--------tel-s S% l yts aa M.4 no*R*1 of mon *06 ZI~is titase kCoke ewmvifs 9 .i lll . tam iP*rAité l' b"l , s Md il.la nu mal lié , thtî. lhiN mand:lîle bio alae m 67lu,8vi l sSominSe 5V tt&àtpbuimand cu l o th em la. vn I euura -aaWlla. l pot Rua, srich., sd -A130mai01De UMssitemuu 111I atfiùli lo ar unM huis ahreugte aiDrl.mm .ovm. upuil aiphl, mi ati vilà ei brosbsM le A OuseMM -ho viuda00vu. mnm tmmias se -la. tbitm rap. ul,, Md ilis am aus ut bu Iiiilvr tiîî,I Olwtasthe btuié., peuîp aiM bd Psimiv llvo, m iS le os- Ita'a.ry tlft. ,Xiritila, (»il 1olîles l nmuoblg bl ues Keal Mad G vlî uautat s' hn9 e iting naiau. .MTieW.he uuhpume lhlg blu'~î iittail i.~<. thlsinq «-eà lauuaaa 51 aviIo AyitU .tatî,'i.iii.. ~ î>.~ vmossaggullu nyMr ais.turWiais me h titnt a it . t,îd littfl î 1w.. le u vAi I op.tbspavte boo ena-* and 14ldt rPIsl 4 o a'rn ri ttttîe .îaa asa oriiertedlélto aose.sîabai au"t4. bi pnrf~.r a~ Aa'ru 8îrsîaurli.."iii Itms, and ebamugfo um23I po40r ent. la ne m. usuestilont o MMuses ves48 et M~~~~~~~~~ or 44fl,,uiiItiy e out. vais siausi., lSe diseo M bsveo 011liariffai hs liê ifuturs %viii ho Mou11oy1rlte rMer0 Ayers as OP wli pulliaf.ultob. mfood i"uais ii ka O. J. i yesu-4- to.,Loweîl, Mats. hmliLwiatuh. f vtu a b u ho&arIVa" werth 6 ýL ttt le. Au«m. ameba*hle Mt"evspo la trio' f ai "i,.. $~ Wu'ti i(-là jas D. olrsh. o.usaloo u vSsVusel _____________________ finuesa sd lap enco»m t oiu vlye, 0 A ila- si Poremi àttdut. amtbw Tiaipma de litaIo daof Pta' a Msdv saouasâ rom blis body outi liaI itu, vrtlias" ripealr vouas aTllmnasbemol ifl*IeoaesIrepolia faonCu"ra Afîeabi tuc at h0amau li b e. ____________%heuile,;iteIIe ulii oasÇNi h has*asurad i y uasti vmiS* a mavesa. river and labo hetaull iettîihava bo11111011 miaroul situe, and ber idm e le «. - Sent'i armertoleov th.esm labe P a I- ,a ~it , aiî-.'î. a~a'~ aidItrctleâr t10 Uketien avantage a,'a,., _t -,1;1 ,' ta.', 'lnA au oelIt l tîtit r1h Otillm f tvuy ai i '-ý t . i tif, %brougbu Aula 1~u' P.~ T LE PSY or -ALns el aa 'piumeult A tf' -'-t' I ~ \ lti S,~~î, îît,'tVtas bqu"4 vitelatavellmp lia thela»er of I <1 I~-- t ,'al h î'î,a.'alAtrîcoasd toe uhsJ.dh Oitm a"' --- . . a'-î, îrr8zoiv atouts thv S'élis river. Mr. Jobn 'a-, - i-I it i. S. N1 V, itrthbioa puîtifilite mKmrumiand sebsilà Toi <' Weit. re«Nyum t oieé lilsi. lPu- "'-q~~w',pe~'-ve ugw'lr»i oeoi toufas ubm otheus& i lYt ~~itu ~ ~ ton(i agso by lte, oîuuesimra * The PIoruguoe lieratpm os egailroielé thn auuu1m uaompslled Stlàe olover liowa toIt4, lt rtata.The Atrlecan Labo Co.of I(f F 138 2 bote siqoe6bss ait h orami hou Iai usasl-r isti~e étg ho livi and eoeus a .Itrîî,îl'i-',at< t~ tlfy pu osat as otent tbhe 841,dli u1116 ori9.t Ieps puipli <il 'a Il anîti îttail seheeu arei alati'ît wt,- lea nt î'.- . o m1isêseai. *Slb s ouilé m,. -Th ITu;!Iîaa vt'altiag Ilite bi lo,<en't Poruei li iiiouSinesla 6a1l spesl as ?roop.îa-ir 4t, ,î1r t>. . ve aubattut*putîafr vork Jiis-. à*sas bu an elaI. posa I i l et it <îi ta',t.tîîl,îîsdl atili te. Hi.e lisass i ii 'i~.îp' -siW fli~wnet aavtsuv its~ qu?.'Ie 111 liber t hitesp'aelous m mli'lr i -a--a ,tk»P 'îîa.~.wcnalile siIlps* noue or ibsir on- t a otb a a . -, . t- - f ',t'.a'a",~iflî tli siîyhI~.except. pa>ueby on COdf.lO -~~~~ 17at ~-, i a l i tserti-tt naq uita i tue ouît. l'h.e pinton galas t Iu.îaiaiaC-af~ta, ,r(lit brtt <Straa mouis*Il prive te eseri i ,On tWaksaaî(t. t,.. ic.6 Illeri ted &b Sah be viii l'ar i il -ilia-e'i-e' iatttt.Slsit ~ ito t I'e vîtutoasboax..Tho It otui t' if l ined slettet dt. u.ia - 1)v.. ' ' Il t~îifl.*us uai (Ic qnntîyy 1:s.icit ga full carp o i îp- tustal'."'f V~ Ut5OiîU siu I tailt.ait- adcttajrie. Iivostosgaa dîîty a-a- ~ futb 'Il-a'. ooti Ir'zzad lu bave base s tallais $ a' . ~ hva'biaittatliI t alî'a hnoae iables a ans V lia. t ' . a t lt-%"t efe Of 5'a4 Mist oresre t neao"me sm ~i1"t's I '- i-s4al.rstaXt4.le v rtti ptir tla-.-pntse'-. Betari. big montage s t ta> ~ ~ !ie -ai .aîra .>pre>it-.s T41,u1 Pettiépa ta.trle yonuegBnttsbueg'spo.- ¶ -. %ai '-.- , sitlii' htis urîysmi sWood lbibsispiulrad hlm b, puS ,o4tl'.4asr--lltaatia>a, ltIaY '.iuiîaait la tie boul. ooea lesIu Rus- -é*tthe ia' .- - %ta îei~- - jan tsysu tttad ber saIbtton la dis N a -- r rue i w&aalt. ' ft.ivai:,beat and b.li. prasO.Sb rtleokala. 5'. i 4'o-- à " a tiM tarat o-i'es g taî u»tseboon sthbtmam m mI. tcia -- a'- 'tét 'Il tthe.thv a aat nnlesas r411ie. » SO reeldOl l oukila.17 s I s-u.a ir- ou-'vmiai«aflo, lbmekees rtîtslbtiW#&, bui lm boh. p Ml-ia.,.it07 cf le . "e.me rt sitLafiemdorMesmes,bs e 1, -i<taar ,- -..44M) OITuri i n'ar aaîî us duewa.&uadvotdam te bride le a fteai l ml tIfA<', :s a-.liaî'a aî tllO .iF.cblaw pires theparMshbs Ialaa'm".,4. ir- taa 'îîatclu'î4tibbtS lamti i~s omtmaftc issam ais>t-raal-e~.-. s~.Mr- t î-ýdtiîîovaIra-Jeetusi ketro eu onseu & eh is . 04 Se~ ts ",*Il th#-'r oourd te Nies P.ês.v'hase~ *'!a i eeco de&ahtr Iove th »w $te tace anael i is44 thoelie eoWei,% 4e a Il lia'ir. AUp-irtty te 1H,àétb" and, the bdl te prof the sueS et 55' a V~a--~t5.5.5 f èî-a tit5is 1iUsrbe. eeordq1t,0giw»sud 19htar b-1 d:.4t Î W.. ftFINa Rm , eRrs. iàthuste e*Whave km ail Ut, o- ielu1rîawal a4t%4 pby.t4te4 I w.d"d eltita'sEu..leanaabidrisser. ste- f lu-,- -' oadtdîaat'tra4taIi" galetla dessouS B-wsahosg, mal IdIliMM w,..?- "a1.' ;tah ttts fé,aotf ulaiebuo@se.astshssa1a hpi titi. b p'f e- a Acte-iVIA*et'i ii.. es Iu f le'ttnum QKW s h tsi*s lu ca Se -5 el:t' - 'at4tO4 si etterlai fooaisout *Wviola lhe mouS fulsuase le pAt aicsiba' - rtmtb%a Se i 50tO i l. asmaevo il~.Ll #10Pet stittp; seena tli IUPau mWSS susuwoalm -mu AU oWLDÂ,oeTlm? JAMUARY 10, ISSO. mmtapuu& , - .km -Ila .bs ma W"liio. le rn àm -Kg~~ ~~ ..eoayaasse nlim am &M a ruk m is -,f sma Mdi-.mut - mTlm e Dm& amu.tmai. -Rumi0alts bAliwsffelia, fm -1»gam , ao séesaetb. a.u aMd vuao4«bnm s e mmJCpm i.. -Àe isésiOusu fa.uw ig wo -L' suom ne dl t e'pmptiolta The MM»-vci Ilie OU -wtr Aseau àmépisaivernl l *iuoum hum la couI:iiem,,l ts me "domw theu. kmbimbal. ues B1"sa m*0e lsma euh"on on lms ossri lapsoketibu b.gaIMr. -bu. flwOttg DOs,, kEdafaO4, ue. isetus oS leas bWoema, bas u, du= tua iesmet os»luvalli Su oc -Aomh lsa oua sh .a iBl ro' amolWl ~swafMl a, Md, a161 nol aatmIs amlioie - o Kamo umi ae slassa wet lsbme l fou tes. h P»Jés a. owpllt la NO ,Yor -amuh, Mdfmik *ssj gréaeftOBPmi oionh. hcves a. nmo»eflew. m t -. oum a esuis utombis Ilbil, flaistme alvuel SUGOUsm"tamas heml O ielâ à"l e stp, mros A=la la, phos wiv mm»"f wms crssbl~ed ts au smri fes *ulm " s.e vr -Ale aos drier ap: 'hd MWe u I&aaule mebisa oaugomenli tou iualb's soJo uesla*4Poa& Ela uaof ipheso 15 a pbandal ssnéasioMdsom a s Bobai ami flb ivlaaii lis -Kg lfl ubm selpols poShcu smon "doy'8ituu " * WT abmornas. ext ea ofaer pleVMUt g a.M laer elb nvsae s bilsiel idaivti Tub 1 e slMesl Pitm11MlOr e -ime Chalamuo 'a., -vo4, -bonu rae vi a ptr les aft #I daeila usAloSba erit uos hernies otwqkTe amb -le théigil vie Sk»» inos vo sîvimed2Sel lelug i passai mos e hoflà thae O leptSAatOR5V»SucaW . 8tfr ias as of i ithe EpiliouIs epLodc Qse lp viii bummliloa -DibsoOCal0&:m, . s. ailueu. &ios marin« smba" loà pouag -osP emialy sanilisxvas avais h lPie tétams wet éa anescfil weîoleUsouyMose in«ttlabothemsave it "i liaso au scmloin hie aole bladai -l'h. he rsai tul. eail isiaumil Umoroalems Waaian0ss busovalMe. 'h vete a lb.Sino leemtu is On.sa mettes er hiesat.h. i rem Meéat altiti20ble sa i madotol =ahtayle oIle l is vm adawisS. ab. aesty t,4 lie solueO. -o *soeho -iis. he nttisfla dbitaoS*sbot. Swouanüe ar abecoth tutermas atso wion bas boom uVarl y l. usogre a adrinistere.d toitgIX lietti pêoda thA poâ.and Svinm i eboa betfArlsaiO>zl oo as etut.dbvolcurle ruJ.ole. on o thsne l i ttel ts tgteela aho l&" er ad rse s aes Untd mate MOda Oyela.se 8.1 a hoSmtie o. ofl lexne % de. Thé b eustlmMMU ared111 fôwmut&Malousieet ils atpe etalMe Wesct le ate loupA- lxi emlo Vau pnolen.orud Seuton li" isSu1111.l1. acioifteet t tomWhvie ssm vers llui laheu aelatm. i re vas causai b, u ibd# eoti,. h19ulois. atm4 lu a othe bg omu s b #b a*b09% dioumllouy. T» WMOIS slamin eu-tm a elovo Rlueafarai otisseusebg us tis Itout, and tbsy maie Ulii.enrage. T'h. ie onlso vs w e o a.M sman.l'b* amplovees oha ajaeffl iimy alatien mu h. kd t. sueai lamidvieandvaluabl aastaase. lThe citas eftbisbey* vbe ve esabl le1-spe vrs SourIse. Tis belle ofl$*eboilvem bea omabut -ltat balli tiai vois sE befare ey ver borne&. l'h.«manaett5h.iaairamas thu vmesto t vlv> voat. -."r. Liathlsm, apuulset et le IssiklliafS **.edutfandi dembBell. vine, afoule. lisaslme t iame. Maimusm hi.eslmabdi ans outwbi tiers a a »dwIf ut kveay l'm.hcrue popletos.ouabut 1305 ft ML, C k g» tit swmber lmt MUImemsobilirsu vomw nu.e Pule etif 5h15Iulu«tmo dluiSe .ssSy etaihatu aea l'h fuies=sl f lse atures am uspouseidhomSs m-gi agasbtnw us. Mr seSOPuaise. t Suisses ocm 4, kmmail amuiUt Imm M ~ Tab lep sr.e 01 am as t lvl lyus 8"ab" ua hwsl boum 8S. XIàH P.. , IsPLios P.ua SI. RiW.-h»If.mM e n I k«M ýr. wras" asas'eal= Ieeout nasaw o sai vmv,!ITALUAbLE PRuPERTY AT grain Ww*.iaM ovmd bwuwMeosa Wi dOubàCo. aIla atua elile claa isa o * Orsabijma, ama sMm spw md l. r~~.ea f h osupala vai W.Wou i mmlii spamutaor la L¶Ie'Xrna 'si. Pmr furtior Soý r olis ISUUMiles.Ml- L'ARE FOR SALE -qC"azug9 L~s~ Sud Nasa. Kite Le,,. mi- BlEt,, Rbs~ M'4mY 1P41. Vvaas d. iWu'u&. OUIID WLOO~ Bd 8cm comisins living room, illobsa anti bsiraom, ami as Site secaul tsar Suai bal- i55~ ski lb. uesasmry cicasl issu. ?aare h scellai nuise a. shale. Julailor Oulsiai M led Resu, ou as~ lsd ftesm. [,- a sA mA f1- a" A", aapanmamner, sa" puntcd Colraouexterloraua: GaplacU dat;trimseua. lgitI brocs,ad op lird: blinis. olivegrm& 1 X aes.tin ou thiaile wsuai Osor Loti NaTe atimi&iof *0 TSbyj t I AiLosi t a. Vrnryhas qan amimifl arsa a Tb* 7W 15ahas. tor0bIldI bul WdkaturM ifO1mi u eMRi alnd ureesoaile teris Apply ale zas- sur WLGLENNET. Wi. Uhave, 4 .,. DARU FOR SA LE OR TO RENT.- r mm houai of tohhe aitonoetLot iU la lie St Cmet ifOg. aro Md 4a. ahobi!uet las t finm là8ha. -of Opa& 105 sra siums jMAun hrm Llsl.. On tisas tamis liais art abiel0sas clearsi s" itft tm e «mvmm. wn-f oS »d omotbl wMmh» -ýéo UlbIaa sd baun. -Osalte unemisaredto. Ibere he a gruau amom t f auSera-. ItriU la plas attrr am-lmald pa.ulmlie asV o 551 Lsm.OLIPL 31tr. 1 0 CON(NOOD AR 0F iOO- Ldot No. 7. Cm.s. 5,ottele ~ib 1 oh Opo; m ab ot le se outai lns? umbr;scutiatis;fine neveuRing robM et Il vigsisrusa lbroce h tunb. uakim Ml saof lia hast amlaptL fa£mm fer docklante conutt. 1%la abs sli U~ecifergrain. ýClamp 4misefort- able bauliage. flaseti live ieufrm ltae tacs aiLinam.asmrami-loterusu. am! t ILKART & COLE IT. Barriaters, VALABL 1 ARUS 7OR SALE. The uadweld iSbaff for slte holloicin VALUAILI PARU PIOPERTT. PARCEL N.L-iom1 MW MaLalU th 11 ~ C086 et 1»ite T.vst £oh #aimm s la m ts our si sia lir- viasmo a rpe vinoyrd imtr cm asolaurmi md medr clîlalsAu v ashiou eStik« , taOsL V. su m aSe. about 503 asies oiaaend mmmet oultivatian. Tise above propaiea yiUl ha senalac50eor sePsaaly rte Suit purehâseus. averabl larme. PARCECL Ni«IL-laU Neé . e.amiW. fat lat 150 1. atuSa Con, et VeIA Sia; newau~ clesree. Ai»ne. j e oke &«.0]P«. U.la bloc. WsUi mprovad; ; go a buidigsmua archard. PARCEL X&u.-Tbe s. jet ne. 1. M Csa. Veulsu, l10sema; about XIcoléared and onier cultivallen Y&Fu ir uiclaga.About 18 &crmofohbraies lot as laie esuaa tue Rock,.'Saumgon lais. About la scie isra excellent pwossn.AlshoI «Ne. 5. Ca. 1 semSiille. 2M5S rsi; SIactes learoL.WU'i ho sWUi rcecasble. Thea save praparse ilu s' hamailby t.ea. For router parslsularu apply an JABEZ -THUSTOIN. DunaforaiP. O i . nt& DuouS& Mar IL 195S-tf. Cea , 8 1 C. V.C'. cuRl* & Vu. cured s yI av*hututr et a&slvero sud wchas p- ponce-atos be a fatal sack cf diptherlu- atear ail <ahat remeatea s u'tall. sud reconiess t te ail cie maw tas atithoa"d sIth tisa lcfble di«au. Jonx D. BarrîLîxut. HRSANDLOT, IN LINDRAT aipf s aIC OR TO REN1'.-Houm 40 liton Tr er 'p opositeGualgals livS sHansou., brick veneerietait rm-eese. rl, lr udaLtO" luts.Ge cosiahel;.sd efI vWater; aM-clan cealir. Pour furier particularaappi te f. 0'trO2.qBMRuairu P. Q. Ont. ou te SPRAY? & KILLEN. Lindsy. Noe,. 1%tebu Insasu. n 1hooSLM C mu.là**t Pse fttU a %te Bock. et.. Abe0 Goeori Biasd GlseS ts aufli vIitasu- prieo eias. Sli.pvielî. w&NoMvi- onw. CuIlsonammuiase. Write for la- R. mia SELlT*N AmcItecta and, Suzrve7r cote ma ru gtauw awi tuvLW". JMDIKSON.i- 16 au glu aa cwUs. Radnam M ol umasm N.N L&A amiermas.Be, ,l& u A. G C mâtA P. L. 8.$ Domini WT L. HERRIAN, ML D. M. O.P. -adaio Vicoriea M oroute Ui' Dosois. ont. OcI&8 .-U- [8.WILSON & WU.5Os, PRYSi- LPClAN& eSLI-GBDfflk ACCOUCHUEB 04lo. .praneas. iromas al.5-u Dn.L L WumossIL a.XNC. P. a .o.s. à.. Wuaou.N L.ILI.kJLC.P. as. Out f GRANT" MX D., C. KM. XO. P. PIL 0O SiisaioahVictoria and Tuae Ualveratas. IIember olg e ehiyuican sud Surnmma.Ontario; lame cf Pas:Grase HoSpltL New Tark.. -Offl-Wooditlls. I- 1' 1 ROD, PHYSICIAx - AND F Ue-'gEIN. -Rsa, (raduste Trmsn Univarili.L. R. C.P.. Elamd. Oua. co Yo <Trk miRuallaia. Maure: 0 le a a.m. 2 go 4. d 7 go ap.u Lindms.Ju9. 195.-3-"r. [>R Wt. EMP,0. IL, EICAL Ratura. n Sandad ImummneaOns Sursco the Grand TrusckSuau. -SUIidaul-a.. &«ra"Mdmau ai Linsmw.00m. heuae freisseoite a... suihtamnil. .ana»àto 9P.m.. Telepis J. M. H.oer. I.D. C.P.S. P IL ex.a q. lic. Cmainngis, Jouse Rmi.lI-U MIL E. A. SPMLPURY,9 NE@2 OM e oAIL*8Leetorercm finass esa.Thras mmiNoue. Trudlty lia. te"cdlkaga.Tm 1san; $rgoa ace heThusal àmm Nue Daparuent Tousa temaGnrai H_ e. mitai, 6mm i Li lla A soot. ilosPIMal fu = 1 ot thei a Th al Nu=i-»Bar, L.a.dmo, Buaimeaa carda. E BOa . WIg, UCTIONEIR FOI moiras. Alluma" ailaP. 0"OI De AEYAslsu mo0l1 te". O-1. WRILMePHIE, Clark orSthIbn&. *asa an us os tam sudtoua proublay s TT1CANADIAN POU- WILL SE «Mi sMaj pas la .R Cmasibam F. GLLSIE su T l aamut oer le - "M »e, aMdltu a s e s bueori. Slss sal, Bailme U PueAS iaifUa owu FA cIi, c..a;ae LARDINE KACIUE OIL. mouLBRM. e.- - TOMIS Pms saIV JOaHn~n a]% as uPM;s-]E.D. Hlot"l. idMAN]y l OU aEP, lmiNDE.- TEM«T. Propriuir. lest bradetM liquers"ami an. LU"Mr~ OI srY %MWm@ in& » am o ica saie ramas omte boit bà" la tas villae. Exasileot aemoota.Bat aissyssuppiai s the boai badu et qas anisigrs.Goa aablma tsive bBs MAN.IONBOUSE£ FENXLO14 BWI ý . TOýIYPrepiela. This bu J. Tvaye. JI&. Whobasmai"e ext"e igu là tia.premimos adicomuloteiy. i Goald a&Wm-nis&osa MOARTRUR BOUSE, FEKELON tiBiomnaly ovShri ad dredUtai, iti ses funasiura sai. akimg 1 seond laons» tu theoum.Thémmomomaas ror theuram Booî FMs lIemi ',nu veatdu"a& Osa mpà i anaoied.NOBLIXNGlUI. sas m lo-riour . . teu a m"r~g ou viata"Mmsud hot air. Badooa ami din uglmareaturuL.hd Fr-clau. table se ot boaissalosu ad liteàstable gemuî4a yLàs bera %Ëlasamudomblruabe lob.I& iMaS-M u. rORELAND R OUSE% COLDWÂTER, uMMar hmni otaInimeS. to h Iravelling publie liai tber vi Sladlt tae h osmiranocatm caR aithe ses bick bitaies =iina =0aoec chas boo eogu F"itniehedinate modem styie. Thesa le hela imuhout viti bo& air. Fine mm. W0ipj7=mb M sd attentive hoaime. Mati . ULSYBo W.N.Colivosa,. UENS HOME, CANELGbbS l'The aumpldotes se Intlmai, te m«aan lessot the a ev 6butbormmgbi yrecovatel, littai snd turni tla toimas styeaconi Sa none tu lis pruvlnsm e. Ho prepuaitaoSfer eVery mc commolaelms la the travelling puliClu gen-. oral Tus lauge analver-' -ommn alloua bou., albria god sud ouen'ont accommodation fer W5YIee.=.il hted unplewî.l s. qM IC WO @uPùedwiththechulc.a'î sostias eoflquorsansa civare B ati&~&mrm. Thor la"m elu conseciua hra-claa ata:.IZ ami nevl lnid ada =bhuosîlerBwa on hud j k!mPuoprietor. ('smningn. J&n. i». &due& art" 81.0. Vaimm. .11poe 4ag. Titei o hich hmut' a emiargol ana asovat-d thronghouc. vit ce trosu opan fer tie receptien ù0* gsse*et :Žut tha 151hlnt main sd h t ùba tie end.,s.-tr of 1h. prep te .maioiasd reltan *-r, eWar. mr"aconl te n.> houas sinteVroa inca, out. eAi cfstele m . A1sitar. cpaironage tram lie comer*Waltravelling cubain as respectfui. ly mlloisied Th. pro,retor vii i ho gs.to acStve aa.CU froum i! fa I, sd frlviii"and as amy nose ocaas pos-lble. .ý a icspection cf su aflad cammodioumb Oflict adMoin s ia H all cl a=Iy ete - - Uoud tables and Mode 3 à 4 -nd au attentive hostie viii akajà beas bang. X.ItLCO-Lx!McGREGoR. JMoneyi to Loaii. 0FEIR CLN.-We are ncw 10anint. OLIARY & OLRART. lndaay, NiO. IL 1as~t 6 PER eENT.-IoNEY TO 4)- AT SIXPB CF-T on cod Fa= Pm perty or ottor gsodae eidrty'. g7Ch:arae ramable.No comnlbin. -4pp,.ylu Vas CAMERON. WoodvlloP. 0. Ont. Nov. ii?.. M ONZY LENT C-S FIRST MORT- GAGE& masImprovndlarms. twabhSt A=pm XJCalï- HUDSPETE & JACKs@Ori. OMMce.WUllam-et. Liad% »aabe à erm le sta suit beewsaa. ais- large MM Csmi ah1mI fusais ta o ICn ou sv4n. talgfles tarmes. G. IL E'eÎKlzd5u. Derrister. ~cLnaa.Ot 1lmdury. Nai19. 1sda. -2#. (J BRAP 3MONXY To LtolAS i't-NScmia % a e SMtD qiýMsssette 7 Der c-ni. Itar Amni :rpiaita repai> a lown et 8l.(in lui) in 114 30 seredu$%M N. J. . ICap,1aT. P. X., Wooc vilit J. C OlCHRIST th ln i uent for se; era. VnwClauIaa3cu tECo!<pA'aar.son lfor man the lunine Nevipapem .Givc ltu b e il. -PRYTE,.FUNYDS TO LOAN st 51. L Q ad 8.per cent. es-vonr.- vtua £zou-it e- qulusa andmi scrtY ait red a.Interr 'j' e'tlrgaMtoboeuuwaa or etp9yia"cà!an. aet H. B. DEAN, DimWaer. OMM ice tl lws's DlOa*. corner iKeat ad Trat do manery.A% 2d. 1&&-6L WBE ARE NOW LOÂK.-INO MO0NEX yAT NEOX 5TO 6 PER CENT, MU&. liaitagos sud notes nagoti- sMOL 5AKEU4 E KcL&IJIJHLIN. es~ Jimdaay. iladuai. Âw. Bu. 1959.-Il-IL to6 par Conti R. . MNOW .UmMR" 187 M M N UA AL UBS 19 O TER%. ÂToA q ai L, st litors la Cbsucry. sie. Ores. Dmhu!ny loc. Knt-fl. AITHIUR W0LÂRY. HL'GH P'LiAt" E. W E E K ýS, Otice rx..x: <10r tu 1KilI.1> a lard m- re store. . iê*t o Io" uat !uwest cu,iiutr#teu of la tarezr %I.c~mudueareL3.rtgaffl uegotLltd. 1000et Pàlwau bheazas se Lindsay. opposite the marke. joug A. B.mo'. i. J. XVLÀLaUcz.! WPriae . undGempanys a a« amant 5 te 7 par Cent.e KEN.G. si. V. tarlo 1eternary Coue th u.eterinauy 398. rene mnd4t. eau of meihooimcinis Lindsay. fr 1"~ s W uduait fOntario Vetoeifsry coeli Tora& rto un mifum or th le doeaeowm ad nbo:,b% helateet aclertiflo ad M"s @%m s.Doherto. Cntuo. OQuers by telepsu- or mai1 !!..rptly atuaed te by da) or ai WUil vtiat Brachiu crry l'uào&a A=10. i GU"<, VETERIN. ART SURGEON. Garc& ut et Ontario VeterLZarce 41D Yoma itd.Oo L$l ora fS 'jembalq Le. l'avortas. Ordaloft t i Usa drecs dviUor yte~wm hai leTEIORNI tigraduate of the Vet vaUlard -&atm ué m etnaas ai mgnJs tu KIwiS id fer the Piacice of hi purote A lame .mmt log pri* Midkwaeso mic a utal is s-e ,e Vt u 45aadT~@baierth a eeu i .& L ta v la.iA I laudsta by d'y orCf nit. KIri4eLdMs ,Fma teISraela sem as_ _ __ _ _ amanu o. I:Me te MU b«h- -'E TIIRPUârp$WEDILÇU [INVI. re 1<11111a"1*atm ima. go 1-1evmmdeaim i. .'4 à une ew a"awmu U. au@ MP-tuesi »àmiIM MJTIR MAU.MI pas --2 do, a - PueSec .OnU mII e indes3tibài ooi liait origial shap e assur sudsar.E Ibis -P ouas alruots ea h0a213aas mosse at'aahod; cemqudth e wSam pate reuwred. Gaa. Vi.alizelAir, adumiasi ciii pemi AeR afor»sely,231rsuezhtstln se mmastle "lai proved ga lnsfer a&- tlliru heGOa& Bs stud ndaOr]DrCo Yoa ork. te Inventer ot gas for e«- tiseUr g ast, vii husa m as ute er MM,0 verms anmd mit a atlNW ue. un NEELANDS msmsBalma LocalAmoma lieUe o Sxictlbg t"leat b "Wh osulag &»amatyleso!foroep shicit h. baeireupr ràanufMured viii. cm bis lamsvisit te New Tub. sitich remove. tie tee ai sites: damse, et laitiry te the gue or Jas. iiie ame hei- Se up beautlfully la a tes layamss e'a q nuit trouble. Artiflolal Tt l'asiértai as ai 1»peular basesaid by thei mou aJriaad styasamind ilances for i teir utesa ant emofau. Nunibers cf porussara vaoaing tiet mie bY Mr. N.telandm ami S20 emm»d n»veur Equirlpire.- Ptice m ri4 10 tla ie fem uupper or saaestl ius a Puionstramcs a sace viUipsi m _, cri belote e mlag. ffle. Koat-mI. ces-rly Opposite Congre BuIL $Anrd O CeLi2t. M-72. W. H a. GROb sStg GOLU ANID P<)RCELAIN CR0 Wl/NO <stiuot plate), practicei by X& GROS&. sAit avesaaisfsactin to a Uare auu.br & RTIVICIAL TZKTH inmrted hle mMd sppi ovad mettoe aIsd p» Inples for seounaug perfetWr. of t lt, rccmfort, dwU"Ms.iusbity mea" beautr. on Uai, Suive.r. Ca4uloki »d us AriljoCuatirucua < u. Aime la ail tie harim k dutalRubbos.mmd uathleeu 'aivtngPrseu. Ail mets a est s lalfabel a" Iictt te mouti by Uar. Grmsa imasifor undtr hiâ permanai supervisIon. hici vii M» coint -fer the uataitascton given by hWw sri.. 1%. lintroducon ou IanUme to Umeeor tlis labelSt rl muet@ fur lte adnalaiumtionet, VîrîuLZE~ IR lkktand OAS. attabka Ur. Grue 10 annuu.scoa.aiantl >tncreuoalLg 'suem la the use cf thxe&--snodthetic. npain, n. ac- cideuta. au tora came, co«K-quenly nidiassU Thbe ot n'utbeci ofpreeerving th.eatural tsl »lin ±h64 snd çccr te.mabie mal-Is.'. ha, bttu aa Il a tul> foreari [THIlSY YI:J._ by Ur. Urais. asu al atrention and câxe la aiveu by tam ta tht.e brmucit ot bis buoimeïa. No uLmectary ml* lntio:. ilto cmai r a e. ai bis oiIce over Kemusnnw tuu i4b. u esepeclznsaai Barnagtera. .Ec. al. HOPKNS, (muceseor to MAX. à:TI lHOPKIS> )Barristr. sclicitor ii. ýMîkE BAýRRISTER, AT. ïoltmUiNY. iJoflcssr md àrfPablie. *QNC]DTbT'â.LaAN. Office. Kent-at_.indsy UI>SPrETR& JACKSRN, BARRIS. uà ltl. oucisurs. etc. on". Wtfmat.. ADAM RUDapcTu.q-C. ALECX.JACKSON. .L Srtolilcitors. sto. Hamuilome lomi.S et.J .n? M$my's-.D; (ALP re. nzSISf zo least ri Bper oest-l>. doilcltors %Lýtaies, etc,.ms Ofcsoser u.àarte Hsuk. iLant-et. lndiay. M. J. MelINTY RIL T. STEWART CIT(JR. etc.. clLIL-17 tlrey Ckèrkoftzà. ! ýud L.:sayý . Ja. UCdei; ais -Oarlonuion K Lai. rzi" Aug. 6. lme