-u As WrVNr woL1~h CIQf?4ar141zKA &Ad t<Whowuti 4f ftffm A~~~l W ~M4tl~(~~ ~~~~ Odi'% ~ vin4h. p lit a a I~~I~4t 7h. t1:3__ bwM1 .m AflR4 *#* 44 ' ~& lis ia 01 tee O a qq YOM ~ ~it fijf~d Mr.,I~I .. (4 If. n1t ta4 hm bm. fi if$f'l0 ii tg'VR teP4~~. h ifi~% Pf*'Ih wv et.I 'a.4 mimil N~W omuu. -TCES vvý NE OOOS.WAC1 U4 , sud aa.Ob op Wf. uSP8 41 &W pu P. <iuu b.. *4 .b4 ff u ,jj mmd ah yWv id daw ithbm Nutss o> ~ . 11fr .I w h imaeu, et s ours aip u a sUinc Dum.iW 8ockmTak1lg 5Sa0of j ol XMAS GOODS. 4 ~ hd At This le a rOed ail Ïfuakm.teat410O 'c ~~~w~¶~~oms. toipuroha*i'. IVi l .b~ psvêa.. ~t¶. * thabu #bat liidats. O.Toit MEUZRELL. JOHN mWELSHI3Q2O ÂcresFro M5 momâ y lNORTH DÂKTAS -À SIC'TI MONAL MAP IV" L"Za"le f* L ohm ai< CA fuNiADA cete-lu. -~ I LFEISIIIC[cm.TIME TIME. - ~~Tm eso yoiv b~(m4he ondule..à teeb Md hna p *Wb wMo~ M ffitaf 4fe~Maiue Mr hi t<#4. t.tfl te-O blpoâd m th. toUs a - r u*" ble . c y I ARISE1 FAIR FACTORY1* leulâmeëaio*! tISA R.DEOLnu m Imm, s"t utasvnVw tdUhIm E IWP UIVIIMm sl e WM WPM J.hU M -- - FîrstI n the Market. w. A* GOODWIMI WALL PAPER, k mTase TFi&8J kt the ##A No. irGmoouy." Tb. vy Bc* M.d hi~ T chup.ê loe cTe.. l ,clos, R .1' - 1~ t w I i p ar1 CI I oeez'&~m~7,L~ ~ >~ ~ ~ jÂmia Ht~ÏLfê~, f. ~rgsooe,,zut1'~ 1I£~~ # 1W WOE lU PlLf.TOIIS~ B4JOOIES: CAIRIASES5 DEflRAJ AMD L~HT WORK oUUgERALLY STEDN IAEXWAGOUUA ÂSOAtY Umm"7, uI&M1-IS UnderakIn By- JONANDERSON., I - ully b aU~d ymumb «M00the botet noue, st the bwt p.ob i rte&. Cas~- Md .mmtl rnbud mtur.âop a" show roo, Kmuit *, qp.dt. Vutwibowe. A l&M assorimet of AU KindBa of 1-9urniture on band, and for dwa st iLovesiPrlcss. LIadny, NOV.b.V 100h, 1182. W.Wallaoe' Lmt. IrwoaFcoy, Rau iBEXovEire B ALL3 OU> U!LNI>, THREE DOORS WEST 0F THE GLOBE HOTU., KEhT STREET. AGE14T FOR SEKVERAL LARGE WOOILLIEN MILLS. Si Fi 0.1hz, InsU , aIIub, A1h bs WHOI.k~Â1~ AND U~TA1Zà, AN!- ONE IN YTfil COUNTY. Alil oods Direct fr. Facterie& Cash. foeW ool and Picings the year round A.m unl al wti.lu m" infl 8mDiy GeMOMM%< mâ m hWa&ra, V Iuosy, a"M.al e, Kulauy, Oemibboeu, euc. :r udixauu. odaaidFi eft«e u m ngyoirfe p« baj L.my Oi.l, 8.II .~0W.~' rALLAC E. SYLV E S T ERS TImpIlent& aohineWorks LINDSAY, -ONTARIO. RICHARD SYLVESTER, -NL~wAcTvm o.- Reapers, Mowers, Sulky Hay Rakes, Grain CrusheMs Root Cutters, Straw Cutters, PloWsýGang Plows.One Horse Quiti- vatosStesm Enginies, Saw Miii,, Shingle Mill and Generai Machinery. UNI Yoegmng cdauldsntie. - ails - - - *.5 j&i-. â o ~ ~- Gb. & q 4', r'4' * I I CHEPR AN mý 1 3 Lý . - - i y 1- - l t.*WM ib