Kawartha Lakes Public Library Digital Archive

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 30 Apr 1886, p. 4

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e L.4di~ tir' Odu ilalu"n inDam* , Mq MsWOËMê vow laun o"«O dfl - Mb &-o& »* .ftm dw b oi ue m o M&k?'.#0 U' &ube, bdwM11, m -meu b ~i#n# wo M ufoi tg nd 1w i -e k&usys.w aki* C- lab, *mê -w P~ d I .uop ewu i *6 rt à I m 0*mf u mimt *OU#WVUwlslzMy. i ttueoui.om. dwtmnt., w«0w#bbldn--- %hw.ea, w.uI b.Y " ft u '4YbV JUJF# d punÔla laaf.Thnt 16fe V#f0ZN*7MA02 E moq ,â* .ou el 4w la 1vOmî oUCL ##MW 0#01«00 l és..uey W# poodo6. à# 6. amm of..16.P~ u$Cm..Im d'.,wm d* M4.'.. buEl..alibwo.1y" S. rdéOu dw u w m a u liew bois to #le". lb. <U nte b.<er6. vo.utofirimkOuur IuaoWl1 td pole, eeuUsui" la mum oIm h w « îjY TK19 I AXim'r mmIMW___# y Mugb*W AdM boow &4 f#eMý aBR fi lop anpnas mU"ý*Ofl cl ow imbm% Misuud 6wil VSUUs uetg Z wMl kif, hffli Md of m Lbuimequet'lb51w.MW Touibauha i0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~l lm.i* WdUw flEte, .~ v5 &' emoS klae fffl @&d b# uTn8 On, -.661W mdr.tm *w lo e th iN ;Ow$f iWab..sebm L4 w M6 u 6 hlaug Wv eÀ ,ê.4blw m.ea "" .4 6.ImI o oea Wittl blt. wm i* .1vow, (rbebu lo lbmue a Mlb o,* mi afs eIDIM-0 ~~~~~~~mw *0 toewi vs u .ledS umwlk nbl sSCun a>W"mg, <0v 6. w 0W u. riwl o r.uf« .vU s ji.t wa~ 6. uref Ibi woif eta l b# um dw km« 0164lue 19Olmba« *y- luy gbaY a04 Miiibrook; 1oVWtugu a « 'g . a game 2wever, »w MWbvole ai'y arf f« ?Ô#Pog*o, aepodsrtm ode,.e We t Jeu.' Md blw ~to Peteioàm My < .#M neyerla teViai.g rp.iabove or hllvdtiff. t Iod hm4 the.Grit aoessovfor Th# Grena Trunk rocid oîi.ul t m ditrtot fameld te lemV big #rdte Ova goweli as L~ lu~sat 'UA*y1nI ,) meto 611 la, toogkby gu.b à motion- NOW fth#O.-P. t -h ar. eligible lneder the 96« 011- . l e tabhg a l4oo4 uUu.I 419 t do &et. M&,e thas thaf w# lemaieh*old TBedmy t"y nboth lu i qf ~m, whi¶ th<éy hall# mekeS goe frelght id In Paggsenieul. Il dur ~ r ~rn5 *d~,hwVe bom glflpint Ab e arried out It wuit i ermed tlia&tty hbd Mlt th# à««- Mafin b. rëltDrêd. Nt0w whni r e' n~ifi~iIo, Al1~tghbd"u parpon frôm 1Bethany wiah.a teo frnwq., sonos i êveyw.g qIUS. to Toronto «h. drives in Manier Ourgrviie to eeffy 64~, e Io s tattion or to ponty poOl aMd takest e, i@s iut3 iinoaftly and falfly.lI 4 i.C«. P. ft'Y- %WOre car y P1%Dx f, eaff pii>,zs4u eligibie e ,@ plaW ti h# tôllowed the Oranl Trurnk wponidr r.l fli fi htgvo n> fooling. The ponb. hm e trarel ov.er jfg lie«. 1~*11 M<rftAa ôertin amom a W. emmend Our soli.ie te both ,'ut nôt very tulloh.Týe.(re Vê tom msd Grand Triick auhorsies, ~ suao96t.afi &*%MM t*slairolving neo ntiy to eprat., lie th»lr propér '«4 "ai na.beisla bt4 .lot~uefdbo4b. ~ <lia own ,nfllfL" A bspla ---W" «M fort m s su i#we bu Nam 69@OU1 W UOP t.4b*10 WIk, wAwbu «h * e~i a Arsblbs #l#wmj41 "I.w & Wbe mth a. t A'w 66.v E.*l. lW~t .~#'~ WSb lIePsu vwli 04 6.WwuIet w6. 1w Ow le Mw A it 1, ~ IS# lis 4 bê~'. eiNkIF~ i qttee eamkfr6. 0 Tm lIs '. &%Mu wkw1w emmu l 1we& wu 1w - b - 6.i p&o24la on WT- ulu . hIsrleedut6 JMtiu. 16 w >wi- sUwi; k6e u.I slmdo 0<81 aw m ter. ai ýbaisi Ocam omUwUnwSO. bb< .USjs.'55 h a( toirOs«pi - brm * am -ud Now WMSet, luf»Ma -e 00-0 " w ..O1 u. ibu WW bbolit 1ps u hmu *4i l't.. e uutM Iw vIl.* biO ébouius, supluseSU muut< Usut heu « Wbedlo; but V"w tobu 5abu. i - l MaIy *4 mme. oi>' u ici pug boe W tu 0» bmmi - md aus, x Kwffl6.*0Gift Pmnef v, 6.8@e, O "Ir, -m 00 m mpto&y bm WIupea'pbop 1«5" »rMMa Tim rowkbtu Ww tamy bow nt mmuom 0w -ci dubouct Ota paix 'gU . K oomsCO-W iulvam Wb.og tu ISe oi M .6 au Os k Pmp.hMi bi NUM nvou id es,,lb., am mmy bov>en pottdmue «a M ong lie Gr.t. Tb.v. l.M OddlialGit f ém&om; sud pomwes *0.14ma uan eauily b. <io a gàme f« supui- We intei1.'ctu-Md oiIg honuefy laou nvhumble endeaVon to brtg &bW: tbaza uspllfu luw. lav ia 1.0 imoaevS wfuffet aIor OoUMteU- setcd wmnrg dolng in blmnd or foe; but I h4vbla terme Out *6 .o. cie on ezpoa.4 ha. ofecS. .more thau tut la $a1il m o sscWb trust enticuIy te 8h. ,Luigence o!of ur rescora-,w wg mpIv pseth# fatw- r..ig Whh va nBt OU lmessmont politive.ly pe.- b<ore 6th*pubie CosiuS îtfor &a uonI owOU tompomrue7 se'!.WU kOum am15 m #a" M it u*6 mu..la *0 MWe gP; b* bu. "ut - Pm Or obews, Lnhearw OWW wu ombmdk mý baba ab.56.m *»# u Oov u mm w ul- a "W weela0- Rohiu, ik bo* MMOM au se ne, lmp arr - I ___ bM - l6 . modaufrs m se am- lm la ha MW M thtneI B-1»o dw0 su Wmu;Meusl gitoa t e- -i WUi-- i n à s~2.ki. b., vu 1501 l bwud-1 M 'h, luemeet . w * aOetatm &»- sffllak s.. uim StaSes. la -*o- a »IBd Mmmr Md Mr. GI.dotume t« *M b M& *àIsmWhou " 1 nv-wu6 Iamuug bw, oh la tw M- 'rude %M aW na te gnobla>-.* I rVO m m m mm0w cou"«T 10 NuLE, YOUll MV*WW*TNm WOB.D W loy fuIMOM Ob" îïbu. me *vé et am&? bai0W W1 il nI t &Y1 l- WMsbie boabâ*ar 61Mami Un wvu oa65Jhiwop * lut oub ssum4 .w.lopi is '.1 y i mbom. lb. Sw u mefaB6.of ca'.- mm am - U- du ibuh & ouma w@@. L".' wsk *0 imp abo u t * 4 Ok y Um e o - Mr #mwoni4 L o, doIm Be @MOI mai 0M - impact dut---o .go bi* M Se MIuff7b"i b mauuflus -m w hapume" uto Camadis.Thia -w osonuy .ppe.sby Uit naumbero, -m et wbMouy bomttaiof heag f e 0.moun M ume mp;but** .Goewmenf vauin- qzaube.Thea th* Gri±a, seinc bow the. me wueturnng, whseled short about sd pots p âr. Patter- Su, of Brut, Se move thst ils nu- portatton nd manufateob. pro- bhbtted. Tha vu e eactiy the s=* in #feaut mlbe Governoepnt's owu Motono it vau pusset, fr. BoweII mepsting it M 1h. .ame asbis own. O1.mmrgaiue is mnde of diseaued OronuS of ettle. hoge, bona: of Ummas, worl",et any dirt. The farinera, laborera »d lumberers of Canad s em 0 what the Go'vern- uemt'e &=amu mved them. rJFORD. spami t o 2Tu. Wrw OsiuTuÂ,r.-It in our M&dduty this W"e to write oeri«the. dash ti I[. Jobs Cuitas, viu*fs ttheie. JTe oh Céas.j <of twusb»ip of Nuve4 Who " mg1 ut he aduMS Ot fhera.aiwaw WMr. IL A*Ms..,iffoed, o, SUD h II àn4 ad wse buedins t 7 s thsir b of IW giud ,aridide f 64 1'tl 1 LltIo, en is.-hqsrisys alSemu mm4 bmihay &mm" dg Vusaa-~~- gonsa,& Oum I~ ,6.bu "M W" oukuel an ophSU suS W-ouliw '5 PIE fiL! SS ~~nIs - ~I .6.. ~ 6.w..-~b. 0< - LI~ê #0 MireNw0 'f #%bt mo. Wnîm * id"kil. 6oeWb ive wo Ub. kt is i e low aU il e-oeks wiU show the fdlowmng Gorýj with pleasure: DGmo6e Camu Ppýi>udto, GiELghqàmS SIr Satins Lace% Toenming5,HoxfoerY, Collars Cuifs, Ties, etc. And ailooabelongîng tW Ladies' wea, TrI returned f mantoOli -~Would hm~ equal tco 01 IM1 be markecl so cheap that you cannot help but buy. m cgLNIN .gu on etweeksund oki CARPETS, CURTAINS, etcl mm@F Um wa w te berepkScd by irew Oum .We will Seli House Furnishing G'oods' 1c-pin so Cheap that it wout pay yoiL to use tue old goods. Qurtaims, ecoe.Tickings Table Miens, Towels. Sheetings Steara. kmsete ComapaesTable (Jovers and¶ Table Naplins. ut wek vi b.a Boau fand Lale ut lo Bradburn&Go April 150,8em st Sigu, the (Jolored Emblem, Kent Sftreet East. ntle s 1,yalied la 1mate) ,Sam _,ents ia à-ffITEE mack 1,eVelvet k~i&stmne Silks al BRAND i pesuday vulcme, but v CANADIAN GOA OILy The Best ini the Ma.rket. JOHN DýOBSON. OEA!, DU BAN»DBLIND! To.L ailu Wo feel TimraHBiland Money Scearoe. Au CAMPBL [s~~~ - - Wii Grlad of General Grocenies, CGoal ce, giu a, to -pp-y the (Jounty cheaper than uiy othe boumreWe have maloaded this week: O InsklI i ar menîcan GOAL QOIL. 9 vaprlo a 9 zloda! 9-ll bMoids p OmoNum~ 1 Car SUGÂR 1 car lsYBP&I 1Ia GQeeal GROOBRES 1 car PLST 4 Co SUT WIDAY. AI> 7.., about 5 àq A#y toW. MD allA? TicKLFr, 74êt $121, andti t AW#Y to F. C.- T me-1tfl. JETER SAY Wi IUùm asys -Ž'evi M" he is wanted Bq alSdyc, easyj,9 wMêwheu he is w TÈ.E ESTUiLo,ý' Uobcygeom 8 a. m, &=n; lbave iod. lbboygeon6 p. m The Utme etable fi um lie issued in m RVIRÂR FOR. biu aays cou.nci bà tg a fortune of buehd.ini the entateIKr. ME 1rODviLLr, -N M" the carde *à Wàt Victor *it WMbe he: bm am. W( de boeut b «V9aucoir S ocear nstea ppevis = - apn s Ooptau ~in liardUrne with LoW êm~equautt6 gaz& i: » tth w6e~ even imore 'va 1affordl us piec JUT EGIVD the clbae LLLý,Mlj% are in 0 %imiq

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