000DS toan. w MI Y . UNEQhIALLLED -victoriat 110 310 no G'eat AT TJIE Glasgow Wow A Whole suit or Tweed for $i $10 IO whlumit tilWoTwe Anotlier lot of PopFlinl Dre*seg at $1 veet PaeU1mode to onIeetbeet qi 200 pir Dark Suminer Puits,i derle - irl1.Tweeds for ?ati f;ux1l'à7le per y'du] Au endlee vaiety of Pr hmrluioeteVpwarde SUMERDRESSEM FlON vmy bav of~ ~sti 1 l* m Iow la iiaikv. ami AU~-I et ool \mETlo ON 110.B'ôE8TÂmiV. [AIR. DiO R GENUS ýlL&1L«Wm4,l, k [K..8&uh APL U~etJ4' -. lllam tha[ Mit à math. Ibe a- d"g gmb àlbS a" 0wi de.aaIuml. NO* Offl &Kid Gives, T T JS» OOLQR%-.C-AP T. Sntoom auma mr -»dUUIWlh beau& mps &TOaR, my 1b-w*-â ~k1uI g N'sa5wid Hm.Rmund mdOp" 51M~ ROLLS OF- ROO' tbing la thi~s lifte ever 0&«dinm Liwht àmi n etUit a er.ueUaa 1nib % WHO(LESALE AND. RETÂ1L ATTIU ,& LITI=1414 DISOU-T.&LOWJED TO P GOo to the %n of the Dutoh WFIN wsaches, Clocks &JewcfryS Sign of.the DIkSavoi, JOHN ANDE)B Ah. I*g~ ot uu' uer-Pietof n milrit Moi OFlisda oe Na-oo B001 illam1 IN TME. L4TELY _OCCIJPIEL) BY WsrM ian1imatew the inhabitants 'Of L 'rUS h " 1 .iaIMeybave çnetI&aBt &8ho àstmbmuàcturemid quullty to be L..» IM 'AUI kids oftwork maWýd *LADIES" DËPA1 whiet& wifi ie found Replete witht.hic Latest Style Md tand .Satin, Boots-a wii te kejt amhmd> orma i 4 i. * .4 NmOFKE14T AND LimmD1 Dfom à's,. tot. -l IERTRAX MED la WOW(UAU» OCK -AMIED 1 edmdev or their 8uxk s.'vrd rem poued of at. a eewi4ea.Wyzu» i * i j TOIM«=