15, ~ALT. cou- that re- onft Y, VIR m.~.u. ilt" Ibosi -a oé-a ,t on fi wtti tom-.! ad &IrMugl mIT go Xi. : WATGIfES' *Keeve Quaty of aire T6f Oa. J euty L imicue aû S reLm go r~ i i tls tIe liens i.u* ii.welt.« w4eY 154h ma 1 (tit" amW ra better prw frefimu qo.é .1t -el*pwraup h ma1*4 IN BOOT, ô& mm" till teE tfwj Il mcm-g e. former 'n Px%ýKe ri" 4&for bliday uae.,be TV*WA »e~u. ît..W..wy for<OU. ml do Ur. i A m.tt 4ck of Cron-k.ytu bu b#e ont C b«. 1 k-43. Auyj qatity of Cu*d4 wut i b _________ itk. for gootty. PftVW1F.-'i!b.TIIOS. L .MFDLÉCTON.\- *Iff tlot sol mile0 81W1iaof f11851 y we.'g pr goaI tlb '". IM1, for' b*tnuw, OÀR 308120 Il.y ?EX IIR. *Jani-, i~ itore. mif tee of e Urthur i ng to thu ri IP enL to the. Bff rear froi T FSe fki was the work fc uta tiht Rob, hebidge D. m les there- CO.a ml. mak- um ad credit- Peu MM b pma M -f PS- - I I o. Lv 74111#h454. w 511$. I ~ Nigh~ f~his veiw~g, i da s Lay! Cap For' th# puebuo idget. bv Xr. t fre- tifl let V54Y~ORL - - l 'W ow "w 4*1 *Ii 1 K N