r Tw, vn r w qr r ___________________ - - - ____ ____________ r ~ w----- cm 18Gb -F' ieoe W.r hm 1 opagd &hrp PUICIMOE 'çai1t,*ga»e oI.ir u koe CONSUM~R~. w.t &,te, priptr*d for k a L*rt .3"nmUI#1 0~ qmMWo W. st gaJo =*lu i o.om obIff you 10o do' b1uâ w"tlu& Olearingsaloi Je& Re SBOLg sMiefm*m qIuqq~~a ifadomWf le àMsMM fiÀÏRo AND loes Bhog 1 RECwul/lT dulv Ir -f o o JP.ue I ai.<Lui gwmr lw$0Odopq#a 4v#uuul~ E MCFEFLYM Ban, V -Eofr.,UwdW Of LoNo. 7, in O gI~ om eut m~ lin f *w own- M I* .u ~ o i I, m am f dw, g iql IWZ S OtS, h , (iond' " gis.~~~~w* ag~oUsOto isw of mmau'pI P Fe w s îheS<. * f 441'h. Iwa4 u.CV iI.* sF RMI qu mIWItb Jc w tom. 5nomw 1 *f db P. , WM. KIUNtY,1 feF#do b.Sm*LI owf mL0iN , +,n. mh*p d UrIpnma \~. « wMS 4, lm fle am e *nu l i U< Pausetif W ~mgui~~ eu, deooua. 4 eue~ fa.f c .ta t- leUaê90Sfa 0 i lPZCC tAMc WlllamFolsyM abc mnnau - -WOÊ « m m f à -#r Ip R~ w- w -~wwm& - - m ovr Amo0 P M rJ m . 00àm W8C~N I& eoUtz TffAT,64. as»mlOam540 - IV lm MM trgnerwa App mmslMnw 0*o SWAPT au saigoil.lms PMW TlRX N UAZOU&A E 8 TACS, VO&WIEB, Irm r- e z4ff lf de d ... ......... 0 uS75 i do de ................0.09100-7 do of.do e10. . 5iteZ75, pl«r'. - 3 t. 55 Mme 1*, do=............ttet7 de .. . . ... .. (5 t>0 75 Ihn4hmp4c ..............7%00a OWN dak ............ 3 n0s .....*ios et tà ti à@ .mon----ie 1us Wet............. --w-.......sle.te U...Ne ,~ U? t .......... 5»600 .~........&00t*d .....0- .et Wb 0 MW «' - . . ** !WI ni a- m t g - o n -i t~. u ldm - w~-mb& Im jl«ýBnl - des ba m, md."'khNFb au& j kuu.l~- gaynLg~V~ l une la Mr-MM. buriya lady et lam Ou ici âm mmo -"bm à"ai. OSE S Mielr TmO.pp il ei si, - ht ama. igielaimua.etmthe momomm bt UIa. Y-MWvlab m m(Wdm m1.a -u t lhm"t lUS him tw osw-r lue boom hgiMWhm wmflup a pt mlva mb - 1nLbu htr am" but i e .t oek pt Mbé m eim tbeif w viof gkmddoutdwuÂ1 àw, dde*YktsmiL O g* W W -&Y l 01108usy - u Wfth àk - etbk»et.shlz&m Pbmaow*Lg -Our aid friand G-org RAaMy hq .hm Prince AiBnt, Ont, peu£ ue a bnu< d c a o Ndm.V T. LK.wNmlI w-urne im, CI"rkii ]Mr mer lss&oe h. W, ( tNatl amItm qDefflu coillageWe Wi..'I Wa umkeulaulthatI Wr. RoverdM..- L.ughin, viii suieini a fewday% te wwehur t ]Wr&Jo.imfaraae hum- nom W» umny tijaudea iib. lat t Nr. Bas. Pbuao. vosmarnai an Ccmm 19%u, te Kma Nani Rilano luai Lob., mi MMCi lirem J. Allal . âUCIAL Umm m -bang houievwy .esvi. ~(DetUiday maj)in >zthe nMW DumususWh" bu labgosrlrque of at. a&brihtmud candmWyiablmd ou weobnte- mra»ng the "bri< Mautbo 1 .s ,enil buim it uau fi is"i diafront ]wu. lu. hm. remuvi vith lié fers- #ty, e u MW m iimm bueoppomte the. ehurcbt ie O ary pttY plum maa trou imponuet tu Our villago. c-D le e~owtgw lmsana n& doma no(, oc- o m bauges, d m de iany of the imug al eattem @& mlWprkd l he b form nt M,11h'. 1 1 eLadlmansd chi-. tiwa huing the mms iMisttm st-' mchs tltmdluS wtlbo umq-u bas nr cninplaknt. la .aipecWily adapr.d finr t!ife cure of Lm a Cnwn&m.~wv AiD Bl ou e*TDIS- pouN to iOx M A A»louaor Ai- 0qoie fisEUAaoàW AirD T>T'P A. ?(M,4 as.CowL r*n Itlesvfti au Tht. modkutn* betnwlnIlIquid tarin, the lt. doe su b.e emdly rpeatWd tO ilwt e 4Irqu1ifle is tof umprt per' mons, nthwe makin@g 1: quly wfl ho«k*l ansunid by sal-dolure la *ay mcdtcnea plie ~ 29ifCd& Thistom"pnsl.yn tpoluuM u.wv l1'nlaepeemny *-" Phv mt u cti f " e auiofdisordus atimwWdnt npou akbw or neddlm of (ho et. u aayaco ar, Weelinevu u Plm nith eart. pn)Mp% ni.vi 1411mw î i14 me in cameof.%duic IL IIMIIONI bualsdng fiomLou of Sioci Adriê1oq vr."uac ie 1tmu*, maiin the ewnoin (fiiihvartably uccompnln thivm rovpry fmué iWamtig FeTem e. r(ilII4;Iy îi.I glve ffu4'rMWpdy ~tlab Dy olwpuin (<r Il udlittIon.,tuactioniOm theo rah betg hs tfagtimm immslp bion, m lea ignurmiaSo iuritpeirm.net'u& iM n ntwwr îmuifaîl Ini Flatulent( D7sppis a pejreta hlbtq epi (o fer luc 'Yt'r uaruovilsU lai Altif aogIit qndnew%*181 tki n #vete u"d m c o n e tu lant In Priiord. btheUaM viiibu t.tum .4 v*alîbe. li pprcis eta M1 M Md »tum IboI P r si urt.bWCaffya. * III ~ Aw eiuil ,aum o.i~eiU*aM Et ba-l.4~ k EMO VAL *Mrs.Keeve NIIn 1.~ w MARDWR (JeWUw~W fl a bSfe me wta N.zt b lb."Ou4Fi B&Aakv KMtit S tietlou-» dh r4vowuwm TEGCAJMA UFE JAILIISII 1S47 ( . ;Ma O Wufluw a L&air u lie otu ........ io <oubitevm i r. ilgr oue ieu- re f m nbbv hanse. vhich la e. ........ d i, um turs f et or to the f i om recmtly buit ju- i.- mo6 S ai P.5 elfes"- "'Rmmei. New euadmdl joui. "b«04 fa.; "iami. ninv '* hemog muid the uge tw. ut ejc'!abl!inatu, place. Teu eadt a. a I mm;,,.w n;p .S~ ua1ertdnulte iru < s b oee-rts vme b elà t St aiSfos pl5uet al u .ts;Vmo -ej; @m &být«'J" twn" gie aw prrtmaeb se O<md tu> .tii. mb aia cce ~ta show V@è1Éiýnèlu&ULai. iL. (hec ho atiliouiseu6-0high .1(1 (hue Who trgqelmetry. SadI (o relate, thoxxgh 1 e b @ka$& I». aC aAt(.fhs.u ~ _ sIMMraht a yomg amen fraieHardle! dmlUi.fa i US ; mmhIper I Jahee1 heumin sempeilpin..et the em<te tu VwL-<Thtetn'vai MOU Ir umUe o . Veicul bean . Nr - lAie Lmiv ài. t ,could he dbmvI, but the fair oe le ema. a st c rurue ..IA r. JusOM M C lark. - o lt u 't. T rw gail, qbb lr- e wh am a à ari,-* th on m of ch. ufppty rews-hip LAtir .i m a.' e Plat b. tM ing t : I w"a u.ue t iv GeauJy murerly Angus e rurmmn'.. niEdin, sr CWW 1 oseEUW e wn hr pit vun» hiebdau- int e buoh. Not aceing j:It lr aOme au D 81t"uIpmmcr em a budoume d-tomch% l j-t nvash.bu fna emby..... ....... el, et mp bythehgomr eta i. usumtcW. m ..vi-nala ao re bu t oi - ................. et» (ha. y the pp itiom a( Orr. uu. 's vad hur" sud coulld not b. ..l , a:pOu4j e ner indu e d ! ta leste the a,.0 In B .l p a thon sutr u'rg rqg».I -e skovar--raS a....... *le - m - ha w duape Mdvionm-i aoa-1 ou% friend, Kr. Gihlies, Of the Kirk ai6*se 649 ph ou d th « me v" hem MIe f tl ta the umgifioehit miu5 .u........... .. . a t-l W u l ame e "w tii.4à th et e " v h » uas t ba ao .- Iia oui@" lffl ......... .... ao au $561 va p r. J.,ha Km- tuebe amg th& flM of 'ts kunt il1 *ov.f. a 4«fNr. lobe B&mm-.Tbhe Camis. $001 oly, ttPèe. a u a ........ ....... s* au t - bk mSlfe m v yurs a à N. hotn» l wa. ga ua e m" Md mw..va. hgky r-thua setno.tur a mumber of Vau% h ~mb-a~,1,~I.- posti. tb"'wa up th e age-far better 1 nompw wibuo %tuogfl S(LUL Kg' amget Mr_ Wumlry _ ldu 0 @ o Semah Slog. L m.mw, et theo."Sow family,- - * ~ Thuua bnb1I V uet, r ,-;cemug oidfemlme buu anaW ~ por lu25 OS5600 î'alliethe josAS fautaythrir re- Sid %Il thetata oe ff i@fuet Wa 2509 549 nniquim wuit.r in be itm a ahu for sa,% s hiuuh t , à p a. bmupoa tu elt tdu f.... "motel u b b M ut w - y -ete as a h t -. L MLa.John ?neria, cmpih ~' ~t -Olbâ,-lI t bnu is .Ti oaasd c O h .......... 150 --a. va rd&.,(Fe - vimi Wth (ho sdv#âm a., it m ý *» pofu hWvomisan% bdtw- lnokolad .4 u 1à l &~- I.P i zomr mf»nmet o 0ot MM& a àn&W fre f mamy--- f 4 9 .Iut= n ni a aléI m the a- S _74 U16 a uàm - gt WeiAl* oa bdo 4» -ma -m-ibn" am M L dt c a m e w t 2 » d 2 3 11 e I L r- --vona sbdh ei ___ O l OOb Io ibumd&M&b mit"1bkm te 0 OUI a W- su nomme___ wu le's W W -Sig& ai y thty laie l gwumbuLf - ai thW" ie M mweeI M --tant&&, g MVE02. xWL M Clut ma oc * ~ - Otb. zstring tnatues. L ~ ~ m IL ~ i aDn". tg - tto former getk r= 74"" ibyeiaa â! Làâ-Ot humiylut Mr. Glw. be TSaumis t .e @et that J. I ad lui bma s phmMsi by the pi I% YMMR MM hputher vith one,~ Jihft lbu Muia'w omomittu-d a be Mr- A. Dobus'.atoemfi uuU~ &tl.m., but Guier mo au&ft uq»fi tbe comtable. Rà uçios, Jéuten. -trieda su , twmteon yuoe in the. Qutrai Prise,. kItâeobu hq.LthM Giewill b. r> iqiiui" te bdcelp frflh al14oagus tiua whbw* Imn.1% Dàmm5u kI.-Be1Ph NeLaMM4 sea msai tha Xat. J. B. IcLaren, wbjl. . = thecrash Ila*Thuraday broka 01: i».a but te .pmnçt ~moe Sof hW MRpumie wouid mms ~~~.Mi »u rv mjr .the apot vu zutfr fnu the mil-dut»s: :tii i h ' filleé the creek the wver in oY swiIt W.e i.e agad shatimg diiiaMd the eSnk ini it. penut om"iton aboUl -T» Oz AsD T»7o."Mih in the citY aldffr in bhm maje*y ot offi* a @htiikliy adfans, but la bu be.udl m p»ety mai rUOSC for tha ab"irisevey of the a MImn idenumw <imier et the publie expes. vohall bu ,mmch or<'t I,"ey w"t a three. tin tbra.ma l ti " 'But vo ahonld t. quire a ai;fertal yta boot te aWi quatuy apE - ur admiration of th iemabait of our fbflow (ovamm vhs mttum the fi»e optar fred irovn by on vilIMagomderîmu mThnaday eveuin5 lest as a tbauk, offérini in havig hau one agliu.ected to oflice What is f ,arter! Well. ut thought we undu. atnod, but x in &Hhumility Uc must ou. féeu its ttus invevdncms did net burit un. on un until the. aght of 'uer one hundred able bodW dcitisens velawing msten emuedcmtoehbudder et its muful mapna toile. Andi thcv wvue l thoem~ too : tl» aid tinter, the. new1y elecft»4, snd strangoe eti, the. defumbed ounidatm I t us griaL It va fuL.Lt vas ruez. NOT.--Xr. Biehrd White, boot and cho. maker, hm refavaI into hi, net brick abUte u Lsidlaw art.....Schaod reop.eSd on Monday 1wa; the jarenl eleumeut much depreme ... Arcec warus Mud anti-cyclonfatory faabio:mb' e duw the. put voek, sMd muck avpreciated by eoa1 Mud Wood desiers... xaa4-ewne adi simtinyp carnival on Fntday nat. PRESONAL -Mir. and Ym. J. L. J ete of Linda. ~who vere viusting frimdu hmu , àuzmg the. hoiâarutebSd te â hme OR TbuMMey lut 19BASS HILL5. *D" te Tb* Vor liIL& Angus iIcKay in getting oat , Uabea for a fi». bars, (o b. erecteii ext -ommer.M . I KeArthur a nS nly huimd a iniâ stble, under the super- jatpudeun of D. Smsith. En ... Mr. ý. r Q--" - W1.1t le-h» let the job of fitoa -.1 SAeeSC woeLaiF. IDA b4 y P<"'t s-."ffl te .te eFM p«cujLrý t pr 4mem n pit ne =..a.. the byt undC vit bore<N"t DURHING T" - libitcommev o on rwdatc~ "-nvth rgazi to OnédWmsfor !o- A --y t,, th 19-RRIAC Li Tr. BEALL,. Toubern GRAIN AND Bethaun- aut qwt muime price pa ait &H ses-onu m ea ti I"4 4&yà et-mm Le FALL Vit u,.w 'à RAY sionDh« - - - - - - - - - - - wi wý