4~j~ 0t, UV. &um Sa Avoe< p ~ 4 L1N~!~< I4~ ~- w-, .* vývxrw V bw4 ~ 4,1W 8~ I - w~ ~ ~ e, ~ ~ - d~ hplua*gmua Pur M-- - am-m t u bo*o Wb -w uiek bm -Put 0xq *0 -or<fo d»è o&rV "C-mxs rot O* ALZ vuwg*~I.~I4w~L -Wwww -o ~10 0*UWh*AMSt'S ep~f fl~1~ 1fr W 1'~ 1W34 ~K1VATK 64 #mmkm M ro of Ert, WTe  -Bill et luus mImEu t . - 4 -I e- I~4,f~ ,MW o* 1 fa the b b" et Mu I ~ as , s v ~ hhuo vi -là IL à-N . . . ~ ir. u --.~ ~u~uthusibai i.lq, - - T~w ~ - ~4U~~e ~ W~ ~ -me- v - -,F - MW qg% ---. fl - 1; ~*atm ý4e#w~ s". [ i KU ý 2"M ý fft im - - 1_0 w, - -- -~ - ~vu aoutau, lbt..boaa W»oàig laos mFIrîdeg xigt Linu I a-11î- = lm - wob"d wbék u LtiSbt BU EMk he »Vi.a ,i nt ha"e - ~ - ~ ~ *~~ ~ d u.« h ig wdsur . by IMI&M dm ?ma. E-*a o m b ma__________eclb itm t.SOf rA*CMa 9wcol*àw T M- - w"& - el --m rnbGu(isPm, g hS,4 fa sonvhg Ci ut. sWi foeswuI b tbCiosa"d -iew » Iomle e l k* r_ f 1)s .. bsti.utai f or cricet euubo*Abuybnm te *.hb heq b«M w séy emugelM Mr .(ehomoblîs8 d1the 1aw th tmmà __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ tfer t uhsy 1wcàgth mntilÉoM t me- --TeTigt- Ie, MW ob 1 b rpwSmaiby dapecimst th" arureproduc- bu. 190001 k 1lw %W .EkSlf e '~ ' EL~L uhet t W~nbu d.y. The. cricket p»M dis-6 lm bu" r ÎMin la ihape of an. ELEC " mm u Vi et a fa a* bu m"pperon t &.e eming of lus d- me IWW d *E pto%&m--.e M~W , atthQuasma hotmI. À ar « __ ft owa o "*u .boe w. peaum tsury ple.asit -0V I pt t* *nmm Ot8 vSest Mr.,Ezakine leavx4 tom «uitU the. but vus «of my frieuidà. pou-N-T mo ____0______ei* Mt& U* d me td. aid Mondi if bu _____of_ NMorlh Rdn inow ww 9 TUtý @MW buse tub b UMet* thw" mm e t -i m mWM MWyl wachacor-f - ~y - t.hmu w lb my ý Orama"specw u tvas rMdl8M J~I¶~W L « _ own. The. abjet wu 4Troubles in nu, ______________nu_ Itomui te by a larg s.dimee ad vau lb iap6â&W»TeaBack ~ ~* ~u. pium; Kims Bake *F mam eou r e u» u wM «w4.Aetnas ng mmesplendid Uv. uomwInUsm te clialm Md vue houffly itvelandedi vÀivote Aldh0uior Icuia s the b dpuams ettbut midvus tend, peakers amd Tm 411Wdofd BeL1& *SMÎÎ a dhe achair. Thi.evuaing entetsià- dllagrMd hsvlg nera dîl.ails t. b. u mi asumé '#tu. 815 ua ,lbrougt t» & elome bysni f« dudahmlb w.mtdDr.Yom.tlao.0ntieond sabîsiuaiter efiic.e (or 0. ut tuvtyJosrjus E. s p . e, .S. the b dcto - .~~~ 00111, IvSffl b leicit 71vote ami 'OM-M~"<EyWU ;clasi b tbq ý O E sOummwSuw »4--- 0. thb etIfe. OU ha *élier mm arafpperaI r. .7. fi. iIM .1 Otari.mil 14b. IAUTXL&LKuéy', a"mi ilpraeil a d s0ccas CAAwuSUR. the ARn auppetetthe d-7Q ~i uiIVkmq.lIshuo.by .«My em- N. ..i ! ., E husph1, tii. .=. fin erd te pem ItEtaluai eus, Iwti(d &Ws .svmlt t. a, The - im dt.frno MI~ * .mm-k ýbm*b Ir . IL C. pm e t *0 "0 iE fE LE TuR M M' ] R* bâpspi* t f v I neea r 3 auO Tl waeet na* of*0 asO Um ite wstu ~ ~ ...'. jWIU.b1,r~l. l7 by k anmi wLnsremais awere tintene ~eor b Sasis enry. 8h. leame a hsmild .t lb - î a fandly t.) fOUr. b«long ~' n. L 'vu, g - N#r-ur. .1. Xlock abu m WII u mpurcha" da MmdiLi ts. mu#y- IteeusM.t 011.Pus- mmlub kMr. Padle naOys.lps i >tq~pols mat dsvI.p..t.~ ~.g~. ~ ~ o<omuI. à" e. k.sSyIVbkr. ~,A ý*f9A4