rIOIIffS >404V, 1w îrtwn à , I 4P~~'~ f~Pv ~ r., m4' i~Wv 4i~ «%fti~4 g1N4 fu1~4 1< A ~ 1flI~< I~STITUTI, 'Fitfmil 'q 0 -to kpwof ~v <44$%~ f f N WSO>U< NO .mMa 'otty> If~4~ Watohes IA~M~. AC. ~r ~tff< ~ T'TY >RESS ~4NîSIIt OP toli Ç'. ks~i ~l ~ie si 79,AUmm ta mae EVm YMDIV NW~ 'iffif-. IgnmuI4ff1n~IwnM 9MWP IWê EU~U .nm. fi, 4171#mUufI< PftrrvT BRITISH EMPIRE 4 -w --&h. agnAl# 1s Il înt1*41 c' E q '<q P4m18FOR SALE# , 4r m 7WXE BURGLARY. gsgUo lT[, oi. s, o a10 fwAu î oa% I IrIDATON.,FIDTOCONE24 14 Vc~L XXVII.-Whole No. 1440. ri the 157 etV"luSYOU hImmis*,a. umav -ad b' t us isy-w- , v u'uuinm NUS S T 4. ,In . e tisid vbahe l Mu. 1b Nb e - OM u m iy am putpms1 v uuazu- m.m ledl a.hPetmpEmita.e a-a.T a .» . *dns.a a Om ttaduilhe rc o .11 ft- -~- ed, Ni. ~n-id, a. mai sa linme. a. uk. - i a "- wan S. R- - luinlu&Mby m un ets rhael MW hI" u» las d»- o- se&mwk. t0Im% 6m - a a- M th.~ea Iii~~~I Imm"ui. iM"uS bu.biJJi.mJb fi te wmal i'l- a.6s Vo ame ave a h On tabn inNlb us - vis, b» 11drmm»pi% dlie loerIbS v. ~ m bui~t ~ uén. 1..a.Tea.a.a.- mam Atth chm et0 a the Vbi amuMé*dantham . m-mb umn01 wlJ g~ 4u on. ~~ ~ t et .-sas afhfloa. va M e.n d 49 aia au*. lmlap.a. m s. 4F Qjj7p; im mu pu"in. e. MW met . b a.Me" é iee0 dt bte a trudm mào h- 9s lm. mi ms odedmesuiatM».e b a.S t i e tm as R. Nu. m i miE migr sjoia' .5e-lu ..iufl~~' t. ». in a a. et bsi an be e. lau.aymthl Cmi Md m I&s- - s-a.miu-v euas j llmysu euW 1md& hm Britton FW - BÉg eivui rm s-4ý - ~ - ~h. . Lg. the.piPCOMet Ùotth Te MAI ïï Uge à" 1 ma W3" entia tf rtm âe l oi si nML - bo__ âa.Imm ýS w i ud m gr't aQu m ube d h v Toru on-o ~ww~vw. ~ ~.m ~ - ~ ~.i~I.g Dq wl m1h Pat t le LUwigL w nx Xuyt - -w _______ ~ -k ,a- 1. C.w - n itksur in. Ht- ~. ~ uEu - - -~* h ~fp~ IUIbeZIg buinMantilleon Pm"fié biadmet euwk »Go-tum m au Amoif hmn. xmity. an lm"iia t Mconda'ta e I~ W hIM-1 wB î I» a W un M a. ù O In- a w b la am , 0 . - o aktwý,ihino ~vfou M *6. . C. W t mg fr tii. dmr. W m. htm obus#, am-* w- n ame cou ma a- ftS a §W s 11inth,- Hrm b dMampitt da ea-5k à MZgra oo > rm"ImaamïaUJlm,, - o if, mi al beihmsd Qumots &lShoosuma bie meAm ou ta.i e.kfo ii '10 *_________ow n.Ma&%, m iPih.iw b m asa ouut em- tsz W. kmw doS.N tedatheD no m a, bm" s b w M l"O a é n i l N.It metNdavw u aet he (tii.duRter a boleW l poème - * 0 lr.Coliuiz. Ti. rW oaeta u1»bme "dn e l a copiahj i __ mmmuet m vedm"in ~. li, Tua---!.- - 0 w a -.. - b..mkcy ev -à melfrmi.vd a I couk rt. am Mow bu mm- ma iim a. b lie toc va. ip dt" u lu t ts nimy Ià the acgr efor«t e b roa- <a. n.,. a. ib b .setElu',mii . t a.ugii*0 a i.mita t. deck a ajnithhea te W* co thatn Mev 0<~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~â à=eW~ ,.~h~0 :emlt~lrI)iiga > achntn a fronio ept a - ~ ~ ~uI! ~ bh~ i Ut~f u mtii£t ssmulwhii mmi ZtierMdep n u ties i. ad'o, 11.~ _ mm~ wh l ~ ~1 uoku,,sama -~ta ~ a. ~i tbz-moter m oie,'ah.cres,'yuu auei mou _____ lu t mi o§M lu veu tii1Mo- . AXi Rcmjuo.-t frm Emg.. wilt mthe o ë ta.adtiteond ti hidagte <~,~iibi. a .vue.Ti . ut m9 tmItvny inI" id er, vlanMM.- ii.g B"" e mtetu ho r ing Upalger * . oLas wa -, n Iba &.0 ohugm he mm @te hy* uli tgm0,bi m " 01 if Wthe W«1<1dangt fo Ibis v .Ari a on]? Ar l il ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Mu tm lII ' IIUlJ -hIt s ~ ~ " ýl hMrint." asrs." o.I ut hailac(thue dange - W I -..~ dise bs a Wm t mI h unir wiconi mt fuud n.f i IIvi aeIi rsn o o I.j ~~ . a.u ii -iia. boitTe p r wu tL i scount irn, omwn Méorton, Sud eni;esa a rro t *0 W lib" se ta Nuji ely visé .É.M __ of b avung boamdiepais PM&h" m 00118% &do- hatcies agne Uet urmormlity. ktnourt.a 9w u Mêui m orVll91s 1s1a1v11or o 1s iule mehmisotei. oplait ai> .147 .(n OlOU i.1. l.~ oiw sdli utnl qemOwv ft o dmats ta d'B<>a goo& aysti. ane.thâthen ad-te r, co ht Voe 9ouskaV ý "k% W bc**o kirbd igo pa i . quitet uoid f m lier«Os ing e hamitl b r rot oedeep husbm saut hu m 1 n. UIiiiiLY ii-.- ib È-kame w et n am e lh lIaI a v I tâmaao cc11iden cu ai " , lth' t bzr dep in t aot deaoponit ie am UO n 011111 Mlm uebiU S a- Io" oumii emý t hey fri. x n let t ofth cer emexp s you eng ht n vu 1 R1eMi d C tg>.nt he r let e'mL fb> ho s m aerys sudvivs. or wsho uth a bd sastst a *M ur themmmii "hamily tmâekUn Nea nue nimaul! ued 7 sjoo t mii xrie ,ane o t noe nti ' sw m a lI. w r »muuur a. b ' -ame&midmb4 Mdh i a vM»igIUMYa a. N img dx mC ar-* nootan ai Sthe f a th e h edot MI "LIa hebom ubwb"semiWMZ=rio W ie mi tlat r mtusi ie s mmd los 1edna om mine "upt, mer le, ev oe i -9 lmdyl berbd&mm$;Md ae m M tslm thupnls ue â-ns i-a.ontison of a.hePIi h m oal es ectablof e o wt , ihou u Km0 b mml ISh u u.uh s - csu i "dl V" e "o, r . AC M. RarP ii l loM t; i-u EnI< hO u vtho a libtin o e r I hut i l gudm. h il! m b lewei - viofithelas I nd oI mm hcrcuniyi. n g U si adLaO curle.,sTo thiak ot pure orepstUrei I~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~ d du .;bssi" aWUOtI N. 1a iboio k aOem md m17mie xsr: !Ibmi nenugt er or tai mdu ery y iAb i of i ~w w TeinS, lu ou be l . le aF .W ei qt Mtebjsticks-Ç l hu-zg U51 theEiT 85 V d y ashan e veandg logaliedpromi- it F i rio N Pm m -& M% Ï iult M oa1e b fw geo liolllmut.theBiaI. 4a Uon ou fh a hco! Yet ou maysfor = »hb.~daP ouo &'p. -- _ t - Mt JaNZ1-- c lles gothd lu nt, 5 1:i 8 pr5i dW th eir dur ayauport o andenlb. son tt UNdO 0<emaSIe A. luos m i is .m o m tA * ,. Ne b" i using _,lIaI l die m n ides 0< theae-Ioft ridan e leaves yuxu e met yn VII a.bik pu"nh S Ti d e à P u rrO-WhA»t emw . . y lgg oin bu he o m m a gmt oa u . muI te iroduct ilns ofhene amsb B ributto n a.t à en, ho colâ o hvig c= ihs R. y op ht i me a pibnu mohtY ekowt ho__ __ _ _d Vaud"th opette eata m a.e roundsh xdey depp umeil on t ha you are Ofvie iertianm nit re R1,fln ua Fs t 0: toihe iversin- K.451708*.lg u otld" 63% NhmliiO m eàil» ep .1haveu. Pick e n ai s y lm cl ones ta bnDgyafPrer cm- am 1011a1111s anagaon hie boak intaheise rt a li travhorm toifl 0WI M W id ft W MUtmank o laov aita w, cauliai s n , sor àiO h bàiay e nc i nceyuz le m * à m en o . l l y meteim av i t e l b a . le evTas lam an u h i di hmdcoi Yued ee & u ý onrse e ff e imt ""Y. - t 5sws 0 àml m mmvIland ts 0< movbu qa*te, a.quanti- n mote r r ma brif in aiseeh o ! a. . »love M qbglafers n l a. m ula. aIl.! a u havet' be sdoeoed u iamruainea y thae eas maofther chuarges s U LI hm . -gu i DTO- U b vr.Uv. m ho h m erKr W ite h m ge wr for »Me rugilamia ~IT 4jI 1I~'5 j me i.5 u cita lné . a ~ Mu Jomatn, moï.- intom i. anjob sanhlfoBita Co. bal es mta.volaTing ahandenroua mohrial ~~ -m-os'- ~ ~~,, Obu& Id n bd«; Ma hieasitation fgala4sd uin t a. buuc. n andy. Ve hlle ndi.friend a a vu sT aimai., t aIst th sm ho tosme dacbazara of c nct h ci v. hte &M -- i.w mione . .ohdlm a s t I tsa vs boed y. r m dm a_____arkefuaayara t b.W .r < iant lu a reçumie -das t l i n a LIwnt n oedeem xse u irri u sei frind th tbpo t mWuke *mi ad ie. oeWodaî a gag_~j amisia ho W* a rlkimg li& - th" IL uiut.-o u gainevm .7 r. adexpeSivenceofvhe bs ordanyg emiseillmmat abs.%.h a m u t.a n eb t a gisi oe, d ianemm ug abOt Re n cân f,&a * Oawooth, v l on i oe *W o E wdset...........m. I w kLUu t.-NXI. p hatJ. buode u heud.'=.i&Wefar.- ody umb e r 0nin Nu. d., u - dL. * los-16 ul ID ofs the. a.i= .± rtut Pen-y W4iiaacrda ..............Avt . isaun empW;. mthe dureshm! l m u b a.nome mmail1h m i. Mnmg p -uvui g. se moqla Irý uus a ï r.A nla boly alr.tin a m ahu l I set M a B Whw a. c b.a lirs, in.eLkt, il tWi iff C mwo ,v ihm t e ok cutryil f tnt.m w hm outotppubl *.alBe bu lI--kt- b y o.enlmg md butlhe b = t.n fr bc u t hem @Paim OU . esPLaO outo "wt la me bumidissah"uintth ent. ai aothe dc e!lueir maàu. uo,.dNw. V a ___ Hoe,.. - polatifont hi the ust tde ts, hat a your litersr mot ~~ AWD a. e. me àcc, lb nie onet.ea. ..u.. mi J.16le W0<alMbetathmi~~' - M à 9«df b sesa i W occideantonhapp amd.ou r Vnking Bau Bros. mb«dZ Z » alla sd t hebd d is eThmw tMyuicho obrgyufie- Mr. Th m i -Rpu thm ieg one ls as onf Qit, a auerpwt hs he oc Il w I f rd s p oasw lb- e am u rop ahie Immnu is e la t he a. im E &; t i th& D in sl tpnoom u i. i u tka. or 5tUCIay n cUircg oal1frin R É i i #l u ~mbm Uiug - K of 'h Irnd, mi n&pe m w1 Te ung .j lu h am. Voi thevn. TKunEISS- te ionl 187 Ifostokme mugis M Unp-m Un& uas tI.jwé tin i"i DJheenuXr.EblmUft itceoInt eli ona.uu tareai gulrd. mmi. lS 111 soaa e.tZ n., & too a. se tppLi mPSd rbo u ia. 1edm. »04m Vs ulissoau or i. . yu md , M "V @ m mi hb - I a, M. Reip b l% m orl-I a. a tcnfsand malb bun, aaolu mI t vhm an an o ed chargev s wI VIUTgb. h ein . l . a. - * Uw Ietam ~ , u. vu~ mymng mhlire postion.. bu has are ludfce o do humly cd bm WI.uubr iatw. b ne e.-~- s ue1. l. ywu Llatmi Who M etiàa. bh t a. nse m hUgamv. agum It as homorjal ~,.Wod, u .e.MU lu ée iuisu.,as*8- T he aixm m ouga i m liO b< ui Iàtinlg lb vou i m ke 110, omm K. W"auy,$ *î le apso mothweW" cus abla . peu As lewbat s aUrllm the- -Md-i.Ni. teu*0 e. mff-- q bmi As ' e' - uelufriz - ý 's ý & 444 ky . VoIL X-ILYI:L-"Wholê No. 1440. 1