IMu vioeom&'a 1 NUW. - SI2, lIL oe v - or __ ---- - - - No Humbug. OVW ryr TdD Y ee<uytli Se ÀEb*&1 Ar f p qé é.usu.uIdieu ow #tan #MI,#ibi- uE;Iwgo11oaelle uwom eln lbom ws e ll S. 845k#W MWK4 ul m fs01009m tuo _______________bail daiula $*Md"' oêcAe, i lOme < Of Uaome P#@dg# mil 1oXOhN~ #I //Mmmmyo*bem I , . b le ab( mtîob gwte o lue 1par, bq 01*0 leh. wIwSUU lî. '.pOuI0 *"<1 *e f» ws. she <a emy 0# "isom o s,14l Id* #WÇo140W bit omff ii Ift6 t., . à la ewwbmwggMsu lie# le Ove <vo shmuud mes iq tu. .silo" bot 1.t*vell Pw d 4 w gi, lle"a, le# ow 4 litsud14l"16 dkWh$WeMW «#a$l'e d *f d ad av l le tmIt i* taw f*Vm3 IéUfIf d ktmle lise ei.p toie bimo d0.94#Md hemmmut li e b;oliq. 10flow uio durtlub ftef6 mi (mie inf yd0 mu loi *P* GS ta l lm WW buU0 etdi f if itiWf td»ObtmwtAw ao" req fluT an1 d pvefflitoiMue *P#o W*& m @MW" ilb. Peter' tuulU,<dlyig, iuhth pim lue #b~ A~ mflorw spis~ at., W* hwiel &homipopi.t 1. " Uiiiy eusmnis'.le Po#0*h4maC «0 m1nos 1 f fs ima i0««# ia 4lothon m se h W o m.ged by flew Ml S'jaSr cebm i*ilud*. Th.rho W"e swoë 14ub t eo. sewTIl (a* audl m weme dm. Se it e lc <eup.lllhe if la ad w' u e emt mm t »«.,, **yhe batuv.*m e te .W s. awel w do Wb».el dl tf fpamr dmt d iff A('1', of ÎteIl iw Md #«W0#i1aue. "h 6 .v. loff t. bf< Is*d a u *p Cl e bepe#A kon«.IîAl s, ~~ ~ ~ eh.. rIue d.. lalale0 ea.m lm WO*lenf~'îtV 'vsl'isfà« hof* *phioloiW le.é v.<m.w. d! 1hII 15te101 iPfol th# av0*0 P.68» seemboli e mabode, le ooka ltjlwtel'vnl'M fii111 <110 #W SeuIF l fatl oula b. vaml01t lieu ble I. ei r'tlelthe i.. s.. Ptud Suei. b#*V eievmhem. tn$4oitt fi v tif .4iltfmputffl <~ n Poil P.tMdeualeIlo. ose dlyo d tho MeAh f *0 tii' ,ivM mfla lb. tes'la eus JIMhoFJJ f, lýé'et wl@ilf, md Cm ««ne, amff, CW" fw*4 ,I.o w 11010O tff 110(tii<A toni Cîmf, T. P Itté, 3.UP0404 son w» ttit- à tltw «u C of goa.. oKum4y, ami .A #f0f ft1fb tfu~i.ilx ieil onit "0 il lo s.essed«, J«. pW. J" Ini't îw lihd i t OtIy hSfO Bth e f TometS 0< C',y l * i emli0" b h ftiel .11 seflgo1w,*"14f&1 uto N"t1 M Aou é* eJlff" li1 t)stit tIpç it th# <fturi<' b*m MW*, " ei'11 OtMM «*'hid ti i sl .ftth<fl nt,# sir fe f hl I.f ewpbeteet $0.1 "Uew*ub" ft f, êt octif pi'ril botjt h«d# w »t e e latymuo aîçsn, l eo& , o fi wlfl it p iot l pI@lbtok bfl * .31 plgt f«x Mi oe.ey4.u hxv lotsCt .<ittt Otht' V po il fwib*fbuUW 611« oea tth* Pm., 4100'..nM#««l oe 11.&*bmm of hf de,i-tf* (d kmîbllOe w<U.e l. w *0a~by 0"fui1qtfd ibI fert Ii Ils. uls of«»AuMO tei *0<e#am"i MIsoooof de Mffl f<v1 'Éli. t 840> <lWof#»«#I1fWy. Ev Wo ffof ote ttitowt'. It #"*y tif fuli m" & ouI Ii*6 #su**wb"ê b" m< 0iU11*& ISfI',I l bol W« #W ies #e««yWs. Dalo" pj" <but e wt.~îl 0 mielflI 0,1* l<efffitfI 0< t Sauwé mi 1lu"M aUv a# ~ee'.1-.1-8 _1I0 i4mmlu a*- m kW ami î»&d. mr qOb* F tf #* e* If«ewS#dAifIP# dm w r etff#«%ame. lw wf t' ol Mday' laIboa. ar bbo l 0* Ms bmw M * i WM butb' F~~t &u uusldb kWsup oubur e m'h bbuiwuy by NrW 2 ÔPW <bo r mo ww a w #l~ i. u MISsd1,Whmil"muor hi ~osmbm ~~W W1r.V . d m. é.s Tii. To. I51 uo U bIm e U ihu bdwy -9 _etlb. LIU&dm' &MW, 150Ioo t. m.oa que. w la m Ën of the b"e satlu5<.T.W dg vu WL5= M «f os bemqultelWPI4m ~~ ~ ~ ~ gwe, u .ué 4 mue m f H -ATIEEM- sa *0pu.m t- ad* kW mem - eqp.4V - no pétWa7 , t'u f»f 0# P**t" Y« vu mo-etl fIM lm 69 d1# eeeulu but. po&lWt. M pue,0<eSila Imm » 10 »P« e.te.k u~W a evoeu.1el M4u.oeyb iaiwu- .utese e "à a 14 Wuuin 1.w le~~06 P" rt1 u*y eus n~rehmettal Amuiwaulu nom CRIUPT@U 00MAOI ' DlOMINION -BANIK# Il ýl iLlq due Tir - ~ 1 br emb WB au un - u.u s- - e - , aus. -"-M. OK On Mon M PM Ia w-e--- am rom go.~ b hv - du" 41*0- -7 U0 a_ y w.JTy 'k l uffuU*uam écuub = le, . etlb.My 1.Md. tvuoWf 101.1 edwm ~ibu 14.1uwmt se t 11w swg n± I Y< &- J'_ - - w " y oe%lw i p1ods,.u'Zow l.dsydb lm b mbo m4» bus t. Oi0 w.dmeb bw b #mi u. P.wIuhd hm ue w O 10<a e Mt.. mi lie mf mTte .utwmuet. the W op ,,'~ MR, m aiootlemiMU b u M M u u. i ~ ~ ~ h mu 4 1. if fud i. ore lloS.b .tm l<0 . a...a -------wà r lm Tb o dU a la " v e tuglu es u e' Ié~I~ . M ml M b su Doi m u * 0 <150< ~ ~ ~ ~ I iormtet u pu V ue .h boue, I9M UW rot etwdla Pu#« but d" #«#M Md g- !g- du mpse M id i uao i mv w qk 8 . *a, I lu dscldl ous bu "- wfu 0" *mu ul Of ü â 1 a "d, *0 1 et oue« vu fuome fr eunoslm u mml ,MW »W .v.uh>Mao Quif*#odud owu,<.ses<m .lfl bah MW, MdP~~ is d m N dwl. WSU do ott.f w v u oufo edue*mmoeuwtl, " th, G 1'vU ma"*<tadm d b# mu'w'w y te Mrl. sud loub M. i., of' gr.D. I m p. d» " WM m ,ugos udy.tii ~ Aoute ,u"" 1h, oMr. Sduw ew tq b. eut âmpW w tuà@« t Wt b §" W f WmmfI l#&M f h= mi k~1vseu W low. fmu M m yRU OM old bef - t«r te ebodrwu te u«OuiThe OMM - t. jeera e. W, ' P 5iay co 1 ata w su "ér çha 01 reue ure<o . rmtt.d ud h. C. h »>,u r.3. , butm tbeul ms ou wg..meeativibi mu<baW tv,. i. OOl wu tyulgh<M b lWos~ .$offoI s busaw ma bweburebow " hte m # «4 gr(ftr Id . su elm ,<o bu a d 0 due @W «.àu m «*#eon of lu * W4 m. à m bnou$ i.1 ;Uos ie rnAs mn m m'Mdy m he «, r . .se ,.* Q"W*V. D. de, Î@ythua TW MW P* Bush'. .s.,be, .d P~ eibi ugtm utl p lo eto k -n uUW" et e 001 . mi * , ç JOmIFsIw %hvibucm;, <10<~~~~~~~~0 isoo ou mu.. .14. ,yte<. a m 9w oce. sbond OMYWIOMW" oe. ImmMr.1.Ilu'h.m Ti I .m *Ài. t *xa is uw b~,su uM4 »4 * f, hl*todautr on h. huards sud iii «Iuhhp e ud10* "11 wuv b" » " bo e u apFIk ll a" - seltd boM «c" MW bom W«om e, < MW .-â« o»b»0 av ubk TD- ~MdSto. "Won*meby . * « lt f lusth . sek tokm < tbey ouee av i Ait o, *# oiwu h" <h. b-e" of h. stD. Tii. Glaobeu ÎWkmaloli b*"Y.le ou*. maa u .t.. M bu0& loe - à ii. w t ew h mr. OWhuso'w y behu b . uemr. e o7bd cou9.gIm, cf. lmp *0 sa »a wu0 Vliudb u4 tme pl uy mp cf psonermdw r hu m ud r a* *U4WW 4sUbMsm Xuut J. . rnue 8 m th'.mue se 5ofhuetbe IMu Ime.pudlth éopltpu IIAUIRE'S IHEIAP CASH 'BOOT AND 8110E STOIRJ! And craznmed with a general stock of the most complete: tW the gaz& of au admfring public. General excellence is the diatingui hiug feature which is noticed ini "h stock of new goods, nothing thiere for the puxpose of catching the. eye only, but good honest goode at honest prices, which if honestly uoed wlU gis honest service to the wearer. .MIl. a rash whfle the stock is fresh and well assorted, the prices nre juat suited to the tastes of my customers. TRUNKS AND VAUSES IVERY CHEAPS L. MAG UIEE IREMO V ALTi lIA & Cou.I D)ewir to intim&t to thse purd'asbg ruiblie. that they have removed Tc b TEE CORNER STORE JN MwM T TEE D)O±LBL'I .BLOOXz, LseIymapis* by NELVILLIj & THQRLNBURY, where they now have on view a very large and a1,tzuti'.Stock Of UNA 5f41 Dg, COUDS. MILUNERY SHOW ROOMS *wti Y" 11m Wle b, p'..i fra ewué-cui a few dam >when W* -~wib - ~s.àu. auwàp h qutup> j. 10f our buàael5. RÂY & 00.,2 Cimw vSWL oee IuhuBlock, Lind'~y MAMMOT H. * Tat 5 da li y oaIs AI. lWOOL" Hose, which we -ha 25 diog k ets7" a i1erw . in cretmng a snan. We bawru Loe0 coeoed uff mive. Don't mabn azny more mltamsd «IMK,3 50mle rthom .1SwIere Tii. îj7Iyii.I *r the price in town at 25c. per yard. ym iaecotton at c.per <Yard lathe best ini the trade. W. e e llng 25 yards of Gtiod Coton for S31.00. W. gmaratu to b vLYOyou Mare vaIne for 11.00 than you can ORDERED OLOTHUNG DEPTU W. sandsupemeabove theim ail«, We have the goods,"ý '4W* quoi. h. close price We have the only cutter in towu,"l Xia, Y P. 15UTEEBLÂNDý. Corne andleave your order for a suit and Ovecost. Opposite .Bensou ous, Keut St. Bradburn & 00. No AdmsioAe To the Gret Central Show of BOOTS .1 I 'I ~fr 11* h 1 ANO SHOESY 1'éviw W hirh in uow on Exhibitionat nature offered m Unan» 89t leikt MI&