Eu V1~1UEIA w rAflWÂT, limÂT, JULY ai., I&~ )oui FAC!. Sstî'e 0>t 4,&.~a 1 le *a p g ous~ ,m filmusavy Têt W fl1M 9"mn fr*4ho brd pu*hel 1« som#Ah$mg Io do 14> bill 14M.,MWd 1h.ber. ut. 0.1v "%ond Cthr "oh.m@4 èfofm & dY m- r*nglng soin. ehemeI " à le j om vàsemloi. Lai sea.»(hme William. . ad Char loy totr ah.*% Me gi.omla am et to doèll mmd mmmi- m à o. fil torie ld tilif orpraitha, tbhi h trioyve*m f.eouleuby th# "Intde hi oh baibn o 1 aunmrRng Qi.. i.aaNed Mà nom beL o oid geni léeti rnemIrith# 8nuth wone k> tttrive on he10 twaooci trahi #0exain. fielthathw. and, If satlie abat à. watffl eWttrf am e oi<uaet<d, Chuy voolil thèke' op qanirWItor bh* aummoi. liar fn otaimmI tî bbab(>" llbfovmalos 1hoi, ar1(tdpd Ci 'haye soins fm witit thp f'\ýpf('t41 rrivtit«. and wilh hi.# <'hom arri ;, q.d eaprosIranm< hat willi At 4 o'elui.ýk s¶b«P(» eld efffimt,. filî~frr>mnhmm in), got ti'tt.. trriret ut Pie bAm ént, vlaitt'tl tilt tr.ut l>M).iah, ad thon prommfp( te th bce tplflnaand ît4ietieme ~pla tic ?lpriteud. t' ;pI'I, f t'ta* lng êured. Au t "ýt,êt. VWIIl h dmoitnire waa fte lîlght. A trîben pmr m anbea lw i 1hntean(ee nift4 bath-iotls.,l i vhS'>, hffl*. and foi O f aco~y wes h ardlti ado t o è,new gtta,*tnm on pale Md il tfrofoihotr sei Al hu'm. The. ir.ns dont' wu t s"fi epfaïtd. *air (Mie William.m uhmi ln, If hrallvm ipd it A nocl Two me« bhasejusa t>.u btt,>oTlite4train vi«M vo ame Ifrtid. '.11viii vefgc 19mfte &bath.. ('tin yhil 4411tic»> ot.a1defIHmu.they ('e'iU' > ," i it(hem motietr tiVemt. lv ieUe~'N t - hat Wîdhuv#4 mad 6f, hotatt tf a, IOUM idin fr "fy. Andt~ the' door Ot)eni.'d, (14t"la' os iny f(mil o f <'hU liv u nmdDe i Wit(nk hieiltg tp the ApPvrtlty dylog fermfqe ifrmo n lrh ,w-m tc 0»tit0iîk'h#a, Ual inibe tbadàgod Sa sitit théir lafce toeirt, (f dtopatf. S "limue for à bttit for thost ponl, iiiii'*,"ad enue oniho kinci M4l entl.0- laie.. qme hbt.y vnid fiotlivi g )t ur. v. mtll puttiesm IA; àta hteir hia liannce"n nit eh.boys v*m leW, t'O eloteigt, k"1ln i t tr gmîcving W> a Pifll- thâtle a% ývt lb cold *n'evkecp te t#eefe hue>thmr cy(is, a iIg tm>,dm eni prâ1'tlî auîuiîb > b'i ithou' lit f"q iiimuu'4 m 1urge 'm iitou VI t>' imd a'rui.The' gifrttesandi crie grew fiditt'r And faim«. mail moTaoeff. '1tiik neb," cvid (;le*; tliait tillIn la riiiiiiiut n 'ihoiso n hqiWd aumumom9 o -mma F PWM *F p9ee " la lb. sweaeqsdm Y« hMIdmmtCh& h. gu.#Me a o«,ba. oi il bu miu rt u qu * hh Oruali a)lWaors Zn wybg%*0 0 0 urlbarud mbo di. t^mY oru "eu& , hw. ' Odd f«* $o &yau 07itla a uhOsp. vEL sVU d 4li,4 a-mu b -JSo d M a Pm mmEL .ris r* hm vo d.ys, "a si a "I'. Md s. Mdse au trtgdhire 1m 1b.uay beMlo Oldu Nam. ect'oce li M Wk Arda bout asso.Cop, lm lm V#M avent Ira oubon ù"l à#dmtl~ g fora . %« £Mt. MMu Sn Eu'o AM m" shA"0O0t nto êth MÀd oroai)uvio bMe IIme li abe l fo o t nw osh 14'P »d dt. midrktundoh on a m th was r àu rtd M h a e u p inoà qWou im wà hat hhd oueso cofmvI"auvor varm yM ..cff o A" an i-ot tmaitiea»dopeil ar.ap PetoaI bOhlef », ou1 anguoffols thm l Ah. dosala 1for hem Tho Made à te;lF a sode so gaoiTe olea aolg bolmaooiod oilogobard. om mae leil m oet tail ni.'e ma 6 farM#>i-h ppus L of 0aPi Mdiw @$0 0moon ELA troo Pah m Mfam iy. BI. " dfWea « W 4Iat fu weivii4 tLadorAna>, huIm, bo. sudl Aani.vf.T. bail m cooed 4oini. I# a imefs waxk>adyno lv os, w1mlyoptrimemntIn Araien legeIl llnt Mem Wm taba se ua blemant. mnte nui a et £120. mu 1 et. hi ah. ohi.f ron uas, but 0 musaad êRiL. ave i-bail bargin.tii.mol mwftnro nifh reeî<> onniAa MlrlsTu.M4u amy MW di!lmM ub rle »a bc*oitm UU~ 1 Md un lue I -es om m M.4 Amo g tbe vessei h ici. are author- lMd to b. conitrucaetdfnr tie mn av-u ah. bill preonted ln lu le. teutola orne liii. ahe torpetio-bona Alarm. d"9»ed by Admirai Portfr. IHuncîr îabrief de- sciption ni the Aiarm. whiei h hm e- SO«l- iad noverai Iuprovemente sum- pleted, viii bc o uiret. Tiso Alarni vwa deuigued ma acruiping lorpedo. boat, C"Irlag a honw.gtin, ine intended for service not oniy iu rivert, baya, suil jharbôos but along Qho s"a coat; lis Mect for un tunder an$ of the conditions EL liteai varfare, mmd h«r dimenions fMmd forua acre peoullmriy adapted by ah. designer for abat purpoSe. Tii. bulile lac ron and tite forvard portion below the. vater ,qurface form a spîelien ni tube for ah. support mand maaenver- log of(the main torpedo spar, whlch le capable oEL ca r md %uottWnlng th. m«Oo of & atorpeil ofEL ucit 41e aba lus dbechavp lu proxlmiti- to ith. hali eL ahe largosi.veasel oould fDot fail tan pmto intaanseously destructive. Th. Opoela opevaed ta$"bodaof "vo. ArTiaa.r surfac e .forvard PMof dmL h ul lel remesumd ah. primelp le.placeil clone an vhat 8»9M o t: du m sam, over whiohIi l 1Ires luathe stralht-hine direction, Tii. bow of the hl above ah. vatet surface .1 Pntotd i-armor paen ono Mmd a bllhelm k. Whle aan 60mcleu dELeumo, m the. vue btheh.power vom, rsa«t ofkePing mv on t. 4 foc, viorneshot vouta consquqenabi- b. decteil suier a very meute angle. bag moU"ble huici- Utet. fflwv.afa oSuuios «on sUds., md rd pmi or le ads.60h.Prop.flwer~ wicmuj u* @M ofnisupporaluq md mheiab tâ-0 O&M The la EL ~~4wvPedoboix butsab- Md « rm studai la M"Itb .i amy .6ev sobil Tb#ssUtELkh vo m) .dsk le Mte Md losmg s « m *« h.lis hoti- unu bradl28B hamibM #mm héelplaae top a.eIued .b 14 70 coe»dle a 1u waq dwor is.u»W ulem-, "s E ».bo vu».la'>» an 14 et Wbo 01bu»nmvu trous. mldfit s e. -19 m km E o.s s t mmi u lasSàu» miE ihwulb. et*0bou mi lukh ~ o Pm au vwkhgkk Ibogreh. lo1f - lý t G... Casik jiysi a Pm&wa m d»h ain z.ber boa L Emy te Whlnin aaun Lzr- iftL. Bduobmm b *e1 wI m nton- l.d 8kumý vbsm y p an- mmie I b pme"dt.rthe Lb ealedbuahelr put the qwom se bSr là" bai mmmd hlm auegbs tah. biterview: -"m lt mnte ame baimmP' ' h.Sm maemm 7W 0elscy" h. qickly reli Im mmat b mp 1 M~b . .àwui eue* e- -~ dm Mh a à@@ Uàb eMlméob .- mo.ati g». ii -ah. *0J" - mMd .wouasbon. Adise àu ah.Pr wym -04Mddm b. ht.rob. hieu ELM:ah. b h VousvU S" b SUl) roe*mMmdsueAlimo. ..y om "0 vbl besstà V@iIII Md IF Md e mmmavr is" - ralms 7h" Pm"ais du Q u »sm.uala osom a .4 S" mmeas et Aitàisu md arosu 16effl uquaes, sder th.esdm* P" wm, Imm "h .mhly thvosl W"» ote habit in fomeil by ah eaftve.nmm ofELthe kitchen maid oi hoosokeeper, la thrrmlug te la6.twih. lu the PI md gving Uhm v» ù »sverbe dos, iyen vmtahu .te m O ItttIi.Wown Understandbm m40 vs.y dIe a t. pSa Ibabft à i 0 o a hma .wp«em.we hb" "and lima ah. habit la very much broh of JJtylghfBIrahmm. Ovlmaff et sye. withooa ahm cioseff wMch. aâ n ite cackle EL every laylng hem vlubg the.sheila Overy morng tiUN CT5vlma¶ emasoi. mm w. foarnithée M»àug I. the utt*ursisturbd au affliptAnt, b thi* reawdy, w.rmu faotar.d a e5-trap fro a a cMmod nest-be%. This kt eo sirapie t"a&Dy oDm mocwuomed Lo the am ofELtool. ecm nuittla sahoor or two. àaligau w claon of the. bord uIl nwhich the mest egg le fastened wilcmtue laid en to roll away Immu under the heu, beiyond her reach. as, so» as it ln drO~Ped. The. rear bourd hma the saine InCInaiontoward the. center sud pro- Jvoaae over the. otiier board far eui ot prolect the egg when la hagn rd mway. 7h. spm!e between the boui.rde la Juxt wide enotigh t give frepu*- Rage to the euux. The erw-box naay, w lned wlth a hgandbi i am'wdt. eor chaff, k protect thef4heillafroua craek- 111N Iftah.ebck board b. tnrnimhed w tah hinges, la cian ho nsted am a lid to SHlOW of the removal of the. eggr. 1Ifla a OOnupIPte egg..trap. and wlathie ov»e- ter sheilm. in our case. abated the niâm- au@e of egg-cating. Many think tibai when a h.'n Iham ontrae.ted the, hhabit of eiz-vating. thýýt' »Iitt way i.4filht 't and Wn4ead of enting Aie' 1» put in a Condtiiion to hi' 'atvn. But a pxoo<tla.-- e'r is t4xo vaiuahh b lije Ivii>up wiîl- out an eifint to r.'form eer bi hab>it, Ot.» aeuîuire<t through tht ngiw.nê of the owner. Tite egg-trap wor6s itîi- mlrahiy. and t r»tîi ie d dsir.'d hY PIacIng itout of the ' pow.'r ç4thé- rien ta do mahe. >rem.4gracau- osu cs aeLtmOU denominatiaus sM L on ea huiler My amouat, My» tb M b;7es2m go m ae ailier dfla P oae 60 »donollr, vich. theugi 6* Ousm ils"aitgruau.e bavm.tbaathe F mil jdallez in mlegai tenderfin IlMy-amouna. Balles. quarter. a Y *tý §»IN egs ier te ah.eaMount 09 .10, Tvay-em apeeme. bai-dme Mdiouvorr boua pece. Uame lega e WBalefr Uvaunate uamexceeding 0& *Niho Mmd copper "coi fonaone cent op te ive ane ligal tender OUI tubahe î uOOa t 25 Cenas Ag;7ddiolmu 1' a wenty anilMW eh&enalu »ditwukeabout 223 goid > laggo Weiba poaand. Whenagold luduo tz vih by use or oth- a Win am* ethae one auJone-hait per- cent. or in luay vai-mutilatedi t ia wo longer Wloeonder. mmd viii omly b. r olemilunt ah.mina&elia valu.eOla bol- bn. Viieagolil coia se presnaed for c.ymot a mthe sub-bremsry tle lCare- blinpo 1e, sud If found below the fful we!fU t lastatupei with ah. vord -Lightan ud returned ta the de- pobor. Ifh. ham heen careful to note e vhom ho received th. May- recovor abs Mount for which h. accepted itý or be hMay send itto the mint, which wiil mturu him, vhatever t la Worth for re- Th. standard dollars veigh e.Ach 412 Md ilve4tenths grains, vhich l a :bout sswnty-one and a hâtif pounds for the usigit 01 a thousand dollars. The. weightof a ousamd doliars in goid la ofly abOut four and a bauf pounds. One huiduud dwlars lugoïd velgi. ah. mine M oUe hundred, and fifty newne- dolrgrsnbucke. Greenbacks of a lrrdàmo-imation are a littie icavier. about fiteen sud ashait times m evy mgoïd, ail about twenty- 010~t Sud asLird aira.. m buikin rapro- Port" on niUa mue; or in other words, a dollar'. Worth ut ail-ens a Hlte more 'bhas tvenav-etghat tîmmslarg-er than a dolars worab ni goid. .Our goid coins contains 900 parts EL pur. eo,4l nd 100 part» of alloy; Le oilver coin 900) parts of siler and 100 parb ut aloy. The 6 and 3cent nickel sins am one-fourth nickel and t.hree- tour"b copper. The aunai) cent is 95 P&MOrt "opr sud àparts tin sud zinc. 19 setunated abat th. grîld dollar lu MOd U,0OOOO of people; the British = bY36.0W0,000; the Frenob frac b7 77.000,000; ah. ailver dollar et ohudk, RisEst>, Md uj r ion"t.d A stout forid Germa vent up to a POlicemma lu the Bowery yeserday mmd Pald: -I vaut to bat tome beebles ar- "BHoy mmai-?" skeil th. policeman. #*Sn many s I don'd cotat ma ail dSer linger. un an.. ni my left haadt" "Wbat have aheir dou. to yoa" -£le rylins! Lbey avive me Most gn~zp.ou e y vteshe wa mmsaboua la, and ire ailtria kdot bug* POY's spM»» stmy oxpeus.I 9" onn~ e m »ay sedrue ker 09 i-"Se socs a.7 oelock Lo-Lay 1 ear d«t "obpon bd des. sloo n ut dot plms speglngdrarnýet elu sar »d miaWik %Wl "fhmat suedy mi-, i. dotCari imTah d'J)ma*. 1 lm s Mmmi ws W mainml md molpf dm "1b7o Mr psy nIaisi oui-a; Pmy.' Ss od-yaGoocw. w.'" »ud 1pot op dot sp=gmgdruin. "t.r "h~lydut dleMh a omb. a e'. d bai psyJi .: we ai l dm elk wav 1 du bIB, bs d Mu mi atym va? Mm o. u et 19. or Y. Amà"m- Dibdg. Au bmhma..ita race in 5ag-. àmwLA LmMIm hhiq inThe Lmveqod a *ewywm fwm6m - --- - am empwwtuy, m u ar m dkminmm 1 il The .rstwhile 6b- mam" l bsthre whilom remarkubl - sahe»Umg" and affecteil alti- mw>Wt. wez green. hla ol onge elemat t.b.Mp;md thimpeui Pommsl, have heeia rendereil oboi.ts ary to b.eit"m Jap-a-- or elarly Eng- 11mbs, S ntht 'quni' t fd a foot- ùqp~ th. e s mw ot aginst"'mr samcg bssousmot sf ý ma pwuu 4waB« ad 19a s.A Sui 1 L- b » u o mu.a pa m a=e g b&Au. ufflo" Ws"ou.1- us" tjb a.wimlim da .'y la mnmsyur b«Wu& er hli sor * màm.e hm m by *le" w» a srofflh amu la ba* mO=D gb boulê Vhs..wmo owm lo. a oin Ime iB m ?ulrwmametbkd Ee.muM dlkI.a ua lnjroemumt ouer emor huOvi leJMImafcilovs:7Th.el mm" b. thoeoughly bru.hed md vw4" vih a oth bs. laid fat on aboard r auble. Md vo) o.ie4wI" U& #a, thouo fwsed from -di uab boing gh mibed e lq;à ou ____ c ia"d.i.aemd.d ite show; la iibWâmfld te beuna» --II 4r. md ah.. iwwsedonm .wro.ç iidii. Th. .o&. usemovm .very pa eleE grumssý md rioroe th. e ayet du bopauslmg t t auisbe athe sbbzy appearmae or crmckly or paper dm ôso btaimeilby beer, or indeed my MW iÙ&The slk realy appear iblkme bythepecese, and thisgood gfo l à pormanent.Our reds wbo vil .zpsrlm.u on mu apeonor a cru- V m »V« & Pm. ti'7 My other T» smor fGemermi Kamcoc&r The of CGeneraL Hancock la town9 Who veek revives rnany remmnisoeucesof the. Ja-iiant soldier, mYSaya111 [melpbia, resa gossiper. He alwaya had a quality of bemng a lit- tale ahed rataer than behind in the, execution of is orders, ad the result vas that bis command had a grea deal of ard work to do. Froua Spottsylvania to City Point it bore ah. brunt of thc batte, and whe, miter Cold Harbor, Grant deternined tu change is position to, the South Side of the James river, the Second corps vasî torn and sattered amost-ott of fon. With vhat men vas left, Hancock withdrew from ita hazardous position st Cold Harbor and marched South- yard. H. vas ila sserious frsmne of mnd &and nearli- heart-brok.en at the condition of his comm-and. He reached the river in advance, ad, as he vaa standing upon its bank.4 a staff officer froua hesdquarters rode up. saluted. and said. &*General, vherc is yourcorps?- Hmwcek looked up, sud. with the depesta regrtli bis on c:s, said: -"I asb redbteeaa ah. Rapidan adth, The yem. is amgo ah.elUnited Tehi SPhone enupani- began a. eploy WC a-m, maye th. Pau i Om "Chiefhl for mvessofELecomomi-." w Im but bade ahis tb.s re meothe Ir mdvmmtmges. If a&boy 14 i-e.,ad i emsploi-sm a stelophonahis vess e Ooe mç hecomea bourse »4 in"lh 8 inct; wath a girl this ta not thé ceau Th. lamal. voice .ta lways clourer andm a cisar voice (beside agood «rý iunn etah.ebief requirements ofi > atlephomsia, vomen are niaturmly pre r laeeL.They are dmitted nt ahe &W 09 1& tbe majoriti- of those atprssen employed by ah.elUnited Telhon compami- eing betveen the mges of Il and 2Z. From ah. number of tvo, viti vbom the. experiment vas hegun, thej have risen to over a bnndred, vho per. form tbeir duties an Lh. satsisfcton co ahe company. Preference is given tc the daucbtera of professioual men; Lhis, however, La no strict rule. There are no preliminary exam-inations ta bc pmssed before admittance into th. tae- phone oMfce. The different ranks are th. clark in charge, who bas the. super- vision of a roon, ini vhich anremen ployed froi six ta ffteen clerka a- he députy oft he clerk lin chirge, the. frai and second clas operator, and ahe tourner. Âccording to tiese ranks the payment varies; as a rail., hovever, Il shillings au 16 shillings la the veekly pay, which sometimes rim to £I, and in rare cases ta 25 shi.ings The bours of work are from 9till 6 or 10 to 7re- spectively. No case or illmss baso-ý eurred ou the staff thne .eomnmaue- ment nf the vork. Tiie general stage j et bealtbh aso satobfatary, mnd Mms Merlin, the lady uperitendent or the vhole staff, la of ah. opinion abat the girls are on au average veil satiafied WU th eirsituation and fond oi ahe vork la t inperbapea adisadvantage aba" telephonita have ta talk mil day long; but this very tact ta .aid to pro- vent thena frona tndulgininn udisptes and gossip and makes Üieir vork eom- paraiveli- quiet-a point tapoa vbick morne subscri bers t'O ah. excbange have been knovu au entertaïn a duffurent opinion. The aspect ot a teephone of- la. ta curious enough tu au outsider. À number of i-oung girls sifttng before a cupboard-like structure inta ah., apertures of vbich they are bush- chat- tering, holding in the. meanvhile mn in- strument 11k. an !em-trupatthr Wead, vold ar idiuoua enougb voe la tnot weQ vu bL oy indiapens- able ah. celephon. bas become ta civil- Xas 4n teÂe of Trees. The counting of the rings sddjed b)v e»ognous trees everv yesr ,> their aircumierence can only, vithout riak of error, be applied to trees ceut dovnin jticir prime, and lhence is mselesa4 for the iolder trees whjchl are hollow and de- cayed. Trees. nloreover, often develop themslves O nneuallY frorn their cen- ter that, asin the easeof a emen in the musenua at Kew, there Mnay be abouta tvo hunîired and tifty rngonf one aide to tity ou) h the . Perms th argesa Dramler 01 rings t mbas ever been counted vas in ahe case ofLau Oak feiledin r 1812, where they amounted to %evera hundred and ten,; but De Can- dolle, who mentions this, mdcl, that tiree bundred i-cars vere added tw ahi. number as probably covern- ah. vo rniig rxngswhiecu, a nomelonger Pau,!e t couiât. This instance Mai- Dtaken tillustrate boy uomsatotm- tory thia mode of reckome ~ruai)- l for ail but trees of comparataveli- youth- h.exsernal girab measurement la fer ah... reasonsahhe utav.cma have, or e irJaÈ=pl*ab, b.Individus! speame. or brus.Wa1MR bo eýMm laeur s egth e r mL e t h « âa ops13=. la ab-la- et s.SELemy.>r , - ge s Ayer SoLd il F MOI :: 2.- M.i Er.r s V-' es:ut ..MN is t-u be Qt 6, purpo 13ert h T.,0w thbe M G re :1W.000 $31.25 It w tify iii a le can cf rail on ao a reve of Ori and w it, -' bave rial r A writ er ly wtc diù, nx on a the c enou bette no d farm U in a fac Casa there than Oeive cmn a fWn blis ter, snm left o mmk' thei unI 00 as' on effi lu vicrom lrý A& n fanvmi-ma mmiGilawm vm umocked dommMd rua Over hmi ces âDamd'Am smimcet a drunkes mmen heusbâck naimsi arn Shoekoen who w»mmenoi for th.e fs.... The hflowial% emwruattook - mb.- twesm hau mmd th.eReordior *A e .hd galloped jour boca. - a he pemesaan. an md mw u bà"l luunes i hlmwhjr dida a i-ougo bock t. bs iàmtmmce "I e6lwul have gome back to him if 1 bail kmowa la vmsGilawan, and thst b. wm Sud a spits nt GUvas» for ne Ume, am if1!iid ouly kuova that h. vas Un. mm m ta1 r» over.,sudml abt h. vms~~ cdpe p.Ivu haeoe F ckam haed.d ah e otniba -mcii chance." la MR» ,respecta thns Mexicn a to ionaam botter govern.ed than ay others 1 e mw. irrites a correspondent Re. are no saloon brawia, no drunken riots, litti. thievinng aad less murder- withi. orporate limts. The least dis- adrien-action., mn loud talking ia the OCMt@6,- ýPrtOUR avrra, Md itO b. supectai et insurrection la as dan- gerous te peamoal liberty a métual emmrnmaoeof crime. However it tmkes t ast m sx exicans to get 20 hi- lariosly drunk sud ruis. as much ruup S aY amoat ELpulqua oc mmel s som bardy Anglo-Sa2on on whisky. Outaide of city âlmits humma M1 be Mt ai,asud it la well to get orneS selfunder the Protectioewing EL tb. law before nightall. 9verybodi- wemrM. bis big horse-pistol. uangIiffg froua thi e r ELo bis belt; wherever ho gOMOe. Mon a gentleman makes & (ashioabl. Cali, h. as f requentli- g3blimod teounstrap and take off the cm MIaersmthmg ,before heoea mit dovu, bUt h Would no More think of goimg vitiouatit tiawitbont his oaa- 1 à râsuw.- :  * p JULT 3 frft-Làegteti people. A wrten in Natu-e on tie su bjet 01n unconscioua bisli walking shows that it mayi-nl some cases be i-env manked. H. &aYs: 161 beogan walkino mvs&f, and r eytut, aios rinstowl..W w al ed ith a m a in- cro nk ed n ess i paths vhicb vert no, far nemoved from. cirles. I myself and Mr. Galton. on ahe first trial deacribed circles of not rmore tian fittv yards la diameter, ai- tbough ve thau.-ht we ver. going etraigit, and mterwards [ vas gener- mlii unable te impose a sufliciently strong conscions biats in eue direction lemanul the unconscious bias in the. ether. I beli. eealdive r.zd tuthle r. rht excepabue ut us wuo w-as strong- 1- left-haaicL A simil:Lr trial vas made vlth eigha school bovs, when it wa» found that lett-leer-S.ed boys di- 'ferged to the, right, anYfcrihteeoed boys ho ah. leit.' The step of a night Iegeemon is longer froua leit to, t tght Lim rouigiia au left, s=d vice irnrma.The. riter believea tuat nia. eut ai teta strongly nlght-handed per- Mmar leit-Iugged. Everi- active ef- 1 fort ni tii. nigha han i t almost neces- Obri- accompanied by an effort vith the lefa leg. Mdi a night-haded man ta mimosc comeIle au use his left leg Cmrethan réeother. A Good Cierk. Argndclerk la aprize ton nrarel &IUndand viien found nitea umliappr ciated. Wben a min has found s do- in vhIom b. can Place Confiidence, h. IlMay-regard him-eeif as cxtremely for- tnmte- One gond clerk vill do more, and do it better. thau tan poor unes. 1:eH does mot requin. constant lookiug M.Whenbhe dues atnvthang dmir nonfessaav for bisemlyrt i laover agama He vili abvas ta"* pains to treat customera Weil sud serve IhOma viab exactli- .hat ahey vanta. Bu M 9,--aca ».if h. ovua tbi. waol Oahlishmosa, a&M aa rv larepsp«- poilý, a. Mi damxions to sur- sum *blà" thn e M bu.ltzo mes b 1s.air- eMuhemd4t ug ibut bl ah. uain.o ~t.ys. a bavireL Ob ,la *E bu at b= ~~btbZMi ma s- 'e t. I.. * r a p. e :1 5, r f a i a a * I It bas fLuy fmet tte prope ifavor, Io every Ikled s The p mi the tres, whe its ifltOd The .-e le! irnpu drynesa, etimIrI at eý &hem to Ler-Q. but .2 UA BUO