Kawartha Lakes Public Library Digital Archive

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 15 Jan 1886, p. 2

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- ~ - -~ ~ __ ý ii-t - ;_ arab auge SmMW du6ur JlpHOYLEI wMlk M1UUV *W ý w- et Sm b"K t *9m « iu à b ii Mo M*awN'vàfre m obà., qmmp. Fal ~ft~ uft~ . ____ f.j, « m W u U ~ ,- dh w.w*.u# àr p - qP Wu Omhb ou & "_ i - a» & -- -90Fi § i* 4IT F dR - 4gw-- I. P F I I i 5; F r fi titim Vli' ow skefi.lrabçft swiNV1 hffiws.~ &ý y go" am 4 t«-lU# ne, 1 #rom** ab.s(oquie « iheilus mi ni lWea" u* a.~1 si mi wOF hMM~1 OMM M151 f« 1W mo' w w fpM# e e o med tei# dmer _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- hi IDfiP f U lfo b# Sb# hIuI M cf' t M1h$140 ob p'eS, 411I IffWbthe<S 010te M# uOF «« t1% tr h«It eý*«e4%Ott, ( sb oP i r f spwae he hw i ff it %qItue, t*teê'cý k y **4 tw. g Ut lb. IflIfSbtqoe > fl* f hIl k4' O tho * t l of 'n.~i*$ ft~ ifr aifil wf fq'h Ale p 1> A 1 w h l ff îit~ 4 11 ig Io a tw < tf (W i f a u i# A(oir *1 W ltnêt* p l il ohî Imm F fr 1t<lt 'Wh' î Phall et -ro fvtgfli"# Itt'h imr' ,I thI rofi eý(o! -*cf1ua An hi Xs < ' 5* ff $1 t7 IM 14 tect ëMu9w O# W. *Io## , -o.l 1t, vî#fcV 4fb. h as fbu tl ~ "Iy 1 MFvo th#s41116<q 41 IW444v Km fl peelor ~IWPA* .tf4dfaif 1*P'vf O i# heWtth.Irr, eliti I t .tç M iii. VI.t %~if t~%*h t nt £ ~ ~ ~ ~ l pliwtlwnp; n4'.<t. tw iI OP#NotesWI(o i OAflÇ *w o eMd #Mml 5ro ws#ip u$fkes # Orf , "ft)- of*4qêm0»u hm n 0 k lor II0f fhMes f< eif f ,. ini" u# W. oui , Versu MdeemipP ( w fw, ?w e'uOPII, .w bp *0îfWfffh fblrWpOfS hl- ws 9 .# 0Ial~ <WY~,f M -~ h e isila,1k. IprW «NOM b matu vu IM S 41 UV bwU~(cf dbwf n O0ft~~-frew dgoorm7 <yNe Imm 0#uiuisgoumfit-lÉ lBque. ir U~#Wu~hqpW ~W -~~~~f 1uu-ne S v~ *bww ~e. muw . - owâw"&Ob' Wma~ mwgu b M~r uo ~~m- gowi ow b W~Sewm vêoe m mv We.ihou et. Kr. nht. Is* nt8W mae - rw -s bm welt.w 9M fFw rad a wdomo eh M ia m lle é ntlw K, m 04rMyPlm Gý mmi,, . uWIý P#* iwy*w pff- A ~ ~ A OFt~Ollu Mu.y ,..Ist fl~~~o KCL .bIVn k Iuv~wbm iwf Jwsl u., t ~~u lb. tofl<w lotvufg~~ Bm - -- muez un 'w s&..wun.'w mu~mu mena= mvtu~ni u owfup S" u 1.wu#s lune Io t -v sIm, ##W* t 1w*u vuo n p,- IL CHAMBERS, n f uv thos f W 4a u SeIg *~USshS wclmu 01 RutiouMme My "oga- OM ll bwr onth of S nuon*l ntf FIREWOOD. m~ 11 e a.w.,aImm i ~iii ~ c AWM * w M&. P~bg ZZ* ---- Imm'-E ALEKUUTCH~L fir c &muon - " ý il !l-m ici ÏX Pte WaWN & emmuw, -Ont Imm ;ec Agam s.Fwe & DLEL-- ZA I fl'ABM O'LAB.1 s- -ma _ Im -.o» ol me m a 4, c r r-m -lu& ameni t manr- ilà nbauui flmê lm~ Mr. a ii nibiu u i ~.ê~bhuabexril Mnitel- pougom bigea d une, c ~TLLY Lesbos& 24 V& -,.-to tal Obmie. Ckemst aDruggist. DYE STWPS, all kinds. PAVK&GK UVIES, the best. GORKLS for Preserve Jars, sms. VEGETINI for Debility. I HRIMATINE for Rtheuu4, Iffluw FRUIT SALT, a pIer ant purgative. - ý M I L.N, i i.~TniIY uew IL" Md wlunam mreeta. t,,Fu"44- a-aSnthei M> , i la MIEn - j LUmmBERumARD ~INOUT BOB - bme ,Smly i Mftwd zp'la nO"" Corner Bond and Lindaay Sts. ahfrfim"i bowa, aMdthe pubie CM be racftl. nbia laoepps av m niésa aiaemm4~~"SAMUEL WAgeRntA MOTEL- LUM LATH, SHINGLES A1 EulWIwllaIlIIltiaethiPTCKETSOF ALL GRADES. ALSO U~WUaftlofUhitla 51)OuUIffly ul BOBCAYGEON -LIME IN BARREJ, ui.aft&*--pmtaMbehM-, tef thii. hoen. it inaua.y in the IN BULýK AND COEDWOOD FOI 1U*1VhUi., md in a.bumUful latte village SALE. n watelegrmpoOcs, a"d il&H t ________________ eau.The vu.y plae b Sen . ap niatlsouu oaaaEYEEAR&THROAT r""WmulT--lan-- DR. G. S. RYRSN D. 1 ~L.B. C. P.S. E pa*m MNfiO&,nutml flu __ Laurer on the Bye, Kand Throst. m7,"èwý edicalCoUegze,Teronto, Surgeon to tLe Mier- & WIYffrU.4nTmy- R ye and EArlnfirmary. asud late Clinical ÂssLstaî Royal London Ophthaimie Hoopital. MGoorfelas ~ p~. ad Central London Thros± and Ear W 9 W KM YCOMUuitng Surgeon to the, Institutions for tho ~flass . a..s s ore.,KEBlinmd, Brantford, ad for the Deal and Dua unb" dsemdoue. aoos ha"P"DU't eG . .C. P. Gradutte On- Bellevile, Ont. am copy D" te olemuas at bowe». taio Vetoelnrbu. Coîbege, Toron- Ma.ybeoenmulted at his reidence, 317. Charr J. . <ACE ~ ~cu'uc'rto. Regintered member of Ou- Street,Tcionto. Heur Il a. m. to 1 P.nm.. c efAm x x iacmmcuy.tario Vetermmarr Medical Asso- tIo4u o AJ.S CLIBond 'trept, F.q tMt.dLtCucadWs MONRY TO LUA.. Lin- :BRICKo'.ANDiSI f ôs par ceus, m-d iP-%rd» enrlgto the fflc 0#*0 uowftly andl germa, &c. vifl evy Mfame or ad FOR 1TUE MILLION. O,,,rm-Wlhutn W bulding. aecntet - ~.UNDSAY BRICK &TILE WOVRK8 - - xom LE3T T1s.pvWia tS.Ti pUoe MONZY TO LOAN. 5~p4v ae 1 bn nt ream,,aJ'e rati' ut bp~ tA"~ on 11Db bp t uit lhon'nwer. JORN 34!4WR.. -. baTis-ter. Lindaay MONETY. MONET. tu d 1 pe cm.,yuuty, u- goau urtty. MONZY TO LOAN 0%Vu Fwopoety on %bu.moat Ia.voabl.teij» uOINZ TO LÙAX %pu fmmwbbl ".. gUre b.? llaiuamsmoo qqett hube or mut L u s»x par KONIzyT O LOAN. o» u %- *t.uan b.u. m. oumaute. Ro m-llwv J. A. W*DSOC W~ i NniLniflpagyr me W~b, Lmmuauti MMgW.ei-u w mO- BW MOum tiidau. haa Ml k mmet IL ,.-vJa~ -~ - ~ - ~ r A N&~W. -- - ~ - - ~~it~j~i? - - u~ ~ - l-ni~ g -loup A-M a- - TOI . JUS 11u8E EL A ND 8 THE Oî.DEST ESTABIS$HEDO0F- FICE i-.;Tins PAiRT 0F CANADA. GAS,-VITALIZED AIR (sa cafled)'. Mr. Seetands bas had aimostunparatllel. ed iquces uin the use of thiea a.iesthetie in Cavaila. Adminigtereil hy hinu con- aiantiy for 19) about 't-ors. He ha. e-x- tracted -secmusv as 23 teeth with one di" nthe uati-ut leaving quite well cial milady of tibis anS-stlîetic under Dr. Colton, tif Ne-w Yourk, the firet persan whorave il for extracting teeth, %nd who bhm administered iltota 146,000 persona vith=au anaccident. A.R1IFICIAL TEETH inunrtd on English Black, limperial, land Pink Rubk'.-r, telSO on Gold - 1o", (old, Silver r.nd Celluloai. Pricesi rmagi-g hum '510 to ffl for .ju ppe.r or under oct. The beet tmaterial uaed. Temh ati" to la"a a . le . Xauy bubomi eurt.4 for over 20 yu. chi1m.Y. 5.5h exbmc"for haff pne. IFnUMsu m a dutou il plusse@Md Pu" w!dbetote - omvct-Ne.zdmt oorIL .smywa mom. Piivt. wmdmm- NUU Sbeetsmer KRI, -dm. its - 13J- w a 21F EU . hm---i ~ e~mmt UU a*~ As lop kav nun ~ ~ ow. dw4uv la~ ame no- ni fuil biast and turning ut Bric'- the riLte f frrrn tc'n .'twe)x" tlouýarid per ý s a e-e cari...t l~ r-- d3cr.ee cd. _7i ..tet1r' tjC ynch~ç, 1-t wnul turt . : :j) ,h.u!.am1i *.k ;.-r 'av. Weflt.' -i t le mnarket fUIýv - % -.> '-th Br:ý in the future. The v-ird is .-niv - 3 f.'U frm the- L:ni.,ay t zln rdwÂ. with the àR. R. 1w a '.h(crt .itch. >,,h a, - ýj l.-ad direct frc-m the k:i nd -is e*- :\;-nce cf teaming to thoù,e w:-.ot1i r: rri' rail. TROS. FIL oz CO. 'HAIR Wbat a pitv it i-- to sec so manriv : -. figured with a ,ro%,Lth of-ip fi-U.- r face or aroes wheuthe FRENGHI" FlAIR REMIOVER wiil desftrev thisssupefiuous hair without am! injm7yto the skin whaLever. Perfectly hem . les& ' ositiTelyeffeetumi, and w-lbe seutt<any Addrem on receipt of price, $1.00. SOLD EN LINDSAY BT A.IHIGIN11,BOTHAM Made by lmne.ri lMed. C.. Rue Hetjm REMOVER. ITALIAN B EES MUL No» e bue eg tooka lu ObUM ebunànmd 'ae.r mik etcfbris te m la eIm oemb bubdm n theGiv.i Kamsmber e. 0. & oeRNEa P4 L, Lindisay LUMBER à WOOD p 1 - - Ume.~ Cho YAR De 1UEa &KIAIY, t- ma il 4.1... lu in &U km"1 i~Is,, r... etwnv iu , d"y, d.rued Sli RFPMor i t.d milt wehom i»Lmbribumo a "eue- ai u u d f t WeU-Ilb. mu@d »M dt- 1 aum*AI -s- -I - I - liv ~wti Wafr~, v~~?MrqW~ ~ WEI. i-4~stif~ *5 Q' P (' AWf~(5&A tI(~~ ~. dL labdama 8 .JAN 11au.llFrank. Li,.ky, George Win.W E ... Herbert.. v W"' J ames.. ~OfJohn.. Lrch, Herbert IM.iiian, Bruce.. Iiddletor-, ChaS Wiott, George ... uiso, Eddie."* :oves, Samnut kinner, W n ... FIaIey, Fred.... . gouley, Wrn ~ubins, Mark orgal, RLeub-cn IsoiaW, Walter .. 2. anCopliuý.- il, Xalttr .. kSeyn, John, ~tcher. C~- arr, Wm.. 0 dey, Wa>- r, troncg, -Àz th, Georcne A. f - arkin, M rrmai, her, Catrie. er, 'Ni t ;- carty, ~.V Lydia ... to.Eva nIda.. ilisms, Edîthl. tbabel.. aiFlorence .. braith, Lz_ýe, bbiiL% Grace oire, Atnie.. lvert. , 'ia.. ramupton, Neý.Î-. tin, Lillie .. SUiy, Francis .. inr, Mabel.. ai4onmaia... ton, AMice Birdie rehamb'anit, Je 1.1,Lvivia. . iIwillie ry&n. Mii cNeill Chas..- el Rober.. mnter, Wealey , afls ie.. unter, Mary.. . UlHarry. . ies, Wn <i3ester.. lii'k, *iennie 1 ick. NSijni'- galin%, Frei.. doFre. *,Ste'h'et .2, Cania.. , Fer 1 k-

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