~6d~m17 ht 'ml( MI (lm froveber' hod, te 11 iff Mm.f'-d h athe Ww MI"c'.- ,1«% "lt t Sinft f " hO sont'1 'w fIftg, n'MpItmçm a thfsitus4 r tomI n oy lttlid "t lueW»mff.«"# àm t-b w A" t~~leIeq tf tot éc(f f l timl m. Ts,1« cWmaeï o f file, vurosowh<' 1ff My me gh, bss*vm. lb. ftttAi Irotil OW ýVttWu te rmir IlIrF flm tnlg vuVh m#%<f4 te rVfiet 11 'ietgPIi(4ty off il mear- Pnfflufihi7cl htid ae h.+anliving MM dtpîmd gh. An4'd 1l, Ilitfil%, f1etlqfi t <r'tîd fir v 1 If ttIiflh' itd betw of 011 thl hmvqititT «I tekus lIteprio of cftzy llwo i- hfid And 141thm efm iof * alIlightomt ery xabs s ni M m'il ae ofefitd ?i" i#bhof§# il Lftw",uvf fIld fl po 1ifffi elg*e* 1" ~ *p'CV Od 1'w6f <4,1'(@Vflbl't1 ln cifift M mom 1l(m*Iud<I ihl* h hor t-t1 ir v sd.1% f' P I3 -t e ft My fa« hp. <mo ow* IM M gh t"- -rl biWg WlmMes I noekad. SE ~IIe *1~~ -~ Wr, ab#ge& SOm64 " Dh4i, 10. AJ<'a<nWUe' S~ ivet'w or sajepeet wb<s h. la? Wu< la Muet-eV Fvei~i4~a i'r~ther,-la~4 maif se "01,, lueiWu~t1y latheVlw Alto, t Tii. old W@fflB Wonl elost. b' lis emcvn Mcie% mmw tmt MMP f51 . i ua l S is u tor Imm 0» 4, u hmasPm hl aMlt t--'lieYo 014,w Md elamee goum thon, am-il Mt"r Zs-mrd dm *"10, ne!T f liuuht It sas ho-Ifw.r mq, ,My baoo- h siawlud behr. O>h, wley <114 h)wi nlttell met Wby M4 Mtc My in" * Usy love, !«' P!s'rr. ê714 itang 14mct cth t -e b<'dAldu cf a Iylv$g W(Ivnl. 14frhh# menot-rr hlM. l1ev day. vM nutllmred Oc lieq demnh W b«t! bIo4bM *«Mvgn ntonS'-~na ory. howover' th" tsmesttma IW4ert'wotlihtuV0 Madte hi. heurt-. loup hC iret u m 7cuw lfM h . lo i t e W fleen* l ie àunillily.(f'r 1 tv4nN'tui4 f t4 wweti IvtItietI hMW nlit% lefniîeelt t'1.,1I lid fro hl* home. lit 1Iv14t-My tbey tbluat dMo- 11111'.' Vî-enk Il. fttWA klimi tfoniboy-. Mtown unîoh.'lie, .--'tftînk lft-iMAbi eiflot1. y pmofI'y! fit vusirf-l. tftry.M)y atberawl iîeri ir 1dit la Tboh 711le hel,'t i l l-ftlty t>ii. Mn ols-eu ai hIn m"" yriumeunotr.ui.rlte-tero tt nte ohlîgfhic esIutenee fli iiy Mter lav1 ( <tIN'tife t-Un W4att motti peu-.t it'wn Ifubd dim-.< Afrw 4l'eitîolfted 'Srd.#é~îkt Shfy wMrc« * ym e 1 Md o hie -mwbroter-siy teliriel. u »k MWMs go"&tMd bt-ff), , 1ev murM 019-4 w0w4fflR4 foth 14w abs ld sss c w ionp i tiw a omW bmowr w«WWMyomrit aloadi-F erw o r b. mr -'m- Wwt »- ~k -Rat - kb, #m a% - e aII~ft RW mul 1k n ~lw d a. lmt ndomI u ber rkil ois v fl - bow bwm4et "r W4 w ' ew tu w tkm wum » y ~'VrLIt ou ogW' nio ý Ppm w u«ag lut om..MW tm..zo~ ImIoer U 4n lm e Wi w t 0 - -ait Imo. MIun i..II am tewmtMI y uo - tii11 WF biag mg MdSaiSiI .0@Md b.4* nw iWVa," bni t olng mo e thonet o m " bute.eak ost irso< dIu WIou o uvatm -da lu DOs t ifffl.,WUb Yu laOatlZed upoutMdob«' nid Ioua pffl da ltistitei.4 Jaub. ube, M*@ pÀViGaq n'nty. a nst uwte. " O, Nu Gobavemr tkn «rehi pu. Aud Dos lelp ved wtt.*haod.buoui. IftstiA ycung l, moumtdhbc. lu md oIpWs erec n wtt belâboe lu oeve puloe, had br ps l a Nift potu« a naMrtvstt , r Tii suhcflb her ero, ndruahe w abod the arstal ytl!. a about a NfioslLavlvg.her nota Jlroiy wt. ano edy won the beatikfnthe rlfor sueh pepe romtylis el cmlteiy.elo- ffltIw» dte br ieet.h ly%, lace gr "(k ytvlfmwmod onne;er danty etelèalue tho IW evr uillo«ed er oas.ssgmoe - 0<ean, be rmm!iee, d Meh La- Jot~wt. be" lmAtgh fa"ce ouding ffly rm wnd tolookaI be« reflectvely. th. Was fot&a usupiou pemsn. but 1# di soel,-ln ô ber t-bét imeLaris b" auend Dipbs sefrvice. an un. ruomnimberoffUmt-lsat mOris 1Iitbfo 0aoh. bd .been one off ber 6111sf worgblppm1; but now Ph" befan Sb dieliks er oflrmley. "l u*aI Wuk. Nu (irrman?"' cried lNis- Lavime holding up tht-i ed of t-hoe-ver- green wreti appealingly. Two yard. off thia provolng t-ing wantlng. r. - GornwV-Rhl Mped ber banduet trgie. ally-saveus! Reriybody iaughett; for overyi'ody knew t-bat this wuin a diellcaer i leman'I th11solph should tako hbla homse andi bt4Wwl"h al arendy bem ortgreat servic ln t-heur <frt-paréttIonq. and got down tri the weo'-dgsa imilm (listant, for a frmh esupply' v t everrn't .Onliit".') happy. IMW,% ltvine,** Doiph respon:Ie:1, droj>ping hiA -heAr'< andi p&%e.>tar(, ndrising wltlî necommo. dating promrîi e -S" ile- ..so'h.' af-l n -m uînertr.c111 llbrlnte Il,,'t- uet~y rounmil here for yi-îu. JVc i<nommie m.' vt tklèow. %oig 'yy.îîrgnlf--- eh, a 1111h' i.Ieî,tleç.%'f flter. and î al.sel ing up h' Jo-tié-whên )oip-h hartdo pareti, - ir. lo'rrldtt ay it. but dnt voir think tijît is,4 La-viiio ls-weiia littif. it afietel'- dalwtIiy, wilh Chalri e-om"-u *WltP'P Chti" 1-- u h 1>41- "goinisw'.i" ..1.-Sq , 1> .* ~t- tuIly s#ows<I-.otiers -And coneult-sd? sa1ld e. iMs Laveyne ~ aullng îriward* a wIndow with Chail<îy Ranieom at bhr rewId Neillue. lY-e emoIeng 019 off tb. wt41 Uees.aavl cis trig«her Mm* sa-minute* later DOIPaS sboa cerillrmIn 1pI er i.doew. Joal u ousitt rdY bve todbhow t haPPenM -, but 1ti a t s-e sUnd bus<ly toôWwftt#tha' errt' w houe ber but ww = gm.s» ehouffr d . dehrhed selao.4 froften .'.Ltmine-."O. SUr. Goiluf" tugw ogy MW m» .L~. Kn m w IPugyEbgbm bhly b. mowbr4uswhs -b là #Vmgmemrmé#1 mon.a pMlptf&Rtkl..n Molol cl 5low -mly le, Y IMIO& - do v k-a-roe ;&W& a nidun ]mer M mm Il Jod ~ bniet bu amu @W- un yWaZy » oejxt jb lbdlMa"9 i w ropore M gwuSt sud fnu* M-&ffOw@m, - abe aitt.d $bout arnug h abmmO u d ny I"- ,upIdfly u fl lm.1Id ber Pte .ad pIukI aMd boewm4 ni yellow- tiatad eu 901k UUIWubmdbW Wlgfuy M» Lf ut w» et biu Mdeý luaa I.iuy umw of pelé sMd dot bws MW. W»a puatleley brigu Mad A. cluane g. E yb.d . ngui dmom te bc rn.r; asbilo JOuie, la sPt of Wber arfflabsrp- t!. .b"dwatcbed st au - W".inemae- Ingbedam se R umngbine drme W* àkajeoS u.paasg; aehad wikept a MentalreUd mofUC" mumber of remaria Dolph ad dmud it» bis pretty com- abs butM hm.n<udber .miling re- W. reau " bMI9 selyi Btorey. >d7xsltlug M. Vz s traw- b«Mf heore tmandaddressing Josie OVenàb .4," 1dou't bnow wbat people ste la thut girL" <(Cbaey EAasMM b" boom Maglgaout the. cady-etand-) #4Whyee!boý nz vrber. Jruat lookatldrLaebulnchoco- Jale.drope 1 A"d 8qutre Simpson boiaght acandydogandwhl.tie. Laawhim! i doWt know as I ought to aay it. Joue, but douet 7cm- tbnk that bic. tbing of hers là,aa tti. bcud?" ** ereclyhorrld!" sald JoSie. d.Per- fpetly- Ddyu aay vacilla, Dr. PeUl? Pmloteýtty dtagMatng!- Tihe obet offtheir remrakewuattbat MoMent mu ber way towards the cpnt rai post. wtt Dolph Gorman in cloeattendauml The. evergreuf wrM.h. over whlch they had ail labored faitfulliv. and which athe had tacked up wtt.lier own lumci- that niorulng, bad atarted ta corne down. Or- hfflensd bung despondently;, anG. ,readfUt slgt !-Ita little green ceedIess and featbey bita ot -grounoi pine, Msueves'aI loosened tackshmb. diropped down on tu thi. Esv. Mr. 0" h14 sk~ba, bsble "belà& lu"t 1 La!.'s b4b face was full of comie dt$Um&s ,W hat shal we do, Ni'. Gonnan?" Mbe whl.pered. -"Look a*t Mr. Bund«â' bat! era A. score of admw!a yontlm wbo hail - Utrcrund tbw ?Led tdmvc Îagdy.buDolph swpt tbm aside. - Wh«sthe. atop-ladderr b.de- mande& The *top-ladder wu. found eomewh.re bbhud the. areen; hammer and tacir» were unsarth.d from some corner, and Dolph wuieto work. Andi then sornebody loggled the ot.p. ladder. whlch wa sbaky; there were two or tbree trghtenad cales froin those who saw i t and a cra&h.- Jo*to dxopped Dr. Pell' strawberries latIi,. lap. pres.wed a tirmbllng hand agatn8t hpr thisniplng heart, anud rushed atiross the room, foilowed by the. doctor hlro»'elf. ln happy unennaetousness of the atrfttb~errystailn on hie shIrt-front. ThorotlIn the midet of a dlsm&yed gnlhrlng, la'y Dolph. qulte unconaclous. One' limoi .tui l itched thie hammer; the other xva- *u bent under him. A l'or, i -.lîrnd followecL Ev.vtt)ry ty rowded round and uttered sta4rltl xelianaitiorq. Several peo pie. ach unaware titat any. boidy elsiq hi thought of IL. rushed for water, and douaed the. quiet face wlth It Dr Peil stampetI about angrlily. in tnafectuatl atternpts, te disperse the ga' rlnq for inrrease of air. and to stop thi. ood of watpr. Pmor JoIlmied açatnet the poet. while imd motionlos., su utterly wretched a hUt'thei-ng, probaliy, asattbatmornont ezwptd. -Theri rveft'tched hlm r* cied Chle momtwlianuy lngu the laet drop of water frn au tee-ee di er ve a littie' seream or joy; for Dolph ied b * oeudhi ys paItuffly. uuWM ai tvyzw 0Up«! uta 3g b Fm f4 tii. w IeIi t la lowMas. vwoedy sMaU'drsd~. bout .lww.y b"m u tt wM tmm uew. InBmbmn,ý' id tli.d.etorbrlelyr. < der r t of iso-ta b. ouug Maffbw u - &ferb w d Uuk.fo ot Usmm urh.yvstM« ltht Swme#Or onbuuy nom14 O -* Wdi,7 bob. « OW 1-e - - i iz i ti 1, ni mKAiL - - ~U air - M=,Mou tb-m ti.ont ul B - mlu iamaw, kbRn - àv» WB -onW. *v - àlista"mm .k*mta éng. ut li at uuniý me tobu hklny to theb. à om* ubgt baut Wtey drmws lin 1» s loba uses Do wldomkla ab- t@gfor wa msd eouat Outimê IL lovffl to ite s 9bi me flgWty and roomily uffl ilasThe - usue pua"t"»whieh lin e bd U&plu me %%muM mail ut or. to, the theli. tal-.r; lut abt phlosophiilmid ca do etborwlt b a mvy the. ftsad eay atyle or dru.. aMmbted bY the. Cbtuaawhb 1oly m-farbecome the. vicllm et Amela n iututloass0& to adop*thtie kw - nI"Cated? A a matter of course b. retens thse liait moai coat s»d hait closk. wbici Muet b. amomg the Most comsort- abl of garants. Splendid spedem of uoej tac, Mmre Of thon gram am. lm illwCAu iXnvJicr] Jéliu move.wtth me suad posm mi.@eular aetLvtty, but ho nover looks gracefuL. As a rule h. la toc amail a mm for Ibis, mi bis dresab if con- fortable, la not beS-uing A" wbat - tbat oeerally &freetseee li rltinese 'ptairm good-natured damne, Nature, to gir. hlm only au apology for a countoeiane? Ris coasse hwar, pigtail, mean 11111. eye:4, hi. nose struggling out of t.e middle of his serio-eomic expru.aion- Ions, beardless face are frose imàng things of beauty. Re la stuîrîped *'unique" ia distinct If not large letters. The 'lheathen, EhJnee" le so regarrled les. ouacouant of bis peculiarity of faith th-n hi& insur- nouatable !or. 'ignnesel. THE <'H iNIBE LÂVRDEL; EI lle lc-eil dsposition to remala wbat he w»s wht'n lie eame, bas reeeivod every encourage-nt-t. Prejudit'c and sometimes violence have eompelled hiz; countrymen ta bord ta- gether la the Amt-riean cities, where bhey lve by therniselves, and their life la largely a mystery. The man whu keepe aeounts with a brusb and black paint, and calculates by means of the tinie-honoredi abacus La more of a mystery than his singular arrangements for btisitie--is ladies-te. lIt l flot i.y any mneaws tcertain that the laxndry wit7h its red---tirtained wlndow is really under the aetual pro- prletorship off *Sam Lee,- -Hong Fat" or another mani supposed to -rmn"it front his name appearngon the wlndow;- or whether Chinese companies of vast wealth almply employ tus ldividual sm theïr agent .. No TICEES,, NO WASMIXN.7 Our Chinese laundry manxis not quick and brilli ut and refuses'to b. hurried. He tells wbeu a job viii b. dont Lnd never talls tsi have it doue at the tlme stated. Ho chArges a lump sum for the wori, whieb ta those wbo may take the trouble to reekon it Wa found- :o o Leeatly th. rlght amourzt ae- erring tu tht ashedule of!rat sts-ted. la thW p aeIIYW Mdsquan me <a ngq, » WeI Mla goilw«ahngçiamat- ng and hmning may b. fonlr .hy Celoalia waing tisil v wtb baudL tics lin grent peutof cty 111. in the peut m is utim. tbor "d.of tht pook ~.Th *@mmWIhh 1ma .ln M oInt- k - lswllekgtl, d & te iek dbevzm -Uemerb. Avu= t ickomd9g lhmby dos. Itw muet ~phm.i.kbww~tbw mwumby lb. ma tbu et ut .ud- -vhém but »MW tm mm me -ed Nf 1,- wm- ýai ow tvmwi wbm mm e iwaman Cbbibahiwg ic~% - ut wSlnuk - - git--- imbL r ià ye mu k Rm- ut« ~ b.king l IWO uam ea eatuveewhjc pffl âmâém&ab.mm oMQWm r sola Importauce, and understood t apeai EngisU with the. esse 0, native Amerian, Who gave hlim leau to sketch the establishmnent as herewll AN OPIuM-joInT. wd*wplac 1is reP ta ~ bool no ho me The Chinese la here to make money, and alive or dead, such la his expecta. tion, will repose witli his ance6tom. li. accordlngly maies good use of hi. opportunities while boe, and finding 4.Néicau - people willing to share wità him the~ vices of Oriental life,- gives them the chance ta do ItL His best friends must lament tis fet, ta wihieh la due the existence of the opium. joint sud accompaning vice. The joint iteelf varies in its- pretensions sud the prie. paid for access into iL Great precautions are taken against the admission of persons likely to cause trouble ta its proprietor and patrons. Nobody enters o'ne o! these places until ho bas been tùioroughly quizzed. !rom within. The statement is made on good au.- tbority that there are as many as fitty of these 'Iemoralizing places ianeXw York City. and the questionable pleasuri- of smo king opium costs froni twenty-five cents to twenty dollars. Sueh places as are patronized by' viejous men and wornen of the lowest grade, have. an muner room provided with bunkîs aft-r the style of the steerage of a steamer, in whiehi the vice is indulged in a recurubent at. titude. The rough boards eonstituting t h's bunks are eover-'l witIi natting. À large table similarly provio,-1 15 some- times mad~e the re--tizig ; aeof cight or ten smokers. Having entered this vil.ý place th,, in. temding smoker takes tho place h,- or she .Vishes to oc'mpv. Ali att.- jIt thereupon bringa a tray upon wi the pipe, a small iamp. andI a r-ý off ion, which, heate.l at the. lamp, cau be used ta relight the contents of the pipe in the event o!f ts Lgoing~ out. Prviously hoe laýs eut off suffÉcIent opil... from a 1 «chunk - to 111i the pipe. wbieh be rubs, ln his handsansd thtan plaefflu its bowl. This is small, thini- ble-shaped and about the size of thiat accessory ta) the lady's work-basket. It la made o! a kind o! dlay and is situatod about two inches from one end of t1w pipe-stemn. This is of bamboo, and from two and a haifto ta ree feet in length. Both pipe sud opium are believed to be ira- ported !rom China. The fornmer im- proves with age and use, lika tha meerschauxn.-pipe o! the tobacco- enioker. An instance is reeorded o! a China- man ecaught lu a joint. who refn-it'd tc give has pipe to the police. H,' ppr- sisted lu smokin.- while- under arr#--'t, and valued the tilthy tube in his hiand at twentv-ffive dollars. Betore handing the pipe to the spmokýer. the attendant li±rhts it. and the operationa proeeeds. One pipe lasts from halt au bour to an hcbur and a lialt, aceord- ing- to the persisL.tency of the sruok'er- Some old 'rnt>ker- --lo!~n out froiu two ta thirioei- std-- *'r tion arises. 1-,ît t in ' - v-taiteof.~- one la suficnt for :aî- ,ýrpose. [ho stupefaction iiuu-4Â it-t- lreeqor four hours. In sosue st-clisli JJoint'- the ontrurnce fée is as h!u'itasIl- i landa tfteen or twei tv arie~r.t for tho exeluisive use oi a r.omu itiwhîch to indultre in snuo-kim.r. )D~e<l oUi -oos~i the juia on, r es-en tîwiv. a ý ~~ne suînk'r-:1>o a- '- bruas thre oret'nt~'oxe," oh..ii.J-!itual Smnok- ing Letim~ -or.:.i,' bv-how long tannot h,» n'ort tr al'r-*\ i1nattIv av-er- tventy years. given bv a muan about towfl ta the writer, is c-orreet. SOUR OPFJ10H5' OOOD QUALITIES. Thie Cbinamian's vorst eneiuy nmust atehmcredit for greet personai lcbafl- àe&What Ls at louaI a good - wida- th& Mr tOmatI uMdrelwgous improve mmtMm n .is respectful doeility, bis lemmsring Englishl the ~5t~ dilhlie ties-in -Singing sa(r~ ~m -Mdlla bis disposition kl' bts twmel the alga. ductdine.e!thie Chris- iperOD 11 pan of a 6cial - a goodatte là ithe orgari ~dHeber1 ,iaB. Bancroi Tii. followingl 1aidre, Part 80 * iow by.Ji tiMugie, rej u.Lite Boý instrumentai Pawrt 212d' LBancroit, 8 W"Al by John F. M. MjcLaren, *qoech W.HI S. LMcCabe, E inatrmnftait a tale of a turi qmeh W. Sel G 0 d 'z'Go t. he evenrne T'h. Poor B it]NOf'I W-z - bL bITo,-l afL mitW Mr. E5 rE FUI@rsply to nmly twuzartmate Býi irnbmorable nar Ai. »Of b, ezI, d" and ar, a: ria"'b.alf slotu luâthe pub": bu realmy 1 brMr. Ey Sunfiil l a,u'for twD itinor four dqImNe and wr ëM I*ul berxm à mîxaton so th a deacrupt Wmi.d for put) charitv Pb1townshup 1 Mma rnm b ris h i the rmatea bsmW have beei Oma"sd b dri Stremaurbi 'lce TBut il vals *e Oou"ol Md n k credit for evryr9 rai wmnov tu 0 dhirch and Se th à i n a case ta the. scope 0, r iuse rpluir' I@kUhl5&id 1 îi& -No vI Mm buth 01 le b M I a talb .e l %84iIt i. ove bel k al n..-'- lem * r4