r * ~- ~-~' s '~~ ~ J;I4U *f,> WALTI$AMELGINI W=S MM#UINU*Id si;m;d W& -a CMW ~ Câ.m. qqk vsuH w IWO=m Cg#& Idm ~I10 aIs WN 01 WUUPt GOLD LOOKZTS< I iTUI~ -bu. do~ hb - tbeUImam-. - -. 1 -Fo- .rnphuLlu. aIusd. iM-d ~~~5v 4.T- owu ue-AIli vl la emta pudlv * mu bmbg in vqwm fflU lme-di fa= de a -a ~~ sis %~ ,iu" Ptmi usu sa u lae omm lui.am.4 duU. bus du u auuàm ]=Mmmb e IM Ugd'.r puu.i um IoPm lie#bulme u~,u. »»«Wd mi teh lmkd ui duolul le *or=. nuâmw, . a w ý wa.eeJsO us b mob e q lum eutE ie vumumu, e mubid Sm .w 1m 4 h" W44 al iil iu uhdi - w uu~ n ~ Pb nouw a UW~PU d<egyhd 1 MWlkav w feolie19 Mdle"Bn aas *49 e Zomm la m u bu iWu" i mu ig l hola eM4. tb hm là@ &7ô 1kW i 19p «". alo M1 1 .m Rip.;K ~mime U eI m.mdIbyeiq iu âý»« m bgd n mm&1,y- I 4 +~ .-i -àLCon ua, eyo lDbAts10r Carpets and Oi[Cloths îs a departmemt we tale mà4pride in. W. keep som bes.tiM miLMd -bave te to selMt to SOOTEBRUI, bt ïý,.bwvit îkMmd howveMy aeiag nid ail .,*e no te pimand se ~z~r»ekb C tom ym S«amd*vu maW triured with the moa ~.b t~isand. finished výith the mnost emnikea-conombe surpassed. Ready- àmà-Oernistâ, Soits6, ?mts, Vests, Coats, the but uotmt, and our prices om*&Z*.ltI quality. If' iu1 Sluiits, Coà1rsTies, sck., Il mm, d caps etc. -Fur Gods-We have Buffà'o and Fancy lobes, Fur Coats,.Caips Gauntiets, etc., at cux Gemtndemm-e askt your attention to the am eoo goh, ma".soit comparison of quan- tity,. qualty Mmdvlue. CAOTHBO - MARK3 CITY DRÂPBRS AÂND GLOTHIERS Nb.os Doboms BlocI4 1888. z doors Westofathe Pou-offie, FÂLL -Kent street, Lindsaw- 1888. al. a - 6 Md âr l -~ vif séLOMM li Fm te .t * -- mo Kpe - frocli de 4-m u ami- IMMm ud Wi, * h M amhi dome bu moWtbu miie 0u Pmuh. #W - aauid W u d am v w u Vad Uuaou@, bm e im iy.Md dW*ao*1le M indts wm mmw ma - y u dsi0"i m puW siun à yuim - dhimu. w vu tb dm u .ame Md etbd uh cow buw 1una1. a the db*u@Wabr Womme lis b"~Im-1h - - 4 mu «. RWgb *W tua uéff os b= = 4, ýj a Wt f, ý- P I~T ~QWfrW jorne Sud umm hei ne stock lm have purchased for the Fa3l sud Wmnter -Tade. Our .Xr. THJJOBNBIURY in.juat homo f rom the -Markets of Mon-. tros sd IToneto, The best selections ever made, by hl in Tweedsý. Dreis Goods, S» k e1veteensDuoks, Derrys, Mo~os lnes lnes *&.,5:.Au goft M edaplin figures, and at -ou cash pice. I Sa* oeyby. sand buiffig E.- muffli thmaiw. e ui the veylow- calling Cm sumaume Our picsand goods. I ELILE& TaoHoRI e-m# -" - d Fm soif 1OGA~ -"j 1 1. Ai u. c i.~.a reg"alb oue ot HN f DOB50Nt ~i. t, t GROCER AND WI~E MERCHANT. j -,,- : 4 - ~femnÈUvi < NEWAU» , PMU GOODS in the atbve lUnes *0 lq.wpimlm an &bborder ta maIe ronofor La Je M-I- aq.î, 4. iML: 1sead iWulob"aMd au '-4 *s~i o DUS? SIIW -1e uoh niss Ina sold gL3e Gw, c, ng4 hêIago OWS m"w AND