IUL 4* ~4 ta ALEX. MITCHELLJAE nosT~ A, 'BE y, WATSON *-i ksE "OMS *dM eo&mbr i t-u -mmw. Ai .~ .~z;NNSAY TEAHOUSEI -Abu-- Pli WOIKl .glbmwiuI.m1 NEKW STOCK 0F N EW YEAR'S GOODSI amok ma< ulq.. e ve M 8 G, Ta ~~~ff~~o ma sss.l(eNU vile outy f0o9 Yo tuce ain la T a",a-De-; -dm -a a IL RUMareup o thé 8 u g eas qu'emtu, conaeutmng ofthe. Plies h. ~ bJAMES LAUTN~ unanaa wfla a BOc" IFc"e i a b.of tes pumb"aa.-ch.aP Am hêtISII.1Y yuwBose aiCailtu sai by nom L --e. - HOIB TEÂSWin m.ROSSONS1SttPUn "g ,...~...., TORONTO A WNDON. . 0~ttHeFOWLERF 11,j&.__ Canhall MAOImt i HINE OIL ~tilVVi w ~ ~UU,!hv'i Ul SiNeaGROG ER. A&-L uU-lsBw b rmàoer eUIEUU -S.- m daThe Bust Cofces la the market, the of OUV ~mufr ui dNvFillas Eàisinschoient h, a llv ~ jr. ..w'P g rea.PlTi9 mu, anolFruits a"i 1h.tau Casasé 71b. A». Bait lsa of mm immb m %,-o. uF 9lausu i______87&H -" lemOr*k l k w i m u .iia.I .C UP E 1?EEPMAOINE. 01L.88 ____ Naf 'afuII______________ l'Io k_____Wb__W________ unp slu p~ue ,s Eu 7L f -- - ______________ w ~ ~ ~ swo et em crin" IIO _____o_____no__ THE -kFo. wïom afwa S I1Nb.ow u8E 8 I gl u w m ___III 'è fui unies"hU~0i1 VAS A KINdom%&I 10130 m m-Tmin, omo.A mam lmi OIRGANS &iPIANOS, If youw visi purchase a Firet-ela OMrga olio mi vilte". the peima ea«U ai mjresdeice on Âd.laiie t.., "ia hou»s r&xt i a s m undai vs hail lev $ dm.. hw you amples 01 ,the bet imtsmqm amde la Canada. ,"éin asr oexpuos are leu tilimithe mmauSly of agents. sMd Our instrumente b.gh Suosh oon the dot, vo are con-. ven o eca quot. you prices lover thaa the lovai, amid give you any make of in-. etrumeuts ybu iakla.l The Thomas orn " noye fias 1< give tte bout of saicion . Don't fif b see it bef oie purchasing. Y" WM vii ae money by uIg D. F, ROUGHTON. Lbudumy, Nqov. "na, 18M9 -E. LEONARDON M0& aim an d specafly thé EONXAR Farm Einoii THFRESHIERS. WWrite for CataIgu. Works, -London, Ont, And ark COMPlalUWc( a mikua&cnaure, IUATM lamea mei. reiy «&U the msalth= la hs aireb f U. MALASCL&TIC&, EEM~lMA,4 la E A SURE CMDE Iffr. Sutherlanid, St. Catharines: Dea f«,-laring been for years suifer- ing fiorn Inflammatory Rlheum,ýtisra, it is wtli mucl Fleasure that 1 béar test4mony to the. excefleâce c~f pur Rheumatine,- having tned the medical. rofession and many go-calle& cures for KZ'uMatimat a veui large expense, vithout succese; Four bottles of your Rheuinatinè lias had the long desired effect ' 1 am cured. Yours trulk, ADASI WILSON. Lindsay, IDec. X2th, lSM2. .Mr. Wilson isa salesmau n a large dry gooda honse k Lindsay- THE RimE' NIATINm M.&NUFAC TUR- IG C- .IPA 7Y, -St. Catharines, On*,. REU3ATIXE acts diretlyon the Kidneys - it is th«Oeeireau m% aluable XediciAe fer t.hué suaid fetng liom Kidney Complaita. For Sale by Lindsay, Ont. Km ~~~~=CQ~U ff~. -f a I 4di4 96 iD.1 'I À f 14 ~. t. 'r t r -