TAKIN (Umm% ANCY 0000 OMto a t~oftrst wom Boy IER YARD1 AThHWI A ýR tTHROAT Se RYERSON, i l 4.1 -o . ND TuE& PINE BALS 1ot mate f«l i . pI b f.¶!s lt&hla uy OW mbet 1h5 #ho0 UA. té #dom4 -MON ail"d~ omui uofeUh, -, e wIN4 la* '8-mu, MW poIm NI. - do poo lune .ft (". ol b tue _LU* n y, A 1L 0 Lite « ft ( sv o t 01 *4w<t65 0 *ý 1 n V a I . t ' , w t. î Ô U - Y M . 1. > ul 4', N 4 44 i> 1y, WV 4 .W4 4h lava'2~i* >4 1 WV- th* "01A lm "'14t t e 4>4 '4nwolit eali »Y1SUWN b WX14loo4it 1 7 lo-' hvý 1 etuui»1" *Y"OL#0ii. 1 wN%>Mhe4 41If H ~omw fflsi.m JnU bo.e hi14o *"aOW40 etwilvo msbm'b m bquiet t Iwî k >w t 0144> JSI1 "ff1 l 4IIVI> ELI> WIl1lOW0 My5Ob" gp buwy it%)bult4 .h.p o1i>44' f444C1& W111 V9 e l e u n. i %û ig 11m'I'141 < 4 14iffl 1oS ftr elut" apw'4sohala lmiLm. Mwb 1 t Mt o0*a1j«% u sw of <Vt> briR» Md bwiOi I.4pt4# Wb« y« 0004 M 4#1 >o4 eu Md . 1wd m k a141ttt f1 t f » Vuit kdiblle-dl 1 î~~Iw«MOF% XO ,, buI~, s eyi55f al> k4>4. elo, ol 4> o, u"*. P11> yo#1 t> .tè' ton 4 etw, MoIesi .i wu010 1h. .-WNm f~ 1h. es"ute Ig» p.WI< 1h of *4 e F.la s s IIY*0I olva of u" stfblt~m, Ia'. A Non,, h oIug * goo4hoiMr. uL xuo.'ei14.4 sIsa goa b,~0u0. PMU »d Ouhm n sd ei *iy "p skQl ma pw4a 5f'. O a K.% N.W4dipo1. "ilv à .w o(n Bw10,AIli WIWtAM%ot aTIàmik l. im»1 WI#uv4 Uh.r1witM.hw hav tâ.l "",d, oli PUIholl* mle *» 1.50 I thew, a 10.1 îhwli te k>i* t» w» in th$51 tild.l oul 551510 b1dI4 dw. ifflff 111 b. tà s.. ais, »*lh& 1 on all rud< t h b o bo io b ç* u o Ç U te n1 1th1U't tddulsi ih aveo riyi 8 .ori..iak4' , b the sépt' vkue ut " iqeiix thont l l( heV l>iw. 1 ..îit i'i' r o vviy. Ar'Ik . Ow o00t>î ibu> u'brdto tO t> tý1%1ti lkrvlikekept close 44p op s.w i.ý 'u .IvtaFy. a"Uln'r. - x >, ' .uàio. TL@y out 43iý t'. N1.'4k1o t$WttbAot. ofthoub"5 to th *b5d hou Wlsrioi> h usam #" bu lvIfi tisy at h.om. KIu sst, irww e t hbt ih. U(hwI0 sue b Io go boeud et beW b g.it iL.na tb mm %Ob s. 1 l4» sot vMd iltom Imm tehb bouis sb«% u hiesi mleh$ W M Ulmo viib îW1.y, bat W a MW Whul bdu "ud wt belL vue1.1158afls " Q l" 1h MIT îhl s 158ashm1 wisuuudh mu" b# mm tpi«hol %0SMM 1 k»n. 81ko Md» te1,1 sYtiiugsb" tL. a0bkir botoi% u Kiox Whad îsm hm d o o4dIta >F 4 a.the a 1*15 quiok1~li. sud W11.oa..uUOfl<cAd luti .ealu b« bolhs? Chasi...uboftmd à s.iti#0I bh.o sol 1U.ah. le Asahi le.wu *bw am i»b mm ove Ow bel p s. T b* MaWd m msa v «M 3 ,e. T1»vu jeua m@ilik 1lh weù» îAbbo «Ill. . n fil * bsbu a WA M pouv Y« d.,158 h. gi@wuby haiglui ,qat" Wd a 1 .1MBe.b eh. besaa..vpud,1.5 ubu a "«iil T0. b w I uN.gI 221- àJ uhL k.154vu Pl" yesE15obw& apI 5 dyhi, w lp . :y I bu b. UNSie«. 11 lu gWbyal &P wi puom, *0fneukbgm o 1 ma a aa it *O1. 1*m. inU"t» oveeiaL S&mL» 10, TeliopFJIT Foi1suALE hl tb* datkum MW M sd 4"?.iRom Liii. 0a6d. M*Woaho 6 woww o m fiewOb k' Aeu.,-Us êumua mer,Î& unim e fa X& am*tàm* Y T1LU~SU. ..u~q g *. ~ C~5 oS -i ,~. mie. ~r' s. ~auI*s.~S b put d Lot IÇumie nulbdhd Wd~ ~, lu tii ToP' my. 1 I I I Il OÂILPBELL'S CATHARTICI iuùi'x t i~ tho -4 4- - 4 .-4'.kt, il U1 4 - A tlati>v.ir.,: 4t',y ir4'pniffl t;t'4t .'In r rrne 41.4.>4it ..The 44'Wk'ttt for Atnie - .'r t tr rd, 1>4-4k4-. stîxi ut t e ii"ldlV *u"..0 14 r j4 4d 14f Ili - eye4!'s of a014 31alt-::Tyet'. am the 4es2liefo l < ;u-i' and >4 t: 4 oel brwmt aniitheIkfà Th ir;:i;1144 'tr ~4rt$ora tle dîfas tfli :lVcîthe olUattxi ol i*fla -.'4j.dUt Wr> ut4Àz»lyfr AoC '4L~, ~ii4h v. a~îb Cl*a Dais - lA 4fO >iuY haoce 1'44r u: 4)4-tGej'441 TodL o ~~~ ~lutésd s LUXEMONO SS ïEb"m LUMERJLATH, BILSTUFF mon m *1 i~-. -s n. oei irni VL5F LR Vii -- WeA ~11 -3I. '7- g--- Tuioi sud ~hd. Esin or Shine it woei't hure aou m.rSAG 0 -a IWVUAIT - V £aà AU,à" W m - -A 8031 TRRAT.40 maESTIOma» yoU STINPAEIMM brNCULÂTiON, CEAXFS, mou, MaN»u OwEL CONPLUM BOUE TEOAT.&O. uxwam lAS IOr 40004& ormv umofI' 8? 151u HIEADQUARTERS FOR Garden Seeda. W* .~8D Hus reeived this semas a gret vaxiety of fresh and vatale Gardon and Ylower Seeds, Whicb will be sold by weig't ini quantity tosuit purchaser. This is decideffly the cheapest and best waY tb purchase Your seeds. Please cal] and examine our stock lbefore buYing.1 Wu M. ROBSON, Kent Street, làndIsay. 13-8. LANDS FOR SALE! Touchbrn & Preston, boa Ub TOWN a uOlm o JOHN MARIS WiLLIAMSTRECET.LI'DA im. aige t i O.u]= IP lui .tamhsv e to Upm b LIâYJ lmlm u-am FME euxT PAILOR PAPE&, Sb& rITCm n se- O, .? 1KW NOrroS AI» OmMÎTMASOAEB &.smqi MERCHÂNTS> Betbanii and Fran~kli. we" rketS P"e ld 1er- 0 la km maI aiu mmm etlbe". a 3. J. PUREMM RomL TouemrneI DeNet FMiet That THOMAS ROBSON OLD 19TlA W'XunYGTOE sT. BRIMEK am iSdj aà"vIlflg mme j" duth pdS in a CAS"VOR ALL Tula DIEU HiDiE A.n» TAL.LOW. JUST RE AÂcar 0 OOAL In the umket.. Try it. T -w nne]edand Gal and RETAIi ECE UVED, d the butL rhe saine price as the commnon. 3ap Spouts. CARRIAGE HARDWARE, WheeI3, Moss, Dashes, Axles, Springs. Malleable Castings, etc., etc., at Iowest prices. SIGN 0F THE.ANVIL-. - 5'- 'The Bell 'rÉ---2zga BEST MADE IN CANADA. J. WTILFRP, PAgents L"UMBERe I 'au i -TOUR FACE @u nes b y. 3 hE& t«1 SLEIGHS, ICUTTEES, BUGGIES, AND WAGOI là.il lob l àIU Horse BhoeiI~ A gJUU[ATIf T. -p-vaa--w- - I. SUL~u1 A gmreaaeo lumber, imeand tf falkne 1dry, which will be sold very low, as 1 have bought out the large stock of lumber from LB. PtC. SMITH AT FENELON FALULS, id 1 arn now deterrnined to, seil this stock at prices thab will astoniali buyers. Lindsay yard, as I now hold over 4,000,000 feet for "al of every description. Drossd and mathed lumber of alkin-s» ShiBglesamd Tatl of ail kinds, and Coal and Wood, at very lo'w pnem Anl de.. by telegram or telephone promptly attendes to. Tolephone m Cam THRESHERS AND MULLMEN. 1« "M *iaw la m.ole Sulmher me caoI& eIeb9med M=.M - a e.m«ztM Na"NAw<a CO., T«m a" 1e MW.by My M.RcH:.TTAIORETC X" a~ tne~t evt DM e b anadia Peut Eug~h mdob.Md wmfl Tweesb. ngbah Troumot ma Voga@>~ A~ i.~ a1 011W fit.UEMd au baud -Iy . W. G. DLAMIE ablr. ~Ibcrbefor "The Warder." 1~ No" Fueor huorsonS cm amxd be b. tot ilL GENUTMENE Ià&BILE Price, 25 et&. each. 5 foir $1. A. HIGINBOTHAMs Druggists Liudsa - «qmý- u Lu 1 1 lence Wire. Patent S ]RetaiJ» tim Mr be COMUL 4 1 luuuqi >Y- Wd imiâ omw 81 Pm mama ilL advmm