9W0E4'I 1~t)t~~~I v Are Iruwetmtb~ :~ l~e#h n'~I very fier 1t~ 1W tIA4 lYwhd#d b~r ~fr~seph Skw U,în~k, ~ (1 Q.&kint,î, UST RUP I E ne fllmttiu ýtore. 't4 t, - IyZbt Itt 'Pt(c'a< ina ine M, i r' t 'r i iv ~ b' i s', viivtp~ ahi"" 'i. r î,~, <i l~'4l, il ri':'tî, Ils' f' ktC. iv" If uf *f ~ I thi' t 'ti 'r' dv I fi' ~ii~ ~~mou lii' lit? île <Il ut? îttiljl'4t vit iii ut mi' f 4fl?~, ft1~<f "tV, 'f I i Nf($iftff, 1w ~idoriti LIIItL Ilr Pi mamm ~A6vmoeLINDSÂTrONT., y7EmAYj OCTOBEZ 17P 186!L VaL XXVIL-hINa 4 -~ _ Uw 1~h Jm ~ - mu fl1~kV EOUfW ~ 5W p~WiUWPWtIW à*UPW I*4~VOIILU liUOM WIII ai4~ftE. a: Ifl~A~<BflCL Il MOI SWflM if UW¶o~ auo# #~~# #flbflUFOfl ft~WOO AUOTlOt4 bvW.gweUs, ~ -~ hMuLu~1r~ ~k5 ~~5~MW ê*~ -' - - ~uww~ r7t4r4m V e A. 1 'N"i e2m. M ~J j~~~~~ci m lé Wlf 1Oitu9 h~fud~~6 be~oO A te l 01 eOt Ittd . MrJ w Itth e0mrma"lotid illb m et i#4utSm "*nfiW èm'ri «h lb flVoll p I b imi. i t h tvWI ilit enu 1 v* it h beeOlt o lei lVUmm , it sa te «fff tfal. à&.e mM PR06RMS AMDG TAgiuTY pQ iolqt'<>?f, Ia?#QbAMt >b4d Ifr(nom od of, laWlm lS01%« bis mi-O beli IfllC I Oth Afle' bitUO SIl'a mllqllOc, _iicns'e efin'ue* f a t~W .i f'0< tt<1 Ilt1 ,t aaO @vlS IIMe mi u t. lOt acai ha Q tda noift'u a' UI MEng tty, IRAD8IffiWY ' r OU O~ ~I09 flfT odo mm à iOI*f M blaw W Mu% ~Oo 5 l utu * adl : le ""F - .w o mu=&I" SAftPTRARUM aaD Bbas&oha m& evaie by lst e "Mlue%, V lt,1 l 1 IlSel hwIhso lw Wi m WIWAN MARSItAUB LotaerOe oi, e m M "e" je BRITTON, (0 b is m% flJwl Brittoni Bro&' of Watches, Jcwelry, COptc lw. .*Xuud a Corl" l i vit*gtl to dmpublk fo cafl «« o d bovmr weotm& fô show orô« <d.a giv m.~i mtotr q i" y~ w.ir a~ a *gr b.r m riC4I b 99e i i# Nt enumuMM-« P ~ aurnueul ha, mi tisaaluliotdwtht ,<Ip, wVUAbuamy e ey 0NrWem chaWihh Un rmmrh.- Pul Immfbckes zamme miai. t oé ni isMw tmuti wie bauu"u0A bu-i Esu. Ième tbuasor, v& th.e lrma t u nw lis. m D t uttiiL &-gai U Ia u now oesiii-l h elm a us;" le o se ar m il t.,ta i f OW vusM* ilauid i M___ - or=Tw9 unibe drbucefrmtàt bow- ~r~W vUlbvhI Un w, 6- - .lb lcact Mn*ous U Gin stuotue lu. euod~ a Is. wbutme n"latls thunt a. Wbil t1teAvUépii s.th.-e lSULiiai o w 44 - pu, UUaeU EtiW c us a.dgmu. mm bamumi Unruiimw mt a mmb i 1 un.r~~:u.~wIwIM&t. 2:01w, but :in t w uit mndom MWh .rulM i ici fie MI lm 1- Mia wa" itàhea t b. 11l jaatnaugqe 5<' et "w bt 8Un àwhim agt t vgwài Ùai MW ii ÏM le k tg Put Lw 4v tt.&i.b. ets*MrompMW* a1n.ue. d tase eul mau.t, p Mits.V li.I. rn. r.E E" lnbb*at Wb" hut~un&,Pm&l t1w &, MWtMubs. Of.wma jelfu a "wma ou. miau a le Chhomgoe u USD-.lv a mut MW th* u aukueMdust4 u IW be m et e0< LAUgetw« upew lu w Pomm 6w* OU & tbethum 1ot Md ï4am la am" Mdm ded nmim 'mS o1W lu Îba wwk ur t'Wu or 0[4t u er f* imTht ber te 18 Imeb lw LLJZMr &aM tbemI . fflebom fd lm tg b o Md gw am au t.l WISW but -. . miedu-am usa um a na"reut &W tm Tgi _ ti nry OmftL ZThwaff mm biiy om m e-w ba imow l I. MW. Vi s.mFIktay lut uni u p by &* pm mi thip' but u r.1 th bà k& bib>o4 ae *m wh It.b lhid hma areuesbeote tht put u Nai com. :Min W » 49 im la . m W 7 -" bush lo ng tbu V4IIre i sk . U M M . b i Wr. Viomt mm hIsiar m w that hm Pova~ ~mu6udkeon" i @W m» apos~e titisla bInue t"b.aseul"dNA m Mm--f7*m mum innudmg lh»t "lle@«_..Tii. le su,. se. WIrz iee -TiMme u t 90&-<tokasue. __________ o *0 mb.wly e.pW h gih.s. Sut t rwy pl ig1W4Ua . FSWNIRMf ". Th& bav e . reorr lb. uu ât et NW m Iminta ami v W MMst." maili EJUAVA oi. £uw, talermi 008Whim.. ý tmély umime nlaltàw p mw tgeh m r àunhma m s u ai W * -'. m u n i s a i e th i L T b* huai initi a mené OB d1.. -m eiRtTuwat hiebiombr, hute aword of zmximifW lb. eeslenmais1il __ ér~n le% *»*-sw a ummehe VMlu &W itiaseduA. he usi,4lr ftm.&o MM howmt * umIn um-A te mw .dr pigaid.. -" WM Ouglue. I C..,ht. «. omt wuW dt huron lKoudiy Iiilm rutht Mw*iOM <We*r. dn p~ reul buMM w14m»f wl. u u tseSiIM ouWîU cIIl5o1 i b h'shg a vis- T«mV&smo.-1uyulw wbu uw@ Mr"r I<ndlk Comai- défw bdalesa r. ' e~. mmd w» m a, peu e u- yojimjr pue' ta e- wed Ut h.. W*ttiMM Mr bu.lu.rMses. SuL ou.ly mi COD& smuilDufy fMr t. ee aspueos o.tisia vilge sMd vs.Dmry, bfhher sn, PMlu&WIioppe inl T" Cam, Spt. 19#»? deor vmmbmuqr or thi.o'lpl~~~ff~ >~ n t eds aan cenue lap en ou udey. rThqmsi itu -tic - bey 7w» mmiUIPOLW trte The wma iu ifet hom tht syla of Insý mmztuff < %% metedmut UMim uw mtise Md *Dm f4 hlmi@a ammust ofaie si-. ~ee quit. 8alip s teudeoS dcf pecumeiom. urai kaeviiegha pmmusethnt oua TSI ltskag isisa. I pts th0 ocreepoudeut lamoue rug ent euiflai ximirmeltk wru%« pm av% t for Ont nouent suppu. tàatyour ml ~e.MOAXIIV ~ ~ d"oen nday leur;. TIadeemsami --- tSritmpoudt t Wl5d t o deviate hem St. Nié N Am i h m n e ro I e u abori aMOse e. . eà . 'vavm e i hie tîth, bar hie b mighi comoiion <f(M boltduP. Re leWOU Md I ni r*ttsIPt ya 4 u mWoemE.vt? tsnlgh isho lie Dot se- Tl* tu moet hen.tln mIf hbeidbas.mp$y- C">, je i nov lut for th enut m nestuwu t le oiumstue. la the Mr. 4jg hlmi m eoiiW.h misaS. uvtti a ully of .mail oblt&Ukwg te m-Asi bLd ~. the grese lmocf muezeolgilspar ly ti oc am ofo «Imm-Ber mouise. dq', theShi ho upeud a tira. devraPi- ~un or n# IAF~.sterible AtIW 555U luenýtI riva, tie casmVmww o~m ntue su»usmehlgr asouda luparaoft, u 00o1fniftt. ' tia ua. O1S the abOli f mr«Uin g kit dwdelug bh~ouse caun arWMd tht e utM) the emxaldu t the Md rmm pSmm 1» a UMM s mUe U W smmi Mr rmeut Party. I Né Uthe00,1wylc Mihc ( usvt iui" " teP ry l f em w W o r e d able leona, awtdy bou th« ~,. Omn pri.m- Ou rU TMMy lesaet om .prh ytheevs heuivhc sMd lii Coucaus.', .î'Mah. 14wel IV ,naretui humeetbceuSa, a rise Mmd tb'Y MtW" lh to t re theUn m oleem,'ffl hte bitoubudiqUp. rwhich has neoerboues renehaiheit beore. ut6w 1 3ue1dV'fl5, h aa aV le. gos .fet'tiwwnmOIL Auextraioudinevy crop mmeus ho extaI aml cmm.,thie allier s hi pesuname A 11 osI,,i~~ ~ u~,that everyuhfrMe othat the. proerecr of thmatyen, correspeaat la wolvon" inlaYE A i.lm el s shop «h'uteeMr;nil > au active rnsrket ay scandy b. loochaI' clamas, for iu nu n.Placelie&aseka cf Wo «ho ivf 8,*tmdlk» e ofjwm 1 4»go ban immandiz anther cfCm vuibet u " grberumoun, l -L hieosutaig "c«Ir"diseuSC& NOw, if h. auly lii fbt atm«be%)Wl. ro uleh loy lahave Pot lataectisicCim5iOBl efr dis- I IOIem hni4rosi14hum ad1Wi cousideisbly ho ana "'v Vfllç rocUnaMe o thec"ul- COUXICL ffitl.epe 301h, usewrbeuu mAIl Do 1» on.t se s Ie Vot hie V"vhoei IuIpAAIspela. premnt. lncteutfformer' meeting rudeu=hthatUnyouh -amess a000I- bus MortGiles oufle efb a n à%4sso conflwmed. Mr- Rabeon moa"', Mr-. 0<l souto latst tale, which the tisre « te lb. la m pW* auy - Danucy aecondd, t tte rondshow. il propely cultîvediMay' Place bmiter t cm b. .zpaoted.asuce on f5h1and thconcenione, betU'ou smsaim, paetios-prubiy th"tof J. Cho Mm. Wlbeusur iioemset9sW Ist&&. Iotsa naber 11, cotareictfah, the ti- p, mai if beahouli &a t ath"thnr g.udl.g r hoe la tbêaiebW mSred etteruTdOn O et .Mid radoutaiourm w vable position ho viiino doulit do hUHU11' rai ka hlW roult s l theoMWb" h" aitiheth 'NMindraitl, th*uce omt te omoHof.ced hii.ue bnotabe prudecaseurai f&of et qagjhi.. *p to, fW eu sye, 'ho. ale b. otiemder itPuIbI ce - dqmingout jutice ubue dsu W., av pkosi h.etne hirsamtmm" Cu«te-li hmnVe d'*< o~, lEin 1 arse betweea~n ManMdmisu. wed »w uleld, thm t he.by-Wla Utho#18 therfore cation him ta net h. tac"fresb"MI aett% L dmn teimio b*emi»&3i t lui nqon mg wa oafr stthe a iv e w m m o% u kw, L d m , u Md il, b u rma, p msut titau oi l» ita oc e a t a e a. - hindi. lIa. F9 0 mo u b a w ms o ugseo 5<11 bI W "l ridhm sgnedi, oami thi e a t - gunmm u i hu. s et maisd v ti vilenama a NSn of 01W bsv m iaeh&d.-Corrtbu. Ma. JÇ moved, Mr hmmp" roc" ie la thu fat of lm&Mîm l wili'w omulsulouo »»I a tlhUncentmeS bu mly «qPâO ylmtos euYP we thbseetSn. « out«bUIlding & betilpe sihees.tm re t l us u w@l m a f( ( ou aiurb y we n mev. -C ar'ted. Wr.D m&--__ __ _W_ huum__ _ _W r. ' i W * m ms e t , hie _s 1 .0 O U Ts m d « f «r lb . esPeadi- T ig t t ium a b u & am ear tmuos 03% ~front lot No., lain h91k ni 4, ý u q rn h T n t eatt tt. how i tie M MOW.i tamls .th e P t«enn d mste ble of M. Jasas. . Ly d tw inthe 4 *i 01«T W». hIi fl&q Md niW«Udus- Cuitai. lie Wim M0ed, ME HOHM cou., Whitby. A bai eroa purt oaie day Tii. wun tis &Waiyus r two wcondulth" Un 'Uveai»e OMMu0e, *MM t1xraedr, vws iratUn lm e thle day. hffl bumS réa, nMdb. 91W m- b.trommer rfor il -mm< of ie »a"ite 1cm ad" mmSweSyto i7te or <Q ~o.. '.~ei .~ ~ . ~prplaw teti tti by motes.or by-*w- &eohs npr7eu.tueiui o W-»-OFdes" nOMMtie "sam of the aurli. Or)n.motion tUn ceamuad-te ai.wyoh hubg t z f W"bo m i, W w r oo&jouuamdto mot UtIn tnda0cy la taLa nq bu aite, lediag piaftsT Mdoin el, tiseappas (r hie 1", 'wovh, mosrb ______fe the pmhlthe Unduiag inucé- u domue<I unutoim Fuuslsea ~ w.YrA U. Omn Wadedy, thie La imeS, *acsrhia emné, us.Thse huit uncom"àmtlui" Mit. Jas. Dichasabua bsuglth*se o b" be~>i asu vrking in Port dmiwg Un avaise fTu«aday, sud tUn B. C. chuiot s.Bqi asS out gsS- =masas $astmru mmto, #stevol epend» 0(aitu orpsola4o, m»e w r iiith qumtr-umot as s. whlil CMaI S ai.mlvarY'to e bahorstm , b cf #wm (mv hm & dlutas~, vswu c f mlau.sMle. inleutîs it com-el Unhe qqng h. vue gumg hoWhltbay. vitth me'T M"c tka " u ihhuroa Conli b. tildi«iu&wtcbmOi a-ls40x3ftW etitefelndes of t< etrai h* Mmeit bmiwuuldelautu a pbllc hallemui . h. eve Asho dii 'Mt rrun o ktbt » tdv, godm »ansd lb. raady gluss Ms' Deymmas a«eder for theT NVSur r UL A.*mmtul t8 m .qri. j .tq1 ~ WU*ym&niO*waus king salariua, but fj ira" e ten r 0(luia ts sftock 9foit, DSm"a0rda ta.vuyu>ele nlovur 0"iof<thie caml n mesuich ofis caemA'>t 0" »o w1 * OWPi#% 10 teothi r hUOChia y, a« yho he uf a, bom Md ud P s effOW on 0-',u pigeo, l U a te kC bout uruslet im- pou« t.ubu stoloa, em BilaiCe« 0»0 tuacm 0 Wvumvaer fiovod lm Sb* amSurlook. On, Mr. U<OUSj vent to aMuWe sCruan&m aiaituet r. Jeu..0e44 oftDieu. d isythtsmer««« MY Iiumt", hs j, hud uter of tUn nig ahHER*- t ~ v~i~P~ashble . a~ g~sentmisBobtespm wfth k smew le îni Jn. .Hmeho huet» Pem" ~ Nu. Cope 411%t MR4' me l"chforthe pa' ri, mm&ivng isrn& whm a mil vut ai no ":ke bu w » & Pue of eri."t o e u ah. un D)a&asCrash, met a frme in a almba bmnt M46Wotg i. l. i,..patr a tia§Metboa me dou; mi ubmeh*aiehbt onpu Ie baibeu ho àAt wS itàa lie bu#l tiseohmo a saa w»In am urbaeWheaM ut tW»-wuspuokai lu.The =<ce main. etoppwg lb. fwmasrh. o do pama me. upie eu Mi Wvat tle*h, an pru "M muii- iuj*dly, nkei lu; V O 8 eyr i$. 0., W4 IL MOT. e h 1ý tft W o »m.-ta lo . it W R D vio, &! sw . *ta aat - M=M i2& la iuddraight IM04lot IBO M& erdânaulu. MJî Ihter. - dpurqee ta., lut FPUE u sim "M tiWM bIw dm mmi Umn4jr., 2mi 1 C Bey;earipm b kp Bmàttv * â W uhe.2i ei.a;d uat ormy 0 . @ ïlit GuaTreiz, 2@d G SecWt mue àb@&BRO iuI.i or-A 2ad ILAtil.; cot t eu ; lit Tho. XmbR4210L "btw Voém @C cobele k. smUybw u.o eb~luthe at U. lt dl e ?." b'~ e O .e 2@à ?rh., malch cow, lt. se merbmiug U. 'msr A or y, 1",2sa11 Evum friE 0w, lit inehl h.. u acome inc 2.1 . Crues; iL Yur OUdh-ilât. sa K tb m B.ad aumenr. wuom i.y t EL PAbwtàlbèm meva tÈ à'i0W. lJt P Cru2»à,& Murtin; vIDqpafr aUWbmit bt W Du«bm.20 k ý A Mdtm; apinig as ilm etJ». Bu. 2màA uhtin; 2 y. eoà . M l LWOAD Cola .. i,2" le" . ar. .g.ad..n < a oeâ a -Yerling ram, lItThos How- m rvà=x _-ft » a r »à duty th i evé ±2.1 CJCoha. o; v- lamIx, lt Tho. à t t u qu & cf U i J; "s 'v il- ga i % 2u A M ar " - ;2 eue 18m bm6 l t R uih cra jimb Wl..., of LMfird, O.ued, 2nTaHm wie; 2 .mmthat raie. hLE~t 0U~w., an& wt ad Iambe this yr, lt M un, 2ad A Li a we «bum hy a&L Dmo Mtin. a On M aI t e n ,i ~~ t he ~ ro& -Sp mi g b aitý bdi W in Du ber, à yeur d h m.a, a nd u a bauieà on ex & Fp l2e ma, W ; qng s», Jt W ua tim0&ime. u uhamWaDudmr, 2nd 'vanDmaber; brood Sw, lit FgflIi~,Beb..y. BenD. Mé-Van Dmbar. mm peifbortuaithtfiiait er fvlC .J Gàjy Ea U u4eetlet Jas Cou- - o, h W m, i et at -u t yung Ul n-m , 2ad Tht. lng h . b hel the mm disre. with uhieh his -1 mÈilt euth2d owe d ' i & h ol m m b u % b utth e bs 1 e , l t T h o s H o w i e; b u ah e ry e. l t R accent of Dr. Breretos -à'm a fair way Qhi, 2sd H Oeutone; baasel white, ucup'VCfV eus, Lit T Howie, 2.1hea Ry Cckher; IKUMINAff r mmmm-mTe- annauIl achel amnoUpesa, list Levi Oeil, 2ndàThos miny m'gin e onUetion ith Howle; buahel bueckwheat, lt Leei Carl, Maries ciurch. UKapve, will h. halL 2a. James Counore; peck timothy seed, V.) on Tnund-o ev.ui 3tet.1lS ltAr àMartin, 2nd, C Coben, jr. l f lowxng at iffbepremntz RI)OTS, vErÂEm, EitsAE ÂcTuREge rCiiopheli, missi cary aeeut- i. m.Hal bu"elcup lwtatemlilt C dsbout, vicuenat of Omerm; anL tht(Oej, b1CGbs w albse r. RralDam Alen,@f iflro smly rose posttes, list VanMorrisa,2@ G Scott; haïf bus"elmou flaho potataus, DUYýFRD. lmt Henry Cuobe&. 2n<1 C Cohen, jr; bell rrqwdse oof tA. WSe*r. bushel ektphant potatos, let 'Win Mor- t "' ' -, - Lt nomery mah ued turflipe, let f jetttmal3, Ir., 2nd C Coben, m-, blond beeta, let Mms Train, 2.1 C Co- VALUAELE SEE.-Mn Richard, Pur-.be, w;nanold, let C Coen, jin, 2ad * h. ~>t* tM ~ u~~ ~ R Oswald; turnip bet, lit Levi Cari, 2.1 d p r i z. e e t h e. L ù 1 5 y C e n t r a , s u d h o b . M x i a r a. R r me i t e n e a - ys that ho w offereii $Mfor him be Owl;itemdaecairote nia mot ek.it. her.is raut lâ1 Jao Hughes, la11Oswahd; short hon Gi lt aie L Whre àGrnt&lat Henry Chn àDGai- M fo «Ve.H:enry Coben; 3 hite cbbage, lt D Gai- rn»mu«- . w!LPoole& Willoks way, 2a<' Rveie; 3 lSd cabbage, lat re kpt buâuy'wth ther saat-treshig *P Detta, r, 2nd D Gallaway; 3 aiiIi- ichime. Th.ym ae daing a splemdd owers, lst Train; 6 parsnips, let D Gal. coinces, ma R»& Ail 1furwIIoIU Iway, 2nd Henry Coben; 12 airs yellow i hWm h adiil pein' the bia cocrn, lit D Galloway, 2nd C Cohen sr; mas, d tner wMm*_ Give the b" a il eurs white corn, let D Galloway. 2ad, hanocLevi Ca rpek onions fremt eed. lst Levi 1<sw SopL-Ir. J. . McCalluzn hme Carl, 2nd D Galloway; peck top ornions, ea%"u n asstere. t wiIl b. quité au Jet Levi Carl, 2nq1D CGalloway; peck large dditiou te aur vùIlap. potato ocions, let Mn Train. 2nd R Os- ScaooL.-Lz.peto Knight vmisituil gyWald; peck mi noions, la C C.-beii, ir., eboel this wek sud reporteall ai .tters 2a1 C Coen, sr; peck large white basas. i t i f a e o e m i t i . c h o l a a k u g ~ j 'a I s t D G a l l o w a y , 2 a d R Qs w a h ; p e c k am a l l utdct u h* l.l m,. in r -P hite leas, it C Osben. sr.. 2ad R Oa- ffthe pupils of . S. No. 2, Danaierd, wald; 12 tonmtoes, lgt D Galloway, 2xid àr *ae month of Septumber, . &QGerey. James wat50n; 2 squash, it D Galloway, he5h clae, lot Arai. Graham,,sr. 2cà Levi Cari; 2 vegetable marrows, let ei, lit Delly TI - - atnunMeggierKa- D Galloway; 2 citrono, let A, Martin; 2_ sey 3eL Ui99W Thueston, jr. &,d, jet water melons, let D GalowY, 2ad Levi Mm& Bêell 2aui Jec. Thuuston, 3ut EdietCarlui 2 muskr melons, lit D Gmlloway, 2nà rolI.1 m'.2a1, lat lj(s r ogge L Carl; 3 ln strained heneY, lit B 03 fti Rutkren Hq',8&d Id& Thuruta; jr. 1 wal; 3 Ibn, comb honay, lut B. Oîwald; Zod, let aua.iT'eston, 2"e Agp. preserved wild fruit, let Mms Coldwell, y<,<>jlsudm JJhnRu (q d.secondi.ira Tram; preserved turne fruit, Ie4etinton, lit mua ColdwelI, second Mm Ogglestoii; irasx~zi EEKO.-Th ~ ~ pkiced raumbeta, lit Mns Tram, second NISONR ERO.Th e. ME n P Dettan, sr; mlxiii pickles, let pxda es cSha lqesra, DUS Mn F Dettrnon. sw.second Mu Train; jar sautir otc lut in tlx. ns aman ue-cataplJJin Tran, second Mrs P' Dett- ffi r , i , co n ec i m w th t e mi sio w m a. , tw en ty.f ive stan d ard ap p s , l t he~ ChUrch wu CrWddà& n U U Zmtcw D G.llway, second A M tin quart crab SCity- - -epples, let 1) Galloway, secoul Levi Carl; WOOD VILLX 10 ibaaple ga?, let D Galloway, 2ud The oodvfla hod~~n hry~Levi Cari; quart icapie syrup, let D (li The W Sd ll I e--diaie har e loway , second M n Train; pair fie boots, h oss reilpos -0bein owndljt C Wallitco; st horse sha.., lit I 17 Gtala theincrsse ot 5PùitES poer. Cottiiighun; oz yoke nd boe,it R O. The saeniig ofamnrs 5and bweAlidmr wald, 2n& C Cohen, se, pair harrows, lit ni~ ~ a 1areizsdheu ling r -t <~lVZ-1WmMorrison. 3S aj hegeer Wearegrateful to Qed PouLT&y.-&emu, it n ia.m aMi te Our eedbybdaa m d t li5 Il HOggiastoe; ducks, lot IL Qggleitane llB~P9ad.»[L eric for hlp. "M-elp Ieghrns, jt W Dunar, brahins, lit R 'a.ýs e0 iofo , ivatioe. for i goe ("tihiwIn, n lad i Ghmm svaisb. of Thy anue"O!Jers id, on trillJt P Crego. aul are s bdued . . W . ILM . IS N M A %-UyACTUR " . -H om e m ade bre d, Peftrboro Review p15 001>7. lit D Galloway, 2nd Levi Carl; brown. TiE nef cec r ee0néiteest driig breael, lt Miss Train 2nd Mn Trai; he wek wuvasicaul NU sow0o<thetub butter,it L Carl, 2nd iMn Marti=; M"doaaioatiral mciery which was h1L 5 poundu butter, let Mn Argue, 2nd UMa hm Oe aMeay- The. wetII*fas INmW jCrego; cheeue hozue-made, it unrCrge, gifret t e pu t ra t t h e usalfor- 2u 1 nOswal; faillai l otb lit J Cou.- tu mn attmdng ouI soW, San& ap rain -a . Bý 2nà C Cohen; union flanel, lt C ation f naturessusotthe pfoplh tridjCoen; voolea socks, lt Mise Cohen, 2ai OUtl 'an 5 u crevTi m nbe Un Argu;euclen uta, jet Miss Cohen, cumplment of làd&W S~ k, fruit inuT, a<tm m ut., 0&-cWWCRU mliba r 1rnkthe m sm& 2 i -- pnb my of the aahibita la thia .d -- - --nut voevii.WisKim r av aervueto> ~ verT 6i~htapp i ' bS" -' enio lu t la erh am nos- -fl pmddie uay hure MM. th - -ait mm bde; 11itth- uh " àr Rs» Bker»lm, let ie UlMd8ltboWh 1h USUel NiaSSott Sut m abrair, MIss Os- ame.-maairvaia "nin omi humes, m nOàvaiâ dilui. pumtbIM u " wt ela.mmiit uq u» aga" upwmâ baduwrWM&umutai, J Wktw au.rj m; *paaapkinir, wowU bh. u r-1i ambe it ut t»e D Galieuq - uub vme»r. XMTrain; day.duzmz ire Wé amathe ammbir 0ofsmqbed% 9H Cshs pick vechueJohn. pompAi mathe psi.w- la th@tviciaity A. oliisahuabue ramvu atottva A a..il.g a<h cmi aim d sciTogtat pobbmhm bo medw a- btoiL W& mNoub, v thle price&as Mking fera veft mth.Su M et la Min- i it hla ý rdni- om89CF bib. anty t l rto. L . ia neâuctioa vin liniF Tht oreioik m hmliis tube& et ht prie* of cel troughant tbm Ummteut mi a5 tW ithm NE' Pknvince. Tua stock 0 aof od bohncl u Cg bMk. Toroata ià omldmsby lw thins u ThwG.ZL *Eu t imIltas 4mie . t tai. m a lutyemr el 1h ta llnkedy ofTumrG.t u atmin anIe et t this fw oa»lasmack to do exth th& s 1ai. inthe jim-.v* my ingelme TY