ia oeil: p... "t>., 0< P~ h..,. 41< ~ 1 e %h 4.w é'f' »,-t A û' <A ~ ' - - 1. e- th-N 4.e k' Nu >'oe'u.~ tN 044c5*~P t- - ke S --fl eto- .km - UL ~4,.% 1.41 <'<'t", <j<m«<4 et of oli 0 RWuxi ofy IAN #MMOf »DA tq~ *b* *tU*aweI et s> ~I<ê -# ~ $ ferb ft# th.. ac si4 perw .8t nu he eente-t. ,Chà oft (;Ourg 2ppoeed th~e bMlerg, Df the. Siu re Ile. Lâr ndci, kd t.i<rer lAv - Lie S-gtte ce Et4 ý<e e- ations 'f *-<tamy- 1la wtfe Lave aeein w= gets tb±oug mi anmzeeeg, ý; ad ran ,t. I'11 Luy £Or. «i aiy n ta thnak hirmseii nmbodv ;s some- rbody %W-11jin ~emily tinis iànt ul rcesaaiy tP At gereey tc -the. moer c io- apraos. màm resemed a z-,rI ragl icha i- -e ,» , o e et z a ny ' e . er hends yeerday Tlii ldsiieuedeil on 'A ais fààier-' %e. ,wé«iianr. . aheir =A&yiuterz <nec iwhere îiev '--ere <'àeçi. wùiereupou ý hâ aile atie U L-so. '.e ie rrazoe a"Un hlome.-proper- tabe4. inahsla t- ;w. know,siinlilariY ra C'i*en.-,. niessor Beill roi@- onne.tzons'bosween riotir. le1hough4n bt ag WB tact.ivl 'w ;.ften â!i 'n- Le, ella sars durxnig oeiag h. va.cou, h hie wf bu a hIDIMW cam intu $bock& â»o te- ! cha t o, *b bsy Mt ouofletion ïwithý o -m~sd of the en' a" due joi! -) «« b il a i m*of omimdien Mt â» aj Vm gm Pzùmbu ma UBmU Mot.- If, u )%t' * 'Vs'i ~~1~ b M 6 u b " te ome.o wm ?an EAikod bu M ov* epemes dng. mS oiGuemmyhbu re.. mât ". f tbe Gbief of ~his à way tutay, Und à rotef ta b. s demh eaet ç࣠m'ie i on ofa ho "- tivrFIL Co., sa damage ýtIie zuàbd. ýto police. forc jue eonagW 1 Ùciajn t.aiu. anti,%. ot pi-iren from' Urst muy 1lm w»s 44MO toms ho litb i. for Cana"a. tit$Idan*esud to be Worth ici«âgeu17 yun,s, b een =rageablrseer ia 9n ,cpo e rewveugstzng igud is reote t av eçot lum#enabatii . :pý- meKimm1. C. E.,lae Goz imm làilv.usbe ir «iy W4.O(P> AM-=ý&e epoeriod au!yarz .tel tià tâe Ce IL-iuex %L proi- , ~sth e d. are lui abill ti. L ;at ar ao ays ire ,ver, t L7 lu a 1a~, Le nxtt ~ ~ ~±i A.sCX .eL cà * erav e..aWe2' ~ ~ - e;Lv r~.ezs