Misa UN~M~ I MILLINERY AT GOfl *m fITTUUTYMYL Nv~w bSugM Mv0~ ~W wuI~sI <B lhIT .ONS ms~ igsg s.' sezl W uêUiIeUy *g~ iiiv IsrqS SNW <1115 ~1s 1I~ ~ g~s* oftIS m$ Udqu~ J b.Wê~d'd t @Bi evoey avtWB 18 SI BUIS as 1k ITUISIT LIS? 1k ikir ~vaa*ags 10 <~1 m~S *.i,~ n1~@n6' eues' mss o'IRIEN, 5Vev U5 a ut RUUB Unis. U1A~ fl~ ¶f Si. ~ --___________ t fat * *I TI.iws tuf. <luit' tIi. mald.m l.IrIflIp. ~qt. ~ .t.,nI* lseOk',4q Iwv brou, .u~ ~y h.w yonsg .v..te.' uap. ~ huit 515% îttaat t'u'ou51.t nie noul" .,t'Oro& Fuul 'fIîld uth t iurtO [t lypmltfLe t" er it-AW . hAt. ATW For Xl). AT FIV EI TTS T cOlft or wo ncut# " Vnlâf îv t.1*bas« kbeen Wenyye Mmupet.à rwlmg butte rmignes'rs of peee14««tIn If 15IpijIî. te rcfre Chtown y a ed obeearn o aiîhle hke ua e suma h a te any pabl. st etli *w ,i ?he LtvasmSt do.6 94 Mutir ~OIcene ral#paiue"#coe *s t. bt lie <liii mt cave to trveaàl, mmd the -Oly inkling hh. o f *1w objectlonable t.lima.ter of the. set wus tiat aybody golWhu>mw eId a 110 woUZ<Ibest bim utavagely if he 414 ml ot leclevwel énougb te sepedetectlon. AM to the Miabbath, t ath S 4k»wwep li ed of thé dAlfence b.wee ouisdtan sd au- tther rame t rom isi.notlclmg h*Mt OnMe in a wh *1w..people.Whb"la viot eoeon mid uho sipobe gemtly cam loto the nelghbmooo -sud opeaudt tii 1ittie misson em mm tIetir* Pt *s CehilVl nto go lm l0it. .eorg vassuou thonvi. iv couet n vileMuh dlUuluy, bu s*er going one hla. vt egulrly.The om tanin ni May o.os Ws wa sorue puit in a - a rmd. lBtgWMMM TIs useR a nove* Bygob""m-b lbum fadb ait iînmod»bd la a w-N u,M mTI ".or th. eun t ts wevObflu fm a him aftsa wluulïmb eoadmu w- appeulimg byltu veyu7 mmetg &M% mmdii. C I 4 diveay U b h 01. ~ ~ l un Al al Mm mt. &Mgàmý W r £h., t mz Agam-", W- SNSS - - leZ ZAT. -à ~- I ý a Rusa Ai I x w E..u.ar & oe. ,bui - hl ., OWI aO vllscf keAdsw etf .wIoýbe vu m-ýL - -!à b I*iW'=w *0 ,kd bé bu dw.d $0tan,.v"M uUw usaltu os alis'of *dy, lb. hOm *1 Wm .aom to ald by Mohlag la s wSat a éJusmsuoWllbe 7a §toeufa frell. ud oimolh op, bais 1m là lm or o a re - fa àdom m"l Mmd gaudemm ma" d s h.y olow *,h uisW d lui ls. troud le cIh ou leys wf obusmusoils sd re IL?±8- le 4lobMb a qM wqmssbd Is mp w» b ol. blu Md ud - prom A"ui001poil" .umd pwol<i.go ploeUIor ' Piu". sulioutrsfo« t.vasuwumui ýThi e mlon about whia lan»wPamdh =,L ortrydhu 0 b pme ,ombod wlsh- büud ilcyn sud àsi-, sPle. n~~u ore m hru nnAs -under. Wouu<1 hm sus w blok o mma*hie. ID wa aoty 0of refuge for cu1m1niuweuMt% hOkmgh - gwy wawred and pMsyd upc. 0»s anthr li <'mUtre iawlumàm, Ch" as Wmd 8 unit toproteot amy oas »Mongth.tn front the premwsoOf the law. Asklc fm th imicle the i.pop. olation moW&lmt. a -ent nlny, if m*i -ust,$ Of the pnevcry strcbc, for Ira =suâd d.'nperat raen thcn,. e.vry oftén ln hie"or, went band in The e.huldru'n, who wer on ed one by ou. iito toIni.mion muhoolroom, were emrilw of littls umvage& Their Iguce. mmesc wus minu4hng amalng. Et wuO motm ü.'ry ommon t) linti Binenif ien bc" and girlsof f6 or 7 jeanold who Ad4 M k now their full namog, but who wus ther omty naine th.y hait, andi once ow tw"e chfldcin wu're found who actu- ally- 41. nôt khucw wlîuther tlîey haut @ver h#4 fAthm n d niotheru Nombâhat i hom&<and oaily knows hou 6ey bspi aliv.. for th<'y .lppt* in.hol.'c anti corners, Mid fr4111. r agranCem anmd doge on ýwhp»cvr thoy colld bcg, flndý or M#tai. IMpcW"d is? <iertaiýnly At in, but: t As, Among th@. wIide.t sud thye4 cor ail wbo came In uwu a boy who wus the olginmmto f at hast one fanious Jole, though withmit IntutntAsa. The. tomber ashod him ble namc sund ho umad St ve <leorge. Ru4ng esed wbahi. lestme va. ho maid that vas hie leut namc. "Rigt yniirmusi have another marne," tirgcd the t~ahor. !1t, At ergeSith, or (1tybrge Johiaién, or neorge WVhmt? liepc m. .ad, shortly. "Taha* nmeoeWhat. nor George Nothin', lss George. 1 hain't got no odpr nane. ." Bt. t hp jpko vamne whon tlio tcwlîer, wlublng te 1evwhpt.ber hê lhait tearneu onythlng ea mli aieuthlm, "Do jon Jknoýw ho meutejo? At th@. iMe Instant a bo)y lbhind il r4tik a pin lito- eorge.i Suclutrfrke wv.re very.roenin aiong the. littie sia. ig',bt 14 dhot hurt amy the hIpse.. frmni bis M'nt aînd sioout et.MIlie top of "Wel. iîat' rlht. uaid the i.echér, Who hiait licttmeticed the trick. 11But tiin't M4>tt n." The. 5t4>ry waa ld af*erwariuwl4i wu-enlargemeqntu. tantil ie It -wuuta lbng tinie-soino mionthoe-be. fore tii. trm-hpersi otîi le arun nmchitboiit tign boy., for lie wu sdistruittfui f0 the lau't degrue. likicketthe.Rev. Mr. Van àMeter on the. uhinti vpry violently, simd tÎwlsted.hims*eIf.away 111e an <@el wlitos thuitt- gentlemn, ý aecrlng f0 hie habit, lnitl:biis atit affectionately on thue lmy~ non*i'r Gomrgo, thiiîgbt b.' was g<oiný to, lie beaten, sud took hie@ iim îîri-ea il loit of eludifig the prlMiinary7 hold. 114% hail, it mutmeut, neyer Inown w h&at il, wms tehave amybodly tako lielu e? hlin iikintlmeq. and vas no more *0 bo bandIi t hat a yonng birdi or a suquir.. the kidnapper vas, but Sarah b liedd a suffit ent stantt oaSt on a train for Nev York. snd anleeforts tb trace ber- vire anefoectual.IhA thet .ne*vsppr eveai at that. t-ins loanneth partiçularu of the 8tony ila would have become as far iucus as the ChantA. Rose case, but the family abranle from the exposune that. 11 IIHM E1 voulut have beon inevtable, and though ]le m IA UV &Ul thje letecti, ah il avcud .une___ M:u as emp1i .a mo pubIcaton as maute luths pnes six yeans liaut paseu froua h day the. boy vas stolen when Mr. and Mms Har- rison entere t h.littis mission uchociAn B. the Five Points. JO vws ber o w*D loua tbsO haut made lir sopeouiiarly auxious_ __ - <iORM9LMM i t U." 049LYO . Le nefit pocr eilidren; but, thougla she dix if 9,asutorever soarching for ber own littie "y vWte." sald t MÉ. HUarso, 4I0 oe, *both @.ie sud hon hushâauthaut ai.> painfully. alimt nt mrbldly, auxiuaOc .<.oS given uap thbe hope of even finding do everything site ean for pon childrem, '1dm. While Mr. Harrison vas taikiug B ~ p especlally for orpiiema. JAnd about, with Mr. Vant Meter, however, lier eagen _________ t iihtnîan tinie uhe apemi especlally ee oessnu h ae fml6 -- - mervons abouti1* ThonasAsaostory about boys An the rooni. it, of course, but 1* Aà toc long sud tooSudnyaetrdpl."h psinfil teOetil no.' Thi, e. Mn. Vans George"y eh. tunor ale. "Oah,an Mi-ter, viiose esîrnesqtneainhisiechosen Gog!jh ad n apurlir u vor niit.îaiu rjoae l evry ovwlthout another word she flIe rallierSt c vasmharan tothe other endt cf tIie noom. fournd frienti, and ulouuenthu"mw srn h o ler k la infront _of___the_ eoagce k tt e tory wvas wn.poor IIttle unit uho bail driftedt in se MM. llarnlsons fator vua aweaithy I mmnagey, ah. seisout lm viith bath hends manufacturer, vion e dalaè~tere andi looked eagerly,,alueSt wiRdiy, jae - ___ ve-re the chiluren of ditermt motin,115 tj ou mhm9"steIMMtb h aud qdevelopeutsas they grewto, oma- -I___________________ th Tiie elter one, 1Surah, vas the daugter ::Goor'e he d. of bie fint vite, who aut e"r"edhimin ' o e asred einn, andi ber infant. chîldt o rusaaavvtie 07dufor ieh. eauseod, begnoite ono of lais er& S adteo ent.~ > ryfrh atdvlpdseatvn stery after hier fligit, but in the cour about. hie ladcf o a propor compliment of a ear and ahalf hlre u thmt@heoetounessnd,. moroover, lh. vas hain Lu. u.11.ILI hiait oom fonsaiten by lier lover ant iebd gtndb i.nvttui cmns______________' plugou ino sch teribe curu cf: smnge bebavier.. uliutslptin tolit. a t imsllicurmei Sudlenly she tone open. lais jacket andi £O a ~ liI ülysedindis pn, nragueuthirt. lie haut onaud vand, wb wy 1.t sa ttiepomn fnly ipodyluovertakng -ber. A ye I4ohng on lais brenât oued te. birth- . e mrbammdt Ratr lie nilei thi eond SAne. m; mnoImlmirlueadt Again a siaugter wvas bon to bl UîBk-Wbsite sosigh itTen, quick as a tanh W»*« m rs u*W*l May> Sa8, q se andasthetw 1chidrn -the. viole thlsug bhppencït ýse quickly viO ht.'u n tmewmoht lueomui& t. antI ~ ~ ~ ~ T aOhtw aiurn euP Up Iq laSit vas over belote lher husbanti kttàé.rilo elgwcmb f6 wene treatet, a» neanly .as possible, sa-' aiieut ier ,io-ee gatiereut Min auto- pvoeumU àthS q nmalU t55he un àctly alille.Evenythang:Ithatmn vher arn". .Mrt, nage anti ail, sud kisseti r$Pom1 O !ilY Itumà vuii wue,mi roisi d boy, or alftection ichto. vashlm untll le seomeut aslAt e . ers tryAng mtftblemd qwoababla I - law Clair cemmant. cmi ével Influenice t g o vour him. Then, of course, 14maie homgmta rellnemetntsd ednetioiiwvasezerteut te bluu<m.muao hel lu mulaa* les. mm epadrb fit themfora higi place in i iey bt It did noS te.long though, tor the1lomteigolla e. Iho la an *toetsl or athor At ais epsue int. 1.6ae obOOmuoSer ladiesAn h.rmoira te bring ber IfisuoM pouhlblegs tùodluy hls orn an morbiti brodeing v er mcider boc to conio,i.< sud thon sud a Bu iteethi.tabie leaig oomtorsubklybu uti ani sasm, snu~ehig ld ti. 'Juer ne as len rely vitensei n titis wvend la hie chair'Mdnut m zq,*%g ail ve a fbu op. .langhter t0 turn away tram gotSd dput an enutem. anyug% lus i ath el flMd. uth " an5ar et StUY bhiâ pe il orf ron iber erIy 7011. The.order of exercisom.-Mr. Harrison vwu aroc dmtdaSpiU am t a ammor father sogit An .very vay pobea"te m i»aW tB»l ave t e mler wleh h. fereor1lm tw5a alis. iover dmhewbis ie ta voms umhaagaI m fatst hirnesif anti fober, but If vms or Wme im hevl id bytvasuir Utle, * J:w Mr i rnin mià t aw»IE c avai. A vaywaurd vouth vas foIow..d Oi eUded boyasfev hura l 1e M Mwdo.lond eqeU.6t n a aca bm by utte rec5e65neUt U 1 11P S Md 'vflît, sfoevurk h aie"eenmla bltgh omd mlhty.e a cas, girl became a vonuan. . lIO niaM hs a yvas em VanBUiOsIu mW aouSid aherd b oubu, ho mean, anti vonu -d'a M. JanIèer utter- asuebr 15. Aaga=gatom sut, vile -à*tsr, tom smetidcvn iietduel cf coavitufusmy blod Suly mi:L npomd e aameportion Of ber duti huw.cab dayprMi erm "e1r sMbr ybeu but t1er. 'versproloneduabseunces vIlin nhcik~,u~sltmbo ~mbi hsuomea e rh Oh.tamly trove in -eVU7WYt a aen hm sou- u l p , Md p moi, eSvu a6 mp fyo Dea, d m W" erdm n*laa ewdin.jmmmglit.1%r uil reiSu Md tneaI cloel4 f ret I .dmueut ' a , feu sesminutes -Ut Harrison ffl- t.ilm I*aS . ou u uble ht, «Io lMm élormTh cin éw t aPm.'pouuttehave.- Itvas obvions enoulh MW euhmiste pSMm- m # i e s'lsuro, ue lAmz cmuslu peu-to hlm lt lbue d te tale liechiât i hnmd hq viw" eh. ,ataootvclbgky, b .ilerly painfaul vaY.: Armnm tg . oU- bc».Ib« uSud mlmlonuyne as tou a Wb" uhls unà raphdnyâe mmn uho vi*iteu t et 01ý. giswu lmL-Weil aoqualnsd iOlthtemigb.hoo 1.06epmoostl.mumy u5l~ Biarnios, iaudIt happewidtbmw, vhile e golé« baanum#dui.istagmd édm1no eIn t ag jounger dausghturvase l eb. os eught "o.lal"u c dbuos pedmlly If 15 b» heaf apoeAa-W in marniag%, beleoh.a*irlsM inSmlove 6 uoUeobebfem ýIsetaPUIeu___________ . 1_ « vnism.aa'spsoa vs mon gP».a bIocis, theitpeople M eaun.-ca- wfth bâ». 1 ~ rjlug avar 0 eclub," h. mlleand tAl"vl babe th h md, beue tvas w» uproseuliy annaugt taspehlom.u visa ah lei!md h~le5.a . abouut b. mmond te igoasiOhe Uiy mm di r e "fIu Mwry - e . iai 0.0 BRaUiv.y, sud a aagfle au l miet ,M« d th" uaimd~ata oe uIy walha»bmie m lu oben 1 1 bd& ]b ina bias hai tlà" mdhauky md sparhi Ure km.lot h eut 1 ý u - WM lamug e a.alW" a buS userei mi " âey' vas bdUMM"& ev..y a WWtout %no mdl. asw es vi t.le hdkyeI ftva adbM oeseh4gauhgî. * mle a l1un Whibi.1W 1wti W Wme un" - NOTICE Ta Alî Wearrs of Clothing. B' aflue he di.o m ut Selç 20 iVEW TAILORING 11011E frase" l m. 353@8meoInu mm Uhu et CATEBO kCO. w-BS Umbau e. gb o omet . U bua dwL a Pm7 mule Ur Um mm"as Imu~ su CU fiT à014o SigllOftholmSY ASouth Side of Kent-St Appl.Parers, (arpet Sweepers, CurtaJn Polos, Powder, Shot, SheilaPaints, Oil and Glass, AYID AUL KDWSor Sheif and Heavy Hardware 1 --&T- Lowest PO Le 6 ikura "tcS OVÉrim&om 1O L NewAd vertisemen te. CH R 18 m A a PREMLNTSDis. Owlat.haimyodhmuae dt un" The Rus tl6i Continues CLEARINC DOUT SALE McOrimmon Brothers' Baniknht/ S/ock. Bàm U 9" 0%;y a a ui .,q4q.B",~cI&$ Btoc7 a haif t SA.p, ofo5,plc. U"aSM" y rw% Sa bw csgtiu m KVE cHBu MmiSTIAm M IEMIIRTGF M11 AU UMM OLNSil SOUAE.EFOR Wli~IE E or COKE LED 5827US. WARNER,&. PERRY. mdw,1d u bm shm bbu~dms~m oafi the me a"muue aob ff te - lavi= doiw.wm b b hb enaà MIR wqg ý wvwý,Md chne mw wW de fe hSIt i er b vat for 1y*lug If h wldmn baskt.u1, te0u tK in mpomersL Iv., avoe4n M17 for ha bo a" or aBe tm y bau. Am li me et *0 pus, mybg etnthe saUi la cwpofua MusA- à' ga me, ber ay r àwo ened tew thulmnforbeff bar gb..' Veh. wzahs ber h ào kVUýor ,B aSIs oisk ta in 1*, lu u ulcrme thquit. tires s olw-u. .1 oh. Mm nda vIoent*a hr oy ords cili lIt wu Oie rimpomervato cf be ghe. taniite h albdogI, r teall "1tl o utelmpuit deof e. atraue voman, whom us haut neer mma butor.,-for.th fsmlly te ýbuov who motber or ble as, vbw er*9y vive elve, or vwher, loud4 e ,basd oe W ~a a motbe or a *MWe,vs mations cncernhag vI"ého buul 1mev notlilng, s'usaby boowm.a m "97ly as mawa " t"sysdt. hImIi. Wkio In la er room, sMd vis h. ad fmdoutsegave hlm loU&. whem abun dnlblg ivly .ii. lUd»Mtbother about a nsd eore lad leemed, a ySusg asho vae, ho ksep aaywfom ber, snd get liAe foodl for hbuesl. ]Eov or when lho Rot 10, only (la'. vras Wou have toit. Snc caeu am as common ln Niew York m hey vers twenly-flveor 0111*7 jeamo, buS uby ams feual MW mnd egain, qmven lutheeedfys. Wio.Aua SEwly, *88,or vhy d " M uh.t m an wbatever lu hlm, be bnev o auabouf Sie wuaacacsud»ir l -ees faimS tiough t vn a' afact; and h. bed mot orne tocthe mgeotfrewmobg about faceR. lie only nqcogubMd thean Ou. day-sudi At cbaod ho buChrIst- mas ~~ eu-alay udgentlmn appoed in thie littie rmrn as vbuttorsiTh".y b r«41t of the nilsuion werk, ti. gentleman explained sud haut core front*1.1v home in a nearby clty ho usel 10 sd Se glvo mluat little help w&à4 la their pover. Thxe. asa astony b.d or t, but "5 mtnry vas net tolut tilaftenwarc, Thefr marne vas mot arrIson, se I May eaul theni th"t HO-LIDAY BARCAINS CGALORE