-' ç g. t 4,. w,. o MâB--oL Ia býfB* bmub. , lm bellud - "r ~- < p M* ,I , - GINERAL GROCERlES .l- tougm ~wwSTOREL AuM *ugu *vP -Ns. Alolo bud bea.g ol:S5EWbmzowSIMUta0 Mw OLSbu (té Ib&s bu), u~ig~ -J Ap ~t. tMAmiOf Tus,' h*~Mmd dIsa A éu tas b M ys- mu d a mu w q ~* - ~ l'A - I I 1.~ '~. B -OO-À' s lu bct ut goodet W. km* amur d»t km«utIyoe wl qusthymdL sUUs MlbI" à BUCKW-EL iâ-1 .t.TF4O as«»cwmb Md M ima Ydh*mou& Iwo M.-. bdwklb N, ~ li Wd-&8i se. "I.','. L~4ou I~, miâoisw sOL!! wmd bm*t a l m h a *»SO4Sw < qW UIUMSI ammlm sr"hMmouis t Iu U. .hm 147h lby puta lb**lem m 1 M M"M lb »AaIsi agm~ u bmi Ub..Ii-i 1ù.uus ému - liéuemmo 1_ âme mî h -'m ti, iIàsN. f mwo lb u MU, wm le a 7 Amlguhhm bI~ lsmM aP f m mSh te au, ~ lb gs b. 60bu et s .]@Ww aao %~MW bulto$ l ý -"ami la hwéls nâme euw.sOmO 1 b ouu Md a Mb ?buailedlàu'M.,Tm - lbii.,-1i is."%b é ~slbUulm4 mdwk a1wsmi fa** mdis o eh.. umosmo - .l sbi. héh dà. hlmwIbo o - ip b 15 EWEW<UA oit. us hfds6Uva tisatit dmu h qu USA' - ~~~' - UkILéS.h.h1 dii. hmiUs~Iué_*um 4 ha mem -~ qudi. li. 11 em -- uM bwuplb Su t au bu ~ mibM~U< .i.imo .91d. hk l1 b~tht T - 4~am - tam~ MlUy T~ bs.mf~l lblb' ~m frS~âq la J. ouGa cCÎ petseftc, eftc.i adm d by alto be âe 0 l nweet a"d coicest digns ev>r put «M «Qa élarge ci ti h ees, Mo Wb et.; et., we mean 01Clotais Xattings Rugu àMa Pancy: QUM Isnd rDamam Boys' Ready-Mde(Jlothing' Our Boys' Redyr-Made Clothigàithe admiration and lit- unt clnc-suc suts m utafy made a" ddeged, and the vely l.w p-t is the mnsMatrctive leatur. * Remember ulmt we told ja. lau week. about BLACK SILKS that none aregemuoe witlxmt the maker's nme. If- the 1, 1 6t1rer of SaUsis lomt willpg to * onieit with, bis Owi nd s ta. is an admission thiat the qualîh is, inferior. Wheu buying Blac SUIs askt your imembd to show vou the makers mmre sta.ped upos t he gods, and nlnles he can. do so fjectîtant once.- MEBOÂNTTAILORuING 1 1u nmtcopete in evuy 4etail.Suits fo« the poor and rich; qu ltyt best, style. thlte t. it tht mout peu1t, sand tgvexy pumsa Wivited to inspect our immesmsock. . I *6~ CI.TY DBAPBB ÂND CLOTIERS,>b"7 1MO. 29 DOBSOM'S SBLOram - KENT ST.., LI(UDSAV~. PALACE UHOE.HO.0. JUST.,TO, H-AND, Amorloaaid OanadianGOod LÂBgIr SOCK Yff OPBNED fr1LINDSAY. m 9»» 16 16 â uflbijw" Lades'su GotlMeL'B Phie Gooda u in U thO lateat styles, and !k. oitbostifl sylinaMissOS sd Cbdm's Booti &Shoszi ScoeUng 1Vp Ordes b oun 't8imi * B.MoTVII s'y ~i ~.*1 4. ~. h. 4.. 71! wl' Slatte I * bbl&t s,1 q q 1 illogm m m v ýVAI