IM I i Imtvm mv«r.j.~g,. ou t lnom, Mdb« rm t" r« Jbt tot__ *mwphst».cusf11 ai Cso Md4I mo115 l:, ueUS WU5,OM lslha 4 ov bwlq1 < o isuul mPwsWr55- an&C--do id *me i d" 4.0rW, «4 ««»voîl 14 ustialit .1 vs Xl. H u n 9t houhvurtI d dmmàh* ' 5 hjm¶ f I« niiii " *v _ - %, * MOU& 4#li mnt up tow# oa p fub m LW . glvloaili0vP 'uCtlOSudyel sntatmisul IUW l<Syl, iii hb if ihh« ~ 0 1 dl"vt t tul 1lf iiob.wU aiss euehiam11. MdI imi; fim Weqmlw1»au m fMqmw uatè t o dmMM egoumMW FOWM fol" P dwumti mmi J~ . _ _ ___but mm* iOW v 5. lrnu* Imm* rf r I.MW etng OUMi DE LUO ïvr"*4 "f,o bu" ê Mme i r-« go#Wm-- In.t.m6u.B gid .vo1byIn i hOW Mte u&mi» S. u ogiy mommm etdMU&ma hm2 tuJi y M. a t- ltww"tioe;lwodw d a &p.q . - 0< o ran WM dirmT Wd~Efr1~ fi. *e a.a ~~thiIê~M t.m edÇW bL o~Nu1 *abqtiw aIt.7ýwM *o.I~ ~~ ~ fad se b o IM1weffrt &l t dul b«» d ut ovoabuloor ml* a- u Lý etun dtIHýq rytAt w0MW b.Mem.iLhnh.4 .m h gofflultdtsb o u buhm teesda n the.Wàr >~~ o ~ ndbII~ ty.W !(OUYIIbI ~phuesdWUIev*7*Dvub MWM4.diver wust work Izinq hi pluce the ~,The hAP4M 1t¶hM av.19#6vMgs.vê Mo= rmTuayfflé bmii... qm f4M?:lor mptu n the MIcAallock hm sliat study. .rl('V~~~do hmd~~1~ ~ A kn _q', bariTter; of an Si f ~O m x ud# 6uvA#m ilt , Y.v * w el n d tô tawmue h* mie lmuti tn lub ak oeh léy d SLVATTOt4ÀsUmm.,Îchuiut I Làaimes uhiru nt 5 1uI4sRYý% MP>Ptng-*Whutamong theA WnV uuua Io 1v mU, #*9 o I t t-m«R, Iff obmS f the1. Ko .éwBgubO.umsI as ~rr1C~~T kIt .IU6~ SW ihiff1 W au. bau* ~s~tç1ii11tr 917Zf8bôme buer Wee* tWé1W - m__ b autiesW raps a dDo u olinaDs dont. 8 tg55.0 'M3tm ,i1l b. ,t 11. cocau Lit .Wied là Mt" ma Donm .WgI li*h l m14W#.giu.wtUu d.1WKY Mm"r wt I* argent lamodt * bmao o am-14& i* u @y 0M on" em14 -MWL Ck EtC4 gouj n r = « âiIipupIboikmst to n i. k0 1.Ls. y M W M1W M 1. M 6f yb55u k 11at,- deos. ac cIed_ UP 111WgluUt n 1v..Cww CurnIMy m* hou ~ ~eip ndTgCmw Mef11 T,.. . _ 24m ubw4"BM b« e.u onmLuy b g ,udSawâ& uciuo. MoM Mvu" Md Ob@" ~m:M@iuu..i .Os leiUnO ebaMMe @MW "mmu Te 9oe.St lus Vhoedm 14 Ibu* Wvu.s la., .0à a 110% hva* dWrf4 g&-V. ttbu" nw uhyw~ p1u l don""qlaelw od~ a w"fe ài - mi n"3.1.Daue.I.K Ptuik buamteus 1.1oe vu ,. W 'o , MWd19«w. tI -mm j.sleub =ovav1lm Ule 'u.iw . &D Srnih, Fq. I , or rtit b"IMd as aloo b ut ws d ntha u ogrm ole.uaonem d S.IIiDRet abou ai 04 nowtnowingple, at wu Wionn«r 9ds love yrin Iar ptlemutG A nneelïkn ot. i t. ol MIi5 t?~ign tc. âfn4r <>10alsMu e nor na b" u i s~ita àD2.esi Trnot Whut» Pdy « U U4i? l e frd iiaiflW lomihy .of Fot ra,st JîièA.APjL<' MES YW~GRA AM Oins rcAppsa O rth*p. mle ainS L insytbisiek onbas seu s ~1~.OiiMft tswlig tr ut v a o »tuecanl ongearvl sois.4 at a ope n ei g t about 1U = v W* srtha m&. oufl pari o s tG .We»éotg - ni\V O >i 't< Iio'oWan.tmpebti.uso I;romt eyonof ma PeIT .O, Th e e & jroerbasd caned i ~P ~ W P<'(> ~ < ' A w lou' >'1V.-t o Vfor other a "w h didlet tha rier"e a a 4rd ab u le Cnv' ~I4'<I$~4~Tkb0f teWl. ey, 1 e "eanohAtrn"th'$ofiai.. persuade yon Mb uii oth rn 0 e Pa MG yth .P U. h'r d irec 9iI to . #tyo1v 01rtU141< Ilc.TIX foss IlAnd OiIl l* 'balet pal item#; tn "a . Wy d sund*Quebse. JS. I L r<o!, at e.,.-s ios t.,.wm ~h uu1ug atiIII Vlu g y. bo d ate on th e a f aia n e tubut C R ., OppOthe bn o ncertH o n a y. 9 nt 1 , k«<ý1 >,,,,. Metteê 4 KM f . ooudoB" th oirruu d us .1 test seui- t 1t eegve int.ihuudy uwg h vi uis 1i- w.4mot vVougdov Thebudb..imh-st ca fore i ad aeis ~~i ~nEf I~<fV~~Ithe OO "mudi" mm lb". 0 I Ucor o chi# rebS the ROn .4 vousiaie At,,] ' Y .I.wld ,s7b is à' rtmysa OuIcgn.1 li e t My otm dy; 1 lot i. N on et s tgoe1 --a. , Ràti. mre wt %or trk 0<aLF lAedo.y 3<U0 p a, MUA .4 UIO 0< tiic l'y th" C. p.i py..61 t. us"() directt $A ( '4n ?tg U. EM hs .4 T ini Y. m t is gh t& *lu? Te aëtsty ig o bit .rou 3intOt awair î juv1tf. Appiyb tmnol l or, « th ,< #Iq tioIUti !f ý1tWî« AI rul 45rw ce de LIW B 16s edo.Quase. JFroEd Bro pmpaet j l(V~1~fl <11"~ T!. , ett 5 t14 mV ars unI uWuI mato au i l ie m nth ~~'~~~ta maya fos II INlulti tai it" "t, Si, ut bitter2 vu%@ « iodo" i m t W se b od f o. A"ihe a cl.lext m ueondaay but u0oo Ne, ai1o~ o 1~1 agula f f etUS .*4 1>. 8lu" 1.%a Tism* lb. Md»dberlubo, b uiLern- r.M r. ic m ulns«r. at h W"ý it, g wstfdto ftow ight1 »g u W# m off.4 J M........ S mmontai ew h@baindm Urg sMtd K*m e, it Wauing OUt or V iu gite. is td. muffl... et Wibide, mi tg puuhhhM l. bunomKdlMd in. lu IidssV. Kte eu iO5 rp t! #W od« a" e ob 1 of âr WWaumUeda Xa o» 0 r m sy, Makt 114o' fmofa - iNwidkv ute. 193.MM14t Pr *ÂRPDS NOISE ]?EOITY STOREt Z OWES? I~YEfAL CYER*iMAR D. 29 DOSOU'S BLOOK. criv -D r»tmANDKENOT TIN"SA KE TGreat B INDSAY'r.'J, . PATENTEDl Cread iai, OctP 16, 8, oited States, M3Y 13, 84. TURNER7 VAUANT & 00. VI TORONTO, beg to unl the attention of the public ot Canada to an important impraver-ert IL ha mannes of making butten holes on Boots and Sos kona "aintsPt-n x tnF7 ghu:1, upme trial they mre confident will be fouud far more advantageous tiafl nv kind of I3utton . Fiy yet introduced. It in & fut tcf my bou,, hwever weIl ad roiy made, the button holes are vaiabl1- lîe t -.r: avear ont ort give it a dilopiàd a ppearane, and that when once brakren, howevter god thie ont-Vr uS -2 îe miroe MnY e, it in isapomible ta rtpur thein satisfàctorily. These dimeiulties wf il be obvi teed 11Y US=i; kValisnL'u Patent BattoueYly» vhicb consista ot a single piece of d'i , s Fz. 1, of ji u rREXGTH Ibm Sfl7 twa lhickzees of materis ordiflmriIy used on 0r. Y -1ýtn-Let -L ICe ;J116 of ~Lk he ibanfl'hOarc1a.4 by wuy ai finish snd arnâment an inr-"'" t'~e C Tii. pise in uscrted in the upper, as in Fig. % in Bach a -:lîanner .'s ta aý!4 vai v h pe=rki c" of tbcý ot. They cuiUfo3'r "iimproi.5melt thse falioxng advan 'ziO~ an Vt .2 'r2 9,w~h aving subjected it to the stronget possible tests, they are CUtue STRENGTU A-" DDrýaiETY.- comparative test cft ' tl- l -" ' - w bhowing that I'Valiant's Patent" wiii s9tand a proportion ol ni than .- îe borne by the strongeet worked baton habt- ever yet mid- rr kil i 7.--m ,.. trin pobeinb.eaof shoes viii neVé'.r succeed in ~.~ ' .':'1 ~ ' ally strong, and lbas. nons of those artificial supports sa cou.".-, ta in t. p or wij' irider the rai avrbl cmtsn F ,ta nltina:ely asist in ercn'--"bf l.1j There in a general impression prevalent to the effeet that i.~:g~ rntton hole, whereas Ibis la mexelydone for the purpose of uniting r L,' . c ton haole is cut, thse punctures made bv the needie ueed in astitching t' . , 'lValiant's Patent Biitton Fsy" being made of OXîE MATE-RTAýL OnlV, ie no poesibility of frayed edgeesud loose threads to, give the sboe an iru Thre button-fly la madle saine t1iickness at the edge as the ordinuîrv i joins the. upper, thus renderingiafiditjpib, hltatesm " 'g p isg lumyin th naePof the iIÎertefty. It des awav with thos: ugy ,Yk yul occur m&am thse natep on &Rithel'r aboes made to buttof. it in as eas'r fo biftn as the ordîrw' Sbuttion bols, viu e Icemset thf lb.haiemter being buttoued la mucli neater. T. lr îiIi~'r .luod, of LI,seIrmG the butt<my ÙMbtihe rpper, admits of a variety of ornâmental dIeqi£!r ntI' o fn ce h~l ae impiwe with Bay dise kind of button baole. The acallops and button holes 'ire uniform. in ai-pearance, a .yiiDRt!UI vi., 0 li abo heotofas nat±inaie-lconsequence of the supel ior streng.ti cf tài butto ily, a baler fit amnis e mud vitout risk of injury ta the hlcI. fli.vine as beirre said, dsene. viti tirs necsaiy for warig lishales, Usy are enddhilto, produc-e this button-fly, with its additional advain- tm of Wer and npulUS t mm prive au thes regulpr vorked button boe. LAdW ' hms, itvhrg "VzJimt'a Pat < BIUIF1»atached, can b. obts.ined oniy frc.. Lu. AC&KIIFLWLinaay. "Orown" c~-I~QGRR~ Our O:penilg 0o1 aturday waS a decid I..' ~~:uc cess. Oui store wuas filM ihdmiring purchasers, who were grand displa.y of ,-;i a~ Jindj o=; Stoak is fresh, camfuly slected, inhiding, alxnost evryt'Vflg 111 our Unme, purhasSCM ,Iy Ca getting uothing but lirst-ocLass Goods fioui us. CASHBUSNIEkI atoLanalay uyWUIIL u a i WL 4,, (w mq -a mdý dw znMa"E»provM isOl r BIDHBEMI which means -vm*»igto Onyur mon A.C à ROEu LySohetIrý n & L- ej% I M1 vu FURNISHINOS 1; i '4' v e " "'1- 1, vU I i P w. p b 'eus, Ssaroo< AL0 Les, oa# -£ L4 Pl' AT- Canada, Oùt 16, 83. cl e i h t U = X.L-à 'l - - içpf#. 1 pur/ CES.