E Bewof ~ 4- 4 .~# 4 4. 'z ,u -- ~ - - <-4~ w~ .4, ~?a ~- i - I Ohouz a wom slu he. BuEo m ~- Uhoe~iIoouuiet 1h lm M lm. dcia OMMa ubMuholredouof the butl mMbelu - i & -.b. osmluh* b.Mao"si.1 mawïp îswo âboo mmut d. b ~ O, TRUNES AND VÂLIaIBB 44 .4 4 4 .~J;, a- -& -4 .4 4.~4 * *a~ * >t'~-'~~' 'a1~4~4 ~ * 4 4~'a~ 4 ~U~i 4 4. '4 * I i a cw d ce a. S ' ---a. ~Vb~ S~~>~a-~1 ~' -4:- r' - ~ r IN a .44 ~ - I . - E~uu. Yàw.bhIagu Tbhqllà Lm- lxw bïwko hoq wài* ei hwPuWq kUi f___L MAC WEPES APTOMES ffM TH a 24~'TN.M N MAVO & t " =mTo sA ae2dM £t ter»--* MW uuamlNxt dooDoto Jew tt Hus. b" '0 » M WI Igk bl%? tu em. nu hI< i ut u vu deaim. B R A D B U RN M.*. »à" hl<y*0uw t.lbAIIU5t b b M ey âe(hfdth ktvu fg nha uif 1h. Snt[o[Le Vblâ wIIhh . .w lb.. tY 4 d *4w*w .hMt. ti tt bwlb. tbnvlq .1 u - iw.y4 b N~ 'b" fluSe u 66 lb 14h May i bI' vai..q. q Il 61 etc.~, s<e., t th. IIm efWsdai 111 Wbé ol i4 tM gm mh$te" h %'Omt Wu. tet t f qlmttuu. lu . __mdg __M Aapé ëda u ît iai, tve di.iý»p ~4 y ~ Pa. oôaw 6 0" ththe mmay nwIu% My.the vevy t m 0th;*. h o Mye< i. Lmuy bas i i ~îh~ VS~SUt 't1am~ OMmE TO T H E COREAT 4 te dé l f0ull-a st .1IItîl»»Aoos h ll*feoat, Ml . . jolhut. te loi ryiêg oui*v.ylhimg b. .dvwtie. The ~ i ~ . .. t 1. n lb uv.m..~t.,~ . ~,~ ali'dam, o l gon e s e u vewy laif ibisW* d 01 he 4011% fA id W betltq 64 *#Ilov«Ydit miswr.>th.r q,7to th# day vote i gism. b At lai.i.ltin *1lb.m~e l vui Wy ii.lq a4 emtl 5V17 iv lOOI Mt. iibaSIou .vid.atIy hmowo how ifkW#W~~4 ~ 1i~Mmd c»I.. pa.ialuva lbtheIwa th. e thm . îui*soyll th.y *te eelthi , "Vit a utytut hlIie albui.ajW-no l, etiiof~ IF YOU WANT h #kt'tf~*Mts nm .hil1w%*#Àlb.twut qidl so Vle »y P a51Pastreu. *t"l ~i~ U~t. k .. hish~ît~ tetaeh laml el.,n. .îh n ~ ) Jd m n .MA~m i ýk ý(* q 'le f I ti# f4wo .0e i 1 ÎÎ ide i , 1Pa. b flb.neivoti an.lWiftn* b. hy vilo fthn 1 ît>s'.-v vl oaIomi gcn u clnsWl w i i m o i. fwdt.a $mMr. IL l. J.Wmleh Civil EmgM»Wr,. i. CORC)-C L 11 IIN Q(FTIN ai uh~i.tye f1.dWvitIboN t f ib» ed oni 45k.it ladaa>' ain and Da tirtïe b. *egiuinvlsg foi. .aýk4 h orwti uu>l ibtvi îht.,## At Ai,.tu *1 lb ff d ie mce4 ltut,> vWlti 1rMnmd Mnm. B.mu dernthé.î w~t~ ihanlw .~ mdibov.lb m$1*'W" 0vt, fl. lb ldysdmWhave been compelled to make a change nhiDpa- ~ issu tii ~o. h u t f b wp Udq mbd lbthev. 1mIlSmlndy. i.mu thk .1.lfrlie 41h. Ye*1btob ree '.bA Voh. Mad . W@monrt -W&inoasom trAe. 40m î4uu'ifi ah.$",-loe «a mmlk and w tehebcom #a mmntn.igt teÎn p... ~ ~wt~ woauieeta& ande h. LMd'1' hie Cusiomers wiil now find our Clothea u sairwer vr 14> 's aI Mu#àad U .W mm -bmand s4éI »Mci b. t. picetiJlb. dl8played to advautage, as we kRilhaeagIeftdl viA.Wkte utt ii et esa 1 aww i wis t Mottalvtoiw« rMr. I'otblek li"P&M'Ai d ais 'sios y nImd 4mw.. moére room. lw. bo, lu lU i.homn .. w* iii. wl hoati p;he lem. e o b u dW aloshow in this department ou %iii>j ille Wl lb. « lb.. .4Iille éît ulma for lb. e r "et Wa vs lb. beye' ne0. »ft12 hé #ulates le . i.det bpi ufit Utteva, ~~ ~ ~ ~ 4110 bau1 lsatb. .îi.N et*tt.WI,04 h a ah. etitiap t th e socuo c. btb Îh. V q »Ao.PM t.i it>t t.mmle mafor. i là h at b# "lM * mle tendiem n ow p ID~tE t 4t b umod¶ow Wth , -f- it . )ookttteugh wifa do you gooo X.*yo i44« Itu î'à;hM I e ui,, v m u ulm. mlb. t)ut UIhae*oUN S?. ru #hé 00#41.ash thall#aomo dmtmal . My v oup*i. but.f del a %ttto * f&As' b akm 's ll.o L .fu avoli be . eh.#etITk -Wl.aat l b e s kei mG n l m nwv.n w i d t i e îe t u4u.Iaêu s.muIu.vuat e Ou%hW g.lW. W u Wunvl4b ho Md di l b urvuîb i e siemtesî fj ot stt e m nt s d o s a t . 4.t 0tv ld »uîie u4'.. saiwa:à* lb. i II. & dl »*Oâ1l. 000la. - oduhMnd at k., t &teI ka ef lb. 14awua .hu ho &butht m..tk suda.vMOt# WWQthe wlys 55 Meui&ne. h t'ashaM wadsmeha Th mi.,d *0 am d %M< o un &COIOIl md y mpmut &dIW ark Il*-- $m"% I MliÏ0 dm u6m m ili»h.Mr.k,. oeh ladmy. Mte '~l ta h#ilbia u i f-th dwe Iuo&oily W the a vh lu b ut (W. mh-* - à ttiBal foi *n tun thi. Liva -e**r ceries li*t ie usvmotI. tvoeauNPALV.ee .>.toft iU vi uspIull U" m l. hu tuay e a ..lem eq 0t, = m t.ch tmah.P. Il - pKaMM a.bM the et4 14< 4 wiIW w wf é,hééumf h " M 1hoë, Mfh tuaI mm« t »eoi«nam uk td " MJ.*~6-6u hm5* u M àa ZI . 'ilublut _ ____ ___ dm au evs d là»mev ti àpr.u'u m 4Me tWt """ -.e mm w 2" v.u lait a& _" Il .m hI ~ t*<îB~ O~!9~Iiàt- nImowmUiSO5Stlm1. Ywmbt'ioesu fo4 hie omxg ea1n lie L- Mm t*boe fandb hbarl e i pi 4 BÔotSlioetstore Vr4oâyl mâtUS '4 .1 -I '4 4 t 1< 1