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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 21 Nov 1890, p. 1

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lb. *~ ' - 4 ~ w... 'i OuWS . m~ bM & ,~, ~. ~ _____ VOLgNN IXIL WNOY.U x< - L~ "'e @!ué p~~~b" ~ b o ia mi OU& #] LO'8L vq LIN~ T. NT. IDI ATNOV ENEmm mmU~ K Z ~ teu~iu -al t em ##a.î ..i.p . h"tt'titt.t4tij.', It , Anf4 ÏTr sotti.irter4tw44E.l~>tom .i GREA T MOVING SALE :ELrnu *UUI.UES[ - LJ WA%'N.rotk Pt-IF. S. Jo (!1*>lm*fY f4&I I*%pj* I WAlttfefit mm hidjuw M i' lwfucIeg e '&NJ 8, t % S m FsaI V tg A %Nt . Th il mmn - '.tokf oni em*i2o v14f4 utiv the wo tft ti ioto r &IbI1I V%4hy ..o .rneiit ,III ?M.. O Y *~tîe4 a %p-À>'a ft toc iëboeuMI.ifs Iý titbit, . i irtwt, IM. wt'.V Nv. ,4*"t* t'»htnt tq z<eto fma du etM~l Afi - -bt 41tIvh t tg b le% vii,*uit .4th*<o t*> igttofw nu mil 4ow" 11,'aq t'y îiC ICI, ' fttAu J'»" A B fàftlnx 1 Mîj«.> Cf j~ t i " l'w '<" 'v> Ibthqtt 't'iOhfM' eibtW.»,' t. ht t 1 m tt,lîi t t ub Iia . 1 sti ! 1 t'"'u*tu th m " ,6 ota tt'tth>ui SIQ O i, t. m-1' --tir <'<î i 't.> >n" tpt m itiiM ot t<1. dY <. i.>r'> t o<..qwR eto tîlf gu'*o *w .t . (fi a , -t: t'>,W4tf t .* 1 itii sibf I «Il ahpto tI>I,~d t"ir >,ttt> 4~Q ifs1ttpt hl M u #W m ont wmraiam1. Nw AdveflamaU-. - '- e - upremeting om dim for you' roa before sayig a word about the excellemmce Our New eSmoups Sc, ve vant to appeal to tus master motive.. If voe au save you mone on your purchases-if k vii put money* into yotîr pocketto trade vih us, vs knmow tha4 other thing being equal, vs haVe a *traug presumption that v.eam vit your patronage and hold kt; and k in ýonju4 at t. l*sis that w. solicit your trade We have markett our goode at snch low figures that ve are confident that a-coinparison Of Our prie" (Always consideing the quality of our goods) vil furnith -the strongest argument that -ve eacmakefor Our store as a traing plae. InCtoiiciting your patronage, vs do:klt i theconfident assurance th"t yoit will save money by trading wkh u&. Bue other conaidertioup bofka"dqor Onter. int btqrnyg vnd uing. An article you de o t vant 1 dear ai any prie.. Thîe second point wo niake, therefore, 18 that the variety of our stock offers jut what pou Irnh. Youl are not Obligedl to. compromise your taste or your pocket u ucaig~ s o biitsy, "Well,- ths l'afpot just what I vanted, but 111l make it do;" or, "This 18 18a l1W.eMore thwan vated to pay, but I don't -sep anything ai m price that suis me." utwa o atiiculi;js what you 'want in tyle; just what you *anî ini price, are in every other respect *hat we aimn to çttpply. fndeed, ît vould bevery strange if~, oui of a stock so large, so varloti andi so careftilly aelected a laours, joa ouki fl ot flnd the very. îhing jota- want.. ---- - Ilut you i ii sy, "What about quality?" W. ainswer that ve keep tii boit lu ailnraesof goods. Of courM, quality muet b. consideredinii relation t6 price. Whiat we Offer in cadi andieeyplc 8ti.bs or the.money. I à s tén cent article vo say it's the besi article that ten cents wil buy. If it'sa trn dollar article vo ecan %ay no more than that ten dollars vill buy no better - article than we 8011 for the fanl'&y, Flîrther, you like to be welI treated. ,It's a matter of business policy t6 trent (itor.ç courteouslçly, fairly and pleasantly, but- what is poliry with other ii pnra e with ws. We make it a matter of principle to- be equally fair wt ail, no matter. how large or mall their -trade. Acting on.principIe, the huld Who mak*m, a penny purchaae demande the. smm consideration as the. person, ý.who spend'.4amopenffid suin of -money. ]Pôliey 18 a cloak to be slipped on andi <ff; Prilicipte- W the 4kin thatlis artof, the nmathat k clothes. The.question o>f printiple li(lrie ior deang ni w ant yut prve thatprc- pei-n l>sti8a protection to cvery purchaser. k ýwasI a weak moraiity tha.t coined thé.proverb; "Honesty is the. best pOlicy." llone.4ty that i8 only a poliéy eam neyer be trusted out of s .ight, but hone4.ty whicei1.14 founded on pinPrcipie cûn b. trusted auywhere. As a matter of princilîle, we:make ilow prices, se11 gooti goods and give, faf treatment. Our tbcéoriüx: of bsns are folunded on "tii. Goden Ru!..", We do not lay any claimiq tO philanthropy-we admit that self interest je thepr«mry onsdertion i.eing as wo i ying. B~ut we are convinced that it pays to deal fairly aind hoýneqty with -eustomers4. 'Tt 19. not a bard matter for a shrewd salesman to set his Oodsfrhl abright and .attractive Iight,, but no ahrewdnepeu counter-balance inferior qualiy ln gModsY or ovyercharge l ices W. vaut to se.Our. customeral retun to us to trade--again andi again brought back to Our store by the . Aciousn Ms that they ean- do botter in tading.with ius than anyviiere ee NqOwa Word k general with respect to OuraStock W. haive Spareti no mains to make la complet. in everyrespect-compet. lu the. varlety of goodsà cou- preliendalin the. quality of each article place-i on sale, antilstog ltla in Prim, putAt the owest posslble profitma& We have doueailin Ourpoe to dmsrve the patronage vhic I w. oudtlepeiad hopefunfy invite aM knpewin of our gooda. lAI ?UIULLT Toux., Es E. W. MGAFFEY,. - -MI-e U mom mmWMmm me im me-Imam MÉ-MI- M » - -lut SOUTH VICTORIÂ EImIOs. Mr .ow"mbrug0's mÈuI Oua- alite o * a"ge M~4Lauiofs Tion Meast IPr i. C ATUR. hmlm'm ..o.T. VICTPRES ADTON MLJOmu Te MAI,BM oPP.f Ni'. W.. LouaoM&k Iobe" "adm "miuim mub &CIO&Nv 0M., M. w .Tý. R. PRE. TO la me ouP" SMM .aus tUe.. w là ummUm. I tudmm deu b muuslm. h p "Mm emsmgy. Mia B.F. JeIf k Im M aflOfe.butiI I M mil ' nait at mj aeuo ma h Idam'a ar. Yo UCE,/ fm'Moth aa qoe' article la warnad .Rive ,"dmeaatiaf Ofr . I&hby. Nov. W. UL-U.016 ROYAL CANADIANM etme adrnalub.m EIbm oa m sas a The msrm oti.ve m", buyingmad sen laMOXET. Xot becaxue mem love luceut becausemoneyst"Whsfo r the . ommoditi ad o enaleusto l»e. You buy viiee jo eaum ake money-by savig i-o dolaqaved .t *8adollareamed. -awO en" rmM mdt (hum tas UIýT. ý J«uemL *oeu m ano m doezpcmeu iaoie glmu t bas vlpaitot sunI Clarkt Llahay, hm beasa nMmeys psavridag linseaR * Liuisay War«, thé, paper PauIbJI iy lia" R-aeým,02t.sauam Md «urm.mar. ,Sam Rue.. bfoLber etth Mm bWà cTmeato a ses lta- em R~Tim',l@5tma are ddbestlm ivetielmM W msSMtamslv mihIs iaIm bo a a btre lia@&me papar vitb aMr pmaRaim. e Rruasu i sai r 1 rmimmeu h ave pumbilii.B4l lie Wd m lo Img bsm otelas mos beisa labia "or a «pffle. Ia mibla l»nVe m am mWouashb.tlaimpilogaua e2m ilmuaif, il. bbParty or ils ebumici em dbm polt ceil. pe. Md! ieroform ho elsesmiDr. ClauSe .venomoqs affamion@ Mm lie praluet a kludre epale.Likm mlii,. 1àke te huai. 'wlitewer muai ne utmmlila tou" sSmmcit nt all iitheze, be,»andnoft lemamoarral amou" itise e"Swffl sholdbe llowemd 10 mulpe him UI bb and shlgh. liaoue ali t lu Un <1m arer. TMm comequm&4> bukm is vasmisSe bave bieza &,ces v i s a m i a a Ilo h a ! s c i a cou lrib u Mr. The VardeaihbS benfa uer' a bitima. ami mlaaiwnug, and naking Ihe1 tSbou t lsy Mdli. couaty of victoria moMilu f 1 ho bltes e t tliN olitisai afflemta mIa c ualdasl lmu suh a atm .oflim emosai!m lm-. fussia.,Mdias lies mlag1as.ix1aetR hbk Fom Mr. %Boheais med for libei.1 2» "m a ulty. asd re ssi ai, perspe l 1 niMuessare PRuamd evetbaevaiby t- Caumitanjudo. u pen; a nevspaffl Pub-i Hiab""nd uly of LlBut ciao U"i1 bai Mtl tie requirmi *But The puhllsaie et am. e= n mam taslaemabi. 10 0sa htrsm Cie ancSas . as 10 thes Issu.. or Unm msh. 80 wam1êy MSSarU d mih. coninuai 0ce a" an aesmy enlia i it«tbi b la .vs lameaor i hlm Paon. IU M*s0lO& r Àuun siotildi by ciaîes am icouatan fu ! easureorc Jou=Mde as ' *Ssips » vas same 10 a te on amd itlatter, tairlyru.mk!mg ulh iSfliiai Mdmd im@Messl nsdo. SeOrbum aaiu"Ite be abëdIte oemfte, and siarai mils we vreMtSdova for WWm n lteenta au m .Theresuna @Psai as soqua.tlp as m MW leagshy daeisa sm.11l4U clulg Im ue tram~~ Ci-Vri r' -pg. Clark vas fouzzd 1 caret 0 lbIllug a M.- meareby Mmd ýmti0pay dameigesa thei. sunor PR. la attile' as pe amohpr milt ho ,iuma ajaet aeology te Mn. C. D. ailet Tim Lnçian..:Pasr, ona et et Rmues O nturio, mckmovladglng l b u~ i attee as Mr u'.rt'vas vbolly grouaies.b la lie an avper Mt. Sami HugesM apaloWls m Ma'. BârÏter mllevlnt the. ýpïlUadgm 0etli.article, usall ioaho à"iam Il h18;fbre ils putalem. Dr. Clark mi"epublwiswaoogieuas 1à,a Ms. MeKmib* ami tremau h taaismaemusl heim iâm it:, aou'Smsisbn ai Ia te »wprba" bllat tare viiib. a pes. ltui4-8-9 "s.vis." la" buAil tonwtem algbs horoughly diauraditeti IL . ea bateregre th"li men lie Hughes, appmsmt!y deveid of Ma m met,<j Jamais dis um m Mvie l lw tim aatipro pse jo t a gawbl a Rd0Y and vial le a alvlMmd lngespr, ucho uli bave contrai over a Mouspip.. H&MIY Canada kmvm tev - et ki ilaiupbut -Daira'mre la laimt la *0 Uat sisaisi. sviBe ttei lbsy thm Premm w. mdegmwesd mmobeu tmu 19 km Proimii aurgeat damnm à tram the bbiter clama.of hSiSamnitip formatern proteettlm aama the, abusas oiires au ti lesdmap w lsiaum, but Wla 1 Jans et- yumrm MWvs aullstam 11,à-u' ily le blIc Sm pro« b0 m et I Vrý .ILartevsm, fmeS I etp luwîi lb.u tilir 9 M% m , bolasol gmma etIuio0 hRiu. amr *Waivler e am ubM"I.ese, u -a &%.vs-.a&-c-me] - - me M. v~B Un Mmli -- ~ ai ~ lia' 0<Mm b~g u~ km. ~sa ~ Mm aimé.? ~ Mm ~mems I -s -; Un' mmu 0MeTb PMU OESTIART.-i mL Job Silia 0«SkM lImbas bas ellai"mt e msue mm *9 mdy death or a babvam c (WalNmm TWM lmeeaia* .Wm w be -i - 1,Si ai" -mi b ~esm r samorla'. e1 vsaksI fm as B*àll, Bei. Mr'. udauigM MamyRpm' u diM ml tane samlh abu a %l melnusame um ff-a -!= a Imm ,= -~ ~.ea îsi *bss j ~b . a s o n i s n f e ~ u w m et mman" mk u . m ~mi SL MM ~~a" fitu" etR ai la omE et m.uaktcIml; X Ktaim 11iýCw & bmlabiW , e> ; nw' va. ClatieJade vith fait emm anl adis m5U U W ala4 by Me ~~lM ID ue aouwy 1w p MM i. Vil"Wauin cf X.19. j» . . l Ibo MW nomm etaIlSmaum aMd Clet sasab ~lb.tassa aibo Fmai iime - aUN MM dm aw4ajbatbuu et 84.08t wx1k Meapuloalsa atovaotdl e booi. W bla . Mmt mlb. tasModem vAlie miflTb* leu Mm pe 0a<Mand j>er..m be emeu la mm M Im b«vae mi im »Um - R Ctm *9 bumus w .&m a - MMUbe Mp ugard"w ee ie wmbM obae masubimd otwp uaieu i km dividealabot aa.lme na moal ved.balug et th* aeâtuuscomentery. . "Publifebaie ebe lu uslarewl la 16,fr ove a édat Via! lbm"demmad là Mai »Noes t. aet »Y m bus a »Mu 13 & àmd dioted vlLh citureou .MmdOu bmdtuaoufer Droumm e M ota: vl" boinq ce the puhÂe, ih la outila bt at Itr*"* Liai&a p-e" ot jourcmlme, vieba hmbeetà br,.mqîd bp 1h. eume m liboese.ad ocand4ai, akmed abatua allh>vad tI.i w iba pesa .fton puas vAibou aimble orateiss ve. Iahtait. le ardbi la lm ie VIlimWader la"e voë bcrmiim hope la tbire or a b.; er order oflbl"go fSt tue t&umr. l"st 0 M » @d- mriie. ebme 80 te.plaant..ff lathe .eLi-oo. vs oVfesme eamment. But ve do pftttei la the aue ati.nmm a"cMocy aata. te vadi altack Marre laa poa le roualse aWmen hoi ati ot ibe lie oraa.aasat e Santà iVictra. ubo c« a m gu' pm tut blmvaàtIt eho. 4ts ot ibm d. ae motto t»li ri<ardtd, what boom la tiare tiM the triusandi ltt»,ttes 01 the iviung.Win voeelve aMy- eC9Sstuirjgfo. Wm hav.em» languaite a"Mffic etu w d.mth.esusien 6biatrmcm of Lot- J'uraail.a( t SIt au be Selladimumallsam wiaciwou-d de eR l9" deVtb*a 01 Mneamw. tudic*ed by 'ke auaie vblI e err. ~TheMuWataerla bood coamment. Wb<î do lbe publi Mkait about Il m=4 viat do tbmy purpm iuRg fa»oUs Il 1 LOCAI. NAcW S-LECTIrES tOataquaduaet The PMLJ Cazm£ MTMLU.-A 'Mueting < ltât potruma eai b.Caanbrpume faclaty wR! bu id la'tbm Oramm hbai, Cunbrap.m Tburaday Nov. Z th. at 2 30 Dm'. Tb la the fia rmellng Lfar 180sudmati all ru for thme«santma»»om vlibu gle. Non. patroma vill be valuomis, W00L>V1LLZ~ ICatrasommimsoet The PhiLi1 Kisox CauaeC&LL.-Ttie Prw.ibyteram magrea<îomboe.bave givuna aOeilie Br.. A. MeAuley of tu. paesbylary et KhIusioa.Théecati vas langely stguai by dbm nagbous and adberntSàlry ore- ilust, 0O0, payabie hait ,early. Tb@ puipik v« rMLpoiwm It aitn 1;& Sbbathe wy the 1ev. A. Lrqubart of Douti, peeby tery .1L-iobnon. IL, la au t>Xzufileutmm ada goud preaclte,. Me va. very mach mpratm.ed bie. PxRuisortài.-T" e <t Our pensa un-4. Dam4.a &W J. J. U. ctiriýb-e-It LjirTot. loto. uSaie vimi, wvie liey expact vOuIt la & dry icoode store. lt&GhLTIOXlG. - W4 UDdmrltd tiare ai savural blfJth u t*lie .-tend litre. RiEcovkIID. -Dr. G. aptu hmstuly .'. cbi a ed lio n s a.ek cf tphltoa fvr, a&&CL te able te att.ml 1 tohi' DI5C'Ictee. Sa FSa. -MÊm er%,.Mlmte & 0 Bayle hale opamai ageatral '%tore la thé- &u'embaa laoly oses .e 1 "y D. 31. Saot!i. Tuey bave 'me.dlabe;uto.t kre..b "tid w<t. >e-e"d mueOSIISbeaidése yhig..~to bu uaî<ud ta a first-ciasa eneai mtýre. Give hbem a coanmd b. .aîl'.l1ia v.c prime. Both g'BL'emen are wvdl ad favoeably maown h-r. Ditz&3MXa&tit<v. -is MinniA ShzfliSb. be hms m"ti quae a nainý for h-rwif aaàdree- « makor mmo.t le «coi I.>of &ccila and aur- rouadlug country, bas opemn" a ireas.' ,akffl seabliabmemî t e. las mlsi l "a.mulmà e» M a m e Piuma. ibose for ubon ais «Ma vido mm doubt bu that she viiibe PAUiNYLL Accwm"r.-WO rew la webrisee ne lam Moadar uIght. Dr. EM5& WUsaa.ur ve ruila.: doceawl. üosnbis wax go attend à pamamml utb u paa t 1SiS ceddeg& Mi borsa bouma. riabta.. sa1rau aw tbwmg hlmout. breskme of his rtbs aÀt badly bpraijabis mit.H. vas brmfflb bue »di th~ugbletà? jury bas baua iai ws MeiuMawboue hIluau mes b arions "a ltbucoure eta few das auapi bu atis te - bne ie pracale. ICatusudémo miThé Post.

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