- CAZADAU ~ 1A, Z7 a., IVÂU7rtlem M. C 1 411«.' au. asea4(jesçpP S ugI. . f,~tir It4tt. t1 lifT e élîIbo mWUoUNm «*IPtWe *s la quUe d$ .0 mm i. m tgwWI <.vuaiS tbuoun hutu. I vsugg ua dil sps t bush or et wênveEb«WOI.y oa fi <imsrâvw*, gofs la M'dm thOM e etg risweuêeeW ~aiawa.as ta o tus.hilas8e -.eh fi bit valisSi t b 0 = 9I gh oeu pls l. trns lwa. 4i quiS BetISusa mdimOe 1trtI.hîr si a dM'. et bSE 5 0 psrk',. qusle a aesu t o I M1,4:apmlti oofildh&ld Olii. olulw Iaarlhmy I RM wudIf 15tt. Mmmaud a l"daUmosie" pureMd la t u ýitvliae Mthooffn ial eni lx prohal4y -eiuhotuiî90iopve te evory fteewq hbo wFlI Apply tor 19 a thve..roun uaibplo[. If th'. quantitlîyit omw sud6 .aly g cw o&a »Mo4pl o f tond . veli t__th1, v«%r reurrila motliIk.IK nutr, w X h.low twe huslI sMd Witz 1 t(bhuiébot fPÙ10 mm Iavalal.le for the *prlm u et 1>01 -smîMekatt k' ow an 54170or liII(IIEI.'V017 p@etwluoif *Wckh art,! wtll rîrobaN, hâve lom 9 gote40 hu#hele kaeU. î1leb Wo mowing lai th. mPrtnR etf1141. And w1tl4 a 111le éÎMS çarég1ar n inéi'nd fhAt 14W yiold oulit h. modo t e *M. t1IMiit~4iCnIaI6. li01114 WaY & PaMOtcal 11uitîion oii f. th* dittlentIIy of siun yi (1*18485tnadw KVSm Wth Opàd 054 (I~Dtis w. harloy vw lî, icd antS trc at tlmo fotrward tue i'owed mahcud bp Mowai ln av qffl5. - fory 1hitlol maket Whetbîîr tnitbs mit4 d*i O hiifl heohaa us." elle titi t* t fallt.iw bwh1 of gmr Xt Mfor Mils le tarieélt j tion "I *worthy cof .are<' fide6Iêatioil. 1Aftu'r mnaat' eonaisderation the m overn. nwal; haët raeSo the cncluxlion, ait t'h . M*omunndailnn cf lnon. Mr. CarlInga. 1hat It lié deiieabI tgomai. a large, importaion of th. vory fOnnt iarlr.y usd ht Uiuit. lishbhrfweï ami T'OMMtaIwao agéed t hoa, th. itm nt cf .,tgUUi hould ho plafet ln héb. o» t.aln*ten for Ihat -porpeesb. larlament will. na dontit, glati Y vote the xmn. Thtu lm. a proo ti'ionl panclival movement. and "0. wh W I cemmend Itusîfle l.th j1wIinbot of ait Who roumird lb.'Intfroftta oIf (bar farm"Mram ni lthaeau Mwbtceaw t* raIten to eilîînd eur commiere. Tt Six n44 titltt1teil lo/11vO t.htum M*d away4 ut 10 furailt Io 5> urmern as the bar. cet et importalîti, The objeof het lImporta- Mivi ik ta have oiiw aortcuI'llta pov id. M4 wIth me*wt cf guarantesd qualty: md f the> kid.wantéd hi (Ireaî Rrlttsl. The tummw of ont auuntortMinor of sida hînî (!!%'pcio l hvlîîja "ilof unilform q!uAllty -~ quilowba. iWu Lve sèm #MW MW§ls et Mima vi imunoitsMr. IL X104 tep Be" Iait mbuonBe mu *oSmw Ils~ meh Mebs , ale owlu es WM fui m et, 9 P Ili.ýîtt fi, t- t r il tttItlanîîf4' ttmurnnao thomu ou the Dmilon. j f -- 11* ~ . Ill liéî.(e t finitthe, *îvotrnaa.nt -bave, ot It 1Oah.ir dit.y s t ' t is - 1,- ux- o trborlua'noi tlu lb. ald oethle fîMmoî'ftlu tht.. t. .t -~ lt-.. Fadi 14- tw%r la MW* « Tb* Peut.1- 5 '1' -t t i t.n.1 .1fu~r *1tl 1' PU UA.~V .~~l oIte e îtt~~~~~ . .t.1\.11 il N'> uUum leaolleste, Oneslpbbisi pr olenamai191 a,~ ~ ~ I Ir -~tt~i- sI é o anel attendsu" tallol. th %' ttu>te , 1I -~ - -- t of,11w.su i llervWbaetoue*. O W. f«M cm i sbbecli, Plat. a I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~h - P.6- 4v.-e-a IM M.101 fkasit, -eassn a W, . tt Ct t *..*~t P lilili hamf il peepie bers sufflrtugtMtMula i ltt, i t. t t ..~- i..alo ipee adi l* a lmsuIe. Alai oiay t. tI,-- ~-i.le--,îN tit àhm*e UV& DMi. P. KMp, UV& .JoIne t f. - *~~ttt(if tt1.. . t.lO < iti 14 u Nitre.als U r&sTonts, lIra. Cotu, w I - . t - 4 t',5» . - ,4f~4714 tioai- e Lùj iWiilIa«u., et0* e 4-~~~~~ ~ .%'4r . t- j >~ ' 141 lehbull 116*84111 aawSee, Wvue là fi ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i tthteC' 1C* bf eîbCuaduaOr et Ch**-% 1Veldit, t t - .ttit. t~. bit fi à#?- hmergwViba I Ml i l itmOllVI ml ét - - t - tt t--t ' lah. ltulai oi m ev*W eere and tBe suds p * ellt mit Itm trg1qêM VllyCdae uV.adla swltOm-p t t t t-il.- tpRt i0f 11h' »* ps vsltap b ulsg slcsgay t - '~ -i.;.<t~ *getlsti.' O mYamI0 CUUtY. I» v t - - , , ti itaoA.ici -esuluauhdebohalato t .tNivt1 is * ihe ia,0 e : u - ttit mt" .ir4r»B-mat - Lut l&Soq'dly - t - t t t. ~ krr usue #"? M»p.V;m roi" % t evoiges" t t.-e. WW i Pinbttaw ..an Saf beU,0*4 lItes îu d lgiybiun it hI a ~ .~ t .. t ,Umetse Mt opui~î. W It. àuvoleet I»io eivere t* .t----t"Bea ill e mes ierough.le m a- N tI tw'tuuý l t . -t - . w vtbnî bolehaMdi seceseda - -~ , *,. >~ ..t.- t.tè>ctpt tif be 0a tcut $ miaulas l ae rl fils est oami aOs B&fueui t fiel -outil b Ob sepe met "ou --t-l t te'>t'l mg: t* aby erasperî» heesentofIl wh.- th- ti. - - . t'i>f.Tb -- (lalaobva slàd"mal ey: "POu r li I ~ )t.t<~'.li ait IIe 4bais bol elewMdi85s, & %\t k l"X fe iiei la el5 b. e sasil aesatl t - f118s lme h»14 lie i bu ot«l voti t Pt t (*0 lit. l e OfurSselaab», adI issât 4ii~ ~- nf.~ î.>,..t-m(Iît it~.tIloem gil àîMIbabo:>basélis emof. - f tti il ..-~êtir e~îp il ewuelb nt"ai ebl e guareîTb* 'tifa Iel o».lsuleof emameed la 'Il p~~- ~. i, tli' iitt, lithé Ie Sbreva e h lte "e about it- ' 'd-mi hai tîit~t' h-ti.l OS. slslhoslel Un msitwm vame - nf' qlî.hu, l<k> tt, 9 1iu< lSam li 5ueb 40. oB h-~~~~~~~~~~~ wut ar (u i 'î Irc n n t osse Ip let Moist fitf>.<,f.fî.lv titi l M-', .tr-atv.faeflg w s d. uss lilmiv ie a î.artante.'î *xtsat e un uO 11116i t- iI h.îîr - vol r kil <t.Vee-o.samaue« dgo tipos a.~~~ %.ei t!kib,- r>d> th t 1. a a bsSaS.lO40IaOb T t (il tt. aî»iîtu i o r it"fr h e h e- eb h e tI ousv e ,mî 1.Iîo rilol 1am boa le bs <o»0mmj'lW" -- ~~~eslle, Oabaee ofe.,arotls a.êlr* t u arin simi.a an!iil 1**#,vm Ir -r lt Sh tesh a me et ettôe of sal tar.muiy tJ d o.,se bsn it# Iolowo hy thèrsea @MWe u Mild Uu bsvms l.p litd tIlatVss 511 ~ . S.Leubt Oévm, uua MCWrnemai 7Ndit ".oUI o vay Os e r aem In1a stW vewpvle.ud toe al un Bilaita lue Immi VUl OUureonteapssted $ollbee gent*" .PaoteyaupltiIs d?. Seue oaalosas ilB rid "ehs m waugstaltydaer teasrm 1umhuB aud weavol, fami ebaashlm- Mas » Ma mmtBe OU* aeluod houlea Suey. Bam i e happy Couplet an MiSai to le Md beufl viii lIeu Be mm4I Mols eat wu k*e viol e. sjhl f» pua*il Ie leu lum. ptrm 'IIÇPdieu, oUelm Mu. HoUaviioe b. loffa, l«w autb[OW MimOaMathO d un %Iheltra Who gi sa Lots huIsim as, woift vae aiffaéla hehtu~ mu7< P M. Arfl be se-osB mla tébri 5t bably loue et tSMo aidemmdBe iugwvs at m says iae a 4RAIusuel h . aihappy eut"os lbe brid vu 0Berealtmtet a larme OPi le"y Xpwomslveo ethe ettosa'Sm wih sie tbetI by her usAs fieneui.Tb* muu 0091 oia ie s« boaS vlanfur a»Iu future promeulhy. alasa bu smoet the Materleion lIa rMioui hl ie m#ho a0*05 ev bason u0îhiiulp.vMclsl&a 3eo ohiéo 00as e R eug vîshout %a boWte et Dr. BwuIa*wmomeon tu lS" * onges. 5ou aa miSlu' SiOl. by -aIlit ngvu-t. Lc,»prkrsrIasr.1-Tlta aame vu lalat 101à Ion olmtf es. ue &ai- MIet 4Mîar a!iea va 9ihet.Cbauwles Lempilr, ho riosier frami lsdefeudauiJobs cs"r Be MM" alet a mortom e uhlde imutgIs 1 100<111001.The defenlMide& omaimi MdbItj o alai 1101th"d@eMeiàl" NUi lia Iaéi 1la8Be vmt e! a-luutb vilbus oflag fere mou e hWuals *fluaà$ lu Kboedialfl aistr aMieWam UM lIS 1 la aims mi gi.jue em oe t ea» umtiluA. . -skipia* forpmlmK J b Tueudes 1mm P.Sc De»" obeuloba abeemw& W.. alumI&uLev awEllSa ma WlIbeut Bowlus vvue ahael vu iffl eauffl eue J. C. tireuse, forv hicWllWin" 00t%, lmetbebuSus bailemlmeai.T1%mou par" vsmm &a ormigud a ued s ma oraset ai Maletosljurs te,abwossr; otI" 'ost Wm Ilbuseaivos Saih *0 sud -vmu mapamdet. Wllbsr Ilbsvud Un BeIre. ïMat o a clargs tg laderea «O=pnel #%i sIti ailMaimaiaumueria.ceir. nvin scIant iii la ts etO8M Md eor na da e b Beo eid lv tmbaba v laait dBaEeste e ...... s W lItr loua ~ ~ ~ DsS WCl~>lru ocramh lB ast oas lu aw-eI lut doeTPmmibuaC. IL emsa aul asi te. e« &¶~ lm ulmiaus Iai casi Ui lite vlà" oeu ebll6i nSe lice î.ltlisà*dupe M. cdem6 easla " ttMuersîleianai.s'ea $traiasi the la-« am e ruei0 .a -ousr. 1 «tîla a i u latv lie. L i. S»lmIe t EIe. .nomav ibisuse oarepet Euel radoumOMn îeaSui s.6 meite mios me XiMtri adur , eKOp tm nl Umika. .rmalmaiîeaelie teru bave b 1s aflboe1 u Ise, A lusuu Vae bm.lrSmmai seaie liSi*t1a48a1115 terelt oeI vs W. Imw>î. S.,et Iae0#. -l1eIlis@aiook ta %ci huoadaa as $0Rebe Keaum*7. bil Weiel .et . elle Do. 1 I h~!, MoEt W V. Sma Umm mu boum b M va aimmule me a u . Va ina min r~IOBW~ lubo.s =-tale fuamer. bi rItlmohuletpeolut Md B moud eti ewmm r &bame QaM uas vsl wu elja Ui . m O" sBoffBOe busncomme A0* e m t ri Meiess is eulaa 1la *0 lut th" 'M" 001.un m me bintimeamdo forau um t te Im mIlha up M oàsan ta oi lefaulo. muet a i aivedsi«mluluI&Cm ce uement 06 ~ie.a IriioMudw'aran m tb&lym Nie ftuels ieaoe bS etsumt eivo.adèe u& ml. las *0d &i etn su aqet a M 4"m "i 0u. EnrrmI 0.*u et Rma ImBu ulmg lorrl' tra ld®rveur aem oue Mbe;eauny.Aibs us be VI" e commaias 8 ur alu taBbel Beiml Nuai aimo. ve - hlaS a Iesu-I a lh iliea0*B e*m mo il la mai armi imet nea- tRm a ilmuaetn*1h i . a ,uaiWd tahe nool ... __ ailm dmu maiesommI e Natm le mll ertvaut taceUsi sud-m Duanladbuat a«tsoilB amtl otwlm et nllrly ne iolabst tu Us a Is eaao tUBe mok~mlam A feain l huomoble e Cliordbeaie. bne tunh aeiea 1 omet *0 aras nge ues e 1 tmesse S ceaial I mboude dibe ia raerte sBue Eliore --délac et w. iimI hordisnasa Beural ime t --y tbr'shhBe umaasue bae Ui Nru u m rli mka e r allucs rT »mu» &m 1 in. m epmu..saet mIss ti iUmm am vul m lea ouces, me su *Bdas. N te l of&ha Beeler amiîbawvlth bluIs10mate amatutOithl vIÀ eumt bu bo gouléefme tMa ami tamg u Meus auil e tlata pumlet m. u*hg0 paumas vimAube.làva -a e biyla"e ac o«Ie et ameaarsom hu tan mVau cetuBelàhum mai tbutelaBe vMMe Ipu g m E ta, wugis *Wmi. ilst maSS. t muî aad u a o 11te ueo!let u eBe m o bahlu et Bel lum els ....It a .3s...If îen, d iscts a nubt ul eîwM ala d mte tahate11* _ju%& rou0al.rn. mmdd p m. e elarm bu am ls vIre mrs m'uulmla bourbe. o- tai &Msud ètmua be*sIdoa a v %m uet M m mai o, u xrmeL T. i -Lea eu m Ntameale rle.s mmedî v- --pma la othheal l PGWDER àbaOlut.Iy Pure FUISUEfLTEM MSnAP@R IPAE udagSember .9" October Mon"b Re SIMMONS & cons New Advertzaemernts. JO PL Guf ai! demeipti" 0J a ar a mnt . e md at T alcP pluiug sUce. Couutry arien oudordes Ij Paur freuhew »= Pr.--dm Md M bTreT tr.3rouzba& judviRil oxotmu..Maritalmma Pr;"m. 1Fm R jcUïz A-ND LOT Fos SALE.- SU eea. houme weet frcm coecer gf WU- Mom & amee.fnmme loee:le tingeolre- vu>. sua" msort watee la houa.:goalout- DK EX 'IL SPILSEURY»,l bal Icrfv eg - otr; en to h . rn mud Yrea- Devar~e.Tr unta Geamgr&- &« lm tLot uu«.t.i A k!it. litMr thi-:, st'.~' ad £sr. tdem, DIL. M A L"PK UXY ufli e at the SENON oIâE. 1JDràaY. oauW a-k ferC~ntal~-~ î\OTIr-E OF 1IYL-W FjR- SALE or clOýMED ROAD. T.k.u~icsit nt a iing cftle bardLaet 110 ooea"1~cf ebPs 10obe bel or th$ casuel Clembattlu th, Toua et Lbdsii ou leibiA, D'à dii #. lrb, ait. at the la nr et 1 le ct 13 -1 te foemosua lj law Wta t.De owd fa:theoamleo t m&iUlt a ortb île ia ru'%tiies.rrmas Lys a 7. Samd lb1e Drt!>h et. 9 inlu th c C.oa oof ithe mliTowwatpfà 4i Op.. 10téIa.'7 lonmOthe Bfrl R 4Rn& d ciwheh vuse hM unIb nfl7ebr B -I Né. Umet*the mim Dotal Nb T.l.Dlyl.DÉ AND 170 ADO a FIRTIOM N r HOOL lECiO e. MUtR N Il uow MOmie "noEn( tICbo at a uf Be C.*the Tu9i.Orosa »lbulb"os beckmmu S Oambs la 110 !ëuu et I mI et m uiâ lay .aEm A mta 1 bu4af Pommes l eta lis à ui âm th am.dimm * t ewo Sos uq0Be ivWug B am e -m0 B peu* ummt,- O jBe0 deia a"«ra. ML g.' ft svp C.ý w WWL4Lu N. Il 1 Boarding and Day ,Sehools. IFEBiUJAMIY ]RU, 1%»4. ne ONTES of Imi8tJiO o priery brancit uiitable fo? ysne ades aa :eeofers gmt faciiteto those.wishing te . Beau. Son EcCo. -_ THE "PEOPLE. WONDER' and the Town stands aghast at the atuouit, of Business3 that was doue st F.KAN SN & CO'S Store ilurit 1he week previous to Christmas and New Years wlhhî others were doing comparutivelv nothi W i>;<. wre kept busy from early niorL-ir. - tilU cIi..inz ttu:.cit night, and -we -thank our nuuierous - ri.i.i -i c iv customers for the recutil, and v.;i'tu each and every one a ha1ipy a.il prosgperous New Year. LOWER PRICES THAN EV ER FOIR iA.NU vA. HY in order to commence the new year 'withl a ruslii1n' busi- ness at our ">PtJ IUtSB K.CPT Z,'IÙCK STORE.**117e wili inau-rurate a STOGK-TAKIR SALE FOR 14 DAYI AUl Remnats and Short Eiids o4. Goodl i eaclh and every Depaten ill be cleand i wthout re.-alrett;) Cl.t. Barg i-ekrs get out. now is your o!'lbîrtuitY; on the l3th of January: so f1rom noîw till then we wil make pie suit you. The balance of Ou.r FLR STOClk inuzt t). %%e don*t walt theml; you do. Coxl i--lnd ste. W1e guarantee thipie s OVERCOATS 19, MEd'S AND BOIS' muet goikewise. Pýices ark, eut away d w.WY hv; haia grect ruW.-on thee gîi..: t we ..xi show a gioti range. 1Hf HOUSE-FURNISIIINCS me defy competition.. Carpets at les.. tha.n cco ' n-.i; facture. Blankets at such lirices - wili iimake t1tw of us rejoice. None ned fete1 cod ti.iur the B:.:rt that bas passeiandi thosetlit aarets cxe.iî:'vw OPly corne andi see our priees We have a' i:1 Table Linen, andi in filet evervthi.I, lZ, rt't i - during the next 14 days -iL. tsUC't : special reduction. :$iî u i, V iz l'tve i BARGAIN DAYýS îvhertevith v.-îs Apin thsiikîxig our numlernu custt-'ner, .tr tîXer11.11 c sideration during the p,-tst two wtek S. ie ask -, len i a: to ralIly around us for the nexz 1 a vzsandi w e Vi show them that -where the 4~e irezisthe lttut v.* Full range in Boots, Sies, RiO bers antdOe~.ut- Also inioui Grocery Deîpartient you il i îlid GOODS AT AWAY DOWN I>RICE}S; F. KEAISoi&DOFaon B2YKvxrUP? STOCK STORE, ~32mit. «ow v mt ffoot.dclmnY. t' ~1 il -i t i UTTLE BRITAIN CARRIACE WORK& nuit »Mid chasciet . ,W, r - 40 >i, Q., _ Ur. paosoa lbesiabue 1 'iepmbzie opat eaels 18ob wUl b.am epSenesalaud. EDSEuSEOUNa AIID REPAIRINO I. sla beie ,M &muri a"ioe.mpta-Y elee.te. MAUNDER &ROBERISONI @- 1 m -y-MM toln u a nMh0à*t1e02avegei. wee m"Libo-womMeff b rde s viu sabo a=pub$2 ePt Ma e*. mous t mmavue amixi use et M .avemdtg lM Ib muso.a $somek a mixai amelMet f a avereMua5 110, i e " 25 euha; a mixai 1- mmd o- t &7«0 *maI aaNe atait daamouglwI a mu 90»a-wwea. o Bemnsa a im à belvhiiissuOmo"e 1. au d qe E IcoOamv M;raf10fv tbiamu4. Shme gila BUWmuas hum SL &miela Slà.bu oh m un1u Mdl d%,1e e a"bu ^a bluansa 0*me ïatles ut Sk% ssa L s «le-i. wua8"ainet M omb0*aie 18,4~ua let M la m001010 l am ~ Euo..uams-L bue.v. la IM nl.-Ges0 il mmWaL ýÉ 291L smma mmbv, « ý f - 1 qvqwý ý - 1 - 1 -- - - ý - -- - -9 QFcýp« jýImRvr* - O s t UM ... ...-s e WIo±en OUte 029 m.te. a1 pmW ..... ........en ta B0 Om. U te 25 Nah neowriz;. te 20 M=r ............. t.eiM dm ....Eehu........0ut 01 IMM V~se. oi5t teois .............. a0gotoute ShoteUme Ote la 0 8ugaoureNam enSUte 0 û Def l. u 80te S0 ldnbSktu ....... ..... B c'te 1 @è S30 Io3se a" CtaOP sud .... .......SaO00teà85 Show.. ....................sa w tte3so Be~ b ,t0fr uanlM* ianmt4 iota Wu.~iSla b s . Yb lm, iUlM OU&Cai àmà '83jua.... rfe lm" *0 am lovle* calc, eut te the LUm e atemowey. 13yl Bknt Powëp L ii qwupu b 'w 1 i 1 PM"" - "lbat ma 810* of ma oba.l ep» 1 am 0ua ~h. ~ QUâ, E" m br hi.m nlamy. mQt Ibomm. ifflqte0 band< ,iIido veil to « c mmliuLlusty Prioebe(o Dm0 CAL a"i We ltheMuket viii affoed kept cout&aaê JOSEPH MAUNDER.. Loretto Convet. LOIMTOCON VK&T, ImilsÂY,.