr'.NaoMurchy vas in, a Poduiotuoa<cprove cthe oontruwy,ad chat 'Smies"aidthé editor of che Warder me peismrsi. o- s peal, iu ooncooting sud : vlslng thé. libelona article mode the subjeot .ol rIminel action. il tti had notbesnthe cas in hoti Ut &U likely <t i-.u itor of tUe Wardr mould sa eding éditorial have iirscted à*. speialattention cf the publie te 648vlpéea aaos Mr. NsoMurchy, sud commeudi t te their consideration. TheW&Ware sattempt te tir3> vihy on po li "Suip eielisbiity for thi ttackou Mr. Mrnohy, sinply becuee "S ipus" aybem weltiy m»d ,re- iponaible," (woti 0100,000 or *flooo000) bai nelthèr the ohèrescfgor*rance or, ch.e itefpluck or courage, Ic in the reverse cf a pl noky. or couregeoue policy to throm the' bleue oft tismatakon "Swpee" hes cthe production vis vritten mith the chasr ebject of defmmng an able sud vigorouswmilter win luthe coummis of a sucesiful coniervave rival mas ýdiseuuin^ the questions of -thse day froin a omservative tandpoint in a way that mas proving Véry acceptable te the mout iutoiligent and respectable conserva. tives of the county, vho iii oc approve of. the ignoble and i.taaatory tactice et Adeeerved and badly needed hieson liai. ben dministered ote . editor cf th. Wmsie, snd eue that v1iiin hte b. hoped,ic.ep hlm f rom making ils journal a vehicle of such abume sud gaudier. If ti mauch is acompllshed Mr. Mac. Muvchy, b7 hie action mi have conferred a great b.netfou thé commuuîty. Mr. Tonle, thée liberal cadidate, vaS. eletd la Jtimouski, Que,, -Wedneeday, by a wMsority oet 1-à1 Fredericton lia by a majovlty cf 69 de. e-lared apaluat tise repesi cf tise Scott set- In 1M 5tise majortty meu cnly'13. Tise tory Blâmeeof Montr"a mye "itboe who coîteni chat Mr'. Momat dem toc much for<the Cetholtp flu tise aY cf offices] e4umnulate hlm; chit la undeul. able." MIr John Macdonald hmu eoutracted a aeveWWcod viai coimpelled hlm te keep to hl.e b. Weduesday. A report vas @ttarted. front Ottawa chut h. Intened te retire frora public Ife, but t isud no loun. dation. Mr. Raialnd, thé conservative candidate. bu been elected by * majorlty cf 164 for brome lu the local honte. Tue, yeurs ep HWp. Mr. ILynchmas elected by 2W7, se <erl. a aréduction la thse msjorlty cf 133, or n.arly oie-hait. Fr era re ondeig misy tise N. P. dor not advane ch. prise et barley. 1I van cilledthat ch.eY. P. coru ddo <bat, bt sômeho W 1la leont of joint sud ices net mok. Wlth barley at 3115. o 40c. an upwari tain vould b. greatly apprectiated Thse tories of West Middiemex have et li.tfouni a candidate mllHito re un uaimetllon.*G*W. oSa. nelu0uuiout .1<er-Joli UMma, hl mame, vso mas Wady beuton Incise nortia riding u ielait general ekweccon. But he la #*a&golemoug florgea untul alter gtisecsm" Tise Ottawa Fret. Preas ys: "Mr. Charlen Carroll Colby, the iateet addition speaker eofi*s'hou&s.Mr. Rosi le a ze. publima.peetol but republicauie la Lav o t $r oti ris hope, te bave cm. attes nom anca t "subatautlucimsai may b. ëZmIed. Tise AUs mot llkey te $me& i.Thse rffiose hbavea ,m"Jrty la oaci houesAndche. protie-. .1o ~ry pollcm eauwthount mais ilffulty orlai oc* Tise prIedursnbmumg recommane. t evfflon, but holde chat thse _rncpie cf"potci iuld-b. main-.. The tory Bvautford T.legrmm la ieus- 108. tis.propose" déposition. ofIii. Mers. itis eayr.Wherethse trouble cms a ule la tlhe uamisse ofl wlngho hmbaiutise boum., wviSicaac.Sly equul tise calibre of a couacs townsilp coneil, luailH jus- tise, misat csorem A ploaga u ndmol phala i. talented mes 111e MOmat, Visser, Hardy, the tvo Rosses, Gibson, O'Conw muovmiilosfottup, mîtis Mes 1k. Cregiton, Carke, And Clanc7 as his Busc * iUeftatwith a rail iiifid le helow mudlccrlt Ths.'. a w ot @cWalglfi emee.la lots of otheis" Admission of tise Telegrai. Au a Matter, of tact thse retorm, Party lu ch. local -hoase ould; trnu <o cabnofetsc trongir and ubler me àcu Mr. Meredith ceaumustur. Pet.erboro in getting exelted over thse ex. ceient prospecte cf thse surir construction off cie lniay, Poatypool sud Bobcmagson railway,, snd té tfflug <orevive Its Mui. lake rallway. projeet chat occupîi eo unucis attention a good uany yeuie0ugo A. mooden trsamay Aid a car hauled by thse lacge George Calverts Mule voILi Just meet tise case, and ch. incrmeti traiRe tisereftoni moulilUV en up tSM duil ld4- towu quit. a bit The Dominion Rovein ment vould -no douabg bonus the. project, provlded Ur.Stehenson or Mr John Car- negee làfortWest Peterboro If the; traiRe ahouldimgt ton heavy for ose Mule ch. traumay cmpany mlght harnes up apair Oetchose ebcoltrustee« or towu coniieuk mho pull no veil together lu ch. mehuWe'smunicipal or educa. Thse Ott&aa fies Ins mayI: "While tis Montrent Star uni other auxllary orga-s off tise tory Party luleot.chat by electlng Mr. England the edec? ors -of Brome condemued wv. Mercle's- leglisaacon with respect te thse Jetuit estates question,. the Toronto -Empire puMblisea lengthy Intervie*wIwth Xv., George G. po ster, a leading Brome couservatlve, to prove, that the Jesuit question bai nothlug whatever te do.wth thse reniaIt lu Brome. Ur. Fauter duilavs that Ur. ngland, ch. connervait[ve candi- date, refuse& <otaveanything te do w1th thse equal riita prty chat hIthonse pam ef the conniry where <le equal rights mou held meetings-Ur. Mercier'. ,candidate galci auyvotes. anid:cha&thSM equal rightte champ ý iddmone harm t fi go byl .ueres -gluise content. Acco dna [trM. Fautr the eleetora of Brome dil mot Coude i v. er1'uJesuittlentuat doen UtAIL." The. fobncaygeon Iudependent, a coner- vative radical paper, quotea the Hamilton SPUctAto'rticle. on Mv. Merediths, v.. estly prlnted lu chose columa s d sayn:. STise. rein" ofethtie Spectator la Quit. grue. Mr.Weredth la au anmiable qentleman andi an boneut, mnu, aui beng .uch la flot a nt leader or tSM Opposition lu thu Pro- vincla parlameut. Tise leader cf chat Party ehéolmot hbcaanisoneut man, and tise tesson vhy lMv. Meredith lM asked te go. le, bedamuehe îetused te anay part la thee ilmgraceful MM vicked attempt Maie by tse tory oppositio n te bribe ché leglueture. Iu the -hlatoiy cf represen te tire *Institutions only one attempt bas ever bes made te bribe&s parliament, and chat attempt mas. maie'by tise cevatlve cie. ment -iluh. tis urlolégielature. air. Mereitisr.tuite be*ccoeuned lu chat abomiabl tteapt. Im. le, ai tispecta. t«s observes,,M Amiable gentleman uni an bonnet mai, and hie senue of isonor revoit- se! ut tise Mim of bWtn permcmily gmmi. a"a lu attempt to bribe a leglla ture. 8ba o refuei. Na»ury tSe Part<y th"e mae<oattunpt aIbrl bon, ani tallai Md mure exposel me dlapuntl.d wltb ýBiets'leader sudnov .ay "Meredith mut go.- Tii. Spectcor myffit 1l% hedt cfe ai iionoervutives, to mot a leaderan tuy <o.do eomechingor else<ve u nop. tene. Wich aIl -respect for oui estéeei slntemnporary cthis journalventuru tome.. r W~r h ~ li iý wu Rbe e-' m 0. P 8: auv IMrà bu mi w l d, met Mt t uwughs mtVI Im et Imum** a"ete = = =869 I smaahitem ami ftous" B&m81* e' suie vile. u.pl~ mit".Ce"W"" uts Imt 1%elalame bol aga m S.rn . geo sout Sru" m e fwU8b Nov vilhmm. Sag 1 il -Rialemby ti s eilb t lue WSr..U flioeu ,vime aiée MWblitàa" mmuidUchi edam&. Xcfi but» taittm le pubie Wuwi.Que lis auvinett*0 mmipubiai»a0 "Vsice ies<lam n ail~~~oq hq aiotoRmgls os s uetz1e~ crier te hàée the Proceednas uauu Nughu uiraunwý. Thsuoi zvsa ve publia *0 btndiorhuaI fhieosmua &MLmaa W le. zta "%""% soni mise h mmse is si bavm buemmi tiM gelmattise cmms laXucuuuk v au"hslavolel m au" fesorcumia libs, vo wu p ThuM - mm nov»scet osr' buS me ave mc aasiseilptroua&M. N;âaeiuio " di mling te *0s a.oro thse a~ RbevsSishub»loss urant"i Md . Mpid amia Sa caiussam vei ulssiltise suuroumllnz olvomastassa tis J"udimaset *mpule.te aicours Uble arbisas ce ail suew*termai trou mbtous ie'.le Mvo uai néWzi. .aumes, né duhle the VI&Ua," marmon,' nl.vi.u 1s.T. Lusse, Sadae, OMM CAUZoWCtrimu.-c le.-iAmes-e16- ci * waWTW-y<eB, .Mtl.a SM 1". .iJein I . O .Mns.N. T. Pu. ami ian hres .Brus Mau"m' Zoai. D. Imuasmmsa toi Mas ~tu ECGâa- »Cr-at sMi »s.eXrV CITy ÂNALvres LAUO1.TORty, M 8BATH $Trum. GI.oow, September 23r& 18K1 AiMIpuas of a sampie of"ULIH *OAP," received on.the SkIA vmt rm elaLver Bics.. Warrinagton The Saa la a VKRY BI 1QALàITY. It doer sot cont.un a trace of etther free Aikali or free Fatty -Ptd.-id douauni CA-NoT ixJuRu THE àâsK1NirqoRT MOST DELICÂTIC FABRmC 1 CONSIDER IT A PERjECT soAp, botb am renards ilu chemical composition and the resuits wblch it nives lu practice. lobat IL T890koui,7 R..., 1.LC, 7.CJ Public AalYut- for the City o! Glaaow. LABoRUTORY, RorÂxL CoLLzGE o1VrGe.i7EOss. STEPHEY*t§GRKe'4. V... DIUBLLN, February 1.h. 1 bave carefully ael yscd spcimena *Of the"B66 G T 80 " »mubrnîtted tw me for that pupose by Messie Lever Bru&. Waringonand the tollowing are the re- suta hich 1 have arrived: Tepits ln the composition ot thiasoap $that areniet va!uable are ite freedoni f-rn f ree Aikali. the large pereentage of fa.tt.y AcPs wihich it containa and the purite' et the materials employed in its prepaaion. 1 eunploy the -op for my own, toilet pur- poscs and froni uiy actuai experience uof it CWI strongly recommend t. (Signed), CHAItLE8 A: CAMERON. sPnJ OI.A.L.. THE LAiUNDRESS. j "Sez'paos &ElOther." Kî%oGsautv. ept.1, . Mmom .LcvualBsoe-: Guxru.uxux,-Iwish ta that the BlCNILIGHEI BOA P la the boit 1 bave ever usod.1 have been a laundrem about 20 ycars; i bave used the Sunlight Soap elghteen mon" an sd ksur- pence all others 1 have uaci. *Yonrs trnly, (Signed), S. STOODLEY» ARGU, -CAMPBELL, "paricuilariyvealuibie fa Hgard Water."1 57 RiAdu eTRXLT. -Zeptember 28th. 18K7. Lnsuis L as. G,-NrLnEN.-Youir SUS- LIGE? SOAP is far - pr- ior toany othtru-hih Ih .ve meed. lt is pextetuilarIy --tu- able for hardwater. isa always bave p.cLLure in - comniendlng it. b' Yours, &e.. AC. AER. 004 SÂMPLE CKS GivOlI AwUy, Macfarlane Wilson. Chin a Hall lias just received. direct from the manufac- turers in Germany 300 Dozen Ciza Cif s, Saucer andPleites, wvith Vir.wis oir Li.I DSýAY neatly engraved thereon, suitable for. souveni rs or Christmas presents. The local views consist of engravings of "' Coltegiate Institute,"OP "6Coumrt Hoise,"t "MetkOdist Chu rckv" " St. Ma ry's Church4" " St. dndrew's C/turc/I- and "St. Pau/'s C'kurck.", They are neatly done on tinted China,« and by pur- chasing. so. extensively and- buying direct, %ve can seil themn at the POVU LAR PRICE 0F 2,5 CENTS EAcH. Gall!-and se them and at the saine timie examinie our extensive assortmnent of Wedd-ing and- Christmas presen-tsi. Handsome L amps, Art Coods, &C. A visit at this'season will repay you. o~zaozAL if the Oil you are us.ing is not satisfactory, try China Hall for a sample. is superior, and prices lower -than anY other dealer in Lindsy Our Oil China Ha ad Silver BUiZGUf', Kent- t, Lindsay& a ~ ~ ~ à' Àvta1Unrn7 MWE »cL AN.visj m.5WI.LSO. Imaw. Nep. Ehi. L-4& m m a Direot impoter 4 1cur- El E8-TOF-T-HEM_ AL8 AS WEI HAVE DEGIDED TO OLEAN OUT THE BALANCE 0F mgoCRIMMON BROTIIEIS'BAIKIUPT- STOCK SLIGK AND CLEAN BY THE 8TH JANUARY NEXT, PBICHASERS MAY lILY UPOR CETTINC MORE &OO0 000DS FOR A DOLLAR THAR EVER BEFORE OFFERES 1N LINDSAY. THE STOCK 18 BuILL WELL. ASSORTED AND MUST -BE SOLO WITHOUT RESERVE, 80DONT DELAY, BUT CALL EARLY, AS AT THE PRICES WE QUOTE IT WILL MOT LAST VERY LOIC, WARNER & PERRY. A. C=OvMpL Koopa n'EYO Out and YOUPII Sool Lc A. -W McGaff y. Stili to the Fro.nt. CLOTHINC< Roady'Rad. ia untI. TOM uj.dS Leade &d Clniss E, Ew NW OGAFFEY9. LIm i 1 m li mm lie a a S ma. -e 1sp 7l-.. t Muriyr. o as."anu ausailas vola ba1m 1vkigvmev,-ofS ilutisifSM tspmis m i l i leb 4 bull., ailmfstos, - fe bils sat.B sa sUo e Mml eus RPova qope te d"s et mftsuio. Mr. Uo.Mmwwy a M »,85a olm lé- - w mw m-- DICC]MlltlrR dR- , Siam 1