t, t ~ I i LIN&SA?, f8lDAS, 2tus 41 TEE VOTOIUY~EpElit_ ~ .Min" *1' 41 u.~pub5.Je Moi t4 . 4UN-M* un 810 18%udOMM e4 .1 't, 01, -OI .tUuithethw ~ h.~ whi, Sla thé .uîalavqnS1 lasf.mPht fh t ieu theut wltiè t ex deto, e (bu fl u vue imim »bmbae m.tt ?$an W$.lua a fuitet 1,io, 01*Nli w k t >4Fsm t fli of.hpd.eo pos~y sq4 Muulhd4W . -- bUIU< Ilo ili Mm*#à w* Wuthue ,thet. Wu m » oi Th* Ihuw sa ,ele amue sl way 0& abe oau lam , vu uh, plat- busla i itQ17 .1me p u4.f«; Owini stlui,14 biw le à" tu wavue04w, ThÙ t. te alm W "d hme, ~ ~ . 1. .~ jM1111 dultiatobI l"of (Oud.a m le ms> ehwhiph k taeises Ioh*. «suistalaamy Io l.. 11.507 e u IftbOV e @ blât*#-d "01Y 04widitiuoà t*k. lth@isuitot up vo A»ils lb. etad..y oi isV. *won m Le urne,. b. aid, m tus s1815 a ila àh"t î'oUbtl»d sud b. bl ol Mt," 1110.44 414" 1 . he ~ S illdY Iitson a hts~** c. t oliuo: mi b u .athls g vest e v i iipimg tea Il oas wth amhillias dti *bu Il bossas hau en sit ilal "s e b.hi lae le. iu t . D, 3.iQs amuî WiL, M for us ibo t is ifl l hsa bléIvaifâdd top ~ hua tM e s li CIaISSi îth Ilh5ot tbt m k im o be uyMIttd i mI~o Wa lu 14 avme iii us&Wothhwu(vhOfs« lmit &o 11* ~ ~ ~ il bd ui.eti.. %0leoaq aa lriu i n& 4 *.tosw uld met huvu 4«M.. "Il« tg uuhel WhW1 l it uimi - bavt~veil ,m a 4 m Wu.hio aYM .11 ~ ~ ~ # 114M humamu oel eth m a l ow ils .h*isvt, IIe SP.hib"1tth m ~ilf fih .laUeSSt sut i il t t2r W @ît eu. fl ad îhov aWbMMit Uuse ili a I île pw$ibs iiiseIf mv ii. howsv*. mtobl 0We.klkbd l. viâ gemh.au 1m<ehtv ~ gwhtihume t4 mpk 4 lat t*îlLude Tu pt%We h. 1a.01 s f pt sot m t( .. Ad >144 hmi se SlCa OuRltsie tho5WIflUdD phial~la s~y .i i ~ le sle v hti. m4r twhioh ha MP hbâ i uis o 44lda..PM l a Igwt. & otei titt SuIII&Set se hlTuI "4Mu#« et v1lu1 b .a . ~ Q~I~ ~m..ia5< 5 pga eq *t rnithui.autaw %W MI»tOf 0 %W tbqf, A M IALI %ThsLIMÎI7 sd C18bL" p.bey M «M tâmées % un "d agtU ~ a la Wkt* b s. u A -1 vue- b. m a1umty ..al=r asd vini 7~ ' ~v w* te a. ----i n ý uîet pumi~ l à*lu hl VU 49wIlh .1W ea.isak.wda el elt mm ieh tl wu sle @km *4:o.m lk ~a m.m' &Wnhim 11*l U' I f 4. Â~'U~ ..~ s - .1.1 I t . - 1' k **1 NI T',' - I - w.- t, w.- -~ f A -t A. ~ 't i. AND avCBRY M¶'ORE Xuaoution of Prnwhpnotice of which will be- foundý in, another col- =mn, I have deoided 10 seji AT VERY CLOSE FIGURESI VEMI rY L~I?. c~ s TOC -0F- L ~hi@~have been purchased at Close Prices. " sorted in every Uine, amongst which wil and bèst brands of TEÂsi gthat favorite brand of IlNagaaadiJ-apans . iw given suc~h tniersi satisfcton. You will also find my stock of SGÂAE pices lover'&iian the Iowest. UnDes siéOJI M Âli amail IRRUINTS The stock is Choice and fully be foiind the fineést OANNED GOODS &GEN-U EFALGROGIERUES, Of whioh I liold Ilarge quentitiesyu vlfidwoyctf lI QUJORSý WûII b. founil very chcjioe and fnlly..assorted, inclndingS Ports, Sherries, Rum, Gin, Brandy mn.'wood and. cases, Champagnes~ Gooderham & Worts Old, Rye and Malt Whiskey an Carets. INII HTBL KERER s wàOdetr toAmk n<rnu+I*Oendi Toronto. WhoiledePrices. snourn rnrEbëà'r order untîl they hspect my so MS, PROMPT CASH ~~T~gU~amql.n R AERO.ULSÂêCEP AS I DO. Cai_ ealy ana q~ bIm'gBLUs. Ka"7çiyun hiosiIhave no. doubi you willfei plendand »rturu fS mQflbeftS e . 10k s WoaI& Amlmusl»U lgiv me'& aIL. - '.waa' ."~. g f4&mâ---- à-- - -- $PEOIAI.0 LUth Y ~aiÂôâLs~ 4v .aq~m~r I~ '~ t t t Dom. a 'flop. 0 s ~: ~vb~s< e-mm que'f4'S ite w* CORL KET vambridge treets, LINDSAY*