.. 1 ~t UI~&T, na~ -I~ b - - -~ 't j q lb tb Mm& Ftât. -Mt ho& * r .~. i - AI.UX. A. NDONAL», - - - - --- ---a-- ~efl~ ~ TTO ~. moNET ATI Pr mcmN. QENONE! TO LOAN ~L -k. oeoob .aMou goumi I Ut.A.e Iem& ne me »unmba% NS, WILLI4M STRUET. LIRE DSAY ah-.. ~WS and Shingle Miii Machiner pleur MILSaie*= agines Nawe ~ e a len.101Patem fer PBCTOIRAI BÂLSM. Nn»cqumi foe.puaent cureof _______________________J. C. ou.RWTi?. g.,W.odvlin& ffooping Cougi*,Bremcami J. c =.hh~aetfôr nerl i*MlST i L- Bsame 9 414 mmm u@4 acad -Thou»sana Ir. D..a. Ger inviofathorv Ual. a 1 q ul el amd pu» vetd'y * uspe' JACKSON, f f 1~ et the n) eîa MES____________________uiai-=ai.thtfli*a EZSELL& LYaO j immf sop lea o Amm*m.VfoaaN, ni sael es.hsuoeryuismI un1~ii, 1 nunthe back, ADA umu, . . s. acss.= au'~ bh d a"te M beso iin pmueod a.unmany mois" " fer.circutas fth testimonials fiee IbuMail ~~~§ Unpe amst, la IML I5LL MO. ?.NVO R OR58Od atr o, qw ai boues ferOKO., bc mil , agglo.txt ftsnt ,~ ~ <~s.*» nb. ., tt n mftly m en ureceipt of price, SoeAem ert. !ieSas. A.P.Dam MACHINE OIL. Umm oue. mm» ro- ________________s joHN xcTAGGART, fUUn flushu adKil MeS J. E SUIE, 5g~jj q~-r t I. ., Cmue7nost abUtiryaUV ieMoM*et te braAed pnze ~IWut~. Z1 .0M'WMEa&mur ii MroI F - u-ump- 49W. *1~ u.ws.r.. w~ ~I -~ ~' éB -~ - cnflefrn.. I ut uFue M-I.be t * UL I ko ptwem'gUU m u iW3 ,:relk cth Bave idwa bemmwd.d to thime and land P fw u1Ir#&78.W. daim there us no oùin lu Ue muret te eqtml IL Try it, and the od wyu speak -e- dliitio . ,b~, ,~Ears for the Millîon. LCKE ODINON £UWS, pSftuvly esuC Ca lthe N ur a"i kthe O.'y W . ]E L G E O SS j o ck @ b d B M L m * I N 1 9 £ o Ihi mB b~ O1VIIJmmuI hn~1S1. JTiison. hinaouseed fhumpeculiar, apceiuE 'A i uIh.0 AIUI l &8Misaui a b -- - aU aiWbie Shor, eugbt munthe T.liOw Sea, *aMI . . .V lrnfIMM" hn.wn saCay*Awwdem lbuiektA. Eery Ct- ImmT h . Mi ererbrio - s..--.It iadiu»sa arestera- q -Us. bM U. n et SWtUULUi iret 1bear Mg wediseovreai y a Buddhi-t bb lise ______________ Prh.s abouttheii. per 1410. Its cum eswre --o hg a fuiaunueoum eidUT se seenminrIv Miraculir-tm Irk 'W fmbto du itasherezedy 'a&% oâi&WaiTrodamuci over rd"tu ebln" te cutire Empiure- ils w e beeame -1 unr' '-al m I.f te SbomU lb inb, vOlamorthle Chines. peopk. Sent, char-e-« pe phi& t.a My aditem at *e-00pMr bctIe. mltkm 8î.1hoh1re KET P'rBEI' W AfTthe DEAFSAY IVJ~UIbear m" betaurr I have bem gralybeueftted. &NI ,b U AND .: NÇyU smàieIpeêa g- tdeal-thii. an or~~~~o mwme vuuep m&5 v .aM.-mbmaikmrea taume C e ive daseaiabsolutas the wîitt r an per- sd tïmaube ! lly b hfroMiexpVTenc qLr n e l mt1 à » l m d d. t fo mutun0i 0 14 ý" bl1gueeiii t. w i t Ite o & OC K dg J " %T. abIb a s* M e ; 4 ýmL e a...Amiusa, u te t. fourni 1- m >ey ueet, New York, iv>.1 i *.00, anxd q eu laIesvo b - se1Ulni MtZ ecie yreluin a remedy thit wil eaM nonov.i:tyls rtre i i*, -. = 1 YJeu we Eevew ~sEpm es>~ Î . .ie M m'bd b. Mils b~ ~u be m1%md :- UV bwd "" MIAft à@ âm à@ bt suemn b dkOui amu 'dui hi ATLOt.X a JE3EY 1 cou&ar eis,(LraHautu bC ma &W buihifo *ilyumdioeali«m aICO. 1 flacesi. S50REWARD 1 i.. ~ ~n a mg U EPAa'N W. mU p"Ylis abw* immun fr ale cmse 'i Liv e~vueéia-. gSi Et eadace. la- a" pam ~rrS mil M«*su b-ullà 4mabeLit rPib, miien the ___________________Un__i" O:u Dîmnemd Omo -8»" *e o ompihul mth. lThey am - Y~, nM ffl I. gîTe satI@ftc- lui5. lo. . 1 M DM= eu. oetaimnr.Be ~UI .17lg .>UNC_ wefT & CO, ~ mem5~. W~ bi puMMe gnul pre- 57~dg à, a 0" odp.Fw r saleat $1000 IFORFEIT1 'E E Ea~ltMd t mamice hsuebe-nth amune? oM&~, uI laB limeisof lbM. .u.m nié, 1~mlim a 6mi mu comM. @dg hbut T w M-«w= u kysi -o. % rset - - IIEATII 18 EALTH. lè nugl, imai- *long t lb- . ~blan- %Iev= dmei au ma U --a- m . 1 * * - I ~ u #»4& ctlr À-PJ Zb 'Di aIm mU =m Ju -w --e----- J» c é il affl 1