TBUVICTORIA WAEDNZ, LINUBATs FEDÂT& ÂUGUST 1l 1884. Oé t~M". ff't . Rmeux flowo #lei 1119 111 vbbhih lt eto sXeu e oeook lu the ovesng tLe Ore brolleeldour lis ble rafting boots, but DM@ktafl A11110B 8.ve bas the sioseInbitbI-door yeudsasd out efuesh, And %e. 1oung homý me, elost the bq- fflThb"saSula I.the VSu for oMis saujonsecasus.. 1% vbo vluhos.AistaM«en sd seorbose re reoued b.ho srm ltge moes uaan 'hî ssii or M U 5M f~V tkoî rtw, k lu a s p elar ut.%0 6m"usTh* Enscebrldgo lie tuaI deh. Juet vher. Wesnmud s au apoue, »d ane, viion*e 1or I cae(rou. 19 vol Co. ardve Jum la sîmegot. tbConevu borluinsot hua<>nd ]YkismsPuPaflzs, ud ' &bons 200 M. e d 14 émuwb brouse. of ke mptoe .Loos, h.hiaeltile ble o xpltin, bav- te mW*idwwdu4 A er Lsultt udomcoufitabc«t 820A00. lug bous hrougbt op la sserbu immy "s.ton" rim fue wbx «ibiblîloaof0 miltarj drill vu 16 lu numored dta ataruerDur tvosutyive ImOP hq.h LlsdOU&i OPIMM voua. tIi"ai BardIe bastve.k la the DouadlaSLad the vs.? volt dravu t o COpsUI ho eOd a atimbar .. Nolurd, 0etHNiwIli., Ont-. M" ,itukb b'!he Barrie bnoou bigsd, over Lit eM 18Mluit hb'! as eter.. li" slu Xuskelav mWsud e1860 U5h.$ a mm Mshad okepbi Leust Emg ,»ou pced etfor«%,y Vye« j&410% la prlelg bal!forh aguut. The ilao-mptoyesu st.d otI1à tvork 1. ysuul'sPeotuda m u .-pmdu aidetIL tedsetiL lie rieb- ou% et and u " ce o sic iAts"h dm l t.hek Ncer m rilvay tISSa&Sm ffu terlun ohm rob reoealy B.&*kW 1so. à eqosq for hi. e oulq~ ud z ras no fother *saBarrie sud 1Un '1T*" s le s rMai orj>. lviersmg, The mmanoeuvreS er.ezel«titjb-3give 1theauob.r'su order for a mmvous obligui totake go vapons, <ut e d Sav-9b.ay. 15 ils au - espetlythevhelhi lage ouLer fch. iSj@vibe &" m 1. w*@ivet a$Sprrov kusvlsdgsd olu te m - Os la co sy sud the foralaies prote.tedbut a vililt mtms Ul bave 1mb. lb vu e Oud th% the Severu m à àosemp AIStA. tb.erift About, it b.ut rSth# hiàva. Subs.quealh. bosue river vusno svoltes by Icode "th t £ Ule M l &1bSe il vau thé booeSdrift by S5Ip0IOeu, end vus at'i.eoeteprvvt hlgu .lb 0S t ~ ~ .Us teintetow a pichosi s..uty, vbieh exolteâ gr S et osLachbis eider; busteh.ea&pnt bbs. Ose attsrmouSvetY.l"vae ute usuel fiest alîlaue f ou eh spoîaoftou-blaudhyluformed is ihalàh. ad .lamberuvomi Oui 50 "Aq up.L"ITheouuativoP~uw<er'Sum' bau lù ne. y 800.Tue doas va sMti1% to îLe ru. ÀA ter sbngTvo daye afbovvards Wsuley Collila letms vl w seq~ee.so bau, yL Lti id ottr b s. uecsde elu 5h. agMm% diano vleh bath Jeu », anssd bnitéWsd oir crse tdq mou ~tuemrmr Tht, tp<ee uLîLesorle doS'u go Sw rulj ru.esuablà&%at tetr a poilmuir dtffio le ho <ls Ir" for mseIf ahite tob ir aIdh. fra dimU1 ho Legave hbis ie ot<ofLaidfor vas broteget gâ o <L Tuw 7MLa Walys vSi serlso pu toquaie*,aforma a pOU I 850. The eider asud IMMo.for tueaimOst.H.Xeovred aier ss in. u<~ nii rnt boon,thlSbte ezoF' aumt o $M, sUd %Me <amer la ~etahu e LepàseSDrr île 0<<Leopams<o4lise1 MUi d.stmhd vls tb suuolcs. Thorbru lsd ampetsted bath luge m Ul $M *m tios ofLthe s.o.s. e.n t o toditfomoS ud obseiba mmeai tLe km@ n do sdlmn% Sim e !. IZL C b fAn t be f r d t vers le La bm llrS lY o 4Me osIM eV5epet, Lbu.ae d allvelihoodby pAdUnI L aLblier oposel le. another.xlLilb* 5.41Md %hm@ osWfn7, 5h.vould candis., oIe, lait vo.k b. vas no ~ asmmNL~5 .)Too"i .nl l e. e., b o% b~ h lee ie s L ibue h affectai by t"e IcajulosroIvtd asU s t e ona oil l. ten w o.t u@u4rvil drluiui vejan g, U aS e vasu Imm uuhF~~ geoo.m tIsa lAnb.tth mendris Swnate 10 g om aet FaOd1 -tmmaiUsu ~[JI wmamedhgTb.Ltvgi miel lb.] Preulieuta .5 tii. U. I. ?h. -. bt amocàiMbfflbook hisse swing book la Amoelco6 u- m e- se qwil&a. illtullIgmf peuI i.Amw ornecmuubecome a moeu émt *es; U&ML LC. ?UNiUmBE m. 7 1 ju4506 frein the m ny o tonm nu ra oo.ulo al O, twh oy I ht 8twuquI neho rp ture avlug e a r»MS*<i ,r rey mrse.board 4irlg peobance b. kad iloto the path of:t arOn . M sd sPMU"ssbuliés lm end after the drill. moral sctîtude. bish.... @Alr tet t tO.ded The Outt.lo Qovurumsut Las 1Cr. Llti., marchent M am abray, @*IF 7bY Bavile who it Ua. bi niven bolie. of lta Intention to die« aud oI.vk of the govuLi~ of Fue A lad cauOi Boulton, £ffsee coninlu thé Pre§§taystèm 0olpe. lm,, vwu n flla on rMa1, m a c 0qt, sas eplq. 0or Gil.t ulm o umboolt eachem B&Stutday. «Ha@voold giAide" ~Usmmu'@ latb .111,Tussoi4 met wush TU Mr. C. J. Mille bu etonèdlu a re-Uniou 0of 1 uIqal aiSfla terrible aeidoUt a dey «ortmo oxx ~ ~ ~~ t~rom Brilèh Columbia qui%* ured Of *'the@ aP*i . * U5 SS b oi h WOUX FOW IMo ofbeydésr ouv .mer bave p- sod W. %.vo ve sie wblo las ula 10S polIr with &a owb& Thi ci les,1 or"I . se blub. Osa erà ti o .ozltuq.dut 1Wb la uàhtin.lun hewho.l Md h. vau àâoo@oitte»& am s ** tM i. quiée d o Ye&A Pror. my locaila lu 1 .au nlm*ela téciaup lo 'h. abaft. The. ti aMk Pm"lé laa N0-, oi d au" 111,0 O 9WDMi m IlS@Ldad le«t«. TbM .gl te eho& s Iboimtatàf t@iU09 t 0 i0 8 ti ee "awuet .mou hlay ems u.4mlader, end the ~s .1 i ahu'lekoàding t *@OD?1*IEI T AIL m~ t .M.vef i. Muual b es - biepod .u l . o or. The or atro* lmU Merriaqo Aid Ausoatlom for trial tl7 .du"" M usIae s aci50eh. Ieft wusimd broke sovuralAB bavoënb. Oaàlvus dmwb<o. H A ILSm N seod omite ad h mgw Onw cdr o V nlrd.lasieo vyelot tvdta ane ow svylgWatver. Wob. D OrtaMDt YS mh Wabu osM ~'. arm ultav sudtrunorer. Thffl&atbvflllng expérience. H. we im afeho dhie bo s fos le no dobt thaïe howfiMm b gol lto aa"dwhile t the ha. Iok Il ftu ist mîed.. J. IL WOhod quit. oreot- th* Iouadivy Pom sesed loahd "din ail delluva ls. melI.yanlb aeaboro About this lime of the.reoad *m.hue Panhotago j *~ ato atietioa show "h utblonde. uu.2~.4 talis la SOà* 11d E h 5u Imm ma la"p laudog et aJIl dom..cethe jour, lw 1 r. Pairbafra vue 6.owllu, froU 4 >sC<<1ng el:aaebel he.11badm forsa tbë bact «endthe lom Umma.coffe, lVa dog "hwu Aqfl it aout.19a 1>oy su'The yachteo uiliwh e wind 1ue sd pI.t@ieIt a bà a alta ââ ' ~ '~~'sde*dd wf ohebr ho vil the sand ah. peilld upon the beau, at oua. ayvhtIdgIvt _____________________ drslu g i itsad tshe hd .sily luto bo dotroyed, nol bocumosheyar Mor »i a.e lus usas 41l&OId el*hOre. T h w t bave ? -l bttes by ;on; dog in the1 WhII Liard~uiiaava.tàî< À. & Sld, aworbmu lua r néofuni eile U* cracks liL.e o»tiàl, sudthe uolgbborâ excite a nsp in nrue rof thé B*rri. 11.5.1. on Ws onv,.1Evavle bo ha wb'cb taeiMr. Doota 114110801706ost. théeéttsoof f«as Md1 th* twgltb, bit pocet wapcied of bai 0 ' su bu jun? 10 bs atention, sud wb.u b. opened the ttff uislalvet drpelto. typ, trou, bot métal, vas isai wb 400hw.au utonlshod ou disoover. of sasmd des havi boom lu the Mv Toua ~ndt, i~'I adgrnding uould boards on, th" hgo rP iniîe perilios position h.o cupied. kWua or district, suo .7017 rydos Noit.bsgne Thm Conulef Bariff bu gladatou., wbe a 601b. wdogllHo oalied boudly fer assistance and l>it tOr vopoeted to have bus bit- soja blégriot Mll ettuo" sea wbbot i hfor sou. purpoëso vasbar* - thelime MM Young ma uh ton, bus suber to be chained op t so#Wto Mr. D. Mlllasf« 87#- Iulaboe bhlm, beosme uuboek.d ed blo lDS4b t theviber vua go wiidor mâd vyuLthe unsacus- (6). à telo li'int bu!dmqà tbeWk 9t i.àhbusqe efu tveu cliMUS tomed resreint, or *le to b. mord- Mr#Vs.. Of t Vo~Pi.b4911tn hW .a, Is1oting as vil 9" l. g3j.y.l vbui nucuedfrom 1g* uhe. 1.117 pusoui of existence, to apo âè gobed ln Loy nasa bealîle on Uf à.blow bail1e.bon e luch" Ou Jill> 12, wil. LèenqiBSell, the clsmouc 91 ihe uwi3hbourbood. tteXIlt inaru i wte owoudidn aahé ere o thae blltedhlm au emp lu îLethéwooîen mille et The noiey, jll, 'alins Mone- aut orakg. wuld oredy bae hiled b Cobourg, oau washing bensoît, Min- groei, wbicbSa. toc, otomptiblu Whie M. Rber xow«,ofluner hilal édialtréaluo o i@ nI e ltook opa bt suad tor aaupecuibdog te bit@, emc Brâpbi. Mn.waoonS Moin a W at Undr ebitmios olvt u oti, this sMW ovey ot1kw causé aofâ.:r. Ilrec4)rido, vs eraaqedlu a a- tamsudng ulely.eelîng ber %bat eh* would amoinI__________ 4oeemuatch hie pookml book con« A lIailoliijab w.dding vas cos- ber w151 boly vater, pourod the cou- tistaing *bout $00 l, ff01w.WÎUIOIQIIbnsed la HamiltSonelest .00k. CaPS. toute of the hote on the girl'. Lb" 1r. w.. Thuns. i, .6ov t4là., aaYu frrarn i ocet. EiIseCrosby, of Collin wood, wu5Th "oI tor» proved 10 b.o"Mv WU* hbeu o MOUW BEai Wwith The hlsefoxai l. Trouta Zo uueed Cas. HPpyIii o<~pr, Itril, bicbestaut.îLe ob f a oug fortwnt.*v 7mas. udMd ia" Th ht éte h ootoZo iu oCpHpyI rin bi g mo e veMrlithan onu bfora. Pl là a Omeut ourlooit. le u aspr. of Hemilton, le vas a grund a Ir.eheaod, face end arma teaving Zooiba uad maay romodias vithout chOia rou a gpntleman lving ln Thé Americas comumander, Major bideous fsomIrs. wu as tatiret Mo1~d balnu u7t. try Dr. KIn<a' th n uih p.4rnt th ie ouusty of Moors, sud a fNItstaff vers présent. iboupsithat teocurne . ew*' ylg OVs7 aU.80,wlth Mot ras.L York a% a ffl of $130. Tuàe ambition of the majonijy of béenthe outcome of a mla5ake on but 'Vary Mmb tesud 5h. .soad botte Duril te . anS t tusderitorm blb.ujab lasse. lu lahave alle*"« ts- Bîîw ar ot, but aubuent . de.ba aoohl mmd o. h. ha. Mot thé bouée of ut. Dunhin of Eraos. job veddius: dtTmateera l'n vetopmme np goot acs c pirscj on11xTial BoIrt etos. .Perds7 Dr«~ bri(lg#. wivas truck 1 by tigbetug. b oin lm gsmarulo." remarbed o» îte n ofLUnie Oliver and Minais, Store.Lage tae SCO(6 Th@o .ctrJit# 1iau.d down thétii .o »be sfter te.offmneOy. and EmmauatSiivell 10 isifigure, if *J olimnt-yq .hfuttened ihé atove, buid Wbai do you Aav.NeIIWie nS flot 10 dostry,Boowell. lTh. moîb 'mpe si od ai iW ih atga av i5 l~bk t'O t J049 tolempîkuatt You t fOft h. girl bas cosepromScd bauke a s se Ud etsi a neeaeo 1fr su Mn. Drabe. s ueat" va ie tcouo bi e wfhcbePorticaipnta, <bey paving xcoer<asr1'oe aCarooleC rae.- Ita Tweo yoâng ladsagedbout 12 o roslelIl.the ivjctn.d îrl'saLord, dco' u.mos 1vslncarbolic acid snd 14 yo*rs, Narnd "i j4 su intM. JHiram Wstb.r, et Windsor, udlawrer'a bila ts. It In lutruée cnte, sd bau nover faied tb imovo 0(.,41ggharpton, obWeend 8a Lott. aucmmncddvwlba b 11the st vo the resaIt of ber pimpise. blotsu,Utead osifh f~~l skia. lenmse whm asU otho. fail. Try, of Phieb.y frou a 1cb ow oteIme.el tauu rom bifanu, la olchester, tellov employées, maevolenco thon iL <(4) tacit webk.Dixon as... <o bave <o bit cattit.bar*s. There amre Sb e Crown abcouidprote.; a&ainot A& v" .«erioe inger Leurlje mde tahra he argetahae o Ilfor~wago. sîacbed go au engue, wblob compromise sud brins the guilty vitL lvi ?p1of 1White agar.one gi doolor bâtito be aIled la to ve hierunae ntheil. Tb# vb.ets aure » t justice. Ihinisdifficuit to <.of mjIJoe%àaquartsi of a pOfu vevy widè go es no% go Ais how bsuImagine tbai auj one couîd be io houey, aie ouaU of bud gin«erMd 1 ,ourlut M Io idekfortlu eh@ 8oit. Ou isObediabolo ste, commit aueb a cruel teager for he sla eibtree quarta 3.F.Mo~uhlacu ooasamol ' ulu as immense rock vhiabs dg crimW itte »Fs.1aer. BoiMd #&%.Mono wve.bliraed O oWdnt& t alt sd<h ugr lmnjob su da'y mrrrnq ag snt au hour aftawben l.ed <o Ita"ful oPsctij, Thée Dominion Dry Uoods IDeporti l th*orua1Ser, su d airanth -<h commiolng vonk for thé day. As om h é iveuaolsTohe fadiselms ual tb.présent ratber doillte Ott= M a su ofur m - tli#re 55fao are %bout the Mill et tbou th al mle ' Oep en lslu bou s w teath îe seccinesor tail. usa et otom..Lttt amsd four days i , ls ,lueI. uplosed ibi sous outaxen mlesdI unurof tLe crpo, by which I it ii sud boWel. The losey givue 15 a Pmc- ofth ii. uaobery Muai bave 1b3OMe <LongLi ibiS bInetripe casu b. ofavourably or usfavourabty at- lIiroities. snd froin u sbeing forenat-au b.ei~~ed. made a dey, s. iber. la om uo a~.mrot mach tasmsoy««IID glmViln. t lafora- A lrgo angof ot.siosîdfbîl losdlsg snd uodlogl allvot la lîkety 10 continue. The je aa qil iter bolling. sd vii ksop Aha rgo Péfrais of er. la belWnidose b'! usblnery. vicissiudes of our climat. appoar go xnsny montias MhieldllVaotsaFort catins n.e la H#ZrY Bovse, sa itbfut seuvant puectude oar competiag wyuL the Plaid Llgbtig cures tocith- Iatni. asi we.tbtéhoe romhet . o Caps. Bot p b,of Mark bau, vwuCape end Auatralia lunsupe.114s9l Md nusuxaaquick ausSab, nelivs. Ilkrri IAS wk.Thoy w h«« ored to desîL by a b ull, on the 121h vool. 4OTbe best end Most proie-fitw» d »a lS @che&psas Md td y yon, hewed koe bueka ovu. Wysie mari ey~n ., eh. ilt mon b* dé. lu., vbîl t tmPting b lead t$îl,@Le sospraisied bern lu tLe Don, g5 obcbnuralgiaN adcerbo. use sud oa th* Sb*ag he ded asoumatfrot %oksali e t ai'. vLlcLprodouaa ic, comparativuim-tislo c*esmor iroat, or 140 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ D«& wut ggsceee eo.e aa me vel edvsuce àugrade ot vool, white the mut ou mteo sof auj klud when you osm go tI m*king oQu*a hAul. lujn y , of steody babies,#bd mark- lu upenor b hatof oher reed.. JU5 Soreand gei a Ott Idoarday ev.utng Mr. Ilu¶b aiplètr. NHoleav#esa tilt. an dno if the farinera of the Dominion mtl S sycuscf«rpaid or taty- ,Qtu1rk, fr *Oo s jan, foremaela obild , aily of uie bLing vould gare moro attention to iis lv ate a fnPai lhti Mt- tn-. If ODO'rmous cgr 010.t 1!*Il died te tnfancy, sxoupi o.grlte, .tbey woold fSud 15 grehtly te, Na"y ro*5M5, ugalut& 1~ Hard ware. IIILEWRAI>WAI, PARIS saint IDERTAKING DEPARTMEt4I 1 PRICES LOWD op ouu zEst Mmea, ont door mm t i nn* W.FN5ktarty MICTCAL Wiicmiot patrouage R ve Waisemo »bu la in a bettu PositiolnDow Iau vrst. do Watcb and CI.ck lRepalrlng ln. aillsabranches. ffl sud »eu vhbueam do for you if you re- quine A WAXVIL [EWELRY RBPAIRING A .SPBCIALTY. W. Pl NCVARTY, Opposite Ulgiabothams drug store. -W». DaeSmber Uh. l8 39&9 CHAIR FACTORY. Clearing Sale, THEXTON &'00. 'Un der.takîing JOHN ÂNDERSONe I a fufl pep.adt. attend PUBUneaS on the shortut notuce, at the lovipmbeaes . kol sd Drii Cse radyoushort notice. Frin-cia.huasse on verYmdetoera bu. sud OCna ns r b ud.Fmitur a bop &"dshowrmoins, Kent iL. opposite Veltch's hotu!. A. are assortment of Al Kinde of Furniture on lbad, and for "5ae at LoWeDt Pricets. ýJ G.d Edwards. A F1111 STOCK OF SEASON- ABLE GOODS. Axes, Lance & Hanlon Cross Cut Saws, Chain Cow Ties, ]Rope Halters, Skates, Coal, Iron, Steel, Horse Shoes, Hlorse Nails, IlHeller " Rasps, Files, &c., &c. IIEADQUARTERS FOR PURE WHIT'E LE401 011.8, COLORS AND WINDOW GLASS, RUSSELL'S BUTCHER KNIVES WARRANTED, je& Re BEGLEYI 13"Cullery and Plated Ware ini great variety at LO W Vu bma re a touk t &H aindsolf uraltore vblui va il!Uel towmlpoelepioma CenMd -»q stock snd luam picu beore -- - -gngubwbq e Ve abouni W s»las va usaI m -for *. larg stok ve are mahclor hg ut prasou. Ai ork varraulsi 10giva enlise 13 khmm i SHAEWOOD LUNEER labos lu e- .. go - for atemelu. Esb b. hep4lac.,oome be idbamiDl ta Udo Llnsuy. i a IL BmLem i.- AYER'S Chierry PotoraL1 No othor e pwultue s o lnaIilouIn heil attoot as <bosu aaaffecing thIbsoami lang. wnosoIillei villaI bo emajodljyof scffsý ums. The ordlnary oongh or co& reWuqn perbap f rom as ltng or unoomeloul ex. pcom sur, ottun but lhe bsgimang ot a fatal skicàesa. AymWo Cxcma? PscToRaLbus vol! provez ilstsàey la a forty juama' gbl vii throt mlalng ilMA, ud houM t.e %ahea as a&U caes vlicut deby. A Terribe Cougi cure&. "laMT I <took avaraoo3dwbklciageetai miàt llr reDfiéomi de lu> es se" aaaEUi m e .u1ry eh alrurglb. my Ia euitellud nWboS b.he 1 ORL a paume shenl ours vas fféemIB.1Iau nov 0oe urs .1.1, baie a" lbmme Mdam nlaiYOMr cEUSEr PUCIOSL ai e. NOICACEIEEETEU." Noctlngia.' VI., .Euly iL, 1102 C. -A Notbewvel trb. 10 ile is tee oo.y lest uluermy EllEs boy. lires ymsssod, wontabou fil vkb oro st iscommu se teb. voeu M <e him a g- lo.. <e et tlis hmilY «U the lie s of Alirems ESE COa ~bo c wbéuà vas alvffl out nTub ma Irie!lutu MU " ai ufrqetd nd 0Ouir ds" lm O bimsbous lie Wj:,aeM - ro-dktnu Tus doe- ýw b . eCusa? Pi TOIL but ~ 7OU vorndir -4 I bare va" AYs CEuPEc¶Ieo la -7 fwu11yfor seVOMI m M.deu a"uo isilaleIo pbmouf, St ='»Z uffoeb.i reayfe ut so i Md Salis vbave ever tutS.A J. cRaàZL Lai. Crai ai.Nb.. Uai 3LNlm M 1 suiferadf i huSbl yssi feBronubilIs. aMd atter U, m USeLea.Inim ii -meuc: si PUCrtOBaL. onariE VALSES. Bybafla. Ni., Ap~iI 8u U. 1 commsi My te puise of AVEZ% comm? Pxsco&4 m 1 g, KdolIbn& Im tu a be0iâa bgiae, TeMnUAPil 2%.un Neucmetm aàfbUm(dtlb. htbzor - - vaiM - Wom- boeWreRyrdtS 1y ab. e ci AmU5 CURRET PECTOMAL. mm a.I isy lisuorlaiudi Sign of the Anvil, Hardware Store. RAT GRAND MILLINERY DISPLAY DURINO 1HI8 MON1I-I Our millinery wil b. fonnd more attractive and varied this% season than ever before. We are showing al the leading, styles and shapes. Everything in new trimmi».gs. DRESS GOODS.% A very large stock to select from, embracing ail the popular materials icn cold and black trimmings to match. SILK, A fulliline in plain and fancy. None but the best makes ina BLACK kept, in stock. Ail we ask is an inspection, and we are confident tuat ve can con vince the closest buyer that our goodâ are not surpsSd in quality, finish and price by any house in the tmdge. if joc arm wantiuig anything in that Une we can suit you ina pieand style. Can shovw youi an endless variety from 20C. to 90ein sny color you want. PRINTS9 PRINTS. These goods have to b.e en to be appreciated. JUST OPENED, A. aUperior asaortinent of Ladies' and Childre's ]Hose ini ai sussd price for present use.. GLOVESR Ladies and Children's Gloves in cotton, Lisle, silk and kid. We have a few pairs left of those elegunt summer kids at -17c. per par-THE SLASH COLLAR. ,&Il the. rage. Newest thing in trade, We ar showing the [above goods in th.- Canadian make at 22c. each, and Sanford & BolusWà'a of Troy, N. Y., at 2&e. SEMBRION TRIMMINO. In ail the new shades. Nobbiest thing out. Only bouse imi tovu Sb.oving it. RÂ-Y & 00*- He MOLTORF'S t,. FRNricim FUBXITUBB 1 i4oinq ANIDýolw Liadmy, %vmber loth, IU2. swaacum Kqýrmtee&