5AL8.~A7UIiVJ. mis- TEVICTOIA WAEDJe I3SAY, 7RIDAÂUGUST 1, 1884. s ___________________1_________________ r r i f t - ~'MDAY, AlJ(>Vt~T 1,18841 Cla.A ampbell$ of K«t$1.by, Ont«, ,,#nou, la#iintieiant f t. »a nivuo f Toronto, le alto hme auibit ),14 hiai",. MvP. 1)K.tCamipbell, o gbmrn uVi. it, alted homea foi t» yA jrl0 . C. . ult ' And i wIf, <f lV a ral 40 1o jYlbg 1l ier Irnde à ~à~lR acr,-Iaywhioh le about half lla tseion, IficW4111 a1 bur. votm ab »ourti aMoIoI @i4ti. ihriy Ontting bat ccmineno.d andi Ur"i lêliqav#là# ok.'lhé yleid atbouuh 4! 0v iii ê415wiiam f>)lg'e wsI. li grâln. 4 ýrnr u ldmi of igllwhent au a5r1<>ln rudi pes Pfi tho kDiff'. é%>to-raSxtof onut bys lm ebrév.IV eM' 111. l tenoble s&My' 1 beu.tist.,la »~,~ven Ur.v Albert Auhmu., W" bM.Mi Ai ory Mophois, oa fhaie. W@e wish viffn *Il happlums abitlltatAi uture. Mv lgli molah.u, aW., i'l>ô was gwth na réy~cstr4~o:w01n ta) is ol» >t1i1drwq o c b frY TF '. loity 1t:Rani a iwlte pi-ad fA a r lie'uport dte allippy 016 414anant of foýréij.r markets. Mr, Dunts:d M, 41ehin (r' tilif 300jWyha. ,tuLtsi ou ilbe At# tt oabd of îaAbik. W toè,% i f tVnt ore MNsV Prve 1n tuocu and 1l'10 tiiuù aà i>.y .1»0 ient Que, 01) r ILIJýF1 Dti.n 141 bthe pa4t rontaliIt soeu Mr<Oi. 'ait *..bcen panx tg hvugh ik .pfIt jf metenre *aid W$ ob#i?* bV Our ex- oh&""pmthat rnsy of thue "»Il 6,è1#8941 waiidoîet* hais Val Ion to the .ariliTbt. ns,,, von tat ion, Pwili anothoi tell ai 11 . 'n, t M 1ryo.., ()D f 4 9li1 cf thée1 ih ilet. Wbatev. May lhait sonthef, oui 0ftgl# Mlofo tot M O à apiu fêerflAta4 hmtetoth«M, loameuh aM Ohmy tfiiMon stNn( link of Utttrny as t>i tl' omapomilion of thé *th Y grest piilite5and briag th. iêab*LÎS 01 'ilo mer@ oousivoiy i hamony f 'nm donnîî<'tl iIls hladmeting r,,uted aàvllssé e. >o.vf hhtu ol '4111rvt, ArA. C(hmpbr'll and PE. to4en ,rim 1. . O. 0. 'P. ÀPn k. tupi.'on Fday cI)I1v01I'ilay eov>nIcR va, Ithe moit 1,4111f' or!Ai? 1>7 Ib t hve prooctledt Ill çr, tfii(l s&A »Il lot woIliplesat. eleé he h. xcfllnt progvamme wh0ohébd S'r plaod bafore thom. Mnyeral vidtora ', nCaDniigton iwur, p> osen ad rudei. t %i astanoo jr> the t'tainn. W'. )> 90 ffl a&tr>lwT b>ufomlong. A oAitg of typ>hoid fèvr ha. d.vl*p. r,îuVf mkd tl'h»> ofsu uie<h i&$a~ fiekfn any precltOn for Isolttio n sd ueriIAl iludnoe. Thé InsA>1 4dual4 me XI)In î1ed, hm e o1 iAt'rrrtd fton ., hîinto work for >r.,«iii. tmith, Wti on fr1l4Oi. Wh1!>' stylng at the Xerthers botel ho vau taken afok and on ..!~Iatt#nhAvea bPetng smmotiedfIt *>ua4 fitintd that Isolation vousiti h propér. J-Ao Wtt s1ordingiy emoed ono 'r'undy erning to aàhiitg onQumo -P -'t Arbil it Ortreful 5tmluonegagd F&\JIOV A ,8, Fs~n.-studayWilliam Yok amil John liehui.ni a-atre f uh ulu.d t2 lud >u)ts by fn. M>lîd .Pfor tlghting xo> the saIn aret. 1 a MàMI ed là411whe 4u"lwMi -Iriven <voeutiefwr kby th# las Msd , 0of 0» lueSémeti epom ilv.I#y (bo (M ltA141IInry Gemai gui eliy1a îgwrthh am on honae.- Tiîîry w.,. .... w, ie M sudOINvffeotepped1 tn(lt ell Auid bs h ollu.bou. vu Aý;out#1r' r1 A ittl.e-Oà lMuda mi. JohnII Bu ia tilt Soi, bfom et io A<">4 thrée.yeavs olti, felu fhl4i vuuu1u ,,too% the sait, and hl§ foehet%4 catie la o>ft wi~h nA toné, which oeu à gs. vr.only fouir boues long. No serions cou- are s>pruliendAre anud sethe la ad I Poyonn1o 14sAr May ln time a. Ç>141 uIt'ly 24 soppoar. 'A4ro,)frt An *plr.Yoa blnMmih tA 1.11'. phi üglo ilU, mIet wlit arather eIo 'soIl etdont w*hie ln thie rfvan fo"u.of' )il.$ d~i3t" It appoaus twt h l de . ,ut6ping toePliguihom nwdut4t 1h. niVSli&«Ad eiîg euddmuly to hiA.M Zw4wZit80mme Amw a --- w away f« vat cfItem te il.ohni Thi pieo o umm se à# ib huout B»iAtiLL-À pur .f baiilwu pIayed betW.euà#b. e db su" lb. ofoihgLniq vs ug iu.b, h 1e ha4nm 11. upper Op sud huikei day.> ekIlti hi I » eudag m # fam i am os.-Nov that the. be lsy est ho set la l i* f511? knoovuthet ivili le ailight voP la tht.Pmn of Nirst *il eveula, sud w.ean lu.lm godi. 16m f fi fte ligbî hm 9i viiMo bu heavy la other lntylsald, twIseleIe hovurs have been te b. moinf Improvlng the ots andi a boibsiorop la eirî>oi.tnov ibm sotome time ago. Turîltpe aelooklng vell sudi Wini h. m ezullit mp IflSM fly sMd 0991rE TO LOAN on Myu7 grm. sud loy trIeofiInlepeat. AppIy Igo JAMES GAL, i',WavJ.r offios, Ln"sy. FAu M 9 C> ALE.AfL OJASES GAL. TARM 5GALLON, y m or ON nDON 7111 INseU&4xCtCO. ore1wr.ml~llPyi.x OALLON, 7IELONDOX OUAPANTU AND> A(Cl- DgO,00 JAM GALLON, Agent, oi", Lw",uc. tt $m* o I efof 9 lai n'Mad Parsof 1wla' W, T oe floisa". »Abous no8msA atone 919SALL IVAIS oh 60 acres lu the Townuip ~~of~sfoM"l&Land grsoas. Within iv J e omis.ai Y *bVol oJ. tle m un waon. ,M Lot S la lmO o01ofVMIMu, sMd Mlo n l, ffl~Z, UOv, su d 1Wb le, la 111W..Om 0 Zke 01lad con,MsdxW i $,lIn ah eo o Vu>- I'onM fon t'os .», ln 8r4 couof 9 pub .lot. la'lmj.Cr= Loi 14, emt of LndS~yis souti, tovdofo Ltàusy, WM wLlwtivllinge tcon. Alun Oblot viii brIck cottage tenn, ln the tovu 0h tia'di'e LotS.unoml.h quen siros, Lludey, à acres ad Aie. tva 1ret-olam h rlek houçes-.vury desir- able pvapfriy--au Llnd*ay miet sous:. Apply i. JAs. GALLON. Wrd.t fce, Lusay PROQRE88 AND 8TABILITY --0? mi- BRITISH EMPIRE Mun" AL LiVI As«£J. Ce. or LONDON, WUULAD. 1104 doJe for Canada, àMou*e. 184 Anu"Imm"naeoe------ 00. 188 do 0,0 ACCUTNVLAflD 1USD. POLICIED l IOEOL 1 t mr, #m'matvu Afi~s~g@iO1smo »V40ius. aes. # ofuedis~omp0*"ae bufasodis u. oidsd ut a asfo o riuho s. 59 Vum fibu» he a ter .eeeda elat liOu.tsuyaerslu ierSs vef mvlu. t fflim l 7«,»ar. S@«&là men, over t,0>laaisadbuea AUl pwf o t~oo pohiey bolda. It. poplarti Md pmoperty lunOsuadaon aoya frot #W rniS i Me pubt sibuttiness Scn oeuid mwou oles go ia mourne 01 Uihsssh"vaoue. fte cmdan mbruAh tle nuder Omuadanm m«- ageteau, 091 i.e anp-h.sicIe.lmrgesuao from tom- r E~1u-.iinvstedla is eaounmq. W#p4u~.o ae bmon, WA ne OrbA. pa ¶ITWIDA ood DMVIG O >M par %0& 1 a*wAddrou- Lludsy, SU) 81W4a.SU LANDS FOR SALE. mie oneseme. FOR 9SALIEU Ibi vsuab1~~lu>oe &oy ua ai Mud F M4 mdzr O to, =taVv su61 'N oi It PR tw IR 1» »WenS bffl orn : MM ,m! Ummon »p.1, NS-M. NEW STORE D.Â. McDonald OPE me.m.odà mmh hie d4"hvu pa uepo m .se&. àUlm @"d lm kmb WBa "mi à ewuof. hiu M- Fresh stockunil4b Afw si lu 1. &"W«d.du i w.meat.- 4 mo o et M tub. WnSPM M»km wu ,W, FtRQUHARSOv "" #maà soild AauS ~ ~ ~ ~ sa «m& ne --dmsenesa oudluO w itusiO.ia iio.I 9 kritnoplesfi« d« fl f rod e W6 ualos f =.M 1,, bt.s's bam , Ul eu la Ma&uru FflINUIIfhIVV8~ Cai"e.s mso"*$le e 6ab0tIu ___________________mu ~__ Md 0" ie le malsvoisft logulmor Toe the Ce. of Vittda. Watches 1. A Litt.cCave WilI mue yau tise and money sud puavenc muoh aunojaue. A Littie Cave In uelaetin a pliu. tU buy, what klud 10 bey a à ]Little Caro f or vstoh a r youhave. bogt * CIR LES DORALO & cou 79 Queu S t., JYeU ee zC-, ili b. giad orsond wlth Apple Orovers. 1Smbe ant sd hipeeth s viev mc Auloan ced 9prng business Th.y vW a itt *ln tusushe aci llea ge9cm.- tomer. r.qulrtng adt'aceu. WURTH KNOWING buaie a Cd or DagPgsWaon TURA? TTirCAN _D11INED 01X. Pueeqfaand 1hqiugdke t o or front WThlIlua new apriflif vagoO. Ordors left aIcOea. Gain'@ store viiireceive propt me t . GEI.GAIN. LIa'duy, JuIy $184, 11111 VOTERS'LIST, 1884. Mun y a>4iof (u uuPi*/La.-tôn, 1= j, »d £goe, Oua f rie- Natio. la heiby giventhai 1 have lrms.isted or delivèed ta glimepnnumeullonsd la' the hilrd sud fAunli metianuoh ' TTh. Volera' Lini tad,' thie copIsrequlredbytic muid section te bu as ala or deIVerstahe huitmade p t o n.ttamid Act oflpe 991 pparngb LehetrsviuetadoAguo) 1 l ni Ntuiaipsity t. ha ctitfl o vote lu lic naid gunio Ipltys84 ElacIlnq for Nimbere of lthe Le -htv umbly sudbt unicipal :Oycct là,nu, 4uliai ed1vwu onti pouw dup a m8o4ie a% Norland, ou the TIFtITY-FIftJT DAY OF JULY, 188, au eansltiers for n*psiou lactobr are Ialed exuantesmineathea uadld ht, a&MiIf any o0ss or ler curare ae ound therorn Ici 0.> imunedite prccedingu ta bave the nid «Yors corr.cted ccorýt aft C1 'loic nith»d muilpalily. Da tIbi3191 day of J0)7. 1884. EYE>EAR&4H ROAT DR. cese SRYERSON, L.IL C. 8 Le-or ion lmu £y#, E..'and Thrcai. Trlnily afedicel cotir uTtronta, surguon soth e rear Zy drrnilr»mW yadhamcClinios) Aatut.a$ Co"Loàdoa Titrontsumd Lw Nooptal. Oormuutne sumfg eonthe i.Iuatiîutions for tbs Cid MiBantford, sd for b. Deef sud Ptib, D.;lleh, Ont. Ual beonueuuled à4 Mhi. ucuieo, 81 Cborch otrt,Toronto. Rouir Ils1 . a.o I P. a., aMW $110p, . WM b leta 1 de i ý ZmI eu ai. Wl.e- *~mm q u. AS I.iffl-m udwv 'e 46t~ =I o'l'irj&64rm ." thelb bai en eVOpe po nad .eeeuSldnu dmuço boue, au »b.» . . udsay, ami d Obp oei Oeovp NeNli au.0asT,%à*a rme u auemno OibuM ane islà uead lws.e tud da Town sW, e o lb.P sy0or onnh UMSUe Wlh« tehen uédwo onvof kh7 tournebuuM& . T xeg ýeiutI mIi ,.-bA =foinv zr&Mu MoAa Nov g. ercfsalemAil"ri la~~~o ans 1o.Irekn, o . aa. VnOrd Mdf b. id ai. fuP M othl e "ltaun a ovU7 Ici 09 I e TW oa Applos. Apls Aples FIRST, BRITTON BROSe W.ea g£.y, si rmo bw a rg e 9"b. A" alm rFàjflou " "I-fl in " Bùk vie, " etc. W W.Ir all= a tockm aroi st ofa<sl bva m e. *4nminalinsi ese- pues v oa iv 7u Mdte bousM.e M» î«v. el v 9 bant aff Immt 6 ,e11uutdttmOfsul PURE SPICES, E. GREGORYý Oumert goo cfhe.onrttquaityfor PRE8ERVINQ AND PIOKLING> A01.0718 EWhol or mmd, IAGE *10. or yad,u sr& NITS PGI Wbo ALSPICE Wbolçà,pod, ECICPEEB pua VTE PEPIC mutràNIzD PowaEa c~I PIE JVST T* NEW INEBS INS SUmmer Goods . Coasisting of ail th ii aest styles and paterns. OUR SILKSy ETC., .Cannot be sMrassed by any house ini the tpade. luGentlemen's COiothin We can be beaten neither in superiority of goods nor in careful and thorough workmanship, while our prices are the closest to be obtained. A. H. EL VILE & 00 Linuay, uite 12M, 188. At lNWetms'01o4&tand. beh adY»haid goode the wo~aiS SD. A. necDNA. Liusv. Jui 14,IS-8m Season of 1884. STRI BEAU BOCAGE <NAUICE LAIE, Captai».) Wl)) frona th.opentini of navIgation snd anti) fuarthev notice ply belveon Lindsay & Bobcaygeon on the .afovinog tice-tai.: & m. P. m. Mu«AITE4BoBCA oEN AT 7."1>A» .30 ARIILIND@AY -~ 1000 "5.00 L"I'VK LINDUAY - 1.-00 "6.00 ARRVE. BQCAYEON ' 1.30 p a &30 F.uoet ou ATURATVEM. 08, wbea- WtI levLlday a 746tusteed of as &OU0 p. m., for ~ '0 of oum*a.a pUIpfl oob Lisu eve n t rn ramToronto. Ados NDAT uOaBqIleei wbon-U'iU haIve DobcSygeofl as &.46 wkMleet 7.3o, la' ortier ta commet wul serlymorning trin to10Toronto. cnine aï targeoi. Point cacAb Wall. Single Ticket. betweon Lirda&*y and Babsygen, . ects., Returi> Tickets, S$100. Single Tickets between Lindsay and Sturgeon Point, 36 ci..; Raturai Ticket*. 5 Cte. Bingle Ticket@ het.ween SturgeoniPoint and Bob- May eon~ts.; Returu Tickets, 50 cts. 9eaisonaN.Ticketo and Excursion Ticket* p0 Roduced Rates eau ho purcbamed &a. the Rapus office, Lndisay -, M Thompeou's bok store, Bob- osygmoa, and on the bt. The steamner Besuboçago ha. be ea md by the. T.V.. Y.. o. t asmabove mati)l te met ateamer #* torpon," uow being bUtt Wobe oompsa'y hy X5mv..oua- ioyd & Co BceDo- osygoofi ia redy. whiob viliibe about mlI. tof Juiv. wIeen amv iacard wvI hob.iaued J. BRITTON, (01 the. limaof Britton Bron., Jewel- lem ,LA.dâ&3,> &KILLEN Having decided to CLEAIR OUT their large stock of Glassware anid Table Goods Wil offer special inducements to ail buyers dur- ing the pre sent month. We mean what we say. Our crockery shail ail go at less than OOBT FOR OASHI, For we must have At cleared out this month. ~'ASPLENDID must also go with the gardless of cost. ASSORIMENT 0F Crockery, and will be LAMP GOODS sold ouit at once re» ?ES & SUDA1180 OUR WEjLàL KNOWN AND FAVORITE BRANDS NEW CONSIGNMENTS TO ARRIVE THIS WEER. Cali and niake your purchases while we have them-they do flot last long. AmMEICAN AlcRICURISI 4m aci issue. amd tiaue k.uternm efor Smh o~~ ORANOS JUD o 0, DAVID W. JUD Pas. M B r.advay, iNew York. LOOK QUT. Se on the lochant OW J. PETTY'S ICLIABLE GLADSTONE WATOH- FOR 0121 TIM un. stM md glVlng lime but ROCKFORD WATCKES as.uuoe vsnu oleqiefor boa cf d mo. u u n. J. PE TTYI lui, M&- Groceriesý FRESH ES FIN Mossom Boyd CO 0.- LUMBER YARD. Coiner Bond and Lindsay Sto. IT GROGERIESI IN~ BULK AND CORDWOOD FOR lEST EAS.Season of 1884. CIIEAPESI StJGARSI Always to b. had at wu -meROBSONSI Turmip Seed and ail Garden Seeds on hand. Al» Choie. Teietabou W. m. ROBSON. i m » 9 lu & BTR. 99 EVA"P Wii on and after Monday. June 9th. ply betveen LINSY, STiJEON P0111 AMB> NICAIGION Ou the foliowing Umen-table LEAVE STU19GEON POINT every m<'rfiflg zt Z = Y, : un. rvtlgahStur- ont aat :10 and B4ibeaygeon lat 11:3L'. Sturg cm ~ tn stai5:M5and LndsaY ah 0.81> LEA.TEL Ir YaI 8 P. M., ajivm t11 fint at 9:10whee ae wifl re nis- ' 2'C Jkaiy sd usao~tickets at reduc r-tesCa 15 aibou W. Js.Galion, G. W. Beail or ou a *Pm"' et LI f m à m "T -b- .L SPRATTr 1