vqwbo &.4e abo#l.. L PIUUUN UsO .. smatue. HROGG 32B. f~Evol, le (nmt.aem Tws Puwr. ~ XEV ?0k$NOTICE. aima êl«Vbe'd staut" et Omiue. a .p. Ith# 1k 0ft415f5et Juiba <'ud. lbe lb»'ru»ht et3io pl. s l." ý%.qi» et f'0abIbNa. 4eea.sd. ebo ufd e. 111 811 DYOF AMSL 18 Mt* tir pail sMb8" _%_ - - - 'm i ~Br ~eet hl sum tusw eoti~t~. AsasM& - Oakw@@d, OAN»IN POTWIL lmB te» tm omIsui- Bmgss * d e v A l as s a e U uif .ýa ui. NOTi-ET OEIPI tla- I. ~ w Aéww m*u« SEALED TENDERS WEDIESMY& #M. 124# MO amouie l uua albesasu ilàmO M L-I.s ai .btKa.. masi. cmii. m 'WbUsas~fml It !uldbe Grevos Eror Wvcrc any housekceper or head of a family to !m- agic tat Groccries are the same everywhere- that about the samc quality goods are sold -by .,vcry murchaànt ia toinqbNo siree; that wu*td baS-ad mistac to (ail into.' TeFac0it -Of the late l, Thit 1î 1rgc saving may bc effected in buying the ';,roriu ruc fr a family once-the -above truth is recog nixcd; cvcrything counts, and if a few dol- lars cten bUc savcd ,upon thc yearly- grocery bill it e ncouragus the -housckecpcr and spurs on the good ivian t o rcnciwcd efforts to attain, a com- jîetn:yfor his f'ly ToBv hse ýFeMw Dollars, or mlayhap niorei, according to the cxtcnt of your julr0hasc.s, it %vilil b nececssary.to. visit -the store of ZÇRiLCAIBLE K î:NT-ST., LINDSAY; Afew> tri 1ls nly and- hc wil haV' your trade-ta aif yolu'rc a. reasonablc, bcing ad can bc con- vice vcry. une that ,should ho haindled by artepIresetiative 1-a;nily, Groccr i s contained in bis stoî'c-lma,,ny of, thcem selIling away- below presecnt jnarkct pieouping -to having been boîîght wcn- values'wvcr Adcrcssed. For in- sta1îcc, luIt .Su-gars drop ever so littie, Campbell at wneire n rc adi a %vccek a couple of tîradsof tue lowv-priccd. article arrives, which is de:dt t ut nhUriquniie opicase cus- toliers: andl so it isin:cvcry dcpartment. j ust îioW large (luantitics of Frcsh Goods are bcing J>I-e1to i!-tb gaps muade sincc Christmas. Iksics hu usual standard lines, we have re- eevdanitml>r of small lines that will bc 11uhaqrc td by hdusckccpcrs. N OTIcE TO REDITUR8 ahip of, ta CA P S,. Vitoria, geZ,teaei *6 «mu« ict0, a i.p usuuisaisisia dim asti Touas9m p au siemada a Ndfb$Çipesbol wuetsu sesmuimm Il sute e m i mmuslma. Ad .illgusaeeo I sud And or.Bai mo UMiat- lsIl ilssai deiaeismmg h>poismu titie v gmBihvlg emrdsu i beabo.s eaqMui.au lso twauiee if is am th ree se d aitb taie Luhmssi, tor p ass thsa , :iait Wule w im te m8 D.led #ATàadmr lhiq 14b disi ifMauob. A D. -. FltF.D1IARDY. momîT GuitGWEBBTE11. loti 1 otltva' f Emtorua -91.8, Canari Nswluuss.ta ils VIeseuia. ~Sim ffe Um aus$ Malter erb, eethe ortka ou evvTusa er. ta"mm»li m Aoi, S »M tie as àsa Pwlaybum l Iot sCe;dagano aoih MECTs. J. O. ZdwaPd4 H1ARDWAR E w -_ J c G. EDWARDS, Zm33oe~Soe ~f Eu~war~ fr.~ sm:' ~, c*i mi, ~g. DuUdIag N~waie~ Coali'sego>a' 88D>U54 c.ukuauj'A~ làIl I Ammrkaa Sezv..od Pia**aéLr rom 5b £ ig flu. h Ils eue idme bu la- ~ J. G. EDWARDS, - w ~A~ui ~~Bu1~ -~ THE BENWEKLL MURDER CASE PAR TICUZLAS O? vu OXWLL'B PLOT A", Cim --v -- a Llaiau. Em IL LIMlN. JAlMES E. LEZminON m I __ APch._Usmi, Wl. LIDÂ,ONTO 2PEIAY, M1ARE14, MOI0 tmPurifier. soue. thw.3. ot. s.. in ARCH CAPBELL, ~TWO ROE BARLEYI W. "ku5st TCtd aiio C/I/CECHVALERSARLEY PRICE $1.25 PER BUSHEL. 2'hs Br&leyk~i~i be~mccliai4~std 4a iat. able for SeecL Pise fIot4~~4t4 no alm 6. àeqaUy I s ml; o atiesCOur Btores m pigetor Cah 2d forABh and led.Coe ed Timthytrdii ail hi ,dsbof grain. WrANTED.!M-UA quatiy of FiratoisaDr i - RUaCrokaor Tuba. jrj&wamam &W AUWAinm, 1 ý xéwAd ta BJRCIREIILAT EAST , 0 D Temnm n1,Haitn a odd vau mmrethe,' versaM othtie trais boelva Ce AUCE SMITH 81400K HANDS WIfTH FUfn Hamiltoni. Twi> trains luBie ihe Fails Kim THERE FEI. 17. I ter hilseouai tî.Uad oe a".Both otage, B- ______ Stain pasme et Baltou. &N"o tents f - I bevever,.CONsaIetvoubod. À psmbeu couid Ir" Traliaua. sd Tb.fr Pausegmers lIsu" the à"als ai735 Or 7N Madovettke me at thioleatrions Eeadap-.ler et lhe Hamilton.1 dm'$ kiiav vore thse tickeu t. ctCe Peemairs at te PrlMaaM uquesi wo m u 2=4Irosor visethertâter. a, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ bi bala miiCc. smulie , 4b, amoCher coaduetor before 'W& kt ith -CO B »wO l 0 U r .heimg prceentd te m e. Tise tickets fra,' baia Sicpbso 1 arenov llaIuit mmii oU et ai oatr.mi PMzzCUON>, 'at"i7-The centre of' One ef thse men wvs.of dans kcomplexion a worm stirctis lutimis..!, dumali muderdark clothea: tise other vwu ligisI complexion sMd att rtnin Be nenvoncdrtue mu tYSma- es gilothes, I nover »wv eof atise mm et red C.Ben eil wu onc Mue.tra s- belote. They. vere thse oui,'pam aeg t bAChamo *fre tu tb it ie viale edai. Ba, off a,' train tisaSmorniag at Eastwood. I1vws in id 'tiers bea stownship fairt la ion a the .<,sger whea vo remched Chu satation ShbrowUtsinumore peuple could mol pomibi,'and -1 s»w tise boagme anbad eut s que",~ ubave bia.attracteil te evillageduimg lta sped box, vhich1 isougisi contalasi a go.. 1 Ir visaijetr h. a gteooananveYu longai utdo net kwwov is lbelamged Ce. Ou. iÎ h. mm it migiMal. Tise inquemW t %- nmi wor 'tlein thse train had an ovrres, hrowavs hCoroner MeLa>.t.p.m=, but in sons. respeuts the bock et the est. h it v waquita unique asau mn anvetsation. The 1551c7 checkackintoes wu cap If D ram 1h da ti. C ron r r coi ad le ttached vor u b , the d e%-& ed w hen b isre m ist Duin **1-- te orne Aê..vfl .. vers fourni vonpriducedi b,'tise coer ut t eegu roma the Deputy Atone uSC.,,troole ooul net identif,' itauhv. Toito-.ru. MrcI. po*s e*ioacwetvsifmportance as sbavine ples PI d &,fitrn thse inqu-in 50th rie>fncto5lIa h"vii m.Èiloft bisi train onUZhu mUrUlfgefFswb' metn luvw tu-mnrruw.. ir Cond). maso usi i J.4lP.kcsaWRvIous'. atgw Vtiuea huilifOf Wuodàtock. mid ise Cotaoner UMLs, aisiho won porfetly vill- vus on(Canctor Pool.', trin on, tisemormnt g e lug Ce agre. tu Ur. Cartwriglsîs raquest; incI tFes. 1V. *-.Be Rot on at .Pari enroute fur laMe. la f a.'. CipsUsintsdevelupteats lie coulil set le k' *1 ~pelacalled Loflteesho ll"einI us bow h- coutl do ethervise. la tiselintI WooeNtook Wlast;mnàmer. Re did nos remeabe p l a c M r. P e ll ,', is o m d r t e i v il ~ ~ > e in ,- h U S a lm a > . % h e ss i- tra in re m eh e d plae M . 'elly, ho " ýretiv à ub as.twoodhe vwu In tise rear #cuaeh. lHe loed Poena tu iWttenit as a wituoss, diii fot put iu eut efthtie vliuow ad mavs- to mes wlki.g mn appearsual..o, hoeiavi.g reumalasi ortava, fronst the train. l id amzutksiow whails in Turont.U utsil late in aihé sftermu, thon tbe bati beanuboardor nos. Omr e i.mm he btairtd for thse village. DeLtecti-ve ba-ean overcouMwltbascq"eoi. Tise,' ers bat Johu Murray %ras &Ls.) urulug, much te the Youngw. 1 ihinSeue of tisas vore a cap ad the diaitt fCoroner MieLay. 1-Thm w it- other a bat. Soassi wert ut tIle sîmuoit impoî>rtance,-sa i **isodl yu ilaS tie,' veree' asSai tise ils»Ccrswr -aii dusc si by icongelclown Attorney'. alt C ro er *a d d n' âe h w = ge i thoughtt&ey' vers twao smYou ng liis sloang wiLhut &tli.- .'But the iu4t U sUU oing tu Xr. Ptt.aoWs place. usmu ar twood." imsjpinsu et ofaIl, at lea4 teulie 100 Thse vicas. cuhl ad ni, s me asi cout-yfol wlao bail gathereti la lb. village tual vans tese of the mon, atetesud tasern.., viithse non-arrivai of J.. Farmner John Crosby of lot t. *id osammie. hls.:andi Floreasi-isBurcheil. Tihe 1î.rloiers. ùî'BlýnW sali"Wtisaijus; betera mn o esou- it waà uxlic etd, wuuld arriv . cclSok on day. Felb. 1z. La met tve aet, to tise e. e tChe the atceommut ion tuons the.cnt, ad when hFan-Cod lisa c ov oeraor's-ruad. The,'vt bath ytbtng: saewas fuir. ofmed eieght Mdai oul,' thres or four Toronto rePurters stPPed vore a dark ovecan d a dmrk bat: heao aie ai trutub traina loul v*.-s isu pruttet uf tà-o Thm.ashTse echer vas a iail, cleàa-saisvc 1 gaherin Ug Vlne tiereaL ammflof o r t4 and vont spectace& OnQe et tise1 Ila ano longer a sevret Chatt Cire ti s àiitch men cvarnled a saB parcel vs-apped la paoy. somevistre. (Coroner MeLa n vas certaissiy it washetweea 4 andi 5 miles fro:u wviere thec bandîcajqxd secauss. thc prisoners vers nul ce w s found tisat I1 metthisJL 1 doueno&w g ant où nM roua lieiL.Udjaniam, f rom tis e ither et tis,e niea Niagaras1blandlii.ag Lusù wvere . t- wmuni â A to W.. cieg*sipreaco atEastwood ou tie "coui""Hadbeyeenherthem vneda'.- -,glmt" io .ce smitt. a miss etr fla "calmel. HilUs,'ben hee is iPort- 18 or 1.timmrs gvepositive evidesce. This aut witneuse o! tise afiernespecialilyo.sg . -««0 amoeosplcuoffl ted bai am" ber lIcse WIse&Wireeas ta Burehli boung aIet- o»,>ii t lur seeamedin lua Jar wood on Mouds, ,Feb. 17, could >ly luyts avecost=e oti"sed vith savrtbrsi. slqsebas stsengthenod their -ev idesaceO by a aiglst ut the> Iraven black hâai - deensss s be intelligent. Si.» prisemer, or peuhapti it meuid bava alteti: I am tise grandlmszzis.r et Joha Ha,'-1 proves etiservse - fur t he a cuse I fard et Easwood. O iada 1b R)atr b e u lk ise Nia ara Fal a a tio iCi s So ul Jua u hotre the 4touclock tram in a M àe b e n e f t , T h e X ffl F a l a u t b o i t i s oa c l e il E a s tw o o d 1I m m v e i ae t rt h e, s c uati o p o sa i ' ovidenily . do met vautto tienseitbesa ia her. Ms 1 wu going laco thse station gâte 1I pri*,,usenl te Oxfourd, ie-iere tise, ceuli bie me t ch. mua coai $o-mar~. 1 5mev 1mb,'bis I mar counvemntl,' dea!t vriCl, utiltise,'cmllamini,'r=y dfmhersa houamli imr bave gpot irangis vititheir examnation. R conte Up to me and beli.out bis 1ma. $1ok2 î ut'lie Atturnoy-Genoral bam givros inCrie-bands vith liam Md ho sAU.: *Huw .oyeu i.? 1 easikc if hI e vrDudie, iSîse Chu am, lieus Chat if Coroner XcLa,' wants eitiser or aWuda>c as sme > u h i. la otis prisoser ai the .adturud tque t - t u ovtusIek iserasad me 1e il ils MOrTOw tise,'&M sue osent un le Pramee*-ton. rfa,' 'sas amidmisetie 'oh govermoerdbm Tii,' vll prolsabi, bath bbe mio-morrow. gratber)bon~.le vs. laCetise nation ami U. %Im11abaÎst iaboumset a doms vwit- houglt s ticket M eHmânsiL 1a.tboard li a i mums uit.. on a slip cf pisper anmi ho called 1d for tise ti et sI aie vet ceamtil taonoor seyen or eigil of iheri. Thse emmtenée wu fI de no1s ilnv-£hb e vuthei.1amse pelucipall,' s. estabiig Duuclall's Visit teu su e Ls cL" saute man vho vw m ewm assos- -£%"Wood.ion MIÎid.', Pb. 17- OnD lis i. .t. Ho talsi me esoemlag Iekmalu.but Poant eMPositive oviaienco vas given, nonue I diii nôt quite uaiernSdmluat haamaut. Smue n la. tha t M3issaile. SaitI. Fure- visetis.,she vas caming te live la Wsodstockb mm obO-rt Uford Md bis 1.11ev jury- acaa -m." mm.ar an uiteigent-lookiug sot ef men, à115 Mary livazWe anocisor y0umg lai, of Tais- ma&W e, shemm ver,' suiousa toihave the Woo.Sami tisitevuas tleuta" on th le dm à maler ilioougil,' Mdi mpatilly M td.ainquestIon Juilbefèe,,tils38Ôolock iai. oing a en" M»min.s. ils MvWa tage mmtanklgle I J, a amps,' it es-rm chrs vmiidStalbMaser Dua& Idiomtsk»wo a va%, Il the loml,' svansp vere Reuellvwu but 1cousisirftioguimia f 1»w liamp& i. $oud beform lb. lunquest operts4 As l ba s RSpaeeve t urneil.up a"i bis abois a beausdshcribedat la of t boestlenlyai vere muid, goelookeilase if heoum-ea isserled ples Imag«nbl. Tba g iseg o ut for a val. lic bâdidutrk. bi a eu, a. IN about 100 acres laug-extenimn ubob idis du mutacie aid as vU er, aswmsa t 1k. remaulmvers boj ud ab eridluofemei " tek. of uppermoct lpeso lu th.eestliaiof El. Svsulefou rspa laugli et lie uva:np SOMs fel froin helab ic e sd vitb impuaisht.S rami, wvilàin staeparoi b,' s tene mas- lu"ld a ÇmmwvJ ee t ofEaAWoO& MW el gauor&ll,'supposai. Tbers laa MuIl clair- mmwe pe retors-si Ce. b,' 115Uada à*ls te u la#a tliet vies-e lie boidyva w u ai, EastMwood aMotion. go vas iaI»g ta Uru" m »di ta the -vaofmt m ae tva amen baIJs sd&" hog t CictaurHamilo.Nie verP vilc vau i al cu c is m i lpon t a 5<lfl5co al. R e haa ae 5b& rui. fromual.min"'eutrance. This bsslatauk te mtbf=à,' w" 0 U. TbommaW. Dua. "@sam assEr t M S à about 13 lest square, andi l un bore visod, ikioDUsrmambut lIetoambu P ~i doe wher. BleuweniwuaSbisl <ova or. uhesb. oomlag oen Cemintor Ps.olei tbai. su iâtamouta vwas esirisi mur .being abat. Ne auepus. i.g*if lsit. As le bel mmtaa.veour, e tngts. emirmes la lilt. tasriubg oudtâh lttimýmfU m bu lealla ht saI b.US us0 b lbo bal iesltsMy Iran the-cassas-10"sA lte&aumm Ofer Nmfm t» I8 SM *a.. iB srond lb e d riug i. jabut @< 'd" irai..The MM ocmme bWs IlsMm e ales IDtbigwdsi lISes ,p3 t lo Acsm a &*j. Oia wu iboteewim M d 1 4 M o G b & C M a i b u a m i n i f i m v i s i . b 10> mUa rm m nbÈU ~Tbsue oBuil Isus ýd Z --- u cl bu h è-»e pesabi. * ta, 0 tting hulalb,§am -g - -coigtusleE vsi msub H or 1 m maai istss A lm us=hoW, M4 etoim »Me~ oal os u i~~~b mbki anosms..am n sauta plaitusasu' oioarév iPARITANEIWARY NOTE tvW et aOom petw1hubeauo De Glob% glI Mondnt. Thom lus peauow i, u t"h larg mimuspers lateb.boue if com, mspchsud a&Uierbse bas s emprsor la tma miut Invob.chables E mi Llum e l MtiOTMiyM i Rt n- ota tu *ee b moi croisbt tla Mr. *a adew% hiatoppusentenice% Pb oinea"SM vi! UUUiae fil <ui aplom mmd milw, ptoe adly sot lm bMe sabcdMslMd vsoar s matmb fla MM ong ai e hotii. ulw hgisreée t.tel. euLbrunot illai m lag the Ise0Imbus toi la M. 1 buts d blos, bthecruy el focesr vi sinou1sime wotn.. honcoaeun mal odlami i a, uufee, eulouin u 'ttues ulu th lc ibauwnlathecaa fromm te ux b~su u ay mowmboitfrs b sud unr Drestsou uoe hocsbaille etua bos th o"beakot ban otmbts naduM. ta ii. faisai palam et.ow mai bta, but bis for r. ltyisud isf Re bsul' pitlem o& Té woobjeTct;bo vahlsi is My silut ho b. tos artsybis oliao Me leume. an ofr stiebu upc. entloran o telifml wmoae; r bs b oMedl torlabjst or atdhery d te iierand fzom tha s tait Mri. bos reaes ui Sps ta ba Pnmal n Mu. D c h wa ou elodet hie, hsi amy app ialt MLui iet r bai enaudd. T-ii. vhe *abjt ce. ir iosschds ta ioub 1h. oti plaoset i-Sr roîJohn , to resch ti poadrty e eât.he su ut a for bcho gvomeuamobrnetao te bis reUtc pisues a k as scesnx edlaiis e or b ate ebathh. m alstu sud pus bha Mu. t Ryet aMr.ltamertsl ah dosenthesudavetgbll tfrt oa tlouudibt w couragi e aan a tti dThe SIoRichrlCard Clgt's mol Wa o oe f Job. aThouspeos. aops Pper Ilrme d eictm. Ti. thid "ste flu b ediothé b.vberamut lng topa taspaction@asoommât e he hao.vi WW a.bde forksiMu.a aRuer ansai dos lesdiebt ae goiwu t WhiaI<ou co-stgbt vftbo unrgthesudas usaofmp& ibtatdu he lyexuegnuod 1üwc tr ii s1ei t r icard C36agtvzà tiihiym 1 1obbsuy s dte e pb pursem" w eeî . uaeisdmeiontr aneduoerumeuî rep Se nget teMatuMe.smesta u sdatyo t Oraamculoal es tak v thh a lutv tas mow ae oandiemi ltter* Ii remegdlisdare aï e Irvulie mt wuo Doactorut direct0 ibappyumat i roa foramat aud lb. con os an t acur the aoaImm Mu Proweut.a sour.Riia muot bc lies ly . paulartdgato epo ta empaewtib bas prou ee ha cgh os h sosunstryc bas sbckeptdetbe couacu Mdi tepad lii mrad ons etHo pp~U te tb argua taetise llas l1tygaiops »d " @e& ansctaisho m attr wh1 u baudsPakoa m da tt Mu.rane bort.Be dlrui uMral Itfrlace tu lm met l ho aa bap uslmo goua et hi&l sdampuloufin amdecure btis ofems pothealas: tt . Ryof t meet k. airHM ttuberdis. Bedioula »&& la OuaftIzs tlb b mubsclantu~ ose li uut aïvbna cr.rykDe isfS te gmaI, tarupi mmls&trateso. s oppi kt* utbuiaskitdesplu ge a iseugres I lu b lait goone th"lea a lle gtram sudio ibis aec. taeta rst ecma eu vard bte p. urts ou ualals te m oo Ioy B dbmoU abaM. nerfcuto fao eh"i eh&s cc.duc las sulbs v vie TEEMathé$100ter elbYeC. am wputemssA m*eemp. Thse mm as laid before paulsameatluM.ubt Mud cmudelboaoî'emle Et lu Bon. David Mille devoteil mseus. laste -m iftulthe li eh hare or Mr. Ryàriu thse ueoma. gvoaais bi aMis a rot- qeestboblo lues.,oet imebpr limitete Mr. lUngb Sutherland sud Mr. H. IL. Cooi, mA 5.ho show"i Ibsi ibe condftmoa w, um mts- diffr.ut ihat thon lumbermouconlé me k. holnduced te go lato tise t5.uriwtà" la orluember vws au oerMou#4:xim &" sudemtb ImenS vms rotmsded, ?.batthe. grass te Mu. ibh Cook sud Mr. Sutherland was gougl Mr &bout viii the. muet stringent Vovteious, Bd,&tatthey wvoelegitimato !uusbertum, la th ~ oaction oath itbMcbe gov aumm sud vas la tihetitteresi ai settlemnt, aid a ring the lMamdonaîd overameuî ttev hI'.. aranted 1h. smre imitI la pelttesl spm- lators. Mri. Mille pleadad vthallmu bei mote. »courag e o remo 4o1d t î a t $ RI- et public opinion, snd te voin omicou- ket dé à»tion of the scandalous trahnsaction of vhich Mu. 8Rykuarttonod viol belot the bous. W iAt mlilb Msrrse us upc bis lb. bouse. Mu. Wsionof Albert huais ýt say -troin bis Party moorluga Mai la a speech. briet but latitla Its tons ami elo. blic quest la 1Cm Iazaguaîte, ca;dedupon biseaas. tbis clatis ga prsrv. Cthe dtualgy ofpahms »Muad thse goud naine cf publie mes b,' Mt- llng a hiRh examplo e taIbo eune,' al rnvotion quarol,' for sir Richard Omit. ed vricheé motioni. But "C&.ai emI ota is. vino. The motion for the adjousamt if .y he de"sto as earrled by 9-4 ta 72, oui= M. Woldon, Mr. MeSclhl aidlCoI. 0'Bu tho votlug viîh th.Ilibeuss. It vas aeuo an~ Jut belote adJ*uram.ont ltaItshe bâte Ssisonld be tpumée<i rnètsvT ta coM.MUruÇA TïON ,.ds"0Tuent Valii.7 canai Lpon. Mt' To tishedtor of Tua i>owr.î î, Sm,-W0 se. that Mr. Barrot, Y. P. fie q>North Victoria, la te equire ths camas if dethe dela,' et Trent Valle canai vrandsu the repc t of the Rovernnnnt commtto.. SAithough Siu John A. Io a big mas Mr. 'uBarras la mot straldaof him. lisecauce or cavre Mr. Barra wth the' .11tIe bit et park n. as ho did athe memb uts oftChe hause laiS ho yesu. Thit commi.t Ct L4 a ksudge ta deofsve thib people that sre Iatétetd la them ami. jI xs ic;te i iicanal. Ttuey have tale. Ivéoro ~t hure y'eza nlumsklug aà report Chat couli ý14b ote iula thre. or tour w.k..A ichool; lui boy càn soc thrcut h Lb.d.d àn-u. Mu. [ls Bariou lasa gentleman wbu la worth, of ltsé te couficdence et thse peole of tUs ridlug, Md d 1 Intenat e .forisl a soa gres ,' mas, e01aMy neighbora. iteL!8A OSR TI. ýaj Toronto tulsetity Llbzry FuaIW làI [Ta the Ejitur of Tux Pu'r.] >a - Sin,-The graduâtes mnd undmuraiadtes e> efthIe unierst,' of T.z osto, past Mal 't 11l proeu.t, roedina ln towa, arcmeting dl lis( ad~ venat n M. ~r. Barroslau se office st 7 W, for tise purpase et mais ty c oe taid eficut ouards iosnImg it oso~istant-e ta tie university l'>rary tuni. »5 W s hm.!! be gl&d W a z et »Y auetaithe le a- citizse@aif te tous vhs, teedlatrested. Le0 W., especta!Iy, vho hsve oujoyel l*e ait beaefltoi tlifeoue.'catica out euaUryba r furushod ué vCh ln Chose vl ly vii sou stand bteckenadb,'ie r- leci tbat thua la a tlme~ when vs 'x isouli maie ber eSorteturu. Amr suçaese vo hs%'e attained ifu ife -lé, vo teI, ,P largel,' awlag ta Our ta* iaz sI syston et ly edueatlozi-m systemrn ee ily couelusi '. Ëi tLît a!oamy coualt,' la Ch- vorld-by te whieh s :ralinj tramn the alphabet te lie Io hig!:et educatios li. unirtrsfty affords F si open tg evor,' ane vi'aoiîussietrictloa, a* At te -rite ttue -ee&u scoûvia~crd has v. caem -ppe a ail ln car tous sad Fe cua:y wilo kxaw WhIl. aV.r!tY trottin« tg mua, uhethet ont tb.,' are onrt t.lev d alumal sud ta ait miss, re int.,reQote e tL tbtis1ves or Ior ht la the canes if n hihodUebtion, ta£0 o-scrsitt. 'y Tlaoly aid *.a the btéo& cfeut pourer vill rt edtuiwvntt' a t ot ail proportion taoits more amnmaL ' a vi io htChough ;hv- oelle etTo. d route and eat loei legklacurm bave et ptrbapa aztî-d la what sSne: reimaui as a Ltals-beatd anid soltatlng way, anI * Cougi s 1ev bave raleed jpalôn. ebîte- ie&t *o.ho tseforther us oletsu tilemao,' lte r- Ibis vay. pet theecuntr,' at la me remaimo e r tins te se nais des cf eduestioe. Ti Iprompt acton mou bélng aban la 0*e Bvaricua tons ta the c.u-ucry wil uudaubt. 's s"Y estabish theo ac ia ytom. from lmstouadation la lise pub' l c iait l0lis ICOPlua-sOne, the uslVtrbit,', more lr.lv a A national nxslveusitî L% the sit las __s1 !- l>uLark which thearee*. Iiutouos et Our a conuly preoet taecl»su-prlviletti, a"I tg 0 whib a visotn py for ft' usuail sd lt» à due affu sc'a te old hb r utee l r bmevssd thelrcis pan dr#-- il" de mo-- eng almtio- tisa l. sM, tsu slaci va dmoe te bât pla.mi dsuceici ltu iosp. tualI re "muitom asrel s"dmavblml bus, uI4 h" s oIdya feu f&es ibteu Ovlug te lthetep et thoec Iu aaviS WTb save lisueomert Nav w skuuu-Tis ettu s lt u.Bout V% vemutSau, alun Ils sidllbmet if l MW tpromus, vm u umaaist il- Mmblysup 1" li quirmi peut te verni "I ussblmey, *"dla --ae -se Ihrea «. we.. tpuuivlfa wte arsaommiS. Sdio. Tii. oumecalmua ha"MallIma"v dm1- aa ap te 6, bu lme lIs Nte Bld. al Mu Ibea M» math.is ber. stuipbtdN.Nab1aIp sueeWm1 .lus t ieue whbudlb mbaIs ki oisa 9~