__________I 166W0 Nm~ I ~ ~ a - g. Mdkp.fUia Ar *( fl ktit Gnt P . fS l ~ ~oft Dhwelflalw Atim e P -10 lr.ti4 g n tee lcl coIfm mueh.W les. pei %ire-t qfwn1t 'y îrahm ï wati00, for et efor us madve k nôn1ons.>1.o ur" oCtn.' O four 1'rtI >. Im1h1 telptIluV a ittnl bu, 9l ' tobaie Od- lhs .Ob fu d% %nt t utlrhlts OCbUsWve . qw . y h. o*cO fP- lof cil '1~cheffllWflLE0A cvilwe have ....... . . O'rm *..-..... . . . QAru A ~ f3 W'=. f at Hqf I1TTMI rc.Fmm ..ww - 0111 dI eI ll h. ""wu ima (Wh ie lm )t afui ami tuI ut Stete M Paeg hleeeW zorilte- imae ia q are tham mwqwhet slte lIme m tr edsf!Y sehgra* , 1 le -, e oitire MW lyifMW dwltaiaue or wau r erfoCwevothaa-tber witb"oi#MuW~ Ift" -aB afothcv ue~fe e re wm they 11sftirbu niai-tto clefeal h@rIW parleg m4t* plaie 1* offie tirbo u &.h« th tlem'easn sabl vltsm &M ldIdtfenr 10 %hme mater Ias aotlier ennetlow Md - S& emwwmto leWs.,ealUf»t .îe pu,çy îe who hopposer ave oemlSoeEtmr thev. le &à* -ev fila iithe fpoiSaIPmri lem_ of f om .v*lut .téow Me- um la »I couaultumuY. »mettewe111u b tbW orc l er tl e lmoIe" U 60u*etî-et lot I«mAif hy obuif.u ývowr- fer the, mfdldage «o»ie Idr h 1W *thdfcWluM 10te-&esoaddbe ar Leu ow%~ wh.meshqoiwees t s.wml uld1 oiMIOCtbave MW t* le Ieel out a«.. f* g clmou obfet.ege,, wffli gair toileotherm&daboS u 01#; a64lM f~PMMfIoII p 4* lem mw rutAS&aIlum btetfevfee n leU o5uee%1u ne*r.y sei, <orna, uffWl', iotle ceeôm ler4um tom a mI ib eo aielis h n"ewof parf U ois sfaor De ow sta c inibte ft TIs ff'CtIWA mr affl t ObUrem Irii f~'I mn-orfflgbotv tbe-yromIeaib lesebr no eurâw« emuelvSb n htrlô* e»Ws&f M b tCh-, i bVeIigt al-pa théio «hl té e V#wi ?Iret»etataoeff -s66Wi prety rwSe tfefie, tàtIOI i ieto MtfiGM-lb!#di tf.l%* 19 66eveeyl-qdue l lopf'~11oUoc 0Ve dftuetf # iteq ira do' Lhisemuthmloi e for tlaasomw lmm5m- -6t - <bilf e jôefrAkEl e offl lOe b ul né~b*â"r b« ~ 6fco ah t foi Slo h 5h«lw«àk oV I tin V~,ie Md iwho oo-ia emehoeuof sel"Wbel OMve pmd 6 f t oaS 016E lw14aI4 rEen th#OfR6oh l%%a fful om ' -ueE -uîe oai' iliC IdilJuho*l Au pry het t iffl 6tt f 1p« 'iy a isS6fwla r h t 0ev .1w0t'g1r-, ell -Ui mit the ttoferac le k -yopg 5 _~ WL c. ~ AAWAW - - Omo 1 - I - - -. - I -Il' w le B re p w r. il' w s a r v. I. I. s. pr~ Pi- I 5- I. r s. 1- j- I. s r r I Il- I p I. p r I r 1- I. F r p F p rgyy tni fe ro iewA- QuIPxe, o! f b1 .r n, ic, *the," wie@4 lOit g -ie1:-î. "'i rIlnm g t h e« pk h e m e 11',,r A.V. i Itibrulpot midb it eus u4rIn o h, i.' cf 'igqn enthee r 0t le no- -."e -. r - l- 1 lent - it i mn' .rr oh It trâ fheIrfa i t d thî\-înf RYW pITV.-0#4 Mr', n <' tf litontg lit eaft h fis~fp *. Ani ti a4.ti'it- th #b ht yerstfkl b6t' f h î~taile mOtt vtmtey, 1-A. Me 1, !n fie ,". zttlhilrv%#'î';nha1 i 1 lIe cir t,, q"hbert îs l' tirer lfie t rîiiMiat.e B~ ~~h c l-egs ltvy eSOf >r. l*1h1i tlho lme .wissrtlwpdy-ff In '-'f '< < e Kvthoi th M IN,- .rw--rA ii ; .'tpoe foi! utMir 1Me jeu-, u"'4eîeîrri oes't Mth f me&*ir iw."'larircf 'rwnnî-> rf1 fi t -4r(liy5 .~t ~f ith" r rfntPkwP :04i$aU l treif*bf CV*ui« f * fflfeA th**h'f 1,t ~~i"' ~ th "ô -f.W'c l tirekt une-i. .-.f5c - é#ffl'a h1%#!tMiq M f faî-',aîl lea F -~ -= ~ oUflEu~w~Uu~ 1iï~ gm~~p t~Vmr~ os.. ~#.UIeIUKu~ Il. hUm. "iebtocohe ii?' I itu-W erlof nthe u "onte," m id ter; "silote le ,in lpae lier ta> Corne eu t Wi&l,. b srae ite ireauu eey, s Lq Ite soy-la t htie triit go nearrieîterhîeelvcyl ise tfl.lt irg oarlg lier. « t'IrIn)hst cdearuo isslis ot berlehag~, rh~laafali hayt -i cr111 Ths a nlarreatl ng p-riî (lone, beenîbirrkig tloê te) nab.e l tiar ieti d i) hate ar t i"f er. V4c "D, iiet1rer" l- Flird, stralIrg. "Wlor1n colaing I -ri iindo t 'at«Is lier, as you <al a ur?"i Ie ra.'efil sdta at> tif tneettnR ves lue a it On t'Plley.i o "Itît îio.ler, Ira-h, hewi rani Te liste uln Am:pkin, ig efr..nn aec'm- mural lie.r" so ier hut ynk hae tihse'li! nfA, 'lroaifii stîic-o fb.sporena',iss ltIie lirsofa ionei o d.ç f anieinsp lis yot111 ter anan t l'Un r f .hai r l elit. but. tlio1iý'n nti oreto dlewailorer piynpage uL t roi e lar gnêt r a -t it itenri t a file rre, o andsie iernfi nuso unlit 01 ioniti tyi kt rxp»eIloneît. I" Ilte Mwi. yen-the irriàpbèfo114ier; buftl tis :,IU'n-n Mrsorion ant tair for lete)otepiao nt l: oter aos toîtiiing tiing yeil - ktrîe zowllJote Wluen f itladfim s vorh#14 ieil etf tih vaw t s'arê la-Y h>otue io. î4ey se oi i irt'n rdrtgirnM, '«nUe qrirnforh Ivirehl1- - Vnh l firnil hy nuer. ot .e 1 udt ena-' t u herl .îhîl, f44ly a ofln *o rabie nsop tO nn arne, atiaaitr xcli 1I fdAeraci-ti hisu- XIrear fnëa*laifoot nmr t nIeVlreard f Mis f& *1w mi1y issfe whw- griseu' rei OttheIg r-otngrfhu- e ro i r-hiakaMe fo# feM--« I arple e.-@ idiy' gdn trie it nid, é% Cain 4 As tin té1a*4 ver-de TJeu laosefo obme, doft aw'Mir u s aiolyop& MWitr-t ra'rnnitwu&ereacn Oar ff-'nel fflrraian ri<4.arrfaim a srhc.~~~~~l MMsda-er cnbi aetnl noir-, rai tua. gue -nl eerm f* M " f 11'w - I~~~~~qni iOlt* 1 t!T M! Yf~~ tiferI& eAShj, A10,1 oegel#V"ir 6f teâo &im iiiloufmm té,îa ,flSM io<ef i h 1»Smm" -A48soaaiho" té(iti <), ec tr mof4m thm iaSw le "'"fil' se-fs st- t Ofjl*t5 ieletteaitg net pesO lt rLIÔiIf Sfiis liii bcft aI g Iltici S ue-4 i-G t4'Pl~5fUf tWIlt r' I tht4~' fle ire lire A ~fiti~ M~ -w': - :Fu=oeimr~ ~I. - ~ gi~~ th.Sy the&, h.uwetil b' oeeeou, mu<d* ~f umi oeeai -nlasle OR. WlMr~qth.tu-t mê 10o t* O Uo ~ umese- h.. orseme E18 Pa -r.. oeuIr.koueté, -4vSs - muet- sic ewuL !cilliUM&atcbo 1d e pjWêoMny motirers des. of takling clty bnlev-,ot.mlii, as shé samm, nuerêeeel t f Ii, Ilwculd* nef mRke nruchdifferènce-j& unr home lits-. They vert u nt,, 3fr.. on, a& lier nièec, 3Miffl Esnily àes ndstrange cent rant th", matie in i h appeirrance- andi demeanor. MsIYr es was shroud.d- la. tire iepeat cf moUrrninq costzumps, Mfd a lîeavy -black crapael! eompletely cencealeti lir- tentuiresShe iras net a- îvidow. nW4 1 I kncw, berause li ivnit- ink te en1gage- the room 3 rs.MetoU-> lied e.aled lier iniee e is"andi hat fUllh4ertnroeadded that sire lardmstairiet the(.oIn" cf a&friend,iiehlh bnci t!roîvn. ber mbfi astaS.e ofalmot liopelees niaime- aince h.Ia; that IMn. Mornns objeel lai meeking " eeuntry place m br r fr e w . York aa thhé Ucu-esc Valley maslunthe hope cf teftedig an entire- changer of tene andthotiroglutfor lber.ilfflieîýd nièe.p Mis. Mrtonuj intusaorrltiar- tic bcirtl, but s Miss Irs took lier nipais in liet ronni, rcfu qing.te crss tiieSIi t ryaurirc'ity wirspiaineti. -I Mo mommý4wamim1w "Thise ;utseh-teau tl'ose, Geoffny,. à* tm& -love yon ire»deepus m .' Wdm 'rom"ena erwed to mm; Msd gTo*g jeu loi* mer ]rtaes& -1 am 3ft y=1 do*, for ouorlove ozy Could mi, forgfvenem eomep ý An& ,nmsboked,& 1 mus e oMy 1 iir far voul<t b. qubbe gte Ive tireot onotry homoe...uh« be AUI, i," mocher muiwmebf«, I ime *Woud >sWOuld a hWirb"cso tbe on"e MMd ovoe ber fumgus vir0" «1 lm 9014,MRuing me to ia " "bite gr lp vitit OitlBuic., mmbeug iv psbty s 810M0l- p sf- vifrom hW wM ibe oà by PublIe &nedlos ut 1h O. mr att elml k la the wa om lue flsegw maluabe pon.y. VI&., goum lhe et qles7 wh e e la CM UU Elm* ie, T al0,h.laos r~~~ thUlePrv. hu.tt -fmd* ai ueiifr s m ami tun m imp me- bl x o aS a ae i u.mse oa.aist tl IL IL nom%. sotre nsiem P .1m WHITE PIME BAL8LL. COUGH ANI D tmW. . gu Gc.sEnoo~ts. sIlab% u A. HiINBOTHAU, Dru ggiat. IM OLD RELIA FBLE BR-ICK a .&.-Eéablasheb 1870-I have wm BiI Lamjd t rGlcanrningt1 . aehmige MOb. bute& JUBY WAEEWg, mefl. Dée. 8 & ?-îr HIGEEIT CASli PRI<E PAI!> T<I J&WIIXAT. MMNET CMII III-ru Vlï maEa oi ms& I ani~em fur the P.ctrM LOUE Ibw m uanovpoao te XU Sah san tmde a aroeuâs. Jan. I& ZL-RiLt f h@8 bw M-& YMte chausei luito fiteeau.*l.? AÂ14L13 mwy-4 UmrIffl but le euq s tbm s ssbpyan& L 1 e1eiloi hym thret hoq" d ngu scomfortyom. O'Lundoutaisd," $bu r.pliod, utn, ai 7W siDoly aud. ohm 1 hate bu luwardly rejoiclng tiraS byn accden ln tirholce, eta.hym, r bad iJ'ac her tc, bemtw upon me ber-conadeuc.ý bsllving 11« tone shIrud Th*rewth" aSdmOSMDO Ipuo Welspers theefianobat gin 34ty deoladmon as wrought by a Mn »Wb* came- u.mMy lif. ouiy to wteck t Ibvae aorpbau, wlth.noreds tives but my an, who, hm e ot strengtl Mough of caracten' to control or guidi se obstinater and beudatrong a& girl ne ain. Tho-the-ausa."-sho psused, greu white, obnddortL at tire recollecdon1 tiien~ by an effort mastered ber emotion and veut on .-"wae ciier in. a bani inhero 1 had on deposit a, considerable tMM cf money. Wer me frequently, and ïWais fascinatedl by hlm He professed to love ines ud we became eugsi«cd. My aluit (141%-.hat Bile could to prêtent nry marrylng hlm, but as dism could urge nothing a.gia t hie eharacter sho wai forced to fail back upon- the tiniolion- ored andi to me ceusemptible. platitudes t hat hli as nv social inferior-only a hanlr clerk'aud 'poor.' I, pnid no heed to lier. L loved hlm, aud love levels ai] barriers. Our wedding dey drew- .nemi; ant -Mt I witlîed, li1,111te malten. gooI al: pearane sad flot te foit hampered as to mea» te miker hirmacf presontable,I gave hhn a blank check, tqigneti,.sud toild hlmi te BuRi iîîp for thm'e thousand. dol- lars. Rie flleal isl ip for the entire amotnt- Ir hnd lu: thebanir and fle t t Canada,.. I oncealed hie theft and al- ledthe world to think thjatfrorn, pure caprice, coquetry, jllckleneus-wlhat yen î ihad broken oit the match almoat at t le font of thre sitar. It ivas. ally belieeed that, heart broken at mytréach- ePry, lie lied zne a;way te try a"d hury 1I4 grief." "Tr-y to forget hini-forgiveness wil11 "II-ow shall I-set about It?'" ohé asketi. "Ilgi." mid, 'hyencating aside thoscerablems of niirrning which yon w.'ar. Go eit into God'e sweet air sd su 1riglu e', and- yen, vili soon rerurn t a .heath.y antnormal otatecf mid."' gel thank yu," sie sali, slmply. "t The n.'xt a.ttk-'rndon, vith sonie mis- iviiîgis tt e antiNwer, 1 proporsed thaS wesboruld make a, sort of family psrty amil virmit a f#uw places cf interest in tlW neigl xhood,. To my surpris.ý and (le- liglit the invitation wuasaccepteid. I oh. Perted wi-th great graification that Mise IVP8 ne longer irore mourning but a suait Pt déliecateptcarl Ir%. YMothiercouild lîardly conceal ber &,=ki fication, at Miy iccese, and Mm. Morton fà i r1y hblbledi ôter, with loy. .4pptemler caMie, and. stili our City mhareo aiet i rieinclination to frai'. uRa. Emrily's cheeks hael. rêsuineti their, pristine bloom, the rogeâte huerof heaith. Ir hati bred lher trom.threflret, andi, aq 1 he rharm and heanuteof bei'mi nd andi rharater tn tolîed. ilemselcea te me, I arunrd br. The social (iffeon'cO e-W twecOn u*, My country brmeng abeve a!.11, iny, pnr<.rty, heid.nme longue tied. A 141W)octeàker camre-th"t lovclest of ail mnis ini thé country-ttvnd with ir a fi)t.iltogetlwr tuntzpecte iwndfdalfoz ii. A suit wlaich, for years. hast been tilargng along initr ors rsa a et-tkni inmOur bavor, and methev and 1 Urvids'd théesnug msnnicf 820,000 between PGWDER, AUJI Um' fiLIME. PHOSP4ATE wil be u« d t t e im e af m ew M d md a vUe * t~u s buomade. the viii h cfruiflmai" -AT .ff5-. &£UBW uut the ewaof La nt the heurof. 12 o'cook mom. the tollowlm vWaüeImdi. anad preudlaeu la the Tovuahi; ut M aibm nthe louItr of Victoria. viz: m hbao fLa sa7 i -tht IIcon.;I100aoeog U1.. tW.uatoe o. & -Tth Cam; 50ocm«& HL IN. ]Lquanrt«-ofLot o. 9 in OtI C=s PazeebL ansd Il fom .o» e are.litacoid tIare ai uitvatipn vSh fair buildingm ond msi u MUd OuScalLty. ParcadNo. IIL le bath' Tms pur ceas.oa the purchamemre buh pid down at theotr» ota>@Me; fur bame tem viiibu me. Lova at Urne ofaie. Fa r 5 o p nlua'urvta U50 Salicitarg. U4rna._ LAIDSFOUI SLEr. 8 IM mom 2à, I&h ou4. W hi a M 14 Mimd '%,11h con, M no. Nwqr 8. 1»h am. 56 an Y hf 14 loth;oea,1410 anu W h 1, S, d oS410e anus. WWf I& am, a [Oacrus TA St I Srmmoo2Mlars W ti 3am M8U. 200me rc. 1 W htS TIIcon. M Bmmts Atm & I acres.twaumpp, NMq Cg (L ILcn,12 sol6 E II,71 ,10 nanu. A' if UCTION G&LE MoUmm ak reidenco. corner of Lladui S& 1 lmzelu screeuh Mladu.. Ltmum. March 13, iSf8 --ff r~E.~vw.~Ô LN.iD LONDON PIRE A TD LIFE. 12M sas m ne Inauràe c umsu l4 tu«, W3rlut capital ......... Accnu"tid fnd .J..UOI Rates sud pr*rnUI;ma a" ow aany orbe t». I petabi. compaay. The soelnment of lamae to "> bicomptba ar 0t54 ai i u& a Î# niodogae ratzs. Four-tlLhm aiofproute s Kvea te mollc hofr'ema.Fer pan vuim or rates ap i.r V.C. TayiLOE, Avoanrtoe-ine d'. a -xi T'orla. Ce. Ilawgan 1cei.aes. 021 Cmern ttt Reaideno. o Mmen Muri>tt&.Cannlngtam. Ont- .7611 3O]RGE DOUQLÂSS àmas1LLONT. Latur. Oea L . je BaITToN-Iil a: s~~ ag Rrst~ rne. Jevl>1 Tir r bwiêoautce Stm& M Caf _____S eêburiaya byhavi aummbe:oefNeW SI t $*.Mown~LCaseu rzmvw às»iw 2>18-1 ~,,pffl on MAiMM "» v Ir té lte" Imn*e.-.eI h Sedoe ge ai h r«Msw f I 11se - over a- Wyuearfved atch, aMdi mréfwJ Cas ni f490. mmmfthrpuuwjs pissime by ezc a m oc a-~~uf W dm s. hu lMa h U.! lmetix obeIi ewmmu_«* W . O Gl.*.AN "Are ar"e.hr? sasoi t u .Lb A.a. M saà tm 64 'C'UM ...u.................. la . up tiragewbo w«eU"mzt&» for mm Upahiy avuab tmu ......ua. WreDB ET0 mlWuemozThe horrible tha.zgh fashai tirrugh my mini that perhflEp &CO7I A4 lard marr" an edveutwmmu.ea-à iia &c 2 ULT. * . &h~g'r, I criminalt for 1 knew positively noth- ______________-'. w ing about bt, ad ah. ba& bem w«io.aCe fk iM T J4 e"uly-.-by&a ipe country' boy M rk, IfAPA E T fAL ID 0 EMÜaY Uglan t me au«. augbed A .1MT D Uvlsf ;wir, am A" reba r@a.look ofnd Boor F:otory ANU GYINS you. weart 1Haý u&, rescL he breport.. UCMMAUM MOrs my t us?' M i o]: GODod, loaks, - JakstMs 1- rad thre foflwlug emorng tre the pS. 1 1.athe blai t . romai Iue. hwiLace Ou- sonaw- ~~~the euan md ukewtas "6rMise Ene lte, thre ccentrie t m 1 m.vh nîvii rg c ton hf MIS an tai s ar ei ia o *1hlonaireu ,gave the slip toi ti reu tDm 0mzt ?srr ipu eo as~ rs, 0mW Clotliing, venda Of ;ocl ,an& wu squiedy Emme- rled onthe 2M4mat, lan- te souae on. 1 w " sin*gk hk Fathers, Ribbon, t try ,entleman cf ne fortune ta eko.Pu rti aItMedZUe MdI~wo o1to a-w ~ ' ~ Dame Rumorosys tiat ou botbj Wid.. t 51m e am ". os efat ,. R. L GSS vasa- regnia hi- fon.4 iove-match. apzo UrIsnel nie ftee" ace fair a brida-Sud t**y A NX EK zare le.-lon--ara rejocing Iith -W~Elat tMM :U&»"Dmc. 2, -81a ___ oneAmeica gil- aapreferred to be- selnuf 1î stew% lier immnense fortu" ne n ci mm_-c - --oa.L mb tited aupr »IboftÂbbDombr, Nad L MW - -AND WOG0. tl"-rxse.reln.mm& .n. Lmber-i LL AI caNNDY veé to nil ru, se mwrI il, omie tMa05ual5 15i told yen bSt lat rd been. robbed of tinky e = Partab1oi LuamZ12R BILL STL'7 thiousand dollars.You.lnferred.tra th" aIZ Ro.a Poetgs.OkwoAIYD WOOD. va-s' aIL tliai." j Mh1. U-8-4d Imb e -£»rdnlst DrI>u" "-Why did yen nt undecelve mer = oa a 15 11 litUfc caid "Becanse, abter my fias tter expert- eM "e mu lu 1 det.rmrned thTi the mm whoaDsW ai next besougt meamoud noknow1ha~D. PINE r0i0 1 adollar. I aw tIi. errer into wbich youmt D~ e tubm out rIdehivuied to MW maise, Ihnc aller,, id as careful not to, ditsm ~- B I Ixowv:. -i bus eyour-mimd cf t. -How cite could t be sure- tiraS yen loved me fomys3elt n zrne sud flot for my tnonçe7POWffVUDE R Then, with a brigbit mm i, Emuly lo- p fli'BETFIE1 IL vGIT10 IîigIy smnthid my haïr- fromn my brow, _______________ gtsca nurm ame Ce. rW"r« and idded, axchly: 9 frgl .6I11ow drmadully frlg-htened yen oamoPu uion.ftirSc.aet&lo lceket, dccI, at tbe reportersbeixrg aller MORTGG AEdn met 1b arn aI rid'you are, aiter ail, wba± xESLbosmeimuau e.Hsre yen. are se fond et callnigyourelt-'si;a aSsLieAaeZt.-TussUs. country hUmpkii." sa'. ARML NDS. swered, snatching I1r to my hert- I Celia Loan ainelborSLa Magazine. iVi2ti pwn0u.c- 1 DA , nriEm!N n"'- Mdhmme t »B sii vi!ftad. àarem>uM lohasvf ple g ta l9" uadeutd z" FARK FOR01SALN-Beiug the ont la a UCW&1500 ouJttmvaim madfefu 07aos. aid erw Num. ii a ed it om race et à on agis adujwtu1 tv rver-.fuhgg Weil%, imai! eoh&Wm oea:et b ui 1dii s . ar nwt, w ,m ulan fato t LldSiy P. f .lm W&im. -4r temrm rqps- woe Lindow, March 2-xlmI -41*l7v. gONOMT. P-QUMT, S8,BtLffY. Thu OU&RM umTUAL LIPE &SSUR ANCK Co1 . eaemU»gy Tha Pmoae.- NqooItjm n uvtew ilitamueto o bte move in lu am eMML ut, b thor u las am s ai: 10 mem 'w».s M»oe opie r oapu.Ove tva aMdOb hit lilflnw mit L Ille 0" LmI -p due lat&r ahm&t mu w»u lausumo Irououa GOR ot G.4Uaidmç lSe WnATL4 MU1UL C iks Oawto the ,mbd*r T m N* l ami Eut.W& m ad T E N . A«»= MMMMThe NUTUAL 0f lwuahabsr-hme&m i .maay damsla 'i tàp.AmOW '- n e pIq17tha" dm TWOS.4. M!DDLNZ'O2.' 1d er ze 2rSM -a 1 1