.1 4 .,~ ~ t ~ Si Poe Amum ta Mv.s. LINDB&Y, ON~ Pr,.-eie e Vol- XI.Ww eNo. 362e VU~LLi 1,1?lSP?511 ~ir vA» rT*JIIS ~Pa1 t L$mdsay, Maté W EUS u4L SAlON <LAU fs.uffI RSEMEN. I - ~ A ~I ~ * TIOWERY STORETik Âeo FIRST 0F MAY, u'< .1.ouiTuedamâ <s g« trainil oom liin te t tW do .Ielf doeset501#é O BaJohgUwl bite, j b, m" PlW&& VA? 18ni1Mm. V0m 5v. EXTIU~ PIE EU8H1~L NU UWTGI WULT Je E. DIIM8~ civiL ~TION8 &IDI lIgIR UTI Tourna ment - 99l 'i- AGRICULTURAL GROUNOSI LivmâY, m'Vieu" # Ib LIusy AthigiClb, t ~~" bq v du woakap the m~. -hma a" fr MW*00" l lsu 'M. à m ulg e Iw wu Wbe M , fil- eli- £wuvS#L vi ?h fsImhwlmg r 25 ut NVW â.f hi- iu il -1, a<'buau.-Wtfa OUI m vue, ions.-NamVa-%t. Ibl baukth* lm 25 joum a - a âs hlM a u i âlut wax - ~~~~roui maboWy. aaNoumon yt - I? .dhsb<R - u h>ammidmu h diul mi ~Iê ~. mim~.thmi Siui.bw ami that tun 1Mff 0(mmo<mtifr Thon U thua~Id. p ab" itic ratbut ho&tel la Ii. laela paltice bhovua 'h 1MI féi r tbe btm lifavi a Uv. Slb eutel thS -mjoua aMi tes ad is&ihi l ~ ~Vaus sabus t omeut ma a bast gtbe hefUR hope dtaBbdguh heoaw i- Wou tht hi au a pu"mt * & MuI hgenai bvboti y..ag »ami .1 uqyL.m.mà& bd. -- .Uaimtht hihm& t c o iiIM Bu. à, 1 te IL IL. -e . ana mot W~ - ~ ~bhuma lb ya ~hhW& ma& bu be iabvL Au.- Q~wa Uv~~th-~ ~ __B <b t.w. x<d i 1 i Ula. hht.fhu la und&-se - t.fhufla aUnM h d MO -~.W jÊde *1_U.J .llu.-_w "e i.i 0-id Ileen -dr AL- Mt uo Il dc minIU.vitc11.vlag u . m taec - t. 1W&hi, r. «8q llosMI. 1Wou a mhoau ieu U . S<I1U r 1 u flMtit l aed that Mr. Wm.Naow vu accdmat- M USI AL lW O IU X emouEl'al t t l. p t lath a -du lm h ât mm B ally luva« Miin Pamupkima c mie, wute WGduts wut.m~u a u *. D .mm. a, tenéb, S iIs smm nàia . l Mtyr . TIc.. Oliver.a im o.Saturdly- a~-eum lice vith lmmiWgt t"evmmugbut hauçily th report vasmna .5. ~Ma Wa si dm" M u t tua in tic vay et corect eftaimy, 1Mr. Korro haîl a a_____a____tht 0 d tsmSm" e.fer. hmtin ' b pr- veumrv nm Mdu l uao O"ltml *humaIb dtise tI&. 1 eSme. be;aat IVuu» INls uigtedyâî Md, VMU torlly nse, - ImimBu, .b«t1 im't gijai bi eoc i bwmevard by thei.eâ h. ayuMMuic vii <aam thor ultà » eAt tbe aboie nameil creïi rARDJi n& owykama tat e i tb ajlm oatlu#,butvhîch Kut Odr àwT8po â be-te - isee à a fi-ta'e mslved te cross. vhich h. 0 ierO <P b j< tPuMst.htrabai iti .aw.a Ne.lMS Uo~ utmeu hui ;mi htliecliro.,U0 MrX Sudi t h ibr t. eaeul.iict~Bperilous pasage. ~ ~ M deom Md soami munie hmi fér= ÎÏ hploao but mg tet, as Be tiselà.îxau exhansteil condition ma&l mpsltoP O0SItS t V.majliés nte hoploma, mi hinsu. ]M.wa7 t. the. reidme of M1r. Thomas Md l ft1hnvi..t ti arsaibond qoi tic mitic Callat. kmva midh e ugom OhUW,« bumej UbCUWmy careWB ara__I ep m.pomi.mt et lis Foot kmnova mt r.Suith "t bâtffl. Mr. M'a.uumerous triends *~15 O~tUUltYwu lmutdàmuie metia aet Cas. pan- wviii b gaite hemthat .he la noue the. he,(49X à# 'Gum 1MTUT Ou»Di dam, but mim$y 1«.luâg ubat h I;keuthe vuMaseo, hm.receut immeison, bat NI. bwh uMeo@ on"dmibyrDr. vu fims.inabout bis iutieagain hale .mi hearty. ê~~~~~~~~ tow ih~et. Ctt1 mam_ uimmitteaToui et.,. Ticetagmst fkature off the affair la tht Osh * imeI » be lm e 11. ipect the hy FM" &s.8»»«x. binia mam about. 5 feet high and the w~~~oeM ...m ena0u MdI em 1id #w i. csOMaoe O he Burat Rive, Apuil251h. 1883. voter et smre pointas.vu8twelve feet =8666011,p*in utbo mmmiiassIN oC lie toua deep. ____ ~~ n a.mSi"dte bt.su &# aticy tai:y PCk5 IU GKNE 1110Mtulmm" t 1w tâ i " maie-eu <Ioqanm aou, el> 0e~. Abêh cftict~ -Cuid. ui-It wu Pt1@oe'I Via 1fr. Peck SmrxGINO ScN-oOr-Mr. Peter Fergus-on fld I *e. ra"fosvw 4"dm agg wlg.qews. bai boum uuejctei by the êeetrs off " bu a tatuil a slging school at Mapie b*Obwo*Immw - - aoft esyuon.Mr. Tic.. Vakee mois eumded by COUtY .wilog t. hi. ii.iiey tht ti. u.The negt h h. raie li h as 3=1 Ure,~a. n..l.0eM. tilie, tiat the umuaggc<mmuuuee Pot oume t97 voulim »e h iagraeiltrui uith s t. find bis pupila SiO Wk VL ~levutlgml bemwag .the. vin evy iam amOCCUPJuq a x.umilfurtiier advaicedhin me wua 1Vuaalâ Ihw <mm ,*VUS ~oedou ofthie om aui M wheol and taie "Imbore. HumesYe yS ua s poC himas»M wd vautherefore obligeil to dis.. a0Md m4 S.e :L: '>was = =16 cb stop. as May mem boattho puetthi uue m .ccm.d by the nnuccotinue the iinging sahoo1 as hs services laissm SelUI utaIm pIed b. ue .,,~ O ti. He amia- ~ meut . bsapp *_twmmt by thi e nwveeoff o:ue. He la m" preparfg te - lot*1hamohn leseous..:i mutho ich@batposit:oî0 tisalteàugmsx IGlnr Md SOM, va.1,oPaflg&Sepospe are roaily ut Lp~vxys.X.SN Coon at- Ço.(MXl) ee t.ponfor 00 faite.m .505110tl"k tttoSme dit Ihtlo riage-miaker, la preparing te build a fine tel hluom.:*loet . viff e miS, Mr. MeNeuflsoemeeged by COL. k'-= OuaeteM , lblvbuu telas I&M q- DesUth . I'a . .mooefuaylaonu.or qua- dvellin.- hou,vhch viii bu au improveo telO4 aiaA~mmseth.boohm e kg eaer OCl e Cathe iprous da lhe amm bou PMM i-HAVx milied for the last iev mnonthe 11k~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wou me rlzreMsst biligeai .ammbehotcmaIz C i eicayabuipmma~~blowing from. the. AmoiM bd sauWt. 4 li hibueiedUéadet lent a maoîae Mau at.ff hoeaty, - q vus. tomas 1dmeue $W& ,L*t îS& in the "* big'mi ou.l0elme vi. sa huimed et-i.pae e cornapsmt BRe smtinie ag* ftIi con>. o(dOpe, Unl mum801111w oM 0-1 h le elity et aitier off tien tridt mica bis intelligence by caaing vae 1@0010ru0011 . amumolby mS WAI L<L ba hat icOvoummt ait Gleuo, but tbey seem lte thini M u t &4"sl. o m *àt sue umotion of Mr. PiUrIkeomm yImdt"t'aGMm ts lve àmele e t 1»« ut»ds ut le and âce . j= Uoe. ae ais, Ilvu rmoivMe .bulietheam aume. viommpompbu.fer the alsmool temeemooelpt ___ uuvaee*0- " Mesce îeut aidefOC hic ut wadiauum.H anvfnn i i ht 80 o bu ue.. .. 2 "' aiolnuisasomchei »Itf"W M. ar emi cu f 1 famey If h.e tte mort $mi la . ge amely D A 5IMM. bu flUSiUlam oelie sC1 ome ad k . Fxi. n<co th e tcimportant daties vhich are W" ayeth »mbl«potioa dtb hmcombwkte <boM oseoc mi s ea &Iwni uMiem hmuhas trainng a"t iapO 1, là«,-" .Pet ln propu or.* duu t.ami lanWeM»lbt dauMe. WUdevei.pu ornifaministhat he voulti Imm ha km, domn, 10pa âme , the WU Ume are ohi. mvcredit and Weald bu Me. Houdep prosatotà@ile ept oCflie uas vin l - 8<1 »-Mater ntmffla tehoei.ratepayers o( coUmitt to t"o icapoliatima <e*m au <cmi unj» àt is fbn ait Bât à" Setio.Oui0ePrin friend slà i To Our Frendhso rl obm f« ouiuetff al". fa tie M. â&xelumantP Sàa<fot ecut n <o ~ The cocamitte t. viavu ivo" oti tiiee mbobltag Bt bS lOi tebgo ýTI wekwe àhto"w naleofuwwb«te '.10,1 tt bromitpautleulamiy Cueâ.n " JAZETYILLE. Meto osom» aeil oirile iWuat af l.thu n i.ls -KvIbuEn" tblku i.a a ~ = ma ae ofimp»etao<oâ"o Cuic a Ur -Odopwomis tiat&Mr inpu o g. Cromm f â ad -m.1-mpromut me allerahlclésàaen ft1r bi liuia o3ur . râam.MrL J.Hobs, one off ouf youuulessudus Kid mi - tid"* 'ae . a fvllage blacianathe. ladoing a large buu1- dme kbmfIIwipg your areuz oummeal lt be hm tmâumoS M. do aah fma liiispr'n iirepairing o seedmu. vacaon commele 1h viols m a jaiu <av i m.m. aB1e bu pucbaeda met froua 1Mr.-Miaou, pubbI eiol toma.bu im i 1h Md u lmg a inte H-s etCammu .mofftc"*&, ah 2,vbcienables him te W. baedala eudavcd .?5 'timtb@1h . ka Inua'. te beet the li. «etn a perfect vay. Tic we have al»"tmben be reqmf :1 w Mdùplft 0k miut tb C 1h r =emt fuliti. haicli for repairing l tdo tb. square <iEwitb ailCti.leu fOw mm in hm- Keut.e mai" Uparnam&i& the*-*dm hbau.a boom htoIbis settiemenf,. thome wi* iwhoin we &-lave b.ddroad mln Mimi.juwiti umimut <1h mmm." cf a h m e i oving the old rbberi and fit- W On matdsoCne K. Haap smmisi by lepfo hu tthyO h m. i g i teel dspduup in theïr place, mai- VUY PbtifYCol. Duoa.,1h eput un sisphi tinmtWatMr. noua - i.mutm atoely' botter ~thai they vere : firat, I< o us to ktiow <t Ot'0leurtau.mcfuouat.saa %tsSace lilt offMarch he sud bisop. pWM -- asevolofy 80m t exdet tk f" th ave b..ian cia" u W. ouppiu d1 tus O t ~ae < preim bSoveniia led sme 8 edra t».DoUbsif, *L5;Jê s. suu1h-=---simhim voeinx ortezand acreiit ta bimseIf. f'l .y ncomnSeqe of M b. '«"uet P 1hr a wlowlaa g auouutsin:- oriciait tpidD.ly Rh1.9;J. slo;cm. âti W11te.E1Nv jiberalpatronage of <b. pabile- las â c&«».joq, mni <cy ow try- mem azitelL nae ueminu a lively appuarance thua uW00 $14.7t; Jhl bo % SteiIL e.,p~T eci. Almaut every (armer lias is Seeder W. now baetb.hestneweI- uemBa., 88.; M. ltauZ OM25; E Hlbeo pulIL 5 Burmtcoliiapedda Ieysoei on cry<.Wood% , 5; W. B SflIoneLAes. hbbýAU2d &foreer =i= thesesi. IlouiDg clovEf ore nt sd fluaithse IL slau,$15; . i...Maifn ba nvovproven t eont o laigit nd ; E. S pur, OS;iiaIl danger orharm froua sprig (rosta. le = ;Ij. CIimsorin; ILof havfngsaisocial hardly n.cesery <o sMate <bis fagcub <,ma t oCua, e e.,S2 N o'tako bvn asca lrdqqâ 84 O&. e* iu the Methodiat brick churci for people caui se. for <hemn- tl 1. é 7O; TL epu-mpI14Téeâ, 8k, W 7ML vit Md <levezare look- ontic 24 th OCMay, for the purpom seWve. For <bis we have t«> K diý 28; L £..- lDg Sp eil l ul fet tW»-fo(fr mg (Nis tomake morne muedetl irm- <batik o«rpatrons. P.0 . A. ttl, aimni.. dm e hleut uum lispbava pue. pooute ttheir already beautifal %fli b. , Z'~m.mii mmti qule apan i lo&.gap If-lee inréi. If iti laerlil tbrougb mmuatt 1Wmu8àis m"eub ir P41111111111 ? lt. i tbeyamymepec a largoga±nig anisâ W etW"t et 0"i~ 'Cu. Ste b s! Idi ut vfla ga a oimpu.____ Mno« <Bmly on yow r d Op f« aIIII& Md§qWu ma baemsemaSuppoezt tb11» em out v is Md.miUs imégdeg flquit. IV*. ULE= MAIN. (1) Wl ISTIND TO UN? A~~~AD M- m2- -âLCmdmo f71 adr Il 1