TEE flCYflhi WANpUE, UN MAT, AIDÂT, oerouu n, 1)L. I _______________________________________________________________________________________________ 'w 4:rj ~ê~U 'w pi II~ r 'i ~O ut"'444 4~ j; coue - four 1 -11o Eo'nqs # et î ami mb Is*eiv bei, o*6mu Wllire WlîPmv*of MkWsp» 3* <o nom. M4 t puil lmuiluf avem..WW1 n Suie O.w 5v«4te1W., w1l gd,6eoi 11 w, & wmvof shea$ ,vo~lme suil dmpe0 Imm# M ie te Ai4 1or &m d fflbMd UsioPOW4 omarlu-o wg.1w. ,110yê vivau. b#(I«s3* *ipro oee. *# w o suU lbprto, oeot h.*goué sU ia.dme algtm w j# éleboUê 1.8.0 Md f* mmuie AkPm,$of Sb# edIp ig a1veé~ îudevIiftse, Mdin b 1 KLuqli$ofIvA oU o (hm ww <het lbutiv. lt i. e Wood w *# Wr~1 ir gslnue ult gtvu ~1040<0< P. t et,, of thet PU«. *"4 lm et îeb« %««dg. vw*ie Iwbe1< of L4a4.o wm tb.met dmestet u MW. S10~ o « on4, 00v. s'l Md th«««* « »#*ot be one dé ié1.1OM of lu~<#PMIe*11~ u ffl ou çlqr 241, ielth#eom1 lt*fo u«»w4# 0.0 îe em WktdlmomW ngew** 1a ow «9«, km*944 " tm w wge, 4~bel w esosp@@%u 1 0«, p$ltm i a w mge tl..w o y fimO 604 r i <suAvetg«-naum fo le"awwo Wa*iel#Hm W .1b1m4hW - bu. #mo brW* uam . fer l ke e us &dm * a d* - "Mr 9 IL p tWe p ub hl0c W um ii plG W 5c m p mlvqmii Cvew 0 Ma- 3*w Ubiv~ aile- I.e _lu itormi u ~b .i eIlel ___ 4. - u M.. 1i g &PWWOBMW" L lOffl. l W ffr Irodie fwIl --wabue yu#oooMTEL. m ý doM . _ _ liq L w a mw ou m er 0 eesmK. .à wtwu uco. ,A hW.abm *W - m* ___man te gom 49 lm. - Ib Sdww e1 aul r. g wumai $m isdsonwbD t br.pwMlw u. - d. - wtisinm sylwtw iaouMdm".-iur4- mi "hm Melau mmoui pvuem -. u t.~êor .uf, tg o MW ~la goi.. toiu ar b Ue tg *W 4 "7 " -vpue m-o@- îeiiw-dm Ibo mm i bmwmhbu ai mute *6 u- Mtlwaolgwmuu ordm 'U le&- - in reperd 110M4t~u aie fu'li uSb vS&a"" t.wlb*0 ,.Iug .ofUl~ a Ibis a o«c ustoe oba bu.' w.umeeig dn lb. u.mm.hmm.Weald bu l. npbiwd&eu MM " b 1.WisGluUne*F lu- #W mi.ub tsi, *u w - - ud, mii bSwibumai eJus miaouger *immMdbtbis dIWIla&dieu y man b bhund u lisROYtAib mlh bb âw9h a. U.Im d ommt «îlbust wur. W» m a- -' w. bauww OumjW butom S -' tu."m-Brltgnad aiingpseae i~wmw-.S-< sb bs.lug ~ us.1l..soglb. oek ~Mumil mSiiAm hmb" . ltimpvwed aMd ff"M»t -OUM 0( W~ wwuuub adot*u& W. 0"Md ImbI1rý OriO= obw sLu 4ll rbffl«d ets ilqMu1t i - aim!U oRban Gnd e tabi- A* a - sb*it.0 !eu- zm 1 a.ï-usti bougter. WU. DUXEA1, mou 84- du ou u. a v omU414 ~ ~< WMM - omb O'oiORTHERN HOTEL < ~ ~ ~ ~ l de. mmSUI milI i...sd,04yluif W.9. SCOT!, progebuer. **p.I~ EW.~t 1evAb.~ - W... AulhIiIIiStuy uniargunea uwhoiUg0u- luCeur Me b.'4. g4 mil u4W# boflsu Suraiwff uppliw» mtbot .besi brandseta liquors amici Ga. oo4 stabflng, atentve g. ... aMiut.s11ou lauw idu ptl4 th* 1 ORTE AMBRIC AN àTL Am 9 *-~ W Wlf~ ee( apluy je bw idauW. Tbom.uUof rwmrge m o~uk aBro. Pfj>aeors. 1 *W ou* m bqu on o oapm wl Sdup miii iaunodern l m- IF r i o-otmils*0 W"ta, n u ntlwmd uverytbimif ygqui- W 1W le uUIdUg - mmnc » e-_# &M~..w..l.(i or l. $ bu t Ir O .CUbei, of iS it e mleftbcealiayfth* WM9- "I MM 1110- f- Md auw tDou .S. .U& ahu ~ ~ - me« f« mm MW bui »àMy. M aoewg ma511wo w11*11 r KA D I01 BOUSE, l<w dIusP m-- *0 oix Iffut ~Mmd e lie ii imc ate. LIDdPY. sàWE dm. .1v. %.iw.V .3kMas£ ioau n t. uveaem mel iie W. o.sly iUUPC$mbY tM ujo@*bgem,o prtepe». Tht aboy a-u'v..-<> esoU. . l.uus.-f4vooe.. ho £IId up n go"d M M;,______ omule ratas. The.bar las uWbp ied mli thaie & M & zéK500y. but branda or liquon anmd cipua. Lafgu qtabu dom .# W mi CouvmTL inetheu11wtowU haI, Bob- n.' dé Mdm eautve beau.. se lie Volm dww cyg.o, ous anuday, 0 . mm- suNOULAND IHOTEL.à bel o a soe, M 4 id .1.m"*lu- O WnT- OG» PFMm-- saSIugudbf M~ M e M imro.dPmud anom lneàeryomoatIon fovr b.'oon 1 OMM *0 rme& xh.trwu OUxr m'p= .: o hetrvelng publie. The luoa m rom mi"0 l& b#du . i lde 0 Salé3th"N.&2.-irI14. k Sa f sau M ep n and ar dth u table la t Md the M4 d.staS.u frolbo" ulpldot I vl m. d algIa n &Un t* h$tpro. ~ ~ Iq o Ebm~oswu bu.4~l- wT. uO r.-.gi-sm.-ry MIb. u 0ê"»Iv ODPb.m Of 6164Ib dmsh oi 0 l a w VICTORIA ROTE [1, dm obdeP "h n* se h« la *0 lm em S Md v .0wniout IS'. IZ meul d .y, e lmet 5 ieUmvWiln, public hesu opusd le TOWUiof MMl~. This hwlUhp fol ou km th -ne r- d.b '. 'i 9.'i .. hg.tiovu brelau t rn-fughredtledd ual- »W ale, Sous m ." Ibllt" aê - CM- claied tyle. Sulendid Obb»e, laroemmodtcomenhm 1$~~ ntlued and b.han~b.ou1' noweramnoda iqu ormd M4 ig 1« 9 Nd a«g h* rM Ch* mvelir«pubic. Te bot ie oulean.- ot ig_ 1o<bpylied as tebbr,,and the table i ded4a « bm 0 oflo .4ftevlit.ut L LUtOtm. HOU.8S, po .- uu ed u jo $114Vi O balu o tt lU4 PU " "M.sud Mr. ou SuIbur on umum t êl a e t illama huali. 1~hm lemed the aled 0h1tw..wwhieh iàà wf" g. ...- mu., lb.. ___ 5 P luxe amme "g kt dom< " b il*Inn O.* uem m e . om m= 0 > aI 8 ls romma Ptarubi iuopeand 14 ua#S" sc&yiai m bé S iu y SChiges moe a.ndyanctial@ma 841,. u I*uIUt 0m& W jg, 4 fhlwr lm 5 Md t eut Ç ~obFoAL vT5OIad .cIW 8ESfniuS Shà M%* *0* 'U Ot ldWh, of I fo6 p. th MMdM O il.. eTRI RontC*K ola&D UE h, <l.dW IBO' - b ig 00114 oul o Me1ou. f«< " ag u th* .4 Low m a dobne Su cmIIR OTa n omm fuiy te-i boOwd bo m M&l' pu 0 d Îà.d M. um Mfort eePliofe MUla. Tii oe l sel~ W~Ur SWV l t u i4m Ji j4 b1p5inj two Napêa. aMdbuiatio f ien m tugo ::anUsya imee»nubtid W.ISbnola bom '14 of * ls ofCÉ40* M 4' gg 11tvuuu" o gom C.....- &u roibaud. Tii. mondar lclht wb 7owo. 5 0$<'li«M5 mm u4ss waS, t 5 Js.6 Luit oub b. tee har& jndeate<l ov"> sw& somm ip e eue *'m. deb* sIsM4lselt. pst a .*L0 P. e ftu qv » m1 1 HUDSETH& JCKSN, 'sflbon for shot gunsa aspecài.ait, pir Surriatirm, oiieÎu%. r.OUficeWiiam at esi xacuted in a workmianuike manner on reasonabje Linmuyontulo 1er-a. Ammmition of &Hl gradesfor taie. ADAM KUDWW'EQ>Q. . L IACKSOY. LU=E ROBLSSN a s«o's William street, LUndaay latefroaASisal ousLune, Birmingham, £nr [CRITYRE&STW , nM-'I avUTMOM, DMk, et urstnay 1). J. licTTRL T TWAT HL B. DEAN. Dumial!. c~ >ge-»iiuy mcii '.MONEY LIENT cm ~.Oufiratmortgag et oirpmed fsnt eT6er en A .DEV'LIN, 1219-tf. Offive. William street -Lînds&av. werMONEY. MONEÎY. the C;ty 08 W»ri& Oace'Keenm ý areprepared tonegctiate straight .asz bkmkOr«WOW$ ttM Liuy- 6%ard 7pet cent., yeari, on goý cd hy Smrete Mmd Soiiio . VN'41e7 1 - - an. NO Lixsd y, Feb. ioh, îtSîî- 9t .î ,.,miUmtof cbarged. Omce, DobecT block. oves J. »»Memora aoe, Keutuee. MONEY TO LOAN TOHNh..BARO1.on Fans Prperty on te imoat favorable t er=3 Bart'aiMdanAhtItrey-l"w, Dsolirlu C !F. D. MOORE. amyAu. Au OSc, bl leut Lliduay, e3± Linday, Xarch 25, 1S7.-1319. d'or Wg cf Katwa Agyeutai l M-pla-ut Stome-mI9* MONEY TO LOA.N O'LERT OLERY, On favomable ter=, repayabl. in in&tulnents te suit the borrewer, or Straight Lom a t SIX per Durrtalei, Attone@ob.&.LaSolicft-M iU lu - ~cent. Pnivaie lunds on easy terms. 3Mnrtages cery, ae., &c. Oficem, DobauY BlockK-Uf uca dMA TN & HOPRIN-%S, ARTHUR O'LEART. HUOROLKAKY. .,,l l .,,se.t &c., -,&- 1oe3o19d. prcn. ns.ury fE Est&"e Mortgageç. .%pply to JOHN A. BARRON, Barri-ter, L:ndsai'. 0rrrr-Kent St.. neit door West vi Ke.ý1±> Implement Store.-i258. 4p. teret. Straight loans accer4i:g to amcumI requird andtermsot payment. >'nte.o- inc fund syu-tem frc'm 2 to 20 veaTs. Amounit ce- i20 >ear. i95.30. No fines no conmmission expenses reduced. allagn or. ea tr--catir.r OVER X M. ancEYcmnE,andfr&ilthROlATig nf Tise mogt .ucSemal dentist li tiis part o Y .E R T R eu& Cm Id. h GOLD &LLOY ust& bY Mr. Ne- ande for artiiciai tetb la a an*d mucces, fotn D hya Lindisay dentiat JeallcusofSW.r 3e!andb' e~ H f~ N e terpr 'n uitmyrng ti. patent r*gt. This ,in-I L-. R.C.iP. S. la n =iu .bhit ahm aoaapec ffTS Leetirer on tie Eye, Ear and Throt rnc _-.*lrcemmblna soit solde? or leuit, andtells1 Medical Colae, brota. Surgen to te Mercer» tiens it t apisona=s"àst"a nue as eebmxda' Kye s anti nfrmary, a»dlate Clinîcai'Assistt Oo,id Alboy, mbits W the bod, mii. Goit &vaLondon Orhtbairmic Hospitab, Mccrfieide. Alloy Uaed bhlcotnabtgeiaiiT? nâ(PtrjI London Throat and Lar HotpJt&J. and no o son.Commlntina Surgeon 10to thelnatitutionâ fer tte 35? ,eel&ianes mlnflEiers oi periect flttlng Blind,. Brantford, and aor tic Deal aniPtimb, setsaof teets for peopie lae Undao, <Ope, Mari. Bellevilie. ont. po ~ ci.his eiste bIbledi.imid entirely Maybeconsulted ut bis residence. 317 Chnrch fadai t W- v.i te- .Blacil Rubb- h- ~StretToronto. IHour Il a. ns. to 1 p. ms-, am been uidby XUr. Neelmude for the hlm 17 veau 204 ;. m. Thei. nygaue gm aguzoomUmek Rabber kept aonatlmuy on bavid. Tusuit immrtai on an. plie desired-..In extractiw luet ith sga» it ta a coSmnmon thuig fwMr. Necladstoe eract <rmm iPOLr T>IEIRLÏFLRE i 10to là teelt mth anc dome of gis sandthe per- son liavtfe quête meil ami airoug..Mr'. Nece-C A.R1) speelil a e md tm' ttisas under Dr. C A R D coltffl, ew wRamYost, thie avtmtar. ulo unites ta '4*' Ilimlaa iai lic hm ggven fthe gas ta We, tle ruder'izred. le>ire n t 1 rl ur 136,613 er we itiious an accident, Teeti ci ' tha h- 'c CITIZE-S-NI-P4TiANCE Buila 1 te litatheOne lait. savas se hait COMPAýNY 4-)F CAN-ADA -for their prtresý her tet lb 5d wmliiigoliby Mr. -Neciandsove? i isendinzior thcques xin full settIfLMtA fOur 15 yeuse q. Uid iber t&57 arb:1good yet. lames 1w the late fire. Clam l PaerS cIx tl&ecb.- TePeplu. Dntl mtmctor. a book wsorth il. ing Montreal --n Monday and their citqcfi r melw t l got, cii u i gi a opy frue -W- the anie being s.eJ on TuestinýY.-i s ,wa-amldor ILH SmytW'a store. May be p<aânl that tbey fully upprtciate -ur toimnd ~ be oumi et privale res&idemic, Mü iii ,requiememtit iseserious calainity ivb il mear Nusi. 'brva tos a a distance wili pies.i me so recently suffereit. (Sizned.) sntid postal cuitS butai. <»mtur W H. McCAW. B. F. ACKERMA N C .'S DIESFELO à W. F. DOLL. J. W. PLAVIS W . H.G-à & SON7 J W. DAVIS, .I D'-(i.M W.M;J.NOIT, Sec. V. 1-,;. A. F. & A. M.. J.W SAACS. North Star Encamt;nierl - i NO. 16, 1.0.0 F.;- N. F. ?A&-TRO-N, î'. C Itaofusinre. ls muser pro.Agentns' entai by ay «t«yof a? bm c b ze ni BLACK - poelyT~t hoait. dmisb ',m ubui uSw t --e: È ilqb0 [ on oman1'e tii.fl Sa gut uaTmuqilisa, maoieunsiifli mmd tbea osihur! '% iSgmatbiUB. II.inENlar Seaso n of 1 884. Vu»ulm bu cm pwoiuus ofaitise Io1 tmo M Uma]hu- aB EAUBOGAG E & oei~u b«a-*mevr. Mlm wm hu. .Aftiulal lbuim nirau mm-- uni of 15ieÀdnkui, i mlg mmaiEbar »assit Ii s WIU im:le opening ai navigaton a»d unil aSffod * JubMy. A Mtl a# tealionautihelutter furtier notceply belmeen wM u # A ssiee etabsa 1~0 q» ARTI. fo Sbiut vAz. m r uadefut of tamtil m n'Il Bobcayge om LWSSUImm qw = for .xtratiugn t0sbW er-Om mle bu - , VTTAL. lIiM A cta i, - il dELBwmEcir on thse flowing tImtle: 11"mua wmiii emThe niatuimiteah ipie- -byll lmuil 0"a-hier q -m lagials.Mr GrUes. iSYil5 a mi' LUAVE BOBCAYGEON AT 70A ND 2.0 e.tkm aou - 1 t lm OI , 1me - m- b"S' AîRV, L11IDR'AY 1& .0 .200 idumutai. am..ed1iia bs da-LEAVEIJNDIAT-11.î00o 6.(.0 tff. Uain e= lu.'i a1a ofu spetua ARRIVE, BOBC.%YGEON, . 1~ .30pUL83 Ibomswam @,* tu se 1111. Lbm y.i - -UcIF Idw the .ab 9 a WmUtaA cthe&. 1 ~ v vqrm& U0D.dV.a, " lMd y. ommg ainl freesTomante. An" un MAI25DAY XKUUMR icu-vUlitmae floburgean at &.46 inatmui of ai 7.31% in agiter i. connect mAil ouary morniig 1--- te Tozuato.ý Caflor agt Stuvgem Peint eacis el Titiste beimem LIs-u d untBaygeons 7à et., liatuen lkeèma laO0& Suvià fti1 mib§kLbt d" M d untStuigion FoutU~; fousaliciuta.50 c. Smmm~ 'Rc mmdE~zaoui ickeu Bb»& bmembe ecua a the E rZpr s0-.Lm';*.ut TImama book store C b umd m lie bout. Tilb ut wn' boemp bha bemi beBSt-lt)! tb*'; V. M. Ce. te ru mu above uni thse ne" 1 - strnmgconfow being bîilt for théa emqy by Mupmi. Maons Bo * % & Co., of Bob crm-, le reaiy. uhicl imlii be abcut thse lai ju miles a Dom tins. curA miiil i s-ie4 d4' of Ibo ir~4e 994lefberft=9wIet t# bai#W*lf àm mote ff t ie 0140< ~mil0pstbo Md *1fe kploalepIfi#i peu «11* *sftfle tYloh pI0<1s q uloo ilife bft OIHW«s o# #. poo fflId êéf î.w iw 0"é r*e *1 f01 p, hOv 1* kW mm e~l <th# 1 #W moiws W l *(,0 » w mi ote b#ue ot leds. Ixevif"(4g Otite on# d li «4 mekt# 1040< hitiO*.(OO30*lve1 e et(< Ret tise *M Mtd4 hW mis«M 5,,fWM ,tE# 0mff04 «,W OM& 1( fa~~~~m br# 11 Oi o 'ÉWW S sq f oh1fe em of JK au" m7 mtoi«1.b.#(4 »., le. 't i ~1 El ~ E !n -W. L EUNN L. DP. a& LWI àE . W. j DUGE&BblI,i DIR. ]R . . M08, Cd vcowlý cmmd Sau8 DR. J. W. BATY, ob.w. Gii d «W.u mvo e t ciTote m m mii i fthe C ~ .8mm S r ».C. L. COULTKI, Fiaami Ub'Su b MdCam Lcase -Md0- V~ed-m ~ opaii. YorkSia.-ml c. toi. wlo o' 3..S Rgiue F.D. OBE DabeAutoeuy, se~ dtc m OaYD 1Nouyto Lowl. OoS.keutueetLin"ay. J. A. NADDOCK-, ProiineW mi Demon Land iSurMeor a"i Civi EnnhoeLmda.y nt.Peasuxnoderate. D. EALiLHSON, 31L. Acernnut, ýReal Ktaie agent, Land Vailutor Appràmretc.OMm aait Un Auction lKart, jS hfgm AtedanrabIttowatretidence. 7opm, ABoeinftcoemr LUouty victui5 goi.amw for -tking aEdvit§4 &c., G. SMITHl, C. EL, Y etnc*iL O=.",zreyr, Lindsay, Outuib privai. oace in the lkw offices of m. B. Dan Boq, ov« A. Campb.al' store, Doheuy biocit Ka" &Lt Cali on Satiirdaya, or a.ddress box Us5 Llndsy P. O.-13m6 JAS. EL LENNON, flai htata amI lure Ageut, Auctionter, Comaimm nmMuchaut anGeneraiBroker. cçOj ecticu of renta am& debte attended to and re- turne poeopl d. A feu very deý,:zbi bu*Mmg ita iu~ ait a a bargain. JAS. H. LENN2ON-'. OEc.-KaM k, oppoalie the. BefnHcUt-au GEO"Y. McG MARTI NNII& GH. BOMSK BALWSUh DcvWm Cout oy Vitria xoNKY To LOAS7-roA6i6PER CEUT (»du lofiit t thWàRm Office, x..& strett f ii. DàmoI oua.. will recelve promp, Foraale-ouble and vneer"fes breuis mid UESe oslers. Sho) gnnm-uzzleIulra--double and I..PlrigIê-one inc bre down, barrels WWWof valous grade@. Breech loi.ding double iot guna ithu bestqialilY. sxngiedxzck guna 410.1 bmmls,lmgebre., More tnan jCI 9 t. choe rom. . ae mat cc-pitted a borammhblm. ofthe latent improved principie, undre rupruto boreguna Ofeet dcwt hr ààgama. p c wa SlJd tvU Wiif