Kawartha Lakes Public Library Digital Archive

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 24 Oct 1884, p. 5

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Y -N TEK WIA AUDE, U, IUT~ ImmI 11,, gYMg MOYHER or FAMouge whb W* y, f 464 01't d@o M" b~ W" wk .M ON" df g«Vy M1<Wo lTw.ed m «< p« Yardm 1 Idwut udé* t4fi 4> ifipW % rApvofdouM» Wyar1 suMW 0P4ugout uli.Cloues $ te 61 hfwf, .hhj If yt001 usma*116Mk .sow (or 11f.s. f.di Mdou<î Ws i .lyou dmt g«pt**m. Tb« âf* ffl 4leg~ f.'>lSOdTha. If sàrPmdml Mid la tiOn thrmt 14 11protI"«but f ym0wAm to Wbol tt., vuludma th*ki t b"I ý Y«ov. 1 hm fi opl.ndldllUeof W lamw. âi f 4,wt pfoiff haitWêY #fV m* n15 Uuasy<And tb*y mi 40l.ttlàr sd 1*m M01ig m 0111 #"MYyW douf b#fovthe zult ef jï11y In fflu (se t sot h.m by shetdi* Pt1w Tieing &d «-onotiti i h #rSîN.ae l.butmade la Cm",d iled "ilî e4n *â# * Is dof two If Y«n waff Muh of IiM« Tàlbl tM# os (vim th*. Anot doubles0 M l% da"Mak ta the MfAM61M00 AV# I*1IIn 15lafp quinttln Hott01hnp sk» àd l>oalwf hu .p.ae El*gte iuî h kele (ivy t feo susnwdte m<w. (s.î, buint M(.w boye whe tf>y tN'1fy t0fe Il wn "t* Mw nlg MW PW# .h&W pou. AWày wîh & Pbir ofr Iwo ohUuldluIot. mofwe that à dollar s 10 1 lif mc«4. 04adymad Clothing of Our o» lM*4a Mbs Wn m'Vii#"fo î ath# éto fh us u aon t<sioi, IssAM udchildmMIuS ndsMu tlsr# nth ue. mewve. A #le en# (or $*f sud a 01 one.f«osAn.6, and Atinchd v$(etloleth# "m# .PMtfIm l(« &#yPrie# of avment hmv ide h i #"td.îohe boy #15 tAn u*mil. To thon whe éfer ofsying th# eth w <et t h# asuti. f«rnothlng* k>r Tâlng Ptln.. s ,& & gd. with Mi,«MM4 O t t. hnd as etiItiff W i haM M hopltf @d< . 4 $uo Ifthat «M gàfrt"tbft to Asil ngh té # .h. 1u slo"wIf tota eut ethI hl% o4 i«Afkidla chef way puumm wiiihave lMd th01 eloti emdo hy hlm csatv*. Ry susotat7 any 04 p*.Aed w# <ortlinly h*ve s o W s ast«o h o inp f frîuou àhd O(>vr<oatg% s Io to l*Und la th ls. Ad th# Pfoffli prIffl have nMdoubt givon a gvst.rIMPut le ibl$s dej>isreête . /*&lo Csàzdàu oppww te. olsgh Chmurh Koe -.tffle Liday.1 Of 4ey@41F O& lt $10' A>Y**Pg&fE*5ff~V t4ft1.~% M.Weelv, t<.c.l-4. (5,qvy. 5 gais-À Pilmon. &..êI4 WSb.v.p feU.v. .eb*-fi Alll tkuh, .ev->v. WcM$sa (Ivab au Pavu. lau'n4~4 t' OSe. Pb.iboek AtudmA 8 Tom'p. Pas4ifu~l ~ t Ilteile. Le, Pvtni S.1lpu*-Susd..# Ployés 'v.,, à#. ol. mbueiw itou «" 04S.*~ooiCe M* Pt»» bas e.L» Pu m wm m~lD4,ssd LOCA i (YTTlq *' 'sà A - Iv,,, sU 4uu 0 à u.rn y ~N#N 4. «PV&dm '~ î'~ M~v P~*. vvi Mr. ( W 0 * h pSW» "f011 tek t w Yf 14M0*4.> l1,41 Oe ptoiie WM, W . Vy te dn Mt.mm Iotw.ftM rlut5Ml40* >P. W>W. 140M t %MW *i4 tbe bor th # Mt "M b*. .o1s Io ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "M nt R'fhI>wh <1i"WS.do.pli 14MPO ré.flt. va.? evil.howt~ ~iuis)yt >4 t.. ,ý s mt..vb... e a .v. it fltmo, WY50W11 4101 S CmpbWu- .l.$ v .vothy.».7bi s 1 slo o rtwot~ i .. soýph W-ar eu tt~WM M u #» tSv W prb.#if POUCLM w wlIM v l uilm »el, KudS( owuMl5 %0p,.d e n 00«y 'jpM 1"ýThis le dededIy s»bombe*s itu, W@ m ffl - A, ~SL~ê * t>,~iw*1 ie Ott .wlimoh 'lw# of p0 ibt ek I~ )M Imm L U.utmo.m. »eIW ow Mu'. Wvtt 14"? Pool Mit i lm .s ili p eot ln OUI VO(tYu41.OVII 1?1~ O 0?bO0 01 p p --P 940!0 o p),etir ~voi Tvowe I~vS01 OISPI MWu. »Mg .kWl.W**o 1 ls w tu.$ue e ve hooffl uS10. Md hi.of %bu .W bkM b 14,A .Wbo, ,1oeus*y,»*. «W 1*M W 1bo di sêw 6 LwflW~ llàg& t w M à« b i.a Nid 9 uI*c. ofpe l o t a ub u.Pte .< uw MW m~ f# t. m «Oo Ob n cuiuqivpe ubM, .uM âisa wndpvcdm aibm" e oeîqsd i vuu l.pwu um 4ev~~~ &;; s.l ev oqi a, &Zeii, 1 o14.~dl m l eWm la mUd . .. 0e mdtm - db* uq or bm bqr uk ' .~ musiâs # w» «e. ffhoho <u.m 1» os Md û» nom vmtiduepb6d1 *fuê"OeI lma etie wM"bAhsb .twbju" sioà ~trzz m qdàuimm.*se* md Mb il ffltbs d Md "moinu fw1beON éUL~- V" et hum a"e.lm puums muu~*e wL~ MI~ ~~~~-L _'W.dWs .~t.e 'LO' FOR NT ER. r ne* OPM 4 ff - jw 9M. ,,~ ~44 ~1iI~~ Wu k77 ~t~1tom* 1hf A4 LZL*OMMO.IU ~wMw~ o me& UIWW et fa M 1 -la"usadfl* ~q r.b« md k bu kfaw)mbp h.~~~0 Boummy4 eh b UF4 ruýt=lk& lu -dbu lm UWn 1wmIW7 *bu Fb Wu0 u e bl d i. uw& mafe. "Md-b tls> à« à" Imm se ie1daiI Ow bot et~Uv -mut_ 0-Dm@% e ph.b qwm1 m M *4 «s IddP. mil en»MMmu yi & v i. I. W. ebmauid. 1wuMa W«4Uo0« »IudSw~ d #bis =0f fMe oo ffu th i.p "M»oj, wIlloil* gIl.py w %ubééNOF .usmbd ~e eb ph. udou. I~w duonoue -11V p, i. l. la w wb.i 1 M fo1 MdMbi ibn d. oe- Mut o#titi. M U M4hoeisp.eud w . us et e0 Boul lb .#y le .odey. esmmudu- - -- - e fi.u 04 Duni mhw& md p.*e-to @slow w~. 1W«4914dIbo# am bob,. bu lb. Puia ou md ellsue me li. s . î&s ibe s o unuOMM*the me d bi bois ~S.o ~ g.CoL o air Uod, W. U. .usy o Sud CLou e .mdobals o.last . -J sm ibe lmm le ww.te %b W» ou *0 bon NNtI b d. u.t.b.V"u umîi b.. e *"T'" te ou. M7 1iIs w15~uob~ds. e yt.14 wt.oftflbours v '. Mde. bee Il 1W l» Mmd ls 11il», »d..1. * s4I"' b.dte *0 imdade m.oN.Mi..Iob m *bp.ouudtb lb.MMbTtvu . a.h * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m wu M domlt. ma W is T.u .hor M a eaeet voicIth *0 at.i om lSi vye MR e7lpb u m -deu1u se. 4mw ni - .apa 9d - îbey iid 1111t, by atouts n lie CUmeh 1 hl. hme.al.ute @pt eaùhevie mubM twe oumteua r«mode e44tio»ppe OmM& oduSo lou a wM.. eu. r tlab~ u4 Iiiof d <det *e.0Vdob *vbu.euw oai M Mev up u et the0< lb od Tmplhey Mnva 11.4# e h h mlt b bd .teos MWdivida.Tien tle bulhouod te bu voluo maffle .hme o» buis...N.sWi lumd»01% mdi bSu t Mr lu. VdInWIu.e oM« fi le r. ap.u.et eV bMlM -bée dielin a. fouotur#tseth"7 viii b..w uoMh Fer %e as w iot ou. b t6im stmovwsagd Mt o__ÏW 1 . loÉd1h lkMu &àNSdnUb 21 CITY DRÂPERS AND CILOTHIRS, M O. 29 DOBSONPS 13OK -KENT ST., LINDSAYs B. IJE DSARY"»O bI*#TU? Visitors to the town will please cadi at my stores, Nos. !2, 3 and 4,.Hamilton's Block, for thefr Goods,. whether it. be DR GOODS of ~kixdo, BOOTS & SHIOES, GROCERIES or CIROOKERYS As the Dry Goods are the Bankrupt Stock of Melvifle 8c Co., and tbe Groceries of Hl. J. Keigh- Ieye I can gwve you the best bargains obtainable in Lidsay. Be sure to cail and see. E.WCfr;F 1J1 VISE. ..Lindsay, Aug 25th, 1884. A BEAUTIFUL WýOMAN Clad in a. Beautiful Dress bouglit at RITCHfIE'S BAZAAR is now a pleasing and frequent sight on the Mtrets of Lindsay. If you glance at the pretty W~t of these beautifrIl womeu you will notice they wear a neat Boot bougb.t et the stime place. ASTAJJWART MAN With a neat itting Suit, a sty¶idL Ovc-rcoat and com- fortabe Pur Cap, bouglit at the mmre IRITCEIES BAZAAB isj a not leus comman ight. If you ask these people where Lhey bought tlieir trndmàcothing, W-mcieii* Flumels, Come, Hosieiry, Cretonnes, antioe@4 Tichinga, oolShawls, Rubbers O)veshes oadm 3c* ashoemu forthe men, Womeu M.d Chld.nMsd tUmm ALL WQOL SOCKS FORB 2&c.7 th" viiiangwer nt B.B.RTOI 2~ Doors West of Benson House. Octobur pwpol pek-ug s a i uuitkbutbd kariably draws first blood for winter, and. fr iu ibs oeh tint Nouembeém, uMVIE tu t prepare for'the task before bum of ssbi tt pe tected and 'Who have failed ta provide themselves with under- im dwam dfin i terpcb mu. --- Aibuiw mL-xiy delay this provison, and the p.u.y iU ikby a .dd..cnge -cf euthw okmea x'Lsntht frst seeds of consmto IMW umdden emk? Wadit mutthembe wxsefor yut ae neuyvisite Tht CIIy Sioe asMd provide jmm wità tt u rnaon necmpary to Y=pe the attacks of j ack 7 wu ham ve tguaib uoeuryte ddy Mr. Fmatand the priées are 'vithin reach Of avoeytody. Neyer boiwe m the hiuo f Canada comd you buy good reliable blizzard protec- tor uod ut .chreaonaN prcesas ye oa t-dayut ht it tor. Fannes, lanets àu Fmcuryd Viuucm sams uzly owit sot ofouareaeiatices tG wuscaswe give special Pdin zthe q ofliy ur goods. CARPETS "AND HOU'SE-FURNISHINGS is another departmnent in which we take seeciaineessu and itanue but the best goods. The fine Velvet Squares, àil woven in one puce, ,atroduced by us two years ugo, have been a marvelous success, and those who have pur- chased froni us are weil satosfied and plemsed wrth their selection. Carpets inBrussels, Velvet, Tapestry, WooI, Dutch Ummo andRmp Engllsh Oil Cloths and Linoleums, 4 yds. wide, cut in c eueS oue fî t your hal 'vthout eati charge- No extra charge for cutting and matching ORDERED CLOTHING DEPARTMENT FOR GENTLEMEN.-Our Mr. Cathro, as a firft-cis cutt«r, stands pre-eminent and being a partner bas a double interest in pleasing and suitiug bis patrons, while our sulection of woolen fabrics in ail the best known makes is superior to any we biave hitherto sbown. We are showing good heavy AII-Wool Tweeds for less than the cost Of production. These are frtts, reliable facts, which every person admits on examina- tueu. You ame requeuted, to act uddenly, and protect yonrself from the wintery blizzards. ',cA si a- 'i IcýIgfl er the FIRST

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