-- t W~ Awmstwona I ir-fl o LL '<'t <i%~ ~ >~t. ~pS4p~1 ~Vu4<t'~' f '~ (4~ ~4ei uNI rgi MuS 1I. W' eqýq, fo m «»I dur le l wr~ w twmw1 ý p--w, m# 4gpm. oo-zomhf~I ~am ~. <w - I~u.lie riS ýkw f deI'Z~- «7 ~ uw4beb .h âff II h- C*!wêh * Î#- d bu m a"e U.vw 0*t g-Il dan" *nu*mm -cb *shep *~ ~~' te~ h b l5 b« r .w - <t*W~r h US* Il 0 fao b. oh. w rs* = tu: MM crteUm Wlb 4Fv6ýI4w Ii.ý- " m*" a tur# l iârpgm à, ~w' BROFMa L'O REORY~ ,,nomm ie swheu&"X.En gi8h' 1«es W dum m 4u uB Druoe dlb» b«4 âtamt Scythes, 5c. an kiii & UlULES Lum»ýbe em àaMr mam U3oLIATor mr ZW. B.beaygeou, Ont EIIEONRUSONS _ _ __ myaràaKa FarinEnoillo 'J"" ,THER.ESHERS., na"i Foeku, Barley .e- ,ww. CAEsÇU ythe StonestG dtoe, jWorksy -London, Ont (Itt, Nchine OIa ACIand&LNE de of lm""" LToois3ý at Ies rcs LIIMBERI, LATHf ramSUSMSES w Lotweru bîmwobr buffle 014I BILIL S1F j:014 anud Young, Male and 1ema. r MMelvy cumrre. le iè inaàl it SUPSte sign.O th Àqtnâk urrm»m, lm.oUbrain power.gexampmeara U04 m, atIsue. i fUmMOfha, . q* uemm, ,.1na1weakmee, Ia =911.es < h p e ai8 erviuoths ase emavent lb. Imâé Intefaci, iete». te erbl0 bUmeiammd etve e us ti a*T> Ut poubÈ WM $ 5, we Wn-l ,.,sdoor wntte* 9mev- f n Ito reinnil the ma'. miy il tl~e unieatmt de@ Blwkla"cý aC--- mistIllath-uileoken a cure. Il i. -the C4"" a"c Bé e,4 adit lathe market. P..phlet --entm esby hie"pu.uson neipt i uomy, t * ~ - - Caa'enand Wid" Sigft of thme A IITr Stoee. PZ~M1~#5ADIIUèU~YM8W5E» I. ~-5uwRv --- lotit. Bryans, w-Tr RAY & cool VoeU kal&, 1l AIM ou T mamy NEW A» ELEF- GANT GOO~ Oe M SEâ~ nE £EK I.A 'TIME. TIME. G«i yeur MM-UnESdone et W~F. McCART ,, CLQCKS and JEWE-LERY. SbL«b g2ive mai Weti. nomuber the. - I. nabommea ding xm oak Wukw àfl - - ... ..... 1 u nMIL *q~p m~ TER. ro ý pý hi ."F. lvâ*W. Amum ew Il JL i-m- MI ýLulib£K rffb