v n WIG A LOW EC LIPSED $9oeWorth fr$50n the way Of anOvorcoat. jAjMPJob 1o pah t cm w on a OYDai t)<us1h lem tham the comet of the eia Jt.ftd.rD W/ 7 d o W OU<> *1110unfrMmd thr no dap-irap à* our adoerlimans. »hwze hunm i ng fooimdto offer ce ww hem t1k0i, amths$50 wapfflif pcîwe Ora 1 DUNDÂS & LVE. atm M M «h, m - et â»à. "oeet 11MP,11.....IL...........t. FOB SmIMM -L. N4. leça or-Admbà t, oh Md .Slleb.sebet, an mm; <>"' leaIemuPM4ipu -.............M*SS MW ".,AI 0101 14 aous WM10 b.4aMW. liée ulU 4 misMI 0" 1'ftffOUA$ aubg. ........ ...DL . . ts azSIh.li, ~'AZ~ hv ..gb. a4 c.8d_ 3>T.5 o *pUstam" aiamo.wWW p;auku.e &MI10-allèle um., 01174110 fly: .L ~ uwaLi o ,.Ue1 C a fle- wbm% e erai . ~ '*,a~ u . te1k; laS e r«I.. s M1 iVLjuiL bL e mdis- ul ta =a. 'eu- __ È Ébeu. ib6 ll: b w. eb U U t abSidT1 tma hmh le *111 ud ,.n<. ig 8;w of mm kulesmm.&pu faIy lii Oidmis" b -1al A-niLoti i Dr b*owt tu a, uehitdu.gt8 Bd.rcrn Iii e, ih, wlI e îh mdlue~ ud Assemalihiuf I*e l h ~ plu aiOs ~ N tii m»z, o"t imoS. dem a; bu t by h. 1M. atharEca, o meuofad. " àCrWlnti un C bo kC"I MmbIla «M JOUEw tM ctIoiOUMr SuaiAys ,ELii.< Us e moesi 0"" * il?«»oi. Q hDUf fiJo. mlihc. orUiP<So.riIeYdot"qkh xm1.ulama mdgtem& .,t1ftli~e liTieoviv~Mstapi ajw 9tw a "Mm e-61 pli etVvm à lI ràT m .Mêî~mi Rffls. If wlb# Pld V Io go 44 ww ho d* mi Mdtu"' bllele00 oeele m umOth*PaMWlstalla, TSlmY, Oet1 Fieirey£.i ho %ia-d îmu y -b - b tell aw.. W "st 1Ail ryuV4ala ma LOVflun tC AL ins aignilleanS e thae!.. jongethw On oth pw l i tt *4laf i4"*Woa~0w6utgfft M P v i ~~ v~ii?1rch »Mlu, a Sv Lýaiui, £ýWilm oai Ty 5b," Huj l 0 dce *ih fl nliim Al <iiu. hnb hve lolt 015,QÇ,W ~~P nv '14t it. E'V0S. fUtd,.,l ThaleMeleLidyse nzte r v. x~ ~ ~ lno, gmi s w .e a u b *~~11110 dtuieff t& tlouit. ileief oe coin- lua *0 rs t orse la G.cT.m rhorétun Fang. deilu m Mawh onvepool, 0. b wasatcof a.. , dOtIIlO s __Ujatcanda.in nt i Pkiitmt bt e uminutes Casdisupaa.renas. T»MM. " 10 MY p" 04 li0116«eJo$lu chut Slutu utuIst.bta t. bu.>prthet .1 utO. Id. C.rguuêon0< uheutg.a coustationhaeroltffr. U&e. ofuryaged6rnontha strop c uusd, Mr S -elWw - uid- %n kcsMlhana aas ai ai.otu ad fil à" 4fth .1OsOs"*$fi 4110bee. CM« aer, et ît tp, inl. We or oS' iSt Ta My, o P ayis, f th ode of' %1 ZICHANGàFr i a LKMRsutaR.EM s éitnte ë 11 t* ti t h# « T«IBI»hbotmd.*0,0 puoi uo G eh. lic. suc o oals ai t p, r o pu m .stiro f« h t >Ch, - lo! ed ad mu os , sa flpg _tttali4 Tie«M.N"s.J. lwol.ORP %, "TOm W uni tPRTT. ehm mba o ms M Iuth.b..adle p0~amy 11< t k la - ________i boetemuf 4 I1111 qUýbuat Mbe MA u iv. oui<~ nOU Os1105 tai G.t~a c. la___________on__gBaMG LO ONECON. .,Gau Ait e.<hidvl < eb Av t<fu h $iu o uïtIr o co .- h Iailha .s axe l » UM0 d vbàin»su drigshd outIl ~ ~ ~ ~ fl 140%ilaInPhnti.ti.lio ~ qlew!511 ÏO7 Mdq~ »5a . .l.ba w*W t by Irstm"uepoiat houlda duiyan 011 aPesog ao o u@Utome sioli md e.lar. MLE St 0 A#iuhtbugg Ou= aislfrievieliqi bt tv.spouIbulaV nonatofna4.<m. olonili e'ilhn.a*l, hontti a uft. nom, D1iO aoi, Mfet. m 1 $0lem C W ord4ivre mMOIMr.aCharlesoh.. b.. Yeah deelan oaand; *â ml nýt wi.w epi uepuî 1 ifel lli I u Ali lmp 410.Igea c hâpumuts r3111(1 eUCTPEU AL lié itfétf% h(ý dt"t t f f MOlw %* rdYMd l (Ol tlu LIUd f«IU 0. T.Ii# cf W *bve OU M lit metivpo. l wte owS' f il# .0 111 ef111««m A' mel nId FahIU"W«5.y Mtil à*7 T»M ae shhm. es.1reM idOi* iaomalc 5"h da la ana Zda lu SLaIPOlmIaiUsLWU WO ud t4là dot', et oas'nd W*Ithlth#al b. ur6rý M i4lu.vs. t c=$obs d",uf«m i "M .trfua P 'b.. ut mi Canada,. yady cUlag mois ieo. ASudFWOLrSSal v~l,~otanft .%1t'atv~ga~hav e. h Meib ad ftaiouà( wu Os oi it u l boblg o the pslu meplo, tt farle 1 Ch.ir;p tr hadeoffc eh.Gao. Whltby euffltoi ih ag4 e bmtii wa l t e4iui. iciiÀ1 h .g avvs ela<f'b pi.wld isqatt < esnac.i.0 ~~~~~~,~reb ihe Mdlatulfi*f i t i.Mi 5 U w huPbiiin p ft 1 m i doanw.duc.DO& ,y M W sero'a lgvt isa Ch.or r n lan<h. Fallu t he ei of 1>1, tît>~m n e t~~î* t#ti ut l bu q"esoniI. spie. c. lulrsMr.. ij.e"ssduOelsiouonu mouetie.,ORauTOWN mo mor thn to o 0V*~~~~, pqi05 i iaW.nh atovidb Ur 1OU Cas'<»& T. luelIfeyuhovia useaGordontiire ve ouelarala qas2uei "ft ii . it tpe vae o 'ýw = ogîitamd ut st of 0osBWns I l n x W K. :- . ' a l vaju ffetgl ov Y aàt od, sTitla s ý1 Ts1. han&" nom ntpgce ierdadiney ac se politet. îîOWi> tS, op of Ibo &Wd 1%6 MpOrk glu hma 940.V a «01«4se - wh tigni stins e Musba pocGRINy e& der ____ .od aîl ci ipj n; alnceber1 i i- hoffi IbIC u mi ole w IMIf " agtbrfdy goow ge o i1 ak ". . l i.b ia hi 1VIESh bS s 'a ntiat0f ors of th, V t a"tnr s 1P RU711Sw.-M jE b.~ C oepgu il! hi ar dulmc, CS ai t he ro ; 2 lui, i~ Iil WIi lfVg 5e ihti e t 10 PUMIOululIs W Ilmt olnuug hidmy; wdvii b ou;ald u mbliic n, b ou e Gallo ttvi fr elilbt .utb htfklwf« 04«0 w el d evny i u e « Iabuo d ois, b o ip orna he bUS D a m i ouslln ,sd e dlgbu zlm adon @ M mupIN SAYmOftf A1a C) h. unîa usanjtr- ~~~~e~~o *îeîp « Me ww~~iale .vollbs. uusiiw fiS,"aVaUpBt .dUamn tow; o rk by saei fvrbl. jncoamplt C ash Mo Pr. oice amlbl des> . ~Ait Um " i.. do %Wuo hagti dt em4 un eh ha -"1,1an *, ch. &ing 1fgw*@laie.hof svvà s v0 l" s e fusi cls in SI wu s goupsr bae, ea i t iffrrce tb ume om al mtaa eau. du Lmwaey, ta i Victor, on par liaiont thf (ilmn f t b Pfrt n esd ldh tllprob$leiai i ca l." Febnapm oevshue ti»twhhe . ppt rduces wuct cvî, ,ud i-Pur- a' ppyCo.D OD Ay teA . Ail th« _u__Iip Wdlo _*_o _Mm _M â~ . am. 1fTvhmobom om moa Ch.l ? 'IWOoPOgo JAUMfSliowON nu*& MueMd lesl( à lo 9m vl Cou. ($vIat Ian ""q M buait= « é fe-t.5 f Mi. he Wkk o Pmi ot nît' <» a ce 1 lau f liV A if mn d t2 c i es a, eilngCmyemsoe ~~'<? <>1~~ rmoeb nvo u vu mil eot . oerli s td h" pus ciaMlm ww lu o icCumuoininorti. 1Y¶OlN h os..t nti ~io ,aCoIi *it>tIo" UI*1vby aieS ,EVt0% * 1WIneb"oc esadu l Ospfshmtn wu OfomiwSetowu *07 buser pam*lmw &Pm, tant àviti in tu .cmile. O titi Village o fn fith oîf gtmvlt d hia a'> the (M vit 04 ràkubl f b.40h o the ote- bld..it Aythto Cn aie lci.A uOei sIn u'S a odtl;i omma f odmiat oiib uui qpfl t>ih'aiotlmmlmlusO. --Ofll vbhu tliée4 aoeuc ru the dm,1010>kal feui ot f #bqoviMu, 51.1e r.Io M 1wev hainchag"nw ise "teImtca r ::.af«î9WI>IMU M WIllid a dem Ksadls1y ehoi btS Purciiag c or ur4 bluaiau &Me.o' L No .5UT.1TCR fE io&ace-TIROne thrd bai eo ne lB Uit, thorh uW I tolfnr ahmyh facd T 11111ilsb.l Ilaanceila sos.,~,,.. eu"Atu ose ce u ai de entymun vdD eaersuftb.st lhlhd 5 i -i utvtoe aStru 'nrTeo f the prlulr mf"d oie d i n a i Q*atho ol tautt tl0 'ie C m mi ts ~eiv is u Sogoas. tuu eGae a ual yia ollt c lan t am u tWmtei . edu Il itetelt b 2a CfUUMt(~~~% m.bo atCie Wilim or uaplic aiCd to ri tifetontM t*#t" I~~ k udV .. i l.h.saoe &d&M sbu. lu ÏM in s ho mo . b sth ecuga t.flgi iL WolsI l ltl aaieOI OJUron dueolt e teofr.e thlVF! lf. lethoi Mt th hpuie0<fhw& I u *wuvo limis o .uyk 4B SI flet" H . mmmii"OiU«h u amTPOis e l ei l moeJ la b pi a ndalgRU FT.R.SAi. .- an est ait M. m 7t d 0 h 5p ditr bo wkfgt ùwy lèf PI" ti *__ hoV0114Ka iffé01111@ vo b u pM " # u " m eu h a flI vo Ltlo ou@ Vru' e& r mw. Codo Ch. le aUdny. mg the l.pon aasi n bIn awiiî hwai Ati n thele<vo*, gioci h# h.m34J1v:V' lhP u pssliumi hemltwad'oi la l " b. h olullod tigem i isy oosie madqame ~boUDl. sd n» ulJ Q»Lu DwiC eAeL cot SALE7R îigtr I » f cli ii s1(,#t.e . OO wv.iuutt .. uualilslgwibyylo a. fW. LamesMd --- -___o_*,CI ho_______________now Ilc u h cs e deih , k meotmtoqbA" Pihià " à« IV ho a u b Me us $hl i @ . o wti ia il .* * h4, bers . l, r 1 = 0 su a i3tTthe mo-Th.ls vemCi jrr i . h ea U o h jqe 9mly di SII 0l15fOs*l "n f gl oef.e* * .u -, -olâyo * nd,8 * . l l e M ou n013-;rh-e 9.inth-i th 111M e4pft1l1l5g litsNew utI. f. bonoOVosutnctOf amw seMmmt ib ofu#lieigé,cmmw Waoiers Sb* $th*f# & " M lat(llaihti all , bb t he «« dq . T__e' w sy ilt et-«'00 "teIm m aiq - -, *dM it mmi eu t m . heilo g?- u nte OD r%ù11111ýlqisiofng ts silts, Yutie 5h, *tsuonMauuahis MWdbouti25lara 0#! ipawanlDg u eniyUle acres, mor fa wlw.litsl in ii oliu uîcwt ~I ~ bouâbahu.is lsech t b l y loeea mrd wis e 1'me d uminemsi wl ur . utyé b mteu- L lu ye Te Wlad e@fmed[n&* an e ww'ý'b ()nt ltIstt ut h" 0Wig InVM Os0"tu 460"W0 PuOn t ev y 0"g b a aIPOVU 9 demi àr rodwtl a In, 101111 i Vu i agvovn, Waav. >IBSOJfÇ Ous..ie to lSk m d in kvt h ine ai *0inul e mbd- o r ?h Pema uc e ai uotsa-hevi fj6ma u 4dp" à«. ,siissvew fia lof 84 "es.U4Norfarmais s~~<uv.y~~ hatbei 'Nt1 pwOth a1T, fIMpe% Y ma Sor Les no.m4,liasun lm*cm.y h.,. - mmo1tm7 ptf uif t% la f l ItSl u dp4014'w toinamIm g o i I i. mticn eiv to 5ta i e mdUb d of T£aL.-Rwvau uOa Lt n a i cits t G ierCC . ma ....0.4joi iii busci . le 51wf«le,. <litS O se.np.. luawneWPm a . lu ftV'a'.Th. pil i. tii balace u. itMO OC Jmi. ain-l luit c. î F meble b",w , --om Il ýotmm m .., miuIn-viiin a lme 0e Ci Cie LiuLNtiget ta.Sepain ff ng 9 ia .b@»eh n dc. psumg, bis wa de %bu ~ v~ Aiomer e IL D~. Ode indayLTO, 4ttC ~ se nu~à. #Io;, Md Ib. ea es. *m bmu * besuBuau, heebesmiaummue faS IhLUP= the Court Hanse, in theor s itl. reaeudiaud to ietilf induipd in nu d - Tovtcf Lmouaet Aoe $aI 1ix lavtiltiyurix in - W-ho' .. ~ ~ . ~ '~' dq rte - ,rpur e a s a e oÎy.l lits~t bunltodnSilâ« uktiq lb. mia moutmode'uq ^ or D.i"Tlsvws<Osvlss 14 blelhn o wtMbinwWi bthe e le k t'W bshe1sIlO u vtbt qmugs ,umufl îNl Vwu N-N bU A. L SALE m""Il w11 '~-o au~muis~ia..,., ?n lie»M vtsoft ett.ethWnm* ai» plto. 0»140014 a- Y gâta i.' At f p m., Cafbout-g - - th th OufP "1111OM7s"i"b Mdé ~ eeu~~ O 4..vt u ~ --~~ - ~ ~ miN a. ~..iIIC '.B. Om .. . ...... MOf mulm ecmdý b e q.aiW uhwtd aauM nm*P ]FOR SALE. late. C hmlà in âtela C. ritain. midn MW bc bar ebmtanth ~Mmd âbe *upa rasy ix ~ ~ k aiwt h on o idiuite ang!. The I vdoa ramtCe rigft t rel itsay or maia the temièreif Mmu*cor 5S7r Brma. e. Uu-* LAND$ FOR -SALE. The nâute aye ba B&W ciice IFA=M FOR SALE. WM vambk i thetoun of linds 'v k»We mrAft = hr» ad ourNortth ofaun oui"mu detIaiLot Number Two N<uChet g.. n -ana" etTwo Wet orSt. L- . tracempwfaIng la exttent about one m& -ucuhaf mai ofland,and forming the hmmmsw nadirrentaï te Nma Honor On e 1h.1 mam e me eted a laffl and coen- modânnbrick 'rue mm d mduland cm- Thaa mtir»propety vill b. mold obemp aml mpu. uytars uaui"purcbmu. API aJOHN A. BAIRON, 14. DBarrIster, Lindsu. AUCTION SALE VALUAIL FARI PROPERI! « 7HZ- Township of Ops. Cnder nad by virtue of Che Power of sale in a certain mortgage madie by Charles Neads ta, the Vendais, wbicb viII b. producat aithe time of mie, and on &d.rtUda I pKYMent of the mornes Chereby sevured, there wiII b. offered for mie, by Publ canctio, aithe Demo.f nomse, in tie Town et LUIusay, By GEORGE XcHUGE, Âuctioneer. on Sabunai, Lthe Fis day et Noiember, 'L D. Iffl, ai-2 o'dlociz P. m. the Wcit Hall/ of the West faZf of Log Xurnber Tcwty, in tAc Fourth c rfl5on of op, 50 amenu more or leu. 25 et vhich are aa.d to b. cinired ard nader ciltiva&ion. On the premises ame mid tu b. a Trame Hous. and a Fraîne Barn. Preàaxae cloue to Lindsmy. TEINS. -Ton pur cent. at i ure ofmle. fiteen per cent vithin one month tbermafter and bal- anctoC b.seuregi by a moriae the prern. Lses vmyable ini fve yearly =instaet, xth ini- tereat ai moyen per cent yeuriy. or such other trmas » uryb. ranged ai tisai ofsale. XMSSFALCONBRIDGE t BARWICK Vendors Solicitors. TorGnto, Cetob.r lOCh. 18U T. BEALL, LIDSAY, àagut fr obuet CVitlb. Commoeialand Bailway Tele- grop&y Thoroughly Taught TELERAPHINSTITUTE, t BROTHERS. il%,'a il # 1 rb PIRI E