Mr. îw lohmu te Âuatiia sufort " leMiwg 4m ibeu tie. i lwauly axre pqrted 40MV roubise3t the àe of War. IJelm ?L.LaUgALu tiilld OU ltue 411 à"a ruxbitî±, havt. wnteý iinF Ueei ta.gei rWu zua butter; p11 ti £&vr " tilt ned. '4 wUu tut: ~Lty' y pàJai awile witil thon hate ibtuot o iaduruigth 't f ai lzt. Ibd .umth.. iQ .i2u rul u %Vàîr t Pust[l. a&&trtlqee la we- v l.tî1l uj MlAu ' .iaiis sLn . uuîv, 1'< 'f Uw tn.av s ~Vtff .1v 'f i. '4 .4 A ,.&> j *r.h..i~ '.! I*~~'rI4j tu',~.I~.#,~4~Lsif*C t, pr.ft t.' 1,~ 4h.' 'i"m j I. r ' '.."~'~ '~ .4..~'~'~$44~ rt*~." ptqr4u*i N i-"' *" ""k '4t$.."'~'4~eom,~t.1r0v, ur~ ~' it4'"r'""' ~ 4 't"."w4v~i ~tn,.'tuq4 4 'r*,..' ~ ,,j1 "Alti 'A n..4'~iV Ar.' 44' I~ ,.i tIi.' Il -11' I. ' * f"'< te *44't'W'8t III ,IvIIN*8. a e ca üti trl p't,ÇL mgi. hégtia. .%x utu r ~aucie wicimea : ulmter -e. Lzu .:50ý 1.~ _e :ra "ice 1ý t attjill LznL ' i. Li4' v té. L u!llkl Uut ttataizL, er u:n :i - audm r . i r ttî t 'r ,î uî'.' 4 mal, wateIl.i' utlà Ut.t -1U 'i ' iete uixaittid..>Mlîîd k'. 'u ibv 'ut udcv .4 re %"w., 1a.ç4.uuln îreliutie. .uti ;'f :' rder it n ùave dscovereg a :!tua iccusilthe erm rcf acav A 'veqgetable ',Ine mgý tite' davor 'jr aci- le o t he aunios f :ezpec. c =eh legs à= tanmnî htim Sny meuCr, e'ege. q:t in OpWJtu otis SUL.~ msso and *ew uoot vi > 6" rWU se wil«nthe 9 froià e - ardiz ',r ims-î.' '-Letween tue d tle 9tli î'f luti-s *wtfl Use' ngeû,- l >fthese. :thirteep arp oly Matnres, *tenr i rie u w '.1zhe zno81 mu, being muder, du. e4 for purpoimui grtti KiUte* wiLh taiUe UL6o sioesdmi cneoaied Py fi of apoweul tradee. m iempmâeve 1--seon t nuay 'À wrom in £ve rho arp zuuw about tu où iho cent motion Io the 4.mand for tha.. e Iri s parte« l'ariis- 'an 14 oniy«titret Sitw t he fHonte flahe en .miaud frottrie té voting waa 4.-3 fur, ngLhaitrepresentativee. Ili 187Ô the votun; iguree. intidîi t1 àmà dsoebelns.r,if 'ne for terumi abou.n dàb snd Seomehl-, tu- a& u a. bo u -1. "- e eho voted agaînsît tt "Graug~er îayài thu'm. te Np" t t ."4l Spreaent. Thie roprt'iï t ef camaditâ w e bfar ' 'ta fuiwltem ' c dne Isyija! i t-au .winrer prewrvetite h. 'e.. andi ttei f'v',blt te' ut spe'ùt g-hes ijiac.'d -an 'Éýtinary .'itîuitr map sown laà" Lau wzi 'Jtt DnamCuRt E ttrope a" that toue,' hih kpriceuf bread' mg aànhaé 'been'lcryt zwoadinunalY favorable mà w look fumward wo un fer oter faimeri. mu! ' ~ theitway dt ,the :,ork aiOttawa We *matceeuiwhile le lookinq as tho pi.P idbuIore à@cettld, gu = enrabed forwe bt mauright 45 kinwie. Itsonasp. wkt p . bAt the ef"ly 44.. t4 V iq AK> :3.4 rf.'s#~" j> e, *'1 1 $4