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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 19 Feb 1886, p. 6

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MouYW 's" vhafimt it if surdfi4Il e r l$it ow oï) 41at tm (lus oitl 0 fi IrAI4 R ~4~e4 J~jMAeb4 to nus'f 01W4lMaemltlt a I W <'t' r i $5' ' #sl t ts' quss 1 j'ttii' w w~Ie Mat "AwT -~ I - I~ ~p ~ - k Le1O~ - ~ r ~ *4 ~- - ~ w ~ th Kw 0U~ W.sUk,,oe ~' -' -w-_ A . - -' ~ ~ buf P. F v I 'i. I '~ 1401 iwupne11~~f ~ai*sim1 Mu ,î4rmdI;of tua m" utboi oa mit = I=t wu t udw t parent ýbo bmlovo ied a ," Mroc mo tofi<k44 i In hm berwo@ lit fo 9w mnlb. M ~kaMManhi 0W ne oél; ltfsudnIbee a 4<tr cf pz- Agoq! womn m" n#eandi pve<'sedforwmt i f roteirls(baf tm aeavt fr4 for p(xdý f h#ve o m*U7W11gto SAnd M»Y tntnf4l to me4 riglt 9arong. and tsi lIrtlitt jov to *a1 ,,nhappy1 mitheT' the ljr thtnt sry0onng voum ~i 11v tviý mmi'ii »pc,êmhaenlltwtm f o »lId lii ler lit'îîr of lx m t . ' Artr >orèl frft 1Ifolnd cutbtwoffe w»g ii +*1huppm'iuedwhh" b.4«et««oY- fiblg 'P .Ad 0l"4%tblsn'vu 40%4"h1 tbft R91A A heaco bM4't 1$ W twàx . Agpiy Mid*it M 14 éts> sH4t qwm the' ctbev OIg mothar lme <lobanIhlit U'l#t beat#y bab s lt le Kirg4 r t miwua fi nn Vae hdim f4,e'.rsmKw <' %% tnI001 hhas lite lit-tIcfine. Il 1 h*ssl Il'41 pib<'olil, ou f 1the von, go. ti '400,f k1w' nsIhi cf ttfill haler t tltîit'tkik("s' %v the94Tevte rêcitbue hosi suvé rI 1îý' i,ýtt rm r tif tio. lt.tl f<srmtlt"s.s lsî in w ami found tfluo Alme wChtjîx 1's lset% hlkl c f the othem »>ss1), il fltstMile 'b"dne msslonéger uy mýk.t W11fu r her os rlsuln is',' s ' ' rbor fisn' lte dsriisihleltof O t ri i t u h rsnl lsrigt an &mil u'usrn tîà5î' Its;'toititf one rcf ber fis", tst 15t'?TJ>tTi5 m to Amerlos Wlth it u 's'selanti buti hecti t*kmdi-d vert ly te 'h hohcuptnI. abers' ho lq la an >li~<a01i t4 foifor ek' *lf' wv l hotbso mwliilied t hiMW 1101lso er f rles'Wlth hlm. bat 'oîugh a.. vo 6 " *ho dst. iOcntbas' Iven be't:ber ethi na ehuoitY' ln.4%utlomu The cumgcopahast ss's.i einuMet Km« eh~ o ha le owyale tboaee. 01 mmff th ewopoadf Ieptffl iai am- ol"lnbve Ia f«1MGe.1~ GMlrgvMokl.1-. voe .~.Ul-bt ii uohsiwmau io 'if Lm$lIIIR «a U ho% lng bu wskodaw1~ t suii% nth Na b. ofti wcont oy a, gIm rmit ho A#t bmuutM a#t 1iWe lueifoil and ffl eoasum . d gnt ow il t=Mdetout * h be w"". ln pm*nllSO t*V uol, homue- V40l etl til mnns' CertAily IMlIo lin, wlth bo eM coni plimllînntm. l lgbtnexe mad gram .diti flot. seni Aflttebt ho the wffs of aparf ma%. . Re d bi ter flot drmoa f It sistthe .boaeh, wiUh I>fi oulowle, It* frfeo hwe.w, it#pleamnut i~<nb ddeiimy b.d ot lIa saZlfacottf. neO gW eft> kff .thffra wana giiwhlul pain "as M hb4atý t $amaid binilo AM dthatho Wa Th. rw'ti f mielahf!V %I1¶y di't'Ol îIpOflthe ptt raroitwthlm. - t' lmsvery nshty to ho 14frm." salud a momieid volet'. "Comp ne aTt. "tr cof m' -,hMirs 1go 4lwn on tho rock . md t'titvh me me nltsfor papait bréakfast." 114he loti the way <lowna pon the o cks inei'ly taluing. "t1 1lo4e to oP4eSI awhile away.' don' youl' aho quted. -Wohave niogoe<!a tirma ar-thim hoardeffi ame veiy agrp. Allbut WU, 'td.iiulbwêly qep"o"I hm -ilt <r no." Km hadtM llh er booli aMd put Uha lato hoi' hald.LE thon hold a droopini bmnch of' Uic cingla Ire. o hi aei bo tt, .Thm e xo tood mad watceffl g Prrfect e fltOUX Of *0b. rO s hook an dili'tdmi Wn, «M>abs droppetthe bhm% IV hn vat4w and qutty watted. .4iud d"n Iv Me IOVIY eYea, blMetbthaa e o ib "thmn beîto e.fl," horepieor. 'mp hhw 'on"xkedoae "et> i# t o1*m " "I 'upp~e v, to, I igo beforti 1h "letme toll ymi hy tbe oaumr hai MaW" 11-h" wf.otmSt wormm 1 havoe svm knolwn lw iheeflPO miw urh m ffali And t gOis~iilo raum ?A 1: .woul like to at4y~, lscus-,me ma v h, for 19 vlthout hope-4 love ber.l 1 1e 11511emoment Iail va MaW int l 1 laahing f thu *atomilduS arihi ci cf the .nwy wbemitIug pUMI. Then tl bine cfthe lvFs" o abois ont ttW hy xa fl l m et ope. Levai viien Pholovem y«a?" IM keoit dovlu. look the ovai hmseb q twfflbw trUibg #huitse.ts.4 be vas 0 fNbM epefor lb. syese et bhlm q etD om *abe lovem e?"i « rng laaghMuntfaim r fbr fa "W»mva touW walspwwt, toc, mabdh ot R.-. Ont . U *happy. bopefail 'tLtm (o yow A*hIng, ladybl Wb#$ y" mi t them%. me a unmd tg l" vby 70qq love 1».« It We 1 i Itrii*tvo% »d iyou »X «N Ne @4nbnwg the1mb hi len e.W r 10« 9%4b« ue l »er v OUmnt" 'ti.?fAtWrrduos flmt ant e cima wPo « Es14 1esmyou. b%-Ios -mi b. ml dImt.? I i I. s H s. M lm 4 e, wu. e. s9" FI I I I fi - omurw - ' Weu.4 w~lbà1 bwi uwi j-.-- uwvoe owdour bw kbu 1.W.1L o w abey kà&a1aioe ibmwmu w8 ~~ _e 99 k - a I-i lu 11 eybpI m - i 1071Z lbe nzu" wltu yu, .1MM- ollyr Md IL Wr mekeShf 1 Mw Y, but MY IoapaL mau-M au Iwo.* tm bit Mautjr A» moon M abe uotam to towu." By tii. le" of Oetobw sal.ba" tom elty-ward19M. Bie&epUdJy zaoo De wa b.pt quiet= 00 lait 111, Wabs W very f«bi. sud unab eo eove; buabs did act objme to hbe So entetalfllfg ber f m nIfoflDaIy. Lloweffyfl came troqueatly to Ue groat rieb maiUuon, where rich carpete uilUedhie nt%» te »oundlmeggfegrandi wboewonderful pic- m". e~hawit ts iednaui. Aibrey VIllan m,panto. Ho was wel kIIown ln towfl a young man of good NwIly of Frenedi etractIol, fnet &% wealthy ma lt had. hemn, but somewbat Ma- ttugui*hod. ge vwa»hand»ome and agnsëole, and a*t the Ptîd:*gl Little Rin lie euoyed an Idip heur witbh hm. Dit now. bem hoart denon#-f . al ber bhouglita anothoi, asth ear.ed littie for hii svW~t-ýi, and *Mad go te Lleweiiyn. #]Bit$ ho cares for you;ii,1 cksure you ho le osyloue%" e repiletl,..'and bao been Mnca you became eralted ln his eyes a.4 the niee of veut ault. He!-; m.y rivaL"* Little lin Iaiigbd inredulotl'y. But time pirnvAd l ewellyna wordsg true. Mr. rBlane.hford, un»tabLe, am(i prr%ýkM for 1money, hqb ega ocomplain to biàs daughtor Umt *ho b.d flot preferre imi ru-. -vllm n lo f better ei-tioin than Llowellyn, and hms mort' money than the l ltter wlU ever have-why arv you !stt fooli-glî as te prefer hlm?" lihe da"iirr. S tahly. 0011 you b.d a fortune It w -ile flot matter me much, but my faxriii. .ro long-lived; - your auntt may lve an invai l for a score of yeans. Lot Lleweuya go, and maM i'ryVIa." kuW not. wbst to reply. But the.n c menceti a long, weary etnug>I. Hl' fa*ier rprn.ehfd, expotulate<l. ln-ted. RIn *,(nnwng hlm well, temporlzed, hop loi or bo~erUmne*. Thit winter pa.sd. The i*prilng;z how- ever. wsm equally shSuded i fn ibieWa dfflieDlo. IEn. Doria pumSud the ZM1WO» <.tmor cf ber W&y. noyer aaMug If bu bm*m wm rwb or aoor. se mpu Wbsehor e--00ttgmus. Te Ms dms vasW aluta t 'tom4e. jk thue smwy nommer. aitbout po - nàw le. oria envillo id Wben W. Et. uIlibqrt lanbfOrd met vit th@ rs'làtlve% t-o hoar tbs+ viiirend, bc ohdolà Blioa lest. Pevs'snailaige bequobu tovarIcl..tbin tutIon aui Caumuw oý Mdithmb g, umt. OU kny y. bdprèed UPOS brher la bMa yeutb Ow fl ot uith lm-lt'a Bkt r ho, skeK Md hew o«t -jb bom g & A - .. -m mmaw huhu eb = mue *bwï.lîé -ou et mb bwg- » aiS 4rck I m -rme& &b M au&-07i. ~ i~ lit - - I- à -lui mWa- mb b - - fl vou - nom> jk» -lo- - ~ I nom mâw&LUUm ww q- e% - uneg~' - m , b tosw e mma iemiy-m dcYaklu OM M kIU0atIe n mStorOM-4 kaato wIhtbumtjul.wtmdeiimI k~~~~o de"- k bi the slowly, one' hi- one, tltey returned, some rsucesfii. ,th~,a ni the MOErt, ast seemued t tni' -r' heart, certaillY net. ýn70)xv 1'n T îPPLTCIN-R imthfa r.,ptort. otif turTliflh ne!!, iziven l n an-' --' Lb 1riî-tjiwflSfrt.tuthose in %vaitimz-, *Lt p)r - 1that the Prs-'idt'nt re!uwç1 dte "-irthe'applitatitoi et those wbri,Èj:ibis re.adY j'lzmHeft. were ton yonng. a- of those wlo were too old, tried' 1.) the' same standard. Thie proesa cf weed, in"-.out extended beaides t4i aIl thons' who hsul previousiy held tAie position o!, oýndtit'tor. My turn rainne atter I had heM iwaing about two lîouîr's. 1 as nervoflir!but rffloitto s te -41 l~ie the weakneffl. Xv vifte lins! een to it that I wv1 a ee. full. *tirs'il and hrushed up, but my quonslai fris' ids woulnet have recog. nizeti me in tt' slIrt',ss I wore as 1 en- teretl the'o' "'wh,'rp sat the man' wbo wass tàeai- îr v'"sf n'yfate. Ris malt te ,;t ; tyrrannieal and repel- lenut. l' ..e el'.'wtthhorerughiness almost . . ~anad insulting as his quie-si )is * tan Vou. ti iîunstif I appoint yen?" shall wateh ..-oupart;iulariy." 1 bowtsl. "He then rS.i -Wait doîvu stairs until I cati vou." ether !ortusisate Onee', twefltY-Ofl Oft us, in il were ordemei bac.k te the Presi- dents office. We meekly awaited devel- epmets4 standing htua group. AttŽr arvýeying us in a body, the. gret man )se from i&is hair at the desk, ad-: vanteti toward us, and pulllng hie eaI is1eevs up almost te bis elbowa, madie us a epeeh. Y5ow men," said lie. 1 have plceff you of a&l thoee wbo appUâed teo,-Iu n beesuse oft ay letter of reommm you brought me, but because I1liked your genra apearuoeand addreoe. Ibave only Ilire. pointa whlch 1Iwisb te ip upon yourminds: frst honesty ;sod at.tention to busineffl, sd third, poite- nese. The. frt. beur this lanmmd, la t1k prnsipai point" H. thon proeededt» 1.11 us ItM th - spotier- vouM lb. phieed on ou tmek, whose buatmm h w te sem 1k ot transuetW» fl withi.e imt were pereeut squre.TIeompay, h. Muid, enu ne1twafoi'd e ep rogues ln fhaempbey- ment aadbe was determi'el te Ibruat Be M a trotbhi .,«MnuMd - gohg te malm aR the1k ny bueuff I b. b smdanue ..bu tu lbe - wàamhk db.vffu tr lg " "Md et.f M6 à e b.lectue, . o*t M te l1" aezuy .etltheroam& Who havtng l'ut Iom uou manesaud resaidmgav awb et wsabhba mi k aa @- oxub mmnkt& 1Mi«U aigu" -i th*.9emg Md m M aeepta hanie- euat& **pm- mme mes & à g aid& ma >bu t, lb -mm IMM.a 1k a lie r-« -- nMit ~ , I op * pduUnp am *#P tm M -.ion"- Ye of l ., OR o . kMr amm aeo o un- at voumag *mneuc for tbrfl ]L M b- ff. 1 dii flot feet A~~~e e aIffii u aslger of a conudain reduoed arcwances. degmdad i nMy work. The five daYs as "extra" b.d imcreouflAd my repugnance for the. euform4d loalng whichhaWl gtuve Mi y àunily, not to speak (d ma'. BeIL But I bail learnem some thinga In my perlod or intermittfit service, and the principeà of thons ws to decline tue friendship of my feflOw extras, " whose &dyaneos bail matheir object their con. venlence ratie tbai' my entertaJflmeflt. Veor example, oeeof them excitedly asked for the boan ot twent-y cents for ~change to r.uft his car with. " I hadn't meoney for him, though mny inexperience mwwIng t») make the Ican. What 1 se.w soon made me inflexible of purpose lu sueh mattera, L,esovered, it wu& My duty to b. 1.3 EX3BAS&IEaa EZCOGSitTrO,;. Being a comparative strantr"r in a eilt where. I bad not heen krown inr,-ny am days,the chances were againzt n rntvW- tag acquaiftaces of an sort. 1 did, however, once eneount-ýr thfs wite cf the gentleman by wneau.r'-n'y 1 hait secured employmleflt, whom 1 !hadi not seeu since she andtie!riii- r:!l *' my guesta on the other side of t}hû ltI3.- tic, five years 1tefore. A feein- oi hameo o~&ofTfme and IturflOd mYvack' ' 1 'r enr.tr car Therrà. In hv.v",tobe done but to >e- r r-j r y ad ol ber fare. With the -vrihliof n a true lady s. divined what t v f- I zs .vr&and w3.s the perfect t :.' to me. -(A~o~Z the least baa-m.t and, ble-rs 4 heart! relleving me o! min,-. IFromn that Ure forwarl 1I folt prep-P for whatevf-r might happîwà.n -:o me ia iti wa -'-, meeting people who had knowfl SmeU ieneverything and evserybody asmileil 1 oin i& a consideration paisi by the company. -. act as spies on conductors. ply their ,in- amiable work under v'arious disgi-uhc_- Soetlines they appear in the'gui-e Lit laborers going to work. meehanits -'wtil tools oftthesr traIe, or even of old wcmen with baskets o! fruit. A dL--honest conductor may find oppir- tunities, to -knock dowu' better wilea his car iserowded than at any oth t2r t ime. but bebait better net attempt it. -Atr,,u- sand chances to one he w-jil ~o'p: ansi the& exaet detlkieney rtprt>,-' : iii the nuinher of Urnes 1leediti r,.;.-: x' he took fares;, nmar&ed- up a,-u:I!L.L L1 Iî L'le office. The -spotter- does-notawvS , the' eùndiietùr of bis sksosr 'uiit makes one. Re works in the' dmri qiedt The "apetter"- dLcid.4 ùas ho flt, ke the burrowi r Z l.S hm a appemar te the cn NXLS " 1 wumiel ameng nilr regulti[ lr' woubhmmu, s dogged and ulli tL panom. unle xpre-sffon o! bis C"tfl - ' w» ai r oua PIeasig and 1I Mlm wCb noire than an ~ttii m m a bt a i a lb." O tdC «-ai lab rgu oe wheh. hokil lek u~Mrt sfa IwdeU Mb- M& e pMmeosli - bta silO b. k a e pii ma esA ai aen - btk prolaSO&Dy il hmhod to clear Ak hm . botter,00 t ~ ~ ~ ~ hv a~ZgtimshV u sbdtu od bm tt»batteS' 110100-g rtawý Ig*jt touChed ia 5blacka geta à fafl? 'g,~hencfC ai! r ~I hote 1Si l. ri y1o iitk l. " ,us w r o'i ,Ows hw ith ,..ai he î'tr k wos re reý À 0analher kows the tile bing a fritenr t t lo the -1 hal-It lby erhae a 'L' aWman aen ber.ý% knowsthin 'a.: la eOer mathe a~t .11 bthe ug'. cwhnt er aea And wfl ena - V Aid large me fan Say kflO, lUa. . wws evrman ;-l lho w r o kbat-,s J ut whent peka lote griî @Meent Stoc ion . of LS> &Deetenk a merce v',i * as"J "~andi or the c'i.rr ic uboe .ntcf v-ho desire im the ba-ie inita m ail old establin'L tise ceaset tsa partui ,the rbed, the of the fa~ hemo, onany cff t ei hres tht a spurchsec - ttolrelaad d&hat the c wknRobx of four tatockcomuq partuer, i ave met bansme rs their r ONDanies dir tra apci 'Id .The Va tthe .O mlI tw' 1

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