e pim lo've for it 0141 dwomti0e5 flogi linon," inoliluft'41Dw*Je Sho ". e frelso ~ hi lp 4L * t*Pbo$o ei t7bfi w"I a ~~teha.tse O«el jt Aboustr s 7< Mo 40Domta.= ake 14 "I Iff al ii'tomb," vatmsvad lo «toIOiy, but .10 <; o h* abigsosl4d'O etim 0-4,WittYom lct r" tlah.,lo à& 0 »W M, torf P#$» wolulhl,Vthtntt 0 0sgWll tb((af o n 5h. 4% nd.t. go sa tvel "' y1 ee 1(W l fme 0 bis two tta t<su' a l'ergîIo. o'i !lt oi t nil "oi t Pn 0 * l*i oise, nyd*rtig" h»mSage put MI *" t di p belo"te 1004bgelft. both mo mufiod sud v*MWs ~lut tri 04ov<hiiuv ui oîd baly 1o tc l eO t ho% (-thi' " I Oce*' mSiiOlilI hiivm uouf mvil tiv foi' y'Ou'hFt," sd INrt, sm fr oeml riglut cu>1 eèr.ully avay 9.4ni'g ts I I i y Vçhc'4. iha balS leio6)1 igi wh't'qioVe Loi aya ïuo'at wafted ho? teride hhla bMtehitkeos h basg<ot t%" #;lt>t hubd tIwo hotv1." a 11"011 pi W»c, btlt lue mvnr hged fi, clv# «M m i0» )sardth.e et hr to flIneflsue bst1f *aboutt P% î' 1111e mati t<L Me' ~4.i. bRi. Wý 'fnqrcicIoe'teàd 66a *mt ài ,d bendîig bis Mai lusl, uer' ir *tewitafeet&.msone io tlb"Ioukfio? f ledhi Io ve "t;ýmlng tetwem à gp asud s $tfltn* &rmbioot thwto oà# . 114.$<lesosil . et iOffClila"s "0ktI c fl t 1*" O bci ae to-m l bO « él. oudsooyie j or It o "It)tteMM, sud s mveutut$ teu«A luit te Io", 0.101ho #il Io Pm fi lm* teetmmm 4r1he« WffVeV t Rmry in, im e êfte ut bh1>0,* tom 1vIes ~ela1thiOF VI wcc 14t *I mette& , w ~41 .owitr ssd Do"l.. -If lhe ffl MOM. ,bUtllg'Subo. m tl Be od lkeoe$0 Me dfeadtfùly. o0 n lthevosd. N. 414. leu 1 ype,,bsiAtyouà *a m "09o0t, i, ad ton iffbly. Tou mw won. î about hlm.0 tt *, hmti't ssbed n. me ac w btm O". tbis esmb&' sad£kW& a l a plevd tone& 1ate Io dan.. wth you, m»w yemre be mario4rpolite r.oNk ,l -ldont nov." sed Doaa.'IniI roied stop.,, .1arInh ame AbOut itt. Idonl wsve him &vd 1 do't vaut MI Ana TbwimtCs mmncy. IlB ois eme 0 t.u *tOh lnwW.df' .*MdtLoiMLI qmidi s'.usei,"Votporliepe Ion had bot- ltoi tlbisa s." 1 votuls If t logt 110would mahfi st »t u thMo." -1dnt kaow &aboUt <t," <tnred Lotbi ternlY. "Baîther doubîlul, isho'old thtnto," w1whmueol4 coesenterlup but "Our dmwo.i" ho sald quis gayl, sMd tMIilW* emrmqhbe man. !WWI@goum Fi 'I a du Ti Ti SI ln at oi ti y 14 n ai h I i "lêo r' D*ho r»eveed a &out" Thon. oning abs nu gohlmg 1 0 iffsU t hersei"t heffras lut. a huisl il hi. boot*,»Isu d odiing atut Lou. it s. Rn <h outtraop tolhi, sud Ra r oto an it iboul, icao.igh' et to j u g ln iei th enlghtnr . demandd bupWy ta, id < 1. oscrfflkn Tlsvugs i A oillThv olk vii t'.begnrlt el'iIoly. -"Il 1 don't moItie nith MiL" Loit for tbtuu't ouis. me, Doute; I neor dveaed #t vasyou. I lhoughl It vaR Lou 1althe <le mh.ba sote t)ooon us pretty b.d." WIhapmremaptorluisa liaILoi for on"cte" avth<ought oet*Usitng, ho lsteld ndber baud trou E oys amn to bie o«o, md led ber to a pnisere & frledly Ourlaisosceew ed tou bigs. '" " Ieae m c do son," ho nnio6n, ê*sl orlMehom wM tIt md Oeqe Lît t. iii ou Losu',* "m ver.dowaust, là*dark auyIe* o w» edb dId« blubS. I4 Mded lips twlteheaa msly et le sud DW&silibe gW of et b esbsipMsd jou W1v11l Y"i -"ievhapmIl." IauedLoi, tu aboullppe % l à, àÀloo M i b .i v.a doublte --mm nbasm **«m* - W 11W.Umw* muq emei »VU q... . Umba mwn lIy, refused. Bnen <bat <Um. losta un Ns Dgo shtn coitisehaci been kepI b«w thtv eb.familLes;-vha.<, <bo* 414 ,jt vast um uncle Tom'8 eIder -my are <al, brght. hndsonO girl&. mdr sdfra.k mi ndunaffCted.et quite «my &&tmuoEvaaan Fmnma. bo*y have lda busy lift, wonking ris thein moîor <o treO the !anm 'If ltq aciambranom .Their lahors havo , 'n juccosfui; they are p rio.'î"rin' at IRt 1 Md sotbsy have teit te ul'sJutttt!m ,taking a rip <teF.saiand, toimake tquaifltanoe with <hein kiridreti." SAnd ecroed the Atlanti aAâàu. r ex- Ialmed mi. Ballet. -Oh. no, <bey tamne inde trie win>i f a Irit'u..l.the elderly lady vii" xo.k Ricin to Auuit Mr They have r- natout ber.,ud- Henry tarued tob 1h.- lent fither. '-and I1 )1mbn-I an "i you wlll lilco your nleco.. Air- they art bartulflmrig." But Il r. 1la&lletp ut out bis bande, ery- lg honrely. "lisp tem away f roni me . willnot ha*ve tbhire7' And sc) saylng, ho vent quickly îi ,.the bouee. whîthei' bis witle wc.uld li'.'foi- )oned If her son has t ldetalned her. -Nother. vhat doma <bis mean?" he usbed. "li.y fatbervorse? lailpoà. eRtie <bal ho kaono vbhat b. ta saying? Hoe neyer Wha ny quierrel nlth ron'e Tomi did he? Then visaI could bave made hlm speak » ialrangety?" *"I doi net brion; pkribape a suddOii *paao. Ionus4t go to hlm"' "Ah. yes, go. andi beof ethim o ex- plain htm.oIf. for <bey are contlng here. tb... cusins f mine_ 1 <oIc th.'m ln your namee sud my father',s, that they neoid b4 volcoono; andi o 1hI lhc"zht <bey would 'Hon can I meet t'erni sgmi? bon tell thea-" And tbon. grouMpg ng llik impatInfe lad aienm. Heury )uurrd isiemotber iu. On Nonslay mnorning M. Ballet pro- ,souueed hlmcoelf ablo <o go tb u'lfea. They noeud bave pitle4 hlm hb.d tiey kmovs visa a Suunday ho, b"d tPOwff mbuI l aiilt snay trous hi tailY beoaIs# evey questioflnigbook beY tu%" dupon mm, seessie!t* oploieshie heu% »mad )"ybars <bat"n « h bd TeR, <Om uiprigh<. honorable John Bal. laS ba"l&asecrt <al hhe d bluiedse 1-downMaseob. aomielui5forgottis. =a ebsues Word or mecoltlleti olOI bring it baclite hie niemory. Sb"as&a truble otfnblh n ntuebmaybSgY1 but, o14 Lshi. aMd ovge, bodid »M In *silheslety o MebedtO îhlm, as ho slod by k mothwb n ant b«r absesi»aoTOM. tb*k aMe b" a a qSfOs' *"y WM nYqooe - M"e silw uM IOli 09 lhNniss m;. mai i iber asy fl ahe MMsusà vouil sma 10hà(bu M" éesMM tle "M w w siSl je»s MU5 1 Uukgel, ibelni000000 "1 tba *0 jo MW e m b. ba 1Iîb MW &MW nia"*§' O OMO bus. « I L1LI~ <t b. Nver sto!avlng us. Cîeomt a.vay !rom him-<he eldesti Son ' Is;-I MW, .elal as Toons portion l'ad beeui jutly mets4 out to bim at bis own domIne. A» long ms Tom's dauhters vers lu bie bouse, keepicg alie <h old reeolleetlozkg. boncould hbobo a.lpeace Wu b imseif? eaoo.-niu ss1 Four da.ya*ý cou est Hqesry sudbis oohen, vbo vatcbed Ms'. Ballels cbaufgtug moods. but hosi- <.1.4 <o spoat of <hem s'en <o eaeb other-Ypt very plumanI munte t<he younir ('anadians. AtXrlubhg <o <hein unee's ilt.henlth the shadlon tbey âan on bi.. brtw, ai <bte <soubled otks bis vife ami son would Intercbailge. they ne-re alway,, gentie snd sympathetic. It. vag the only cheek ou <heur enjoy- me-nt of <hein Visit<o <hein Engflish rela- tiotQ. Aunt Mgary, luslpteofo ber Ild ez., ,Iy,ý;, as a. boiable old lady. Mm. 11,,w wvasverymoto<erly sund as for fBenry. ah. NliR would -migh wbenever she r,'mintIod heri3eIf bon soon their sta.y ln F.ngiand nould draw <o a close. One morning the slaloms vene on thels' way to the gardon, wben tbey saw lsbeth ln the -,,ct of unlocking thue door of the cioffli .bamber. Tbey p.seu lato il vitb ber. Eliza- beth opened a <ail pres. aud shoot out before them tbe fold oft <bols grand- motoher'4 nedding govu. As sbe descnibed ber mistros NelIan' <bat fron <b.pochet of tho drus a.mon- sel of tho bridtai hadberebi etaspeep- lug. To get a. btter 'nov ofthe<b. lod lace <bat bordered iK. tbe drev t ouI, sud wl<h Il raume a. foldd ippfr. "Ah!" cried Liabutb. "11 la <heon*s my goost master gave <ohbe bte'hob die&. 8h. muet ha.'. Ume te th. proes sud alipped l mb < ho pockat ofth<is drus, lnstesd of hon ordlury orn; <bey hung l¶.thOthOi. Take Il,yog Pt-rbhllu, nybut 1 am s=ure, t =r*n»jýuTfathen." Ur.R 4 W Jtt.41 ttlngdo n obreak- fast vb.rn Il s ad Min mm* e o bis aMae v he ho pes'. We have n"l opened tf l.doms' sele; tla yo who bhouId r.sd ilto us. Ton- ha"It ivito otMy falluer know <bat hie aret» ad ulte foamgvo'5 hlm for kmvig Um. e*uaed te aay Le bâti not *«W ml vbUi b. deerted putI Job& Ballet p-""hU»japon Ifrom hlm. "The baud of Gode la lu<b1a, ho gs'Oed. ' -i for yourselvS. un una My seul of tho horden thM hlS. bouvlly upos11LILAbelli 1.14 us Io wn $WOIb apapor l ta suse.but My scmb fer il woa .haft- hesrled .aie. veluel My, ome moSetIsa Wblu vW bwCbl 1 mZate<okmsitI1 Uis.( kwutdet -wabqk t m 1 - Im Ballet dzen' mir.aMd 1Ut bS Md îw mmphe"ber usbsud!5, h-- @.,y omit buibt oves yosrWb*~, édm 16"es~ fer Tom mabsus 5 Ils idbr. li vueta*abed Mt x~aw elaul I - E. a.Cups.- 0me PwUV~f rw tb pgWno.b M ~m ma5 bu -lgw mt: Wi1* owa t m -î-dw pâm 'et au bo* IW _m 0 0 Nupqlm ____ - DWBDTHE! ScERm tbw88I4-etam tontua a 0 d 1mfW4ugMd aw dtbm ho àD " =r 1 so vel eak "m t mtà Tb* i.4.de¶e3l4Ibvepr4la tor bahés sM d taba rDer V. nm wu mâW& d a =-pvfs1h% hlm. um le v * sum s u a wue boM e," b onulmW btivile. sUaP-I C# u Iblthswold bo a. mac N~'LetsU m - shereplle: j tije 9« 1 Who ulve aWa.Y a fkom aoatse54ber huebêDd*a bw. sMd b. uisedbis oe ave"fly la1 wbm s fople of t vs veme alf h b lb. n m hovud isi legoe h W.An 2-m-m- =%wapa le f.m- % Mt sd vbea . h gted, bus vite see omdim <o <the ave. rma 1he d.% t ,fuaseS sPi a effaorevu ed<o enter Uùe mrom bot 014 Liseb. lb.therusty Gerrms bo b.d dritted lato the bousebold of the Balle trila er youtlb. A shoot frorn the ebildres proel.luued <bat Henry hWtcorne. li't* int okvau for bis motber. After *ho.à"d slaffl ed etif at h. 414 »%o pea t e »aY <the noisefor tbe oeaf MeO"Mt sd bard work of the weel. he, vasooteuit1 t mad lU white buaom smattlsw sue c . 8)1 oooud ha.v.fa-uled -bat Bqary va.. rather rutleesu mder *6q teolu wblch h. va subet Sut &4 lut ]gr. WW &esImd sals. iled, and h. would bave W<bthns lu. doors. but son' la s hobate, the youu mem poured ieutb ~ ho ci bees bumelag <o tatI Oucb amm for yon, fth 1 Mother demi, «b"tdo yo u bahmbasappeued? unt ma sont for me th.ellte' evetag -you vi7y tbatlhmlseot aVMy on comnsoccurree," ud Noary sud mm. Ballet Iaercbaagadamie" WullOS, for Ni9s44slu" Namletuvo of e l.fos.. mut t o Nmaldes aie. "8h.seut for me *bale. «U lgtrlodm ~m o esomev relatIons frea ove be ses. bu bhd a. brotb.T sPa, oWho <ied bot lcSg after 31 rilalitýtdil mot lfilS4ldlSt eiYply. les, h. had bu.! s half-bro<b05. vbose restiesadispositioni had Indueed bhamte demand bie portion sud si a.ay wntli t to Amerle.. Aler many nanderiage bo bad aettledlR(neanaddmaie&. Fr14. b.d Indoueed hlm <o b. sUent ne- epectInq the matakes ho hâd made. the mlsfortmies tbat b.d befalloui hlm; but Jusl butore 1h. dusth of tb.eidker Mr. blea ruine rnesehed £»gland tbat the Canadlafi fanon 414 sot, psy. anud ls ownu.? as sMruggliig vlth stekntess s wel »auaunfavorablo soaso. offe~0 htel, eerssent. but tbh e rs w' cd tho.'. ffos'. erse = t o Tomlb. 1«& wnidow, sud again, but mono gmae 1--b-~- -le f r IM A" ao. @- ý u bbes e bor h.sm atNse o Je" . .uw w . -Wa wmu » om 1&b" 1sU 11 Iro»the h L..t. agM& 1 et dotu tbdr.oWd tC wbll h ys u ",th b ouw neID Ib for bs u thea e~OSIM7refusite voeelna<hm .1 lb. COçf becr 9M4 ,but se w- 100 dulilUl à, Vag.le sur SMe, niM.ui.sg thit a"0 viia ~,U~ elplab book Aisobho bud. Alndy bisbeart b.d ont 10 brigbl, cabAeo browu4-alrOd àt lut he o voeu dom t o fmd bis Miouler. 130 banld te tbemornlng- mom sud bhd uterod It frrm tbe 1 p l o t , b e f o r e h o b e m » Oe bat vt as too iste <o retrealt lbey vero memlly lb.he : .j4lsud ]Ulu sai umd Uhmvlwu sby pissaume be.mlng wlth amies as s c a.ugbt bold of ber ultt-lu-lawS bands.an sd biude ber on both cheeba. Nh6 y deareat Jenule, 1 have buougbt tea. de'girls <o spez'd a.few days w»< you-poor Tom'* daugbten." NMr. Haie by a. pga effort comp w- ed hMusef snletentlY te met bie guesbe but If bis Ups «ve .poils sud ho tulM awa.y trm tbem to abade his eym Usvb bis baotUd, be MW nothlng espilOi On heeotb. thïreo inv<lis'wcion <at b. wsstbuka of their fatber. of wbom thts gr=y blestawoy gmUtemsfl vi the living lmidr4ev <hem <owards, him. They bovered umar bischair, they left off speaklng wbum they hoard bis voice, sed, whom compilaiflg of ftge ho rose to go to bis roorn, moved bi-th. ss impulse, both girls ruau orward 10 put their arma about bis noce &"su bold gp helr fais' jouag bfcesfor a. good- tbat he hast been mistakefl wbe ho fancled <bey hast corn e, o ret bis horne frorn hlm, but ho w». nome the bappler for tbo kriovledge. ge trled 10 appear Mansd eheerful. 10 respond to the affection with whieh bis nietes vers dlspoeed to regard hlm; but when they talked-aS lbey dld frely-of the trials mol atruggles <bey anud theis' mother Iiad gos. tbrough before sud afterthetr bereavement. hiý heart fainted within hlm, sud his reniorse would be- JIohnBaletrould tain have made atoné-ment. Ro thmust into Neil's band a. n ocf notffl; but it waa prornptly me- turned. No. ho ives not to be allowed u gloze bie consece by <bis klnd of compensa.- ma:= awàlb.- et L a .........r mset ttb [~~~D bmILi~W Um U heL.tube, the il b h m hougli t -=z MS Mtoemumekh ru ghtarng ilseIlgo tan-; apTomhae suk~5e"Cniue lulkwsa&fl, "on exa.ctlythe awuie.,r, I sueeoda the M flah !lighUim imia"&lb.hstage." t "IbsYs,&sd voudered how it .. "& are pteee of shel-iion, hav-ip~ rn-i r, "y .11 mi ta wýl"Mstage, b met '9» va fvoelly et ~smp.imlams ?,oller]gr.t laiubooe l b t s- Sodb dibms. dmrteaml mmBw mhi il, Ns'. 1oum lthe buadishie " 'ZothlUg eu bu maier. mY 4r abs' tbnte pmvle a. good Imat ofth"ba 46TPJIMbaby my la merely a. tube viLa. blbor Ivo lu <tli kt <oseof a. Lut., sud a. oa bug at the ni opposilfte O "Tho vbols <bing vbhi lu lame covend !by the baud of 1he.-'sugp Whvo blove lo t n1k. a. cld bla»s lt. a. whMsli. "Ny mamas of 1h. bsg at the. oposte «K&, Mê, 4of course, ismadeàt. oal q 4 'WItV- t showing the ie=L- ut iiIurninf tiox. .self. ,wISD. "When you w"r.' La. boy did 7011 ever amuse yourself nia k ing a. noise by rap- Idly moving a sptit, flat piece o! wood backvards and forwards lu the air?"' -",Xany's the Urne sud oft "' "'Just so. Well, now, the instrumet eresed by your boyish ingeuuity embo& led thelIdeaand prineip,rýt ýthat Usedl13 pnoducing the* sough' of the theatre." "Somethiîng a littie more elaborau Isu btat, I 'suppose?- Veny litzle more so. I a.,Sure Y U, but decidedly tem pest Ut .U effOrt, are produced another way, lnvolving-, the 'Lee e! a machine." "Whal's tbe machine like-" -It bas a bandie lite agrînfst0fl- don'l mise; vo need sot leave lthe stO'O le see it--.nd turns arter the same' Plan- The body vhich la tured in the f ramue is a cylinder-sbaped <bing made of Iatheg' Over Ibis la ttrovu a piece o! 5ilik Of malin vbh h h 'super' holds doNn-11with bis foot ou ose aide, but it 15 quit? shOrt on lthe other and loose. **Whemi, Iherefore. lte operaitor toir) lb. hanihi o!f te machine'.he iee O eltkeomly Ibrown oven the evIind?r. makes, In conneclion wilh the alates SDd balon' formof the body o! the nmachine,' a suffitly sear approach bu th'?e ftOrU etoh oreas iisel!." açovaromunano ins l'orna&bout <o Say, My goed sr 1 4511kG 10 detahi jou longer', but OtW §--Iaa " tu tlhe «elegaft Ot« laInmeteof the <hernIes" may ocrt yeu- "tes. A non'of! tong-lunged 'u 'mi he .bal possible ,mitatOn 0 bu ît 10 ;Iimake s sîr torni May fO "",la tact a great deal casier Us g sinto the -'ies,', and th1rO"s &N omPaPOslunsufficelit qu5ftlY'* "I oulmbt t add <bat the nwcl MM apeumnce presented by pjPle . « i ses t g e la n o t d u e t o t h e ý ;i ut 10eorn-maI smeae M t<bals'3hbng before they enter tuâm"m et 11e sound o hOB II hS mul b by emig a round COulte veu! ppmpdue iwon a WoOe e" pi ary t <othe ~ l i tu u t the t e ' ke- Ilt eve 2%pan ai it in th babto tui mm t mm* or 111110 air' at thepleasure of the praohoe au proloug the Mr. Atra. Uttle prscUle vith Iit ' slrament lb. ordlnary 'super' becomes manlsently auccesulery-bY.» - Tbatin a&l <en; but, to Jump froza a. MIII. <ing <o a. grest one. I arn une e! tboee peuple vho share th. e ror o! the theatrical tempeat.", "Vbat do you say to a storn at Sem?" A STOUN AT SEA. "Justt1h. <bing. Teil me as much about it a& you esa." 1111 try. The first requisite lu 1th. production o! a. irst rate storis at sam la tho sea-elo-th, vhieh. 1 need not say, le approprî:'tely paintesl. Thia cloth îa saaen as Ion---a" the stoni<as, frWm the différent ent rances on the Stage. -If four on eaeh ~ twice four being eight, eight, supers' have the job on band. -Is this wa.y o! produciug aunagitated ocean th. only one? -1 askt h. question, because not long thoe sud everywhes'e ln the nevapapers, vbîhi hontainýed au' alleg-ed acaount o!f the production o! great vaves lsy the ex- nt' à, of smail boys kicklng &bout under lb. ,,a-eloth. ' "Don't vou belleve that. Why te poon littho chaps would have been suffo- eated by combined heat and dusL." "But'the pelti- - rain"' An effeat't ea-iI.y PrOduced, sud lu aeveral way. Beanns are a. vluable "Tiiese ar" 4-fl inlita lange box onl the lnterit'r te'ttom oi wliich are Iron 'cleals,' so,!,at I, beans trip on te aud make the natural sound of ain. *4 requent 1y beaxis are used in anothes' Wiy <ban tn!:>' ½ing pour.'d ti ront one bam nre xto an' thIer. When a eompany la on <he rowl't.he c rade.4st way to make aia la <o get a eouple of barrels and a ton galions of beans froim the nearest grocery. Sometimes. if n"r trom Boston, you know, out Wes-t fo'r examrple, corn la used instead o! beans. hut beans are "I <blnk I bave iteard that shot Ls used in the production o! rain. "TYes ; you arm rigt hlathm&Illa rollod downsa. klnd o! Ir-ougit or q»pofe wooe. pâleod aI lbe suâtable augl.-1 THu"»U A» LI6ETXnffl "Suppose va aumittheb.shom vUt a. l1111e thimder and *lbll. .4Itb Ploar. The propos' way lu produee lilgblang on ltse stagem- do not say <bel no samienbut lks effecli plan ih pracU"abe-but theb.ngbt va.y je, by means o!fa. vessel vich la among the proponhies o! Must lteam&" The scribe vaSshows a. tunuMlehaPed lin-boz, vilh a. meuthpleS Oreaching oent lu a . sralgbtlins frm lte bottom, the tube emunclfl#vih <ho lustde Ite top vas elomubut vas podorals 1 --- 1 the haudie Md rmnudevout lPeopl, Of th.ectack of d00204 when he bliakes the Imam by its aid. "To keep up tbenatural 80usd of Uhuder, fimmediately succeeding th, mk wblch toilows the flash ot ligh.. Min& large nooden balla are rolled dowiu a& Common vooden 'chute,' ýn whieh ue Mt*ch St Intervuls, 10 trip and hinder the ballaand vary the noises ot f ei « y thesle Ways, you se, bolliph " esudrolingthunder ar e UCEâ. -1 abould be oblig-ed tÙ) YOu for W~ SUMSMM O ith regard to thio mannrer ij WW@ Snnagraiofls are shown on th abe. Sometimes there appears to be *e danger of an actual lire in these very e" represefitatiofla. la there not rfflon b apprehend troublein th% the lb.sligteslt, wth ordinay caMe 77En probably kuow Ibat the sceney guniluah"owvg a. building on fin is A y ag aound with wires in different plmm. Upon the wire is twisted cottoeu .atu&t wîth aleohol, which la tg. llDUO& ei! ire eau ho bought of moet drugglots, and us burned as long and la go uffla. quantity as may be proPer. XX LO6ION&S F"TOU have noticed how circumstautigl Moto speak. a thee.trical. explosion is. 1 I tell you how it is done in a few nords as 1 eau. *The explosion and its effects am eauas by igniting a mixture o! pulver. bald earcoal. sawdust and gumponder bymeans of a torch. ~WlIb the explosion of the powder, the gandwan sd the charcoal are thrown up; and, as you. say. vhat with burning aico. bol everywhere on the stage, anddes much red fire as la necessary, wtlua moisy explosion and its scattering déb.rù% the conined effect is &Pt to scare the public, more or less." xooi A-ND XOOsHInn 64àHon aweet thé moonhight aleepi spon this bauk! r" -1%1 1se. what youi are aïiîig 1I wonder sometimes how the primi. tive style of theatrical. production la Shaksperes tinie admitted of giving th proper effect to hi l as mi, e Wh" May bu called meehanical faithful. ness to the master even now, but, com. ing back to your suggestion, we eau man. age to give. Lorenzo and Jessica a Very good moon." . 1 remember to have s'een moonlight most cleverly imitated li some reprceu.- tations I have attendeiL" j "es, and by quit -rn;'e meaxis, 0 ySu may judge for yours-;*!.! -The forin of th,- mooli 16 eut In the scene.making ita fu1I. w:singoi- aning orh, as may be pr---*urr.'d. After the space has been eut :.: covered with OMO kiud of wovea utiateriai Ç t-ue 1v' I i v I . 1 , , l* ýl, , -ý, 9mUm1 .temnal portiltu of l,brthe ne n ,;r . aytheIlCenI &%urund)' c' abur Câtain Us t -Y ebdeàr nteoftE *tàloilag f te dav. brcthýr, neir- chgyfigt; DJY hfact, &hCudbe; 1" the even~ » tWthtr, keel? i h toJ)fal! he c"ri,, eftedead. and the Cc M, t'on. doi ofenergY, ~t 1uàmualath. eiptetL4 i. himtg dispiay conL-.ra. Mud tact as L friding. He .mber cf tLe : Chrhu i .màow the Use .1 WuL 31r. * obtinaseat3 jÎ uaand file f ithe Mi .1 netroling "'ý- mile that thev W *prncipIe ct bu thit of mor.ey. hm Tory san .ainfaitbiui 1o0r ihtafirat urne .a: 'e L uuy hey haVe wiwhat they dý n. . -.ý The qtestDa Xi. Wood ai .. oeot"Àny lie . M.but after oq" that pmiwd they tbat w» a. thcptan. .mence W: . wem"lexactiv - Y ,rhad any Sority as l in luhi, p ththe had jmnise ail that i Md when he wa, gave hlm 3, bid him e- béknsown nof0 ha bine diâo--JI