- WAUkA~ lg..PÂ. AN L1 My. . rnêw R LleASOmo* bMs" Sb MO Il- &oMé1vu .iBw~umdI ' Wh W #ëb hW b u. bm W *0.le sarmpwll:lw «wnom-6161Y ow dbb but% Md** pOMi mb 4M the pu» »d RIVA so eii o WW Jeauney*la0 1.4le,.Bk* bhq us4 d» »S M 1 1%4 m.4â UMueW III md sepdmuÎ" a SWdWM ,.sl MM OW MsasWMbquma h. lo i -Aie'eSu*peilfl* lcorillos y 41 reii u»u. u"pd- -h ibepuret ud m~, 4.llv teedil u tola.oIe.vx. 1k * ' h#1v a «» I 1Y My ealime lb .pàWIs& -'mbebsfoi, l pi. b - A.~e ~aue.w11 t pe1 ailt1 805 fl, lbejyi q 5i jhW si4Mr "Mmful*l * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ u seIIa crf1 hil, im eeaW"nrnMd5 gqOUM mS bbw.'. - Ayi'a av.aatflm b' I Oas .okthue. bul" bq Ç va e, .b1bS 1 Ws..deSb litag phystlamu. I ~.. l e b!, kuo&gin" «M i ~ ES~WII b7~ 40re cure. 1in.teti mi ~eig iwkm 4n. "S.ebl$ufl, blr bp.ol bubaI ei .,eftràtts *tm ,and.vlll, aeefi te & »,r.o -1cd MUMelb.neInAhe.1foitimii s iiib'la1$ Skb e éshums o. Mr lsih& * ~ ~ f ~~~ woiiId b.he fe plusls <i uo hsUl" e . b e à .hpr.d e t i - Ayei'As %aIàpeutt# hlin 'hbaa b ài mir."uldBefqe a.tichw 0 mIElnt y bèplat.ifin m oek et.lb.aguerd wbouou" angas 1 sudwas :ml Pei o puplu t . premelit. oI'%fl~~god drial laM",» St1A~I e' :Md b11ueulp Ob aM" Wihde' - ?onar.d <f foqtttlntàlb. Ale on pored ti.Ill*; "oeeiIbibS. w' peir Ilas e lieo.hoved o0»wrsè, audi lit fanthos<ienfitd ly ho êe t tawld .te long, h.o.MM ,white JIS er neob mud thé, lb.otherrubb@4 bhm *~, gg IrNthli,.lko thieh amoi, froe t.hie bu"d.bnumt loëffl aboutfor, a ,mbc, "a RyW s The corn eock .d1 M'lai roui cgt wM 6 evo.edla u souIy bu placa il. l»Xx . t1îlen rlbdoîghi boun- th*b. fr...vogd.Uo f àf brady boul. mi b.« lips. lin- lu, . CAyur i 4&Co.6L1we. Mau. T'te NW evVa.'wue rofiglu: ami N.,! sur ah. cpeneber coyeu., audhe borreribas Ptle$;atbotlei.woftIbSaoW. I.car forthe prigooenlaldseoWhou the! wu wuwed ibtm wuaste0 imlike a >____eu_____#1_ yek Ogi . ele; b.0te Te' Ulk4rnl K 86.i.ameaobeo e fMr thorne of the, goad oqualdé, Who Waud driais herseif, thb« e lips niphib. rad edam - plt ýb. fae of soier, su«. d e4 o .boes.W Whethev fiè@e omrb. 0, 101F '#And ywwlhsap beuo?" nid ibese - - - botof the ofc.,r braagol Sbel vliilt*IîpsTeoi». oeto iin' gs -. . iboSI-I tàdnb m fa i î ert gow d c o.e uea bS tw STRRKS IFWEN7Ii, I li.rem e. boug hould mv« ou bWr oh. looffl et ithe5w»flwuvlh weh ho j agle,.hold eye' aaiaYld uri bia.'. ovur<1 is up., Mmd osé abudder at. mu- An unt.trab e n'en aolegwu uo é ther rt huougb be«. 1h. rald liersolf 1W ~Al1'~4Y~VA ireai th" ho oaiiao oaguv is.rp buek 5Md iuti, is he bowe, 4 afuêd intel îbug oau;.VaSeyiar l..sthat i not Tranlkoatedl hy 'Jetîa. itEloS owe. eid. i110lam »Ver fais euh &pla ef e yBui novbled reor.dhisseeli, tri -abvtrboqcNSfarginètti, <oni 8yI. Iliewum»If he: " tus bezaed oemeolber mud; uished f0 help lier rim ~Ififfs ,Ke., un $idirear a0wn1aiyI hi o C b am. s. hiruei le mdBut Me pIibagfrom thegroond mi md eoled lMtlgetc ni seîmgt0h uiîlamn <0cetii .hniand wfuSre. iîh. trou hitai, r.pilelng hlm wlth both hbada. feiq, 'heif, vli h'.hrmteirtIc i i of ciiifeling. le stampedupmddôvsmdli er folmeîaohattered au ila achlL thel awnni.~,l$ t011Iiýtorteu, te wlîch tril dto clap hie. baud. Sese. Bas.î ho 4'flo'i cne uer MW f! Doa'i corne muer ai ht'anan'fint'b. qiv'an 'ra nîlofre voatl tantS do thai . o ieweild, havM! Lppeme[40me! Leave me &floie- Wlîrevr pastlao. I î'îî~tciilu ni sid lts~îî. Trriled h bea t blW .oa Wlth ontetrefched bae, ta lh oye.star. sWuneaI, with (mi 'qet eyéa. gtrvigh. . b IvI, thera, lat hie brootb w.. 11.le .. Ai t in# auiliougb parted froin ahlm the ofielaqg damai lés, îiodeuîem niit he heardtl t' relief approfcblie &" d b.lkwlao:.fre., ahiéteppod ickwaird tovard *hi'lî c'intinilly dilto nu holiepeakiqafià eèa~illt'd miti:-lbuiwiih dufea .0th.eargeas th.e bember, opened chu dooir ohind, van- gIS tr.f4a annnîanrnlyeome '<jtDSIaWiptaUEd ,m hagli 8i. t via wunot 5hm.'.. ebel i th, dariha, md loçked lierself ta th rep i<f hiq lipil ns they later' the The<filc<r wvis lpenfg eMord to a iBs4~ dr*ilii.itit. on d t.emrgest ami etbln*.S wt SleraO" -masIf potrlîîod. Theolieb.. _:1 l ý oude. Te totflls.gran o Pute laughloud and wild, and graeping han' iee byth in<the ras a ci h*i elno der. I T h«emfoothle, piSl gof t h hebotte on thle grounti witlh. bottharmo; lie isalitètenuaîg. Thit, 'eiN*ew Vo ni:hb. is bnildie Then they liNiew the rou d d ook a long an& ,deeli drink. Thon lie caeat -Magien, hrao taumin lutb vdepa. ">4j ha.r. Tae usaio "table, fbimahead tapon hii. armand remainod btlyAhobed terOl. yosbWe o tM otionie,, nili a'.o '.vy ikoOa overoanie b iti aak ý4l 11t41(l h t hé% r-as < i un y M ii iu t er a Y . a e f r o t a bits. Ife vus ,till W cak ir ait the ho mpital of i<tain. aas they minal îo l nîtathe coiurt. 1 dits nt," Came bel tue e&a~rMmd tiii. opraiia. The âainglelighti urn. paird io iaiuittatintifil elilimrh, lailifor aiier ýthrontgh tuse night. 41 bave onrcifte luiot <oas fi adesicn4te.a lJb4 thttt flac wifrtlip tr1t.hlovcs. * Yoion in.anî.d on ter . flIkoed juEl uuitered*Whie, ancli threv $irmrmto a I aru f mile )f uttrew of objects in uhn.dow tapon ii'e th<' t' i 91P*" Pai or 4.ekloed ftuse t abl.D Wall; argtiienSit ventant. uecrtheor ltov. f4on adeilq freo.tng vold. * fht'>'Watt t kilt hlm ? lTU ibonpht illî 01 n Tii.dm lighs <of dawn vaa erepinc v. A audit,,vlit mug.inithe vouiher IliaPSpa&a. teé avraaltnthat wue overlieard, of th 1Ce c ta tothe astand l -'v,Éefdays, lrlnglng bhae-latdea glane, ti hie bons iful lloea* ;ib lpoitr nio-o trj Cnadon thec (ca'. ti spefi t ad tue pirits ib* buel istaita k poayng iud whl ho b. woke. IJacno Brat ~thre dya' smavst-mi aatho la,lmiaoslink front himacîf, aligd felt lii sventy oea r eolflieu.ltna"i vcifor -a&fow uMMM. iRus itn*aeaî ui aapyaea wsdfe 'fa< ut-e 'ii nt crt o lnkwîît h. ecolt-boinie fircr: & alarp vin id 1 lTi'ho- 'int it lapat f o .agie. ae pthtct 1e ale d ail.graylight i <fan ing ifhie Il?. wore Salonbl gen -la ioarmtoa@ .i19 Whaifllen Uii o1li b1 r goma u 9 thingthn--s~'îl: ~*e itt~. afi olbing in the bodroona. lie liseoneti <tirs îaî1<ta cn ah:n6!.i ane ct0it. i'tamyilhe uds,&, f amy Ve on. aat iogthim wha he :houdt.10o; not belnttmrriet betonre** MWe ilithie reflieftarne agaha, they Io lover *"la'inothing. 'Vlie tnvierit! Vot anglit lad te taite hie gui; ili.y rulihethie ifi.. pagaemdtoraraiî aibu Ie cllelt ta h..', but aile diii tn t itrahier le iest-I. nveii.etpei ~'. oie lint wih aow an gae au iqur;huait.The <uir thbai led -tii theo"penaair ahe "W tn t I'be le.mtifilFîmarira nsreiy but ho fill ilit a beavy .lec, and vbafflieliuhoatolmd aa oe ntiw lu't ,aaxnr selfe ?', .avkeo andi aw that ithi.bande vonld alwaya fury ; ellepluge.doutniascinvaiiahed in 'l'he <'ler la>'tht dm'vrt il itanalf ta. lé ltfeta, teors sartd So hie thuje..eW i tioii tecl goter umtteny iai î<f. aisviarcie iti jTboy tackhliatu otheéboapiari, whers thb.îlduyfed. cto lim ol j et NVtt, amie iii ntat Dy wife.$h. bas W.'etobed lantb. laeamebuact, îornaîas druegbs «filie iiîoiiiing vil, fais voîtn. suc- u aba grytili a voice was raiaed mîrt'îtv primentemî mte vitla a i~îîagauer asaitlumps ilarngli hl.h ie fltshlem houa 1h. ieoii 14e"lasîaaig $non . 50r smted fonits, uiildeleanda ibonis »4 ud. atigmi.'laamîir *' ~ ~ ~~ fSkC1 H gn e rcit, andtihéLeclil(l*s . lark oye., t1itdil #îl in lfbr, *' ; fe . rtat!any atmp e. trOUnd villa :assînihmenf,.and with archeti l>l lieAnly 0t e i er if ilook af4 tonlala teri la'. *darbe>ey, iiewr asnbhm.m i o uptil mr1ttn l oheqaîver huit ia t ýhmaid m lut lat ieti' w.ellir i-i iftanpali 1 a y1- Jai o, 'ii onîj t kao ts.:!etlttr. ant tlttay w-ro l'aîîyffilhitag their vlId wa'bltaig. of hirde Md flutierlng of Thoeaho utl thpon bedalde and hep&i glsawih iquali'. Tlhe emlîltfit.henigli t riiage gîte lowlaag huament, vIs84, lit-te a tin tb11 bibg epe.ol.ed a" uanait' ioe " vanîiL vititm eestirthel. i it ' eelIMwiltb u'01«W4 oe thSelong lahs .lay blgu.tapon'iMa chaula. yi~a.~faes ijlv.Thon n let ig hlm tio i.lovmenwcVvdCU m motter, M4 ~Then bw. buan sait Mmd-". mal oSoveb' "d *0 .utenileva lol<i<k 11 beveut ide-apreai li'tgdovaayp m îami rie1 -<"n. fanar aiastaitaagaghigt lit ftr<>.Iif'iVl tMly ibe laa is Id aw iAt istda m ue.niyhls Ihid v~.'mn~ pep1epaisîngiy.jwuv aloenS, the. algtit is e laforge't-.me-mnoieutgtheir erûrlea er. the maylng wliaal- Oiimtîtra eî b . i.. 8 dmbl-" la thé sy wvis alien ove.' al vill isle me. - d uda ringm» ilppeê aU the u al. ". l'1an~a<litlie ye. .'av d.b" .nisle N gief. u- ia.'l goestem.od- b pâlis uy, g iov p wgl f houri g by wsbonaeau 1#Il ould bitat. .goeM Ver lanlis 11f. ig crueinîslwimrelnugof deait. Th&. N. Oua pes. foté Mal ovisnd ayeem&ai, . bua rm âeteghs. The rosy. M14 ofla 0bM atfigb4i o k..'g 4orecf pndeovb" » th"bis hav if o . vl1iore !o -ieVI "sus, e mu e.'u e t 01 w m u e wWké mqm ffl , em, sto v ]et" alSbut 5wo -of.uhu"ibbIM. m4 bu o.- br u .oMM*#*edew o 15.11 amb X« WU«i *MW*bmai *l.e ItWIU g u 894- mil - dtuoe vu.lWW buu b-Sw gIP**a pm ê v. uV1eIIlo.I M, ae M~ mees d b h dn4 ~--m iIIs hg .pdB. uili te1h. use,~- ~bulà1Wai rom _ luààwam vb* lasbu..e*Im u ftm MJUM I b eNae P renam tè ý m & vu lm. at qwbb 1 v mima halai aetbi".à Mmt btbm.1'bmb hab*akh.y* wla â» eV& 2 annutt i iâ1P b a ii -. m .mr 9 l* M b bie buese, M " la tac$@& ib vMlwu éowIboeu@@" b ap- g *b@66» M&M neb puni maionia&.. q'Wl.in à»b. vIa i& viii vwu ed: 'Wby de ym h% Imm ame beý a m s, i i a W tb. i b.lmn m b vgrl â.v ymvw . NaP b.ovbuaiIdolS mm,- - ,IàIoqà hemb Aima tWb"i bus le. mmomsusvi'mlia -e.ly. ma rt W» In».& dsok4mm m i à"b.him9m Somme &yu iWb. Ir aymw -bM maý viells vsud hbla M"Oleiiu" __.If dora. miumiomplaI"lbMhv u lad mii ap-ési T1mé. bernvole.1fhi. mmy vhsmud: qq«ýMd a hW u levufi bereul"m "Su mas ave .pvi"ia. ulmds! q.. Yn, je.Imlav, boum m ors bmllfsi; "qk, u âgeMy bobauds Imm Mlime.of mnv u imel oa b.eoep Md fia t'. b.tu'.lbsai la vumkpuf** het 1h.roui eqmmlai M Umsfbe*gb 18 vestot» *"Wàk pce, bov«. r Ib.»va tima 7 fis aeut. Tii. cdmivunMbadrink. ml." r lombea ist sir -S 's.hre le M te ai t b .fe vIol. Village ismiboy e= dcre mamokmislam itkh ourduala-aensove.'iy bauds e ~ ut IIt i ad mma duumd ad ber.. Wlibeu a&Word et uy.eçf' t I vb"1uwte rpma" népir Mitaditàau s a.wuviebd, mmd dirmi mut leuesfer h m"kniu 151-au i jeu es mnuelM A altafer ber aisnemeï MuB. e . bis" sav be«empfy chantIer. Lüikv e barai Rvs, a os4smc0fryn amiatidoal IesStrias ilbmowllmg usrrew liuafor ae; yen donilookl lik broya, bu ber li»ld uteinil te hll p., dylnt » iMd put a placa ,of brWftlad i ant h moï. 4No, Flairesi I coui! nef d&énuv% for 1 The chli dd netoi croisa se;Il bobeld lia broathe 11f. fr-ouapou." fafber'* u, but saisi>'lookud. ai flua "Love me! I bale yen C vitI greai Wonder, muid aubed si"Oh! ploes baie e mre 1morsa fiai 'Dld F.gil do hacp Wiflithsyproveont. my se. jourae flaah " agmiamoon"' I have bacoase very bail; nsU cora Mony houas pamE, in vhich 'Stiste forIcmeiOur u.ore2' 4aFoid pryiug tpncuîiane, itid notsahow bS" is: 46Po aodbl !NO ou. cmi..for yon!-la sofet ~thet.threslatd cf Ste homue- Buts h bad te jota? Dom. ha formenat yoatr tis incramotiovery momenttilt finali> A uhort ane Picara, paie andi with cloncha'l teetî, u- e"Ie gos alongtotgether about as a cough toreti. viti a iiny habe in ber armfebora dmois thhplaurfy. » premaiualy, w ve weak litile soice vas Tii. uai Andljeu bave l a pport scarcel>' audible. Wlîhont a word as mIe bim" came eh*laid thab.a ité,brotescrib. « tyus,I1have to, for i injoui ha dia. Thon ah. venute b er work anti stootilirif. âibbd lita.", loto the aigu .behinti her bar, front tinte te "61? -alays 1V Yctarme to blâme, mince ltime nursing tle chili npoids, as, lion dnfy, yen'teck hlm te> liabanti, and 1 thon had la not lier desire, -vas 1astakeneti. towardl th* ravenge myseif On, hlm. I wanted. ycu at ponr little warm, wlioe ampi of lite would My Prce! I vanted toemaire ycu hippy!" Moni butas out, The cuetomers croDwded la "Inmieai of tha" yan have brought -uie- to-dayepecially, ath. nova cf 'Steria'. fortune tapon me, which now liage *vrrmy rotîra home andof hie alafairfine liai lova libse»atno nver lea."1 Ilirongla île village, anti eery Ont, vmnfd "Wbafmuet 1 do ta inake your Ulii.happy te .ue how the tva, vue lbad beca a. env-led, Say' the word, and I'il phack Ste sbire froua bore iheir bard fat. Bat ne onu lad tlie hueven for joU-Si opporlunity Of meeing hlim, saudthe bemUtifal Another pauae. Steria heit hie breatiL inaikeper vuastaraectcd and iitncommuni- 1'Lovoly, swe.b, pao.' Flare..! Forgive catire.- - me, oh, pray forgive me ! I eluneti for lo-vom Har n ergy ami abil ity ta vorI Sean e s ake. 1 vas a long tisue lmpriaoned. for it îacnoaas ofnld f--m now -on. linsBt e ou bread andi vater; they came noir shoot- ahowd n sifîeing toward ber huaband.i. tg au Floa, a -r nak. !'slie epi ho.'betlrsna clcod. lMe alopion siDog, thota Ileef !" hlamoi. Steria, -behlnd the. benuinlathe buairoi, alter lho bailhIde fiee. pasoI tIhe day iin lîakinai athoedliokens 46 Imprieon.d !" maid Floarea, anti her and pige. voice aounded acff.L Once, intieenulieho miieti ait th.yoïcag <i And t hon. I ilwaa thoucht of yen; pnp:e. Shl tîmbî't err co aoih.'.otSIsiée .I ehoulil bav eperizhed. Floarea! Thon hb lgan Sastandl lu bis doorway, andi you c0&noS be angry vittme forevr..The ata to go tebthe foil ta overseco the vomi.. agelae ore -.'iluera, antd forgive !", The dlay. ver. teinsus anth e nighfs a for- "I have wopi boire enuugli throaigh you. tuntaf The deop Mîcop cf benîtift a l ard I have lecu very unbnppy R" - - rtay'a vc-ark wugegm. iütent, giawinaarks A $Oftt ,b. nif.hatcofnten semed ltn courseithrougl i* . Floares, do nat cry no ! Lt fears my brain or alune befor iaro 1.es. huart ont! Iarn te b be r. for a long tisa., Hostiltlu~ialcree arootlalh andl l'Il bring es-erytliing nt% riglit for yen., hblasef iu the hoaind î in thbc ban of hie I yul ho se fond oif yenulai yen viii. forget uit. Tns ahe repaîlu.etl bisa ith oaci an ai iyoan troubles, fIai jota-" attitudte af repagunance, treaied hlm me like Thit wcrd <lied on hie lips for, white a. " i'aa*tuway. likeostie tintit for hum.tnSnaietY, flic angel of death, Steria stood. before them. " beggar and staerveliîîg, that ho came te Tii. young vife tiotreil a shniel anti coerueil believe ihat il. wuil 1w.-camion ite malien mccl. ber face. cryiotal than. .iai§s wlmnlan. Hlm,'chilI vite t'Euugh! " nd le. " iemaster ~va tif ton preaît a atel timei, ccun begiai -hors, net yen. - Mare!.! ~to aide Withlîthe mgatiier, and te1r7M Md With au arS-stump b. pointet te di&. sorenîa i-f ithe faibos' came near hlm. jtance, and ti-i not droep 15tlt the yong Mlien Stcria aw tlat-cii s-dhenicaf euit- ofl'îconlied! alunît avaY. breaksautanoiniapressin, on Flourca, thaI (Coaiued neuf moel J mli. regarilet hlm mercI>' asone unable o wcrk, and nnanigec'n Ier hîaamlantl ami Ou-ticumaB m.iu ter, h b litiriuihint.;elinlasilence. "Vaon are not alO!e iii ntertaiu the people -5 y Skia. YI# asm aanar.,".aeemil ua hlm. "Ftarmerlyyon uà fourgli ha d coatied damise ta Iclimg fCu cum Ra mi ~ t hI l wliah lie arme oroued, as. h. always aloTb" fwssd uII.ami Ifouta uy 1dmiM ovieeMag -the Ioidiug et the hay l itaeme evtr, amim e e :' evumbhs I me* et sweef-emelllmg mesdovm TItaM. masot jouisWho baaeatvm nb»Muu£mm bande osough, for th e hoiznawvugroviag XN». ROSA KELLY, Rekvsie e ue. lance.' avery moment, andtihél.lightint ajcuisura zwoog.a hdietancu lhrueatamd heM ev-i lae.Tb& mmv Bleui Mdm qua Puie,' na 'rom ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ m aib11.cacod ot e hmer RemaeMmmey,m lova liber y vo% ie sin.a font of iban 'PM euwbs RSaiou. rore thon ua"t whie p& thilookMc mo eit "u .ht innoenstma M - euar& fuit et bail; Be- mke le bhai m " mu MWg vwoisbmth amuml. u ioiuati fhromugb ore li~mp er rie. hdS lti o @ la the bw y mbes=Mme am UngbiPg aMM4 Mme A» ciz â&oùmui buoit; 8" àwB. ahsibi aié.RM a aU mi Ue S fon- IF& laid ent te bar 8 lslais ru- h~ie am?&imi5". vu& , fmi, e-Mi ma lope at lew omom«iismu.m ia-.4 "pmmvihynusa Itorriaed, fmakm erm may, mil otmpmM 015o B. amui e. pboune I -R ma A t a b a * m l . o e v m .~w e s - 1~11,09,114e -~ Ummk tb# eiT trim msTo 'u i I - - .1 13 l 1 t flJLlLux» emh% YIe Itroaum yn Ee Cr aDOLO Ilt IIEAD.C&]&Ot A.W afi,' mlsiov. uf. i. N OuUmtm:Le0 fbuam Wh"ae 1 ise A i i î* illaJtIJ.. UILIYI Positively Cures CÀ CTARRU.e litu. aaî: Nael Bna bute ivold for a nîsd Coid in the Heiad. In ou owa cm.. it elfecteti relie frtr the tiret applice- lamai Wabe-mnan. Imperfai fil Ce':'PePtrojils Olnt,say<: -Naw J B aeture te tluasiPer- -ýct atlaaction 4d zyni- daine 1 ever iiu foir Celd iu the Head. 1 toui i t ceas4ytlise.50 quickin luivine relief anttr«fet a cmnlti ure If NeMiBuImrb kst= tc bju "ene w onnt poot paid cmreccip; cf puice (aS Cme ffor Umml a eifrla. x.M>by addzolag Sylvester B "os. Man>Ig Co. THE SYLVESTERA Li*t Steel Binder AID0 TAOESTHECAUREVERWHERE ThIa Mider ba takea Ffrnt %sie and Diploma at M ctoria Ceutrali Ezhibitioa the putl two seasons, coxptL-g against Trouanld Eraitford. Thtg f the ouly Binder the Toronto agents dm4-d Thii la the only Biader the Brantford agents dread. Thiin thre only genaie AU-Steel Binder in the Marliet. ThIa Efud hm.a more, god working points than any other- It ia a Ifià ruaning machine. It il lii easy operated machine. Il ia a perfeclit worklng machine. -Thire fin nouhoddy inii lIaconstruction. Theeian n pot nietal in its construction. The -Rahne throughout is made of the best material. The Mfachine ia w.1-built by lte best skillel workmen. Tus Mchn is built in Lindsay, in ypur own County, where yen uhould leave pour Mener. Yen wM lfi.it 10 your ailvantage to purchase oe eof these Syliester -Brus. fif'gGo,, A. Hïguibotham.___ OLD ENGLISE TIESTE» and TRIE». alIuek m. eA"d purmil e ob»04. 0. amat a mne it vont huit aMy anim AUi th. boa r.-OWnevs and Zbreeeflers li tue Codi n y ua A. HIGINBOTHAM, DRUGGIST. LIDSYPLNING IL Bb mmr 1 à s acW~gDry Ltmbr for bu4WM9 gpuwpu, a t. i.hig vct4 is m r'uiw gorcdw. »»MBoes l*a>Km&u. etc. guarantoe INGLE & YLEY, Irtom MI& a»..N êliuis t h ho Umaia her mi varm, kus lte If uaptimo MI mme « M w e Ila tIls1 mus e valat lhaa Auiu b* ~ mdfmm~am h ls mde * a etibtis smift % moea emeraib b mm - éalg=wS.DO mustusm inaufsaglet ekhi, « , w.steay uu miy in iaita maent raWt mi sb. tra m e toum. am e »o utu bui Ais. mmeN il m: I waT. D. D. LF& a Cham oest. su "1bav am am~w Mn:Iis I iol h hm*te ut@Mv leb nîij "m ordo* L iw i Whuu powauitsureNasi al fme. lbav basi , usboma trebWlai Selurs oby 'whal lbe doo. Oum deIrSI hwb ma usmlin PMutM"aa e.tar "d atibave tria m d . r~ il us -av-8hmglu bhe City lta" condlt bo oblalmi, dtkrqsleva i psvmm mal pieua. mauat rliai r e. t em, titi a fieni eo» ha~~~~~~ muebt imehrur u d iuecime le t àyOur N ataala, 'au lb. ut amo -v-t. aa -oii ffalIah" ovinou oitme h..dome me m»~ ba hei hmm» go" titana&lUte medicineput togethe, uha 1 Dai: Sautbaslbmsae ai lia deusmalimachtroublaiwith aputtiniu< ati awacini fas.s~ Ieuaq.a~Sas svklg6mui ipoei:' la the o mnng,0 ranch aio lhat MW 1; ;-mmIbrou wu scentinually in a uaw t-oudltioni, bi duelo M m i.i. 1 L late IamnDow bfanlg te know what it tso & ai imlaI ,ailI DimvinI <lot #acure nd l to et cfw>friend» rsulteh rm MRC!RT DIATU I KAQAT DMAT U IAPNOER SIONALI 1 1 1- 1 ! ýIA, DANGER - 8110-NAL 1 1 -