BLCK& L LIG HIFOOT Desirû SpecWINl to ral atteuýttbn toprw eji,. SUGAR:So Of which they have just received a v'ery large consignment, whicb wiII l>e qold at Astoniqhing Low Prices. Note this: 16 lb,,Bright Bugar for $1. Other suà-,ars equally as cheap. WVe can*c le andersold. Teu, Teas, TeaS. The fiiest, best and cheapest Japnii unir aud Hyson Teas in the market. Wines ad Liquors. Cun'tantly oti haijd a large stock of the Choicest Wineý arid, 1Liquors, coiiàlpriiiag Gooderhani & Worts' world renowned Whis- kie't, Hennesqey M)d Martelle Brandies, Boncher F. Freres, De Ve. Venoges Brandieq, Pe., etc , Hollaud and Tom Gins, Jainaici Runu.i Port and Sherry Wiues, Aie and Porter. (Jipi'. t; -Ftll fines ini ail grades froin $U) up. Special invitation to hoteikeepers is giveu to cail and see goo4là and compare quality and pnices QD PII CfIITUlIA Sperial Reduction wlvi be made i SPELUUML RELUUUIUII. theqe pricesý for the week ofthFar Prties from a distaince m-ilI do wel to cali and see tht; bargains now offered. fiies.f pre jiri'e /w' ,' Produee. (W.%iF RIN7.R