J.'-. et- t ~ ~th ~ Imm-01 il M, e ' F. ~ t-'~t w~m~ y, ~m~nf k à cu . - w iMIO&b HLNI'8. LT KIGEU. to ff bu! E"ues. AT cri oRooMg. 00R~!, OIRlA um un .Umm"*. b. . oe mm vev4m ina tubnu a . lgq - do»tu *us Iush &id r7* - NImm kuu.6MW G ::L ~v "P i 'b, v~r~ - .~.Wk 'A' t ~ j~:~ ; - -. ~. 2~.r eoo»s. I F V« po ut, cf te O.h Thm, Week" to ail those unitof Iotws. Im o~>a ai makslii w3adn -"-s-.~t.-tno 4 .;', e ý 1s* lAD 4009 t 17*wett Eun rd - 0 -forve D UE uaoe, Ku~ItB., Lnsy OlobratioiU L.ndsay oicr a EbwOnof liând Uxuriqn o 140geon Point, PBlhe Ol Pio io utton's Grove, Bpet on n ýJm Àomi Fuéet. Lamge PrlZs. Fine Sport Groat Crowd Expected. ~* vI. utai bi vovmt.v.y t agaoriaONUU-OUR NEW UT~,Uz0~PV-PUiU, hbhhave Posudofesd ti im19 tIbsooua om bonSIVO ivi fo Suihs md -fo tr I2th of JuIycolo- *da 7oujMoethe lb Sk m aa OM bave &.pâls.te a"lb teubos tthe Bo n uom i IMM O 00D8 v-y mmcli red M. i i. aý, Noe.k~ 1ev. Ti., ou, t.,aie oeyLoyilk Pris.,ma very atwaotlv Mm é4 0 'Yâ» iU«PI1 ---OEPT ha aCUL. Sq.Ibi. o if1* eolamy su voIbik yvlI bem «Mm Mï mam tu p. trio"", UI i ~4J bs - - UMIaham,àchro 1 Bondy immew r MIa G 9.? -w- .4 .- - t uI~~wuu~ 2~. T~Ti 1' ~M/ JJ.L' t f s s- f s ~t .4'~ , s-- t. I ~ t', 'i sr* 1 s-t r --~ -~a J'tt SA -yi~1~1 ~ ~ ~e. ~s*4 s- ~ J~.*.$ t- * h. ~ ~t.ttl ~. r-' r- 4> - .~ - -'s'- -'4-I "EN' TWJO FA! ingi .uand mil".fr v~ a"ns the M4u fruit.P suit pr DOwn s' LU-19 forI bf fr i roquese sion% or the nce rected as Diss N.)tice1 heretrf-,r generalg At 1-in uq erater Lacharil owing ti> DateId I of the !Thoe aLotI Au in w tt frumt equal T BRidgke,' Erecti to be the G th lbe ad 4m ?b. 'COIOL 1 vaf J'- ont «b- i., - ~- 't ~t ~ .AT lIELES Whu osa Z buy somi AT . a 11W . UV âe@# SSI1be aIm.s ulubmwtus "'l vON' OL&L. -'b- Osa 1*s I -A f 1 - - ý5 , le ý . 4 «a à 1 V,4