-- - - e. aw a MAIS U hm Md of as,-beau *» g mtmi ut," th-w fO e Sll u fo s" tm m«. " 1 d.i% P" . .&» mou$&. w- ,Ài rey w bdlute or I «piy 0t is IOWIW% frk-eyftMdlbl o"yt% ;mOob>sd or ouew W'. totu &at t "lsuglug h.0 S!pl wuvry cauely oive bu À fw nut~ lt.ih.Wona h« elsiksm, and iham4h.o lla hAI suea her e s wore l. of rd 1 sppy k> l. latio sikeny .ayheNAn êy b oi pn(j ýji &IO oo Sud bittrauzw~s iioh4 h ooki -e ti,1 W&ýle eFi~ ani»-u. th buy Il Mr tfluier Anwd aq6ly#on bel Ohe, ,%oauindne and r mliid itber erb j Ii~ hêv o wer deep Sesof dr.rn )$Miet, i lohaod by sihen aaheo sudh M er ud <4 don hnlie bona biok by ieiam a ud, lestlnI wsvoa Ir lber to fF eno }ua I Uoi t yd n 1 I' ik ormi fft o oia.,l. Orut Vom i t K m e ii<ho aagd1o tk hi e tr u l o..n eh d w1h e loto] md i ihond andu. hom »Mlr 1»a tll &re s o i m t 1o 4th, Wh"sut 1 àw w i one y»êabg a 1: ~et t~>, ars moiiwul OV lâm co ~'~nt>etevq hoidove how"i:t à&Mo aolga o i a.i«orm of». eh"ll be at u di. utre Onihielux owlaiulMd b@»Ow4 S #bon. fo amndlroobuu«d bu le h Whiteorthe Mirou fgiromf la big fff. moe o i»*aî4a ybaéb dwm. "@& faâo sw ' o i i Moudp A ~ Of a.foibdi iho «@ta !*-*b a r * t beL b-eSb"" êqôz«k»bo ai la= mit IfcfrM 'v m ail. Tàm à» àmmid - loua l moIbo swue asie IonS Jl yu * Su 107 mm aé.uw et m &W "0 bu * mm bon~d ;-I ~îà& dome K OS aobu * haaboha <ikm.h Nbus. !;aI" nul@Pm. - a à"and q wuity. - aedflm om f*e1 or r"d' gtr- e ulios Md hm goffes." *kmIq"h.aidà"lwÉUsyMdt h" ae isla ahva l esang 09frisi solirn.r evlad, à**Nadg Mmx.. ba boa ber hlame wtoi y ue 09 .e Ijiemaho boue rbovr1 a oment wklehie.wfr n"mat oh à vags leltiàg--bul itbesSw. gsae hiva Mpt .11k a mr dm qbemm a » ho h" "esn oluta d»o., wHola the 11W. beu sy vu bais Fh omp hie aspnne la Ibo..y 01I. bailaoa, sud* ib ofiber aoiceh. abrmae givn W" 4h a vithe *liiEb otme- pedaes ling slY& rmaitgber j vuaring b iae sl sebh« Th.. e oorte nMwois moyme h.fair JWet h,ark b. acln:tyt Fre e mlove bAu -ilesfor aniernstnt . bin ireho wdullia ae Ms.Kng.r fin t a e ir ?- b asefo.lmah.i sesftliIa the bomfdifo 1 i lig zal tin the0 balm aIlteo S utnm <ho fft n . darlng'a eeace luw lu . j.r ming, abi 1h.wmuSe aif be berC . li rod nho suoeed«, miUr*. #" AMaboMrtheg 1i» oih« fi u hr sooel amimb lued a mlnl s iks foog visil, feein lar kuver' .Ifscrlpto-a d«4 Md xvsie ft v vu=h .awat sdb r.n' u fi=hnuaucu ers"olo h« 81*u68L b ui Y U'atb.Frerlod w» 1. hi fou~i"". orauo ie Lirly "» l01eam Mao l.bou tox MYWrmifl b" L dmnV'vaa cm dow"n tw ru'ridh-isbt unvoreb I& lma I.daube&,* Tm5 s mien» le4ouesewm kg o. M ulsa.her Vennmw- o. a éwi mi usau. day van"os . ex* .uiIo, et 4OIbu ma hbW M..ii end dm be bmi n M» 0e» "Fu. b" m.bone - s b oSo*Min 1 nym m w mie m vmw -n teh UF&M- rl Iumm 6, MM imm - ma up 1 mr m ,tri"amU Md *maiam»"bu b- Sa bm4i-amné-& amb.teu mlybb Um e r a w l ui «Rs-. Wh* vibl ui dab&Sa, * Wbld bh. ukol N.MNM lh-au. Md Vbbm .b.d lu mêmes *omlamsUI elupola eosé eluwe w-,maid opàq5 m zo w-.! b W 0 n. b"_ b NyWw-f it me *0 Oaumdort faoe tw IF d "- et nlcUE ? ba e <il lb Nez u lsaimnu h spoke m» wod. for wvIt ernilih. sMY? Mha bea v»sbarisi la dm rmv ut 'ivia. ad la a, grave etf Fn- Amuier vm àu*a mVer voo.d, a- oSe omm b. mever ou.-gme- babrd ud oai d 1bots,, N. due, h.ovi go dowa0te, fegmsve makb.Iher a. vbhi Metalshlessnuas Sua tJ. vIle bai brocubtthe mysIery .etdomhh-hb MPMeY it lutes.»vwon.la il0 brl1çt. mWusof b"Ppy YOUti. T" .LOnD"ou aer Cluls raifrmi b@ a marVelous m fout .1 m.uo ai .1 m0aya lb Phladeliuhlaheest rom tbreugiiot les entre ilimce madu à* bMflet center of a, lergeot clsy la the vori, mi tiioopertousattend- thelb.excavation aderamd hv roceeediwitboui serions injury la or Colrruption of bushmas or traUO. QIl a, de behou passai Ibreugt, loset olh rivers spanci, Iofty vare- boumes sand s vebui;kl:npsmecured viril. thoir foiuadations bave boom wndernitned. ant! an intricale aetwork of Xa» mai ater pipes sutuaeciuntil supports bai been applWL ite Uem Itou below. Added i., tht., dmi six ma"asevora irai severai limesta Wbu rocmmrted. Day and nighît the vork bau Issu carried on. for eigirteen moîntii.,smainov tihe eug'ineen êare ab>le le announce ttt treir tunnel in oup.te The kiying of the rail* aidi lI u1Ing of theeatsiona are tue r mly prtons thte SImmenae.or r"bi ronel b. done, sud ila avery *hm t Urne trains vili b. uin e Dr. Hlaufe, the celebrated phvsiein et Vienna, one day received a telegraus trou Cmmeow regqutng hlm ho rm thor vitI mIl lhaste, as Moues ri Ihamsou vw» verv ili and required rd- vice.Ths Ma;"s vas knovn <o ho o0e 01 the uichest men of bis tribe. The doctor., wlo hbam an ormous r tiicîj arid su ver-y bu'ty at the tlue, virsi back. #Ny te. viii be vo Ibouimani ftornu&" AÀfmoud diapalir Z bd ima to me vlisboug do"Y'bu 94aith" .mlgirLsusy dolfor lm& '"Iot a hinelsr lIma Iv tothos.. A"i bonus," wusta, rteply frmV'mena, oSurnu go $"hovu eke<h dpWgUo et. aMdi blttry cou, o liaI eut medical ai. wu a"y"h bupemcia h I-prope 0,s Ub log Jueny. a vit was Iedi*4nsou being mmetas 0b. Craoo rahvaaY station bv s f-n ftaieof.5log-coated Pofîi> J. 1evffaf bout, before.a there va-ý .-,o Tou vus k7w ust e sd w me 8!C Coeur w-»P obi Pb Sot pueâbb -mý s mon,. dot.. * vul, Mwlaa uie, - "tb-" ami-9-' àt-- -mme Ind -i s a u inhoue ene t tb àdu eâds 0au@;, bomIt , iMdwlmeaft bu lm Aa ao.bi *Te lOMMho quaw %*un d-Mt thea - a Os 1h.ahip -m ne Md hu eu. mmi - 'W~g~ tw* a.-am-t-. e?&-b»-uW---. hmn homw o Iea h... - a, - .-J au-' l m rc às a o bsmgM -g w l or, s, tihe sud ms akmm' -0» frue . ht" eoui heispeaker -1 emebernoe fsheme, Ego bo. goffsoeand «me. dm b out' Ad enit.w .- ah. w ' thiu ad els. et U% saimeg mthas i -e brataual lb. imte, ai OMM whm» y1 h.and ah.Aàbig iaconMe you eau âtulki. Bw he tuntele ami uiT »M ' s iht, " uued ae kmer and wd f he amoeit use 7 sudvita1i'tILws boc t tei aotiai somo re igaot i. laz'm uS he' d n te the vas. tp o ute les maut!îe miht wcoue touble. n liv» a cia eai cnd w corne i uriL rom ruk.ny ireimed v e et a v li th o. paeml Ssmk e He crnetb bai fouled 1h.t w'ch te whiestfrd'1t;. es awp o n Z i l was t He si wer guosa. JIi aasblo in f o love toebtons f ju ci; u -oBetrnehadto g*e sllouid e nul clin the aciosme C, as .t othin fr t im e w nnd start"iited.of 'teftd: a ighe aound ld iii> ndd hweaanof He carin e iback at it xJLi th. a sthe lali bew mde s o, it aal-o nwo ver monige on r'. iàh te ainx. ey, stuci tast? Nrinoe more nr es eIii wL.e oftes'e MoLe he rdare cmigringajjnmd l n off ihteaitàcod el.antideud abute lismed thbazeka tu- lmoat vey ake or wfo brdsitý n agaan tl 1. andinete n re prn ngTRa bey oM a se 1hb ll e oltar Md (Temmaes ran.oret.n dv in.7" o aadW l a,&ioeigt Ubat Orbe» Have Vound(~ A fitti.le bormut in theu.water la vIrklr scarlet uaÇns and rei-bordered gove). are le ire vaubsi viiipreveut hhem taing. il à. Worth recollecling lIaS bar mou £1rould b. cu n to square puesman put into adry place, as il Aastbel~ after siirlahlnp By rubblng wih a da nad dup- -e la the bust wiiln iebroya idu- eoioratio may b. laken off cupe lu which cualards bave been baked. Wby purhebaeinferiornulanegg, hen3 11.1v qcaifty cas b. bibi dby pricking them vitir a pin? Ifl hey are goai tire e11 vii iula"ty Spead muai the .Carpe, mter the duat bas boss b«a& u ouI, may h. bightenei hy cteing mpon lh.m comumeal mixei vit> s»4. aid lire sweeping iL off; mix mail mud moul in equari proportions. Rab your black walaut a.ving-ms. chin., Sables. your cabinet organ, or an! other piee.ci moli fntnre you mary bave, vitr a dlth moistmnel vii keremene oil, sud v ili qulckly se. aii improvement btkeit svay froua varaib Whben puttin-, sway tihe silver tes or *o. v pot, whieh i» nul used every day, Luty & latte stiek acroo tire top uder thie cuver. Tis viiiallow =roair lu grr: in ad pivent tie mustines. of th. eunrteat% tamillar to hôtel adboard-. aM'-Laouse sulkfen. Crape nxzîy b. renovated bhior- U iasrinading w frouand roll ing la aa ey%, pr,.oiu.n n itir dis pgper 'dcrape together, 50 lIai the= xaY ~i.îbewe, overypor- 0oyed by ;)aii u mpxed al opiMot Wh"blrcaule.. or nboughhlea puas..bame l0d tler him&.Tiem. gou rouaintP %un ho ihout rubbusg it o@4 elms dm. pahmSthe aper vul thon lhk.J m ide. e, ~buaoasa phu <pmaiWli WU~-Um Umm --- i mie Ira, ded- r BmSFU* B C. b mim mon~h clubge. b u me e w.m la * S --v9 t - m t o anus -, nu hi& * m am ey e -A ahMuê vh. lo i.m h. t b. -tm hWL askm ohuiS' ausé du tuea i i ere oam= osbitE ups be.tiseairs. Ym in bu ami lmr pumten v. kuts ru ù t vh.a Urger moan mer esier t. spalabtieb "De ma- vWho ss Snfmra'gooinadu voed anros' hlm can'î bave muck gond lu lusl" rrdFrmr freas IeSkelet.. ain 39o@4 Close. 7evw h uses have as n: anv clomets a &S ladies like. yet, in dterrence tb th kuown tact tirat tireurviilaIwýuvs try te :rumlce thehusbandsà.to take a boSe ,vith sevm r losets ln prefèrene te uns with sir. thev usnailv havie more tria tire Landlord likes. Closetq are nul alwav-. innocent from a sauitary point uf view. Many thinga v hlh ii vouldi i i-zeeabIe :o have in a iredroom are packed avay -n thre closet tire irousekeeper furgela ail about treru for montrsand they are oftea tr-eaurs of motir and muId. Ire #loset reserved for the "oileà Ulnen ci the. fami v la tire vor-t one. Dr. Benjamin Rlcirardsonlia-s verv trulv sai tirat apeople wviic 'as really civ"- îIized would bave a thoroughly venti- Iated room tet apurI for tihe entire tam- ily to undress xi. viere tire clotires coru b. hung upon rois and tirorougir- Iy purilied by dranglfits of cold air dur- ing tire aiglir. Frum tires. remarks tire conclusion mav b. irawn tirat dels in viricl I nothes are kept ougirtt £0 ie veatilated.-Pkiladeiýphia Record. IBe was àla 9i heA y- BaCS;ne-,ç. Tire ha.-t- of tii Apeu.nines is an elle- gant countrv fur rr>a.Ia-gents. and -dl le old bool-, uf travel ar-e filled vitir stories of capture-s. ransoms. haïr- breadîh eseapes ani the 11k.. Buttire railv:,v nuined the business,.ant most of the --Ptttmen engaged in that lu. crative r ofliutc-ommeree Lave gone tc America. A pions old dame viro guIotir te train ut Portland tond me t sire used to receive reg-ulrr remit- tancesi from her son in Xev!a. until ire vas executed by- a Iavless mob viro would sot listen to bis explanaions. Sire said ire vas lu tire &"age" 1mai- esof utsome kbid.Judging frointire .appearance ofthLie neigirbodmad, tire looks of the old vomianand a, e.art4c- *mrWtirhe story, il vas not difficult se gnos vint lkind ot "ageacy" hou som bai employeain. The peauants rot t"i dùistit are poor and 5<tventurous; ae Valley oetlthe Reno hba avabeen the' high,!ay citravelLlveeýn thre pl" netWL.imbardy sud thoe otTus- eaiy; tire Apenain. rogions are close ah liai to, traiplaces of refuge fur lawlesaeharactem ansd Ili ir ereubouts liai MostL«W the higiiway rorberies vhkclr ollovei aeersoW tire tonnais travel intoItlIy aidpreceded that et the railvay, occurrsi. Aerwvas grea: commotion lar ths eart oW Chùmtnsayestrday a&ber mao. A vedding la irigk lMe vas on the lpLs and acrowd et4«» ur M0 Chinsmea surrounded the. home oftire bride, inauanendesvor te catch a glimpsot1h. lady as mii. v. te meet the hrappy man. Wheu tire9girl. etarted dowa tihs aarrow stairs, aM charge o u o ld voman, tha, tou ieLicasmadesa rash fur " 5ioot- v ay, Mdi vire, Ie appearei upos ae - vlir be" h« bln agb. bi beini s an a, m aumet bm go intense lai a,0vmu et ap. le eur v ery t. »rfa t" mbuu uwdWva- IltusW»àha e«»"= Md a a -mvu et W- h gree raerue aMd i=t miaul vho Wa»about te à=aUnokU" n. Certais me Etrl.my bà uimmel 11 itrme ta4 vIlle .panhalesMM er dmsSzbl viiSuf et .vdl" e.BeS baw va WU b " e am-.apuin i 7 §ma - mefe i *bel a& "à go- vImm 49 bsS moim L 1k a-W voe .4 I I I i 1 t ~ T The Moety or XM. 1 ovenheard Senator Groom.. of f Maylad, dseMrsl.lu toa rural admni- rer lu one ufthtie herdies on tire wvytu tire Capilol Sailie; --lneyer la my 'de have ssked for an office or a vote. Ibelieethe office shrold duaîout and whroop up a hunt for tire man. When 1 vas elected Governur ut Maryland thre office stole tip beini me unbeknown and lrd nme in tire back ofthtie nech befèe I iad airly begun lu realize virat '"Thea vwren il cau, bt te Senato- IW rlgaMe 1 as justs cool and uncon- th" et course L mt aprecite l boue gestybut liraS SéHJIgSOSdeli- «cy ry ouli prevent me froni doing aaythlng.- I. Wf cours. took pains tu let Myhinonda knov that 1 vanted the Place if it vas Com'n* ni y vay, but tirai IcoSuld do notiringbinftuence their se- ion. Ths last year. i 1 nxig e per- mltted tire epression, 1 warked tire nMs *racket.' I nover vent near one nub. but viron h. boyýs came to see me 1 h id thoita. ho tell them just virat ma " idGnume's riend.vuuld tirt Ib rie e u ode~i, unassu- lb. YURla public life--men vi. ovtb@W elvbbeemient virlly tg e.~ ~ ~~c yse-u. oesWheir ovu moi- ami si l- "Nylobi1"ailGroom., -I vould mm e basee à&nu eWtha" Song of Wbêýbat Mrpffl.duties cmpel m Peit&-Vri p-ie km hiu ed ee nommeseU kas h. Amrieins a " a,- = OOla hewald, Whoue etsmmi w Mothey, xie ofa Apiem ....ing-ap«L EverytIi, lu &W M. bage Misholbe; every- Be Mfted L..éYilk 1 he chief chant., utw et a hma inhabunaut s lathe autang lm ci lb. revolver. He . - 10 o iwm U B "Beavenuto Cel. ObdMe M udWoeks" and vas e = by bi humours for fot ai, liut M wThLle el Pr -&'-&às bOàà been. dead fur - li re *liOeited the iniqxiry, "Who &hbit hirni?" Amourgthe more .lderly nabitanteOf tii. Southr h, Imm a amecoly Lendeacy to (date evuy avemti Wimportance by thre i% ww. -Boy beaiflthe moon s tG- b. shguOce remarked to a .ent:e. - whe wa standing next to hlm. have » - afw teSo , 0in_ finiWeial ddii h.o fidtire knowletige aid ppreciation of ant vest of tile RockY mountains, Lt man aut patron- one w"o in bis day bai been a miner- actually au"ed .railroad, company for damages because th. planter cast of Venia01 Kilo, whic he h haimported frua Paris, bai been delivered minu3 the arma! And, vit las more s4xrprLs. ng still, h.o aiaed bis case anida"m. Umm PPaemakers ot OU 1Time& i recontly saw some paper which hait bera printed on as long ago as itjà3. mai vas surprised at 1<5 excellent q uai- i#Y- I imag-!inei<thMpapers ver. raade at the Preet day la every way super-' iS o,toseOO maie so long ago; but ai- ter a particular inspection of the leas-es of Ummes hooks I bave be.n a good deal stagere la My opinion. 1 found the paper made about 400 years ago in thre most perfeut condition. stroun, tie xi- bLe, of a pearly wit. color, ýand Ga looking ,through iL is seen a water.. mark. beautifui for its cle:mnness and delicacy. Tire paper isas whk>e as an b. desired. and iras. as ai:eatmlv sta-te. a »eiriv surLz-ce. sucir as is noý -en now. iTue que-s:On is: : Z tai- i -,- band-rmade paper stand thre test of az aue .f 4W0 earsi wità equa.rs* 1 tU!UK ~ not. Tiiere alwavi s izi or or ess cilloritie utX the libre to a wa-tý--eo.r 1 proveid tù-at thre influence~rC~ i tis agent exists &f ter thre puIpi into paper. however thlorougIqrv. na be, supposed to have 'ueen was.Âe, *,.- T11Ue wtion ut tins eàeaeri is t>Li tile Paper get biard and brittIe ;w:tIr age.Lo!ado4iiaenae r A Laterary Fraud_. 1 came across a lit -rarv woman virose sin ut plagiarisum avaS eornm:::ed through no desire for rame, but s merely incidental to a alore tang-bie form Of svindling, writes a 'New Yor-k correspondent to' the Albany Jcurnaý She advertised that, in order to educato ber two boy&. she wished a littie heP in publishing a volume ut original p)o- ems. The work was open to the 'in- spection of any person viro desired to look atit ai a h. artfullv intited UL-t sire, too. was 'an objeèt ut admir- in.- contemplation. Woadering if there wa-4 anvtbing new in her trickerv. 1 vent t4 lern. Sire was handsotne. a gli liar as tu remarkable ancestrv. and the hetof ber aim was $0. j sup.- Pu. ah. varies it accordin(r te her judgment 01thtérecallers pocketbook. But the. curious point vas that sh. showei a Emauscrxp: volume of poetrv. MadUPo01piec'es sofamiliar in cur- reut poPularitv thiat -The &Beautiful Soov,'ý somewhlat transpos~ed an i bro- kenM p.but al l tcre. Wa. l.flÇlUr.l,! j in Hart. - -Ir d -. 1d i. mdtein lob bas tal labc-ri,' C ana an Far i Ibd bei, r t. While thi b@ Dot suppo 10 generai. Ibetion cf ýples arr unty exLil Sm fýiI ~rxzs eru. L c fO- W i t m "rscod t gro., i are b imeient si *@*yus nthat Y rowl A bautiful xibite *rnmmed u ~Of knewN a in tee the COUDn et 1every ~wr, fcom er until t ord--r t] bter und ov vhia 4ot me il bue tund Sappar b: "00 a ~iadeil Li tece k eaaaer ad, tir, be . né oWt too jar or tire Il to) for, a' limei ~te I 1; e a r 'f DbuIgon jlme it< OMif 0 him ma *dow.Iin repoSO In and col Comiort know hil rend bis bhelasSafi heaveu buaegone chdldren ilove'1 a@ ouran e goed fa bii wid cbildrei ~themsi ~tbey bc boly vi btpen toigne, Wv <bey fi one loyg jàVing hoj beantifl $de tbmnk return.